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File metadata and controls

66 lines (52 loc) · 4.24 KB

The script's file name (excluding extension) corresponds to the node's type (see node_type column below) being processed.

A script may contain dbms minimal version boudaries like (so order matters):

/* if version 100000 */
select s.datname,, s.backend_type, s.usename --, ...
from pg_stat_activity s

/* elif version 90000 */
select s.datname,, s.usename --, ...
from pg_stat_activity s

/* else version */
  /* if version 83000 */
  /* elif version 70000 */
  /* endif version */
from pg_stat_activity
/* endif version */

Nesting is ok and allows to combine a final script by parts. PostgreSQL uses libpq's PQserverVersion(), ODBC data sources must provide version.sql or version.qs to return this value if used within scripts. E.g. scripts/odbc/microsoft sql/version.sql (uses compartibility_level as a comparable version).

/tree scripts

Script to build tree must return resultset with the following columns:

name type description
ui_name varchar Mandatory label to be displayed. E.g.:
<span class="light">light-colored text</span>
<i>italic text</i>
and so on
node_type varchar Mandatory type of node.
(= file name of dependent script inside sibling folders)
name varchar name field to reference to from another script. Usually it's a full or schemaless quoted or unquoted db object's name depending on the way you use the value within the script.
id varchar As a rule it's an internal id of database object to be referenced from dependent scripts (or any other convenient value).
tag varchar/int Any data to be used within dependent scripts.
icon varchar Icon file name.
allow_multiselect bool Whether the object may have multiple selected children.
sort1 varchar/int Value to sort on.
sort2 varchar/int Value for alternative sorting.

Script may contain macro $<node_type>.<name|id|tag>$ E.g. if current object (being processed by current script) has parent node of type schema, then $$ within script will be replaced with id value of that node. $$ and $schema.tag$ will be replaced with that node's name or tag value accordingly. If current node has no parent of specified type, or that parent does not have corresponding field, the macro is replaced by NULL.

Actually, user is free to place any kind of data in columns name, id and tag. This is just what you get in script by means of the corresponding macro.

There are two hardcoded node types: connection and database. connection is used internally to represent database connection, so the first script to be executed is connection.sql or connection.qs. database nodes are usually children of connection node, and their name property has a special meaning: every database node generates separate database connection with connection string built with parent connection string appended with ;Database={<name>} for odbc data source and dbname='<name>' for postgresql data source.

/content scripts

Script must return one of the following resultset:

  • 1 row 1 column named script;
  • 1 row 1 column named html;
  • any other resultset.

Sql script for PostgreSQL may contain plpgsql anonymous code block and return textual data in the following ways:

  • raise notice '<db object related sql script content>' using hint='script';
  • raise notice '<html content>' using hint='html'.

Besides described macroses the script may contain:

  • $dbms.version$ - comparable dbms version (integer value);
  • $children.ids$ - ids of selected nodes (comma separated);
  • $children.names$ - names of selected nodes (comma separated, enclosed in single quotes if not yet). $children.<ids|names> macro is actual in case of multiple nodes selection and works within parent node content script. When there is no multiple selected children of the node being scripted, the first macro is replaced by -1, the second one - by '' (empty quoted string).

/preview scripts

Every node type may have corresponding script to display additional single resultset. Use it, for example, to display table/view content preview. Current implementation displays preview resultset only if content script didn't return resultset already.