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In Martin Fowler’s PoEAA, the Repository pattern is described as:

Mediates between the domain and data mapping layers using a collection-like interface for accessing domain objects.

This collection of packages focuses on formalizing data access abstractions and offers some unambitious implementations. This packages are designed with respect to clean architecture and evented domain centric applications, although they add value even if your model is rather crud.

Data abstractions

The package NBB.Data.Abstractions contains some very lightweight abstractions over data repositories:

  • CRUD repository
  • Event sourced repository
  • Read-only repository
  • Unit of work repository

For more details see NBB.Data.Abstractions

Entity Framework

The package NBB.Data.EntityFramework provides some implementations for abstractions formalized above using Entity Framework:

  • EfCrudRepository
  • EfReadOnlyRepository
  • EfUow - unit of work implementation
  • EfQuery - implementation of IQueryable<TEntity> and IAsyncEnumerable<TEntity>

For more details see NBB.Data.EntityFramework

Entity Framework multi-tenancy

The package NBB.Data.EntityFramework.MultiTenancy helps implementing a multi-tenant data access solution using Entity Framework

For more details see NBB.Data.EntityFramework.MultiTenancy

Event sourcing

This package aims to help you deal with data access when working with event sourced domain models.

It offers an EventSourcedRepository that:

  • reads/persists events from/into an IEventStore
  • manages snapshots using an ISnapshotStore
  • dispatches events using MediatR

For more details see NBB.Data.EventSourcing