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Section 4: Coverage

This section obtains coverage information by mapping reads back to contigs.

Preparing the FASTA file

Map reads back to the assembly to get coverage information using bowtie2. Build the index database with bowtie2-build using the contigs outputted from the assembler, followed by samtools to generate a sorted and indexed .bam file.

Before building the database, simplify the deflines (headers) of the fasta input file. This is necessary, as An'vio, used in a later step, requires simple deflines in the FASTA file to import. The names in the .bam file must also match, hence we simplify first before mapping to avoid repeating this step. Read the section on file formatting in the An'vio tutorial here for more information. To simplify the headers, run the script anvi-script-reformat-fasta. The -l flag specifies the minimum length of a contig to keep. By passing in 0, we are keeping all the contigs. --simplify-names, as expected, simplifies the contig names:

anvi-script-reformat-fasta contigs.fasta -o contigs-fixed.fasta -l 0 --simplify-names 

At this point you can overwrite contigs.fasta with contigs-fixed.fasta:

mv contigs-fixed.fasta contigs.fasta

However, you may prefer to keep the original contigs.fasta, which is fine as well. The rest of this section assumes you overwrote contigs.fasta.

Coverage by mapping reads back to contigs

Note that multiple files can be passed into bowtie2 by delimiting them with a comma. Alternatively, you can loop through the reads files like in the example commands below. The merged and non-merged reads can be passed through the -U flag.

# build the index db using bowtie2-build
bowtie2-build --threads 24 metaspades_results/contigs.fasta db/spades_contigs

# bowtie2 to align reads to assembled contigs, samtools to create a .bam file. do this for EACH SAMPLE
# -1: Files with forward reads, paired with files in -2.
# -2: Files with reverse reads, paired with files in -1.
# -U: Files with unpaired reads.
# -x: the database file.
# --time: print the time it took to execute the command.
for f in *_R1.fq.gz; do
    bowtie2 --threads 24 --time -x db/spades_contigs -1 $f -2 $r -U m,u | samtools view -bS -o ../$out.bam

# sort and index bam files
for f in *.bam; do
    echo =======================
    echo sorting and indexing $f
    echo =======================
    samtools sort --threads 23 -o $out $f && samtools index $out

Next step

Proceed to section 5.