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This is a digital freelancing marketplace that will connect talented individuals with economic opportunities and help organisations cut down on the cost of managing human capital by getting individuals to work for them on a short-term basis.


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Freelance Marketplace

This is a digital freelancing marketplace that will connect talented professionals with economic opportunities and give organisations access to affordable and low-risk human capital.

It is created from scratch without any libraries or frameworks (apart from phpmailer) as part of a school project.

Home page

Folder structure

All the application code is located within the freelance folder. It is organised in an MVP structure, with the following folders:


The Model component corresponds to all the data-related logic that the user works with. This can represent either the data that is being transferred between the View and Controller components or any other business logic-related data.

Most of the models are simple, they only contain a few properties and a few methods and represent tables in the database.

Most SQL queries are located here.


The view defines how the app's data should be displayed. It is used for all the UI logic of the application.

The views/_layout.php file is the main layout file that all the other views are rendered into.


The controller contains logic that updates the model and/or view in response to input from the users of the app.

They act as an interface between Model and View components to process all the business logic and incoming requests, manipulate data using the Model component and interact with the Views to render the final output.

Extra files & folders

  • public/index.php: This is the main entry point of the application. All routes are defined here
  • public/static/: This folder contains all the static files that are used throughout the application like CSS, JavaScript and fonts.
  • public/uploads/: This folder contains all the uploaded files that are used throughout the application. It should not have been added to the repo - it was only added as a convenience with regard to presenting it as a school project.
  • utils/: This folder contains all the utility classes that are used throughout the application.
  • tasks/: This folder contains asynchronous tasks that should be run periodically.
  • Router.php: This is the main file that handles all the routing logic of the application.
  • Settings.php: This is the main configuration file that contains all the configuration variables.
  • Database.php: This is the main file that contains all the database connection logic.
  • db_schema.sql and db_schema.png: These are the database schema files.
  • db_data.sql: This is the database (backup) data file. Again, it should not have been added to the repo - it was only added as a convenience with regard to presenting it as a school project.
  • .env.example: contains all environment variables that should be set.

Local setup

Clone the repository to your local machine.

git clone

Local setup without Docker

You will need to install Composer following the instructions on their site.

From the freelance directory, run the following command:

composer update



Set up a MySQL database on your local machine with the following configuration as defined in Database.php:

- Database name: freelance
- Username: freelance
- Password: freelance

You can alternatively use a database connection string to connect a database by setting the CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL environment variable.

Set up schema:

Use the SQL in the db_schema.sql file to create the database schema.

Set up data (Optional):

Use the SQL in the db_data.sql file to populate the database with some data.

Environment variables (Optional)

Check out the environment variables used by the app in the env.example file.

Mail (Optional)

Mails are sent via (Gmail). See more in utils/Mailer.php.

Set the following environment variables to get it working:

  • MAIL_USERNAME: Your Gmail email address.
  • MAIL_PASSWORD: Your Gmail password.

Payments (Optional)

This app curretly uses the M-Pesa Express (LIPA NA M-PESA Online API / STK Push) and Business To Customer (B2C) (Pay Outs / Bulk Disbursements) APIs. See more in utils/JobMpesaPaymentHelper.php.

Get started by signing up for an MPESA Daraja API account and set up a payment gateway for the application.

The next step is to create a new sandbox app by clicking on the Add a New App button and give it a name. Ensure you select both Lipa na Mpesa Sandbox and Mpesa Sandbox.

Take note of the following from the dashboard and set them as environment variables:


Tip, the above can be easily found from the API simulators in the Safaricom developer portal.

Note that for the Mpesa callbacks to work the app must be accessible from the internet and the correct host has been set via the HOST_URL environment variable.

Once ready to go for live payments, set the MPESA_ENV to live. The default is sandbox.

Learn more from the MPESA documentation here.

Local setup with Docker

Install Docker and Make (optional).

Build containers

docker-compose build

OR with make

make build

Set up database

Run these commands to set up the schema and add data to the db.

See more details about the database section.

docker-compose exec -T db mysql -u root --password=freelance freelance < ./freelance/db_schema.sql

docker-compose exec -T db mysql -u root --password=freelance freelance < ./freelance/db_data.sql

OR with make

make sync-db

Run containers

docker-compose up

OR with make


Open http://localhost:9000 in your browser to see the application.

Open http://localhost:8081 in your browser to see phpMyAdmin.

Running the application

Without docker

From the freelance/public directory, run the following command to run the application locally on port 9000:

php -S

With Docker

docker-compose up

OR with make


How to use the system

Register at /register then proceed to login. Once you login you can register as a freelancer or client.

The system has three major types of users:

1. Freelancer

Freelancer profile Job proposal Job
Freelancer profile Job proposal job

Once you register as a freelancer you will have access to the freelancer dashboard.

From here you have the ability to do the following:

  1. View and edit your user profile.
  2. View and edit your freelancer profile.
  3. View jobs.
    1. Give proposals for the jobs.
    2. Withdraw your proposals.
    3. Post work for completed jobs.
    4. Rate clients after completing a job.
  4. View jobs you have given proposals to (My jobs).

All of the above functionality can be accessed via the sidebar.

1 a. How to give a proposal

  1. From the all jobs page, select a job.
  2. Click on the proposal button and fill in the form.
  3. Wait for the client to accept/reject your proposal.
  4. You can also choose to withdraw the proposal.
  5. Once accepted, you can begin working on the job.

1 b. How to complete a job and rate a freelancer

  1. From the my jobs page, select a job.
  2. Click on the submissions/ratings button and fill in the form to submit your work.
  3. Wait for the freelancer to accept or reject the work.
  4. You can then proceed to rate the freelancer.

2. Client

Pay or job My jobs Create job
Freelancer profile Freelancer profile Freelancer profile

Once you register as a client, you will access the client dashboard.

From here you have the ability to do the following:

  1. View and edit your user profile.
  2. View and edit your freelancer profile.
  3. View your jobs.
    1. View proposals given to your jobs.
      1. Accept/reject proposals.
    2. View work for completed jobs.
    3. Rate freelancers after completing a job.
  4. Post jobs.
  5. View freelancers.

All of the above functionality can be accessed via the sidebar.

2 a. How to post a job

  1. Click on post job on the sidebar.
  2. Fill in the job details.
  3. Wait to receive proposals from freelancers.

2 b. How to view proposals

  1. From a job, click on view proposals.
  2. Click on a proposal to accept/reject it. You can only accept one proposal.

2 c. How to see work for a completed job and rate freelancer

  1. From a job, click on review and complete.
  2. You will see the work if the freelancer has completed the work.
  3. Accept/reject the work and proceed to rate the freelancer.

3. Admin

Jobs report User logs
Jobs report) User logs

Can see various reports and user logs via the admin section.

Admins can give other users admin rights by visting their profiles via the admin.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Current maintainers:


Apache License 2.0


This is a digital freelancing marketplace that will connect talented individuals with economic opportunities and help organisations cut down on the cost of managing human capital by getting individuals to work for them on a short-term basis.





