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451 lines (362 loc) · 47.9 KB

File metadata and controls

451 lines (362 loc) · 47.9 KB

v0.41.0 (2024-06-18)

  • Enhancement Added SpEncryption to the ApplicationSAML and associated models to control encryption of SAML application assertions. #348

v0.40.0 (2024-06-07)

  • Breaking Change Removed the FormSocialLoginButtonStyles data model. Use the FormStyles data model going forward. #350
  • Note Removed unnecessary Width and IconSrc fields from FormSocialLoginButton and associated data models. #350
  • Feature Add support for Application Resource API. #346
  • Feature Add support for Application Resource Permissions API. #346
  • Feature Add support for User Application Role Assignment API. #346
  • Enhancement Added Key field to FormSocialLoginButton and associated data models. #350
  • Enhancement Added ApplicationPermissionsSettings to the Resource model. #346
  • Enhancement Added the DeletePreviousResourceSecret function to control resource secret rotation. #347
  • Enhancement Added Previous to the ResourceSecret model to control resource secret rotation. #347
  • Enhancement Add the top level domain to the connection configuration. #351
  • Enhancement Add the AU region code to the EnumRegionCode model. #358

v0.39.0 (2024-05-01)

  • Enhancement Added the NetworkPolicyServer property to the GatewayTypeRADIUS data model. #336

v0.38.0 (2024-03-15)

  • Enhancement Added the DefaultTargetUrl property to the ApplicationSAML data model. #325
  • Enhancement Added the UpdateUserOnSuccessfulAuthentication property to the GatewayTypeLDAPAllOfUserTypes data model. #328
  • Enhancement Added the PkceMethod ENUM property to the IdentityProviderOIDC data model. #329

v0.37.0 (2024-02-23)

  • Enhancement Add new API operations ReadOnePopulationDefaultIdp and UpdatePopulationDefaultIdp to support setting default identity providers to populations. #319
  • Enhancement Added the Signing property to the ApplicationOIDC data model, to support assigning custom defined KRPs to a supported application. #320
  • Enhancement Added the DevicePathId, DeviceCustomVerificationUri, DeviceTimeout, DevicePollingInterval properties to the ApplicationOIDC data model and extended the EnumApplicationOIDCGrantType ENUM, to support the DEVICE_CODE application grant type. #320
  • Enhancement Added the Jwks, JwksUrl properties to the ApplicationOIDC data model and extended the EnumApplicationOIDCTokenAuthMethod ENUM, to support the PRIVATE_KEY_JWT and CLIENT_SECRET_JWT token endpoint auth methods. #320

v0.36.0 (2024-01-30)

  • Breaking Change Notification template names, used on the NotificationsTemplatesApiService service now uses an enum which defines the templates supported in the API path. #314
  • Enhancement Add ability to designate an application's client secret as a previous secret with an expiry date up to 30 days, for rotation purposes. #311
  • Enhancement Add ability to set an icon on the Environment object model. #313

v0.35.0 (2024-01-12)

  • Breaking Change Add ability to use a freetext region code on environment creation for non-production environments. The Region parameter on the Environment object model now takes a EnvironmentRegion object, where one of EnumRegionCode or string. #304
  • Note Upgrade GO to v1.21 #306
  • Note Updated the default UserAgent string format. #305
  • Enhancement Add ability to append custom user-agent information to HTTP requests. #305

v0.34.0 (2023-12-27)

  • Note Adjust CORS origins documentation. #291
  • Note Remove redundant data models and documentation. #300
  • Feature Add support for Identity Propagation Plans API. #299
  • Enhancement Change Type property in the ApplicationAccessControlGroup object model to be an ENUM. #295
  • Enhancement Added the Include query string parameter to the ApiReadFormRequest API. #297
  • Enhancement Added ability to configure FormFieldTextblob form controls. #297
  • Enhancement Added the ShowPasswordRequirements property to password based form controls. #297
  • Enhancement Created FormStyles object model to make usage simpler. #297
  • Enhancement Added FormStylesPadding object model to support custom style override of form controls. #297
  • Bug Fixed the OtherOptionLabel property for form field models. #297
  • Bug Fixed the OtherOptionInputLabel property for form field models. #297
  • Bug Fixed the Alignment property for form field style models. #297
  • Bug Fixed required propertys for form field models. #297
  • Bug Fixed the Options form field property object. #297
  • Bug Fixed the FormFieldCombobox form object. #297
  • Bug Removal of unnecessary Key property from the FormRecaptchaV2 form object. #297
  • Bug Added required Key property to the FormQrCode form object. #297

v0.33.0 (2023-11-29)

  • Feature Add support for User Account API (allowing lock and unlock). #282
  • Enhancement Expand the GroupMembership data model. #284
  • Enhancement Simplified the GroupMembershipApi request and response payload models. #284
  • Enhancement Corrected and expanded the SchemaAttributePatch request and response payload. #285
  • Enhancement Added CorsSettings object attribute to the ApplicationOIDC, ApplicationSAML and ApplicationWSFED object models. #286

v0.32.0 (2023-11-10)

  • Enhancement Add API error handling for 409 errors. #279
  • Enhancement Added the ReferencedValues property to the P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError object model. #279

v0.31.0 (2023-11-01)

  • Enhancement Added DisplayName, SourceId and SourceType object attributes to the Group object model. #264
  • Enhancement Added TlsClientAuthKeyPair object attributes to the Subscription object model. #265
  • Enhancement Added OUTBOUND_MTLS to the EnumCertificateKeyUsageType enum. #265
  • Enhancement Added ability to set a PKCS12 keystore password when building a CreateKeyRequest. #266
  • Enhancement Better define the Role and RolePermissionsInner data models. #270
  • Enhancement Support group role assignments. #271
  • Enhancement Added Tags object attribute to the BillOfMaterialsProductsInner model, to facilitate creation of DaVinci enabled environments without example configuration. #272
  • Enhancement Added support for the Propagation Stores API. #276
  • Bug Corrected situations where EntityArrayEmbeddedGatewaysInner unmarshal did not return objects of type ENUMGATEWAYTYPE_RADIUS properly. #273

v0.30.0 (2023-10-16)

  • Note Unskip read only attributes when converting API models to maps. #255
  • Note Updated the default UserAgent string format. #255
  • Enhancement Added Resource object attribute to the ResourceScope object model. #262

v0.29.0 (2023-09-15)

  • Enhancement Added the application/vnd.pingidentity.user.import+json content-type header to the UsersAPI, to be able to import passwords. #253

v0.28.0 (2023-09-11)

  • Breaking Change Removed deprecated enum values SHA224withRSA and SHA224withECDSA from the EnumCertificateKeySignagureAlgorithm model. #247
  • Enhancement Added enum values to EnumApplicationWSFEDIDPSigningAlgorithm model. #247
  • Enhancement Added default value to model attributes that use the EnumApplicationSAMLSloBinding model. #247
  • Enhancement Added default value to model attributes that use the EnumGatewayTypeLDAPSecurity model. #247
  • Enhancement Added default value to model attributes that use the EnumIdentityProvider model. #247
  • Enhancement Added default value to model attributes that use the EnumSchemaAttributeType model. #247
  • Enhancement Added default value to model attributes that use the EnumTemplateContentPushCategory model. #247
  • Enhancement Added default value to the AssertionSigned attributes on the ApplicationSAML model. #247
  • Enhancement Added default value to the ResponseSigned attributes on the ApplicationSAML model. #247
  • Enhancement Added support for the AuthnRequestSigned attribute on the ApplicationSAMLAllOfSpVerification model. #247
  • Enhancement Added support for the Algorithm attribute on the IdentityProviderSAMLAllOfSpSigning model. #247
  • Enhancement Added support for new attributes AdditionalRefreshTokenReplayProtectionEnabled, RequireSignedRequestObject, ParRequirement, ParTimeout to the ApplicationOIDC and ApplicationOIDCAllOf data models. #248

v0.27.0 (2023-09-05)

  • Enhancement Added EnableRequestedAuthnContext to the ApplicationSAML and ApplicationSAMLAllOf data models. #245

v0.26.0 (2023-08-15)

  • Bug Fixed inclusion of FormManagementApi and RecaptchaConfigurationApi API to the client. #235
  • Enhancement Clarified the headers parameter in the SubscriptionHttpEndpoint model of the subscriptions API endpoint to be a map of strings rather than a map of any data type. #234

v0.25.0 (2023-08-08)

  • Enhancement Implement basic cursor for paging results (ApiReadAllEnvironmentsRequest, ApiReadAllGroupMembershipsForUserRequest, ApiReadAllGroupsRequest, ApiReadAllPopulationsRequest, ApiReadAllUsersRequest). #227
  • Enhancement Implement HATEOAS links for API response objects. #227
  • Enhancement Add new DaVinci admin roles to EnumRoleName model. #230

v0.24.0 (2023-07-12)

  • Note Code optimisation for API response processing. #216
  • Note Allow user-defined values for the UserAgent configuration parameter. #217
  • Note Add parameter to explicitly define http proxy support without the standard environment variables. #223
  • Bug Corrected data type for CreatedAt, UpdatedAt on the User object. #221
  • Bug Corrected data type for LockedAt, UnlockAt on the UserAccount object. #221
  • Bug Corrected read-only status for LockedAt, SecondsUntilUnlock and UnlockAt on the UserAccount object. #221
  • Bug Corrected required status for CanAuthenticate and Status on the UserAccount object. #221
  • Bug Corrected data type for At on the UserLastSignOn object. #221
  • Bug Corrected data type for Type on the UserPasswordExternalGateway object. #221
  • Bug Corrected required status for Href on the UserPhoto object. #221
  • Enhancement Added read-only EmailVerified to the User object. #221
  • Enhancement Added optional SuppressVerificationCode to the UserLifecycle object. #221
  • Enhancement Updated the KeyRotationPolicy model such that ValidityPeriod is now optional and has a default value, and RotationPeriod has a default value. #220

v0.23.0 (2023-07-04)

  • Note Now suppresses errors when attempting to unmarshal an ENUM value from JSON that isn't yet supported in the SDK. The value is now returned as UNKNOWN. #208
  • Bug Fixed Phone Notification Settings POST and PUT request payload data model. #195
  • Bug Corrected Requests from object to array in the NotificationsSettingsPhoneDeliverySettingsCustom object. #195
  • Bug Corrected Name as required property of NotificationsSettingsPhoneDeliverySettingsCustom object. #195
  • Bug Corrected DeleteNotificationsSettings response code and payload. #203
  • Bug Corrected UpdateNotificationsSettings request payload. #203
  • Enhancement Added Numbers array to the NotificationsSettingsPhoneDeliverySettingsCustom object. #195
  • Enhancement Added PhoneDeliverySettings array to the EntityArray object. #195
  • Enhancement Added Environment, DeliveryMode and Whitelist attributes to the NotificationsSettings object. #203
  • Enhancement Add parameters protocol, baseDomain and baseHostname to server configuration. #205
  • Enhancement Add ability to set default server index and a server variable default value on the client configuration as an alternative option to setting them in the context. #205

v0.22.0 (2023-05-30)

  • Enhancement Added SloWindow optional attribute to the Application SAML objects. #179
  • Enhancement Added SLO optional attributes to the SAML External Identity Provider object. #179
  • Enhancement Added NewUserProvisioning to the SignOnPolicyActionLogin model. #181

v0.21.0 (2023-05-22)

  • Note Deprecated bundleId and packageName at the root level of the ApplicationOIDC model. Customers should use mobile.bundleId and mobile.packageName going forward. #172
  • Feature Support for Forms. #176
  • Feature Support for Forms Recaptcha configuration. #176
  • Enhancement Added filterOptions.ipAddressExposed and filterOptions.userAgentExposed to the Subscription (webhook) data model. #173

v0.20.0 (2023-05-19)

  • Note Change default useragent for HTTP requests. #160
  • Enhancement Add support for enumerated values and regex validation to the schema attribute model. #161
  • Enhancement Add support for setting Email quotas in notification policies. #162

v0.19.1 (2023-04-28)

  • Bug Fix for retry for conditions based on PingOne error response object. #157

v0.19.0 (2023-04-24)

  • Note Add retry logic for retryable HTTP status codes. #147
  • Enhancement Added support for the Google Play Integrity API, GooglePlay for the ApplicationOIDC object model. Breaking change note: This is now a required attribute when configuring integrity detection on Android devices. #153

v0.18.0 (2023-04-18)

  • Enhancement Add CustomCRL to the Certificate data model #136
  • Enhancement Add notifications policy country limit attributes for NotificationsPolicy model. #142
  • Enhancement Expand the ApplicationAttributeMapping model for attribute scoping. #143

v0.17.1 (2023-03-20)

  • Note Adjust client request/response debug and fix linting issues. #133

v0.17.0 (2023-03-20)

  • Note Added FlowPolicy and FlowPolicyAssignment data model descriptions. #127
  • Bug fix priority attribute in the FlowPolicyAssignment data model corrected to be a required field, with a minimum value of 1. #127
  • Bug fix flowPolicy attribute in the FlowPolicyAssignment data model corrected to the FlowPolicyAssignmentFlowPolicy data model. #127
  • Bug fix idpSigning.algorithm attribute in the ApplicationSAML data model corrected to be writable, set as ENUM.

v0.16.0 (2023-03-10)

  • Note bump codegen v6.2.1 => v6.4.0 #122
  • Breaking change Agreement revision content type changed to an enum EnumAgreementRevisionContentType. #116
  • Breaking change Required attributes now added to the AgreementLanguageRevision data model #116
  • Feature Support for Key Rotation Policies #123
  • Bug fix reconsentPeriodDays attribute in the Agreement data model corrected to be a floating point number, as in the API. #116
  • Bug fix requireReconsent attribute corrected in AgreementLanguageRevision data model. #116
  • Bug fix Fix the PUT request payload to be the AgreementLanguage data model #118
  • Bug fix Corrected the RFC3339 date time string format for Agreement.ConsentCountsUpdatedAt, EntityArrayEmbeddedLanguagesInner.CreatedAt, EntityArrayEmbeddedLanguagesInner.UpdatedAt, Image.CreatedAt, Language.CreatedAt, Language.UpdatedAt, LanguageLocalizationStatus.CreatedAt, LanguageLocalizationStatus.UpdatedAt, License.BeginsAt, License.ExpiresAt and License.TerminatesAt #119
  • Bug fix Corrected Agreement.consentCountsUpdatedAt => Agreement.consentsAggregatedAt #120
  • Bug fix Corrected Agreement.expiredUserConsents => Agreement.totalExpiredConsents #120
  • Bug fix Corrected Agreement.totalUserConsents => Agreement.totalConsents #120
  • Enhancement Add support for ApplicationPingOneAdminConsole model for applications #114
  • Enhancement Add support for Flow policies and application flow policy assignments #115
  • Enhancement effectiveAt and notValidAfter attributes on the AgreementLanguageRevision changed to be date/time format. #116
  • Enhancement Add INTERNAL value to the EnumOrganizationType enum. #124
  • Enhancement Add default and environment attributes to the Population data model.

v0.15.0 (2023-02-22)

  • Note bump v0.6.0 => v0.7.0 #103
  • Note bump v0.4.0 => v0.5.0 #102
  • Note Handle file close errors in certificate management, images and password policies API #111
  • Breaking change OrganizationsApi.ReadOneOrganizations changed to OrganizationsApi.ReadOneOrganization #102
  • Breaking change EnumGatewayLDAPSecurity changed to EnumGatewayTypeLDAPSecurity #107
  • Breaking change GatewayLDAP changed to GatewayTypeLDAP #107
  • Breaking change Make Address a required attribute on the NotificationsSettingsEmailDeliverySettingsFrom model #109
  • Enhancement Add limit parameter to OrganizationsApi.ReadAllOrganizations #102
  • Enhancement Add support for Huawei HMS Push service #105
  • Enhancement Add support for RADIUS gateways #107
  • Enhancement Add Protocol and Password attributes to the NotificationsSettingsEmailDeliverySettings model #109
  • Bug fix - Correct the EmailDomainTrustedEmail API model #103
  • Bug fix - Correct the "UPDATE Notifications Policy" function name (fix the operation ID) #108
  • Bug fix - Add the DeleteEmailDeliverySettings API call back in to the NotificationsSettingsSMTPApi API #109

v0.14.0 (2023-01-12)

  • Bug fix - Correct the TemplateContent API model #97

v0.13.0 (2023-01-09)

  • Breaking change Moved AssignActorRoles from all Application models to just ApplicationOIDC model #91
  • Breaking change Moved Tags from all Application models to just ApplicationOIDC model #91
  • Breaking change Moved SupportUnsignedRequestObject from all Application models to just ApplicationOIDC model #91
  • Note bump codegen v6.2.0 => v6.2.1 #84
  • Feature Support for Notifications Settings #85
  • Feature Support for Notifications Policies #85
  • Feature Support for Notifications Templates and Contents #85
  • Enhancement Add support for the WS-Federation application type #91
  • Enhancement Add support for HiddenFromAppPortal property on the Application models #91
  • Enhancement Add support for AllowWildcardInRedirectUris property on the ApplicationOIDC model #96
  • Enhancement Add support for InitiateLoginUri property on the ApplicationOIDC model #91
  • Enhancement Add support for RefreshTokenRollingGracePeriodDuration property on the ApplicationOIDC model #91
  • Enhancement Add support for TargetLinkUri property on the ApplicationOIDC model #91
  • Enhancement Add support for HomePageUrl property on the ApplicationSAML model #96
  • Enhancement Add boolean data type support to the Sign On Policy Equals Condition #93

v0.12.0 (2022-11-06)

  • Breaking change Removed the EnumLicensePackage enum model #81
  • Feature Support for Branding Settings #76
  • Feature Support for Branding Themes #76
  • Feature Support for Resource Client Secrets #78
  • Enhancement Add idToken and userInfo attributes to the ResourceAttribute data model #78
  • Enhancement Add mappedClaims attributes to the ResourceScope data model #78
  • Enhancement Add introspectEndpointAuthMethod attributes to the Resource data model #78
  • Enhancement Added the TERMINATED value to the EnumLicenseStatus model #81

v0.11.2 (2022-10-15)

  • Bug fix - Correct the Image API model #74

v0.11.1 (2022-10-10)

  • Enhancement Add uriPrefix (mobile) and excludedPlatforms (mobile device integrity check) to the ApplicationOIDC data model #71

v0.11.0 (2022-10-09)

  • Feature Support for Licenses #64
  • Feature Support for Languages #63

v0.10.0 (2022-09-18)

  • Bug fix - Correct the http endpoint headers object in the Subscription model #52
  • Bug fix - Correct the createGroupNesting response object #53
  • Breaking change CreateApplication201Response changes to ReadOneApplication200Response model #49
  • Feature Support for External Link applications #49
  • Feature Support for the PingOne Portal application #49
  • Feature Support for the PingOne Self Service application #49
  • Feature Add the readOneGroupNesting API #53
  • Feature Support for Alerts #54
  • Enhancement Add type attribute to the GroupNesting data model #53
  • Enhancement Support for kerberos attribute model in the Application data model #49
  • Enhancement - Add PINGID_WINLOGIN_PASSWORDLESS_AUTHENTICATION and PINGID_AUTHENTICATION to the EnumSignOnPolicyType model for workforce based sign on policy actions #47
  • Enhancement - Added SignOnPolicyActionPingIDWinLoginPasswordless model to support the PingID Windows Passwordless sign on policy action #47
  • Enhancement - Added application attribute to the ApplicationAttributeMapping model #48
  • Enhancement - Changed model dereferencing strategy for the CreateApplication201Response model #48
  • Enhancement - Changed model dereferencing strategy for the CreateApplicationRequest model #48
  • Enhancement - Changed model dereferencing strategy for the CreateGateway201Response model #48
  • Enhancement - Changed model dereferencing strategy for the CreateGatewayRequest model #48
  • Enhancement - Changed model dereferencing strategy for the EntityArrayEmbeddedApplicationsInner model #48
  • Enhancement - Changed model dereferencing strategy for the EntityArrayEmbeddedAttributesInner model #48
  • Enhancement - Changed model dereferencing strategy for the EntityArrayEmbeddedGatewaysInner model #48
  • Enhancement - Changed model dereferencing strategy for the IdentityProvider model #48
  • Enhancement - Changed model dereferencing strategy for the SignOnPolicyAction model #48
  • Enhancement - Changed model dereferencing strategy for the SignOnPolicyActionCommonConditionOrOrInner model #48
  • Enhancement - Changed model dereferencing strategy for the UpdateApplicationRequest model #48
  • Enhancement - Changed model dereferencing strategy for the UpdateDomain200Response model #48

v0.9.0 (2022-09-11)

  • Bug fix - Correct the CreateDomain API response object #45
  • Bug fix - Correct the UpdateDomain API response object #45
  • Bug fix - Correct the CustomDomainCertificate conflict by adding CustomDomainCertificateRequest model #45
  • Bug fix - Correct Gateway model attributes #46
  • Bug fix - Correct GatewayLDAP model attributes #46
  • Bug fix - Correct the EnumGatewayPasswordAuthority values #46
  • Feature Support for Subscriptions data model #42
  • Feature Support for EmailDomain and EmailDomainTrustedEmail data models #43
  • Breaking change createdAt and updatedAt attributes changed to date/time data type #42
  • Breaking change lastUsedAt attribute on the Gateway Credential model changed to date/time data type #43
  • Breaking change Remove Device Authentication Policy API (moved to MFA module) #44

v0.8.0 (2022-09-04)

  • Bug fix - Fix Gateway response dereferencing for non-LDAP types #40
  • Bug fix - Fix ExportCSR headers, to determine the response type of the CSR #41
  • Bug fix - Correct the ImportCSRResponse API #41
  • Bug fix - Correct the GetKey API when exporting the public certificate #41
  • Bug fix - Correct the CreateCertificateFromFile API #41
  • Enhancement - Add Links to Gateway model #40
  • Enhancement - Add X_PEM_FILE to EnumCSRExportHeader (exporting CSR formats) #41
  • Feature Support for Read All Gateway Credentials #40
  • Feature Support for Read One Gateway Credential #40

v0.7.0 (2022-09-01)

  • Bug fix - Correct ApplicationSAML model IdpSigning attribute #38
  • Bug fix - Correct ApplicationSAML model to include read only Algorithm attribute #38
  • Note Uplift API version to 2022-08-02 #32
  • Note Documentation formatting change Certificate model #33
  • Note Documentation formatting change EnumCertificateKeyAlgorithm #33
  • Note Documentation formatting change EnumCertificateKeyStatus #33
  • Note Documentation formatting change EnumCertificateKeySignagureAlgorithm #33
  • Note Documentation formatting change EnumCertificateKeyUsageType #33
  • Breaking change Added required fields to the SAML Identity Provider constructor #31
  • Breaking change Changed required attributes on the Certificate model #35
  • Enhancement Support for Kerberos Gateway #32
  • Enhancement EnumCertificateKeyUsageType includes missing enum values #33
  • Enhancement EnumCertificateKeyStatus includes missing enum values #37
  • Enhancement EnumCertificateKeySignagureAlgorithm includes missing enum values #33, #36
  • Enhancement Better define the Certificate Key update model #34

v0.6.0 (2022-08-29)

  • Bug fix - Correct PINGONE_API from incorrect PING_ONE_API in EnumResourceType enum #24
  • Bug fix - Correct EnumIdentityProviderAttributeMappingUpdate values #30
  • Bug fix - Fix IdentityProvider oneOf decode routine #30
  • Feature Support for Custom Domains #26
  • Feature Support for Keypairs #26
  • Feature Support for Certificates #26
  • Enhancement Add 404 response processing for all requests #28
  • Enhancement Add missing 400 response processing #29
  • Breaking change API name change for Agreement Languages #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Agreement Revisions #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Agreements #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Application Attribute Mapping #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Application Role Assignment #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Application Secret #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Application Sign on Policy Assignment #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Applications #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Branding Settings #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Branding Themes #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Enable Users #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Gateway Credentials #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Gateway Instances #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Gateway role assignments #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Gateways #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Group Memberships #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Identity Provider Attributes #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Identity Providers #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Language localization #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Languages #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Linked Accounts #30
  • Breaking change API name change for MFA Pairing Keys #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Notification Settings SMTP #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Notification Settings #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Notification Templates #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Phone Delivery Settings #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Propagation Mappings #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Propagation Plans #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Propagation Revisions #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Propagation Rules #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Propagation Store Metadata #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Propagation Stores #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Resource Attributes #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Resource Scopes #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Resources #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Sessions #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Sign On Policies #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Sign On Policy Actions #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Trusted Email Addresses #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Trusted Email Domains #30
  • Breaking change API name change for User Accounts #30
  • Breaking change API name change for User Agreement Consents #30
  • Breaking change API name change for User ID Verification #30
  • Breaking change API name change for User Passwords #30
  • Breaking change API name change for User Populations #30
  • Breaking change API name change for User Role Assignments #30
  • Breaking change API name change for Users #30

v0.5.0 (2022-08-17)

  • Bug fix - SignOnPolicyActionProgressiveProfiling object includes fixed attributes attribute, from object type to array type
  • Bug fix - Restructure SignOnPolicyAction model to properly separate policy action attributes from each other
  • Bug fix - Restructure SignOnPolicyActionMFA model to correct noDevicesMode attribute (fixed incorrect noDeviceMode)
  • Bug fix - Corrections to SignOnPolicyActionCommonConditions model
  • Bug fix - Moved confirmIdentityProviderAttributes boolean to the registration sub model of SignOnPolicyAction

v0.4.0 (2022-08-10)

  • Enhancement Added generic _links to Application model
  • Breaking change id made required in spVerification.certificates of the ApplicationSAML model
  • Enhancement Add mobile.passcodeRefreshDuration to ApplicationOIDC model
  • Breaking change accessControl.role.type made an enum in the Application model
  • Enhancement Added PING_ONE_DAVINCI product type

v0.3.0 (2022-08-05)

  • Enhancement - API update 2022-07-18 - SignOnPolicyAction object includes new attribute DeviceAuthenticationPolicy to replace deprecated Applications, Voice, Sms, SecurityKey, Email, BoundBiometrics and Authenticator attributes #11
  • Feature Agreements, Agreement Languages and Agreement Revisions #14
  • Feature Support for Identity Provider models #15
  • Bug fix for PasswordPolicyMinCharacters special character issue #17

v0.2.0 (2022-07-17)

v0.1.0 (2022-07-16)

Initial release - rebasing versions to reflect module stability