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Fathur Rohman kgfathur
Love to build useless stuff, just for experiment and growth.

Open Jakarta

Roman Gherta rgherta
Never stop learning
Donald Sebastian Leung DonaldKellett
Cloud Technical Specialist at Enfinity Solutions Limited

Enfinity Solutions Limited Hong Kong

Surya Seetharaman tssurya
Software Engineer, FOSS enthusiast

Red Hat Berlin

cloud solution architect

VeriQloud France

Niranjan Anandkumar niranjanaryan
Engineer, Founder @ Deceptive AI | AI Obsession , Research ⚙️ Product 🔱 AGI Tech | AI for Masses | BreakingBarriers

Deceptive AI Greater Bengaluru, India

HoLittlePig hezygo
Keep track of your work and life

The Chirping Of Cicadas GuangDong

Felipe Sidooski felipesidooski

Telefonica - VIVO Curitiba/PR

Markus Ueberall m-ueberall
IT consultant

Markus Ueberall Consulting GmbH Germany

Matvey Kraposhin mkraposhin
Open Source Software, C++, SDN, Fluids & Gases
Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

李涛涛 taohorse


Jigawatt bufanoc
Cloud, hybrid, network virtualization

New York

demenlee demenlee
i am a sduer.

shandong university qingdao,china

Trevor Sullivan pcgeek86
A little of everything, but especially AWS, Azure, PowerShell, Python, Go, and JavaScript

Seattle, Washington

Chris Beal ChrisBeal
Solaris Software Engineer


Kapil Agrawal netops2devops
Network Security Engineer dabbling with code


Duraisankar Pitchumani Duraisankarp
Software Engineer

SUSE Bangalore

pg2000 PG2000

@hdisysteme PID 1

ALAM,GM icloudai
All about Cloud, AI
zengqingfu1442 zengqingfu1442
Right now I'm a Devops Engineer working in Beijing.My major in university is Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.

Free Work

Mathieu Debove debovema

Red Hat Paris, France

Pu Meng Hao johnnypu

Dynasafe Technology Inc. Taipei

Macduff macduff23
Zach Neuf “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.” Henry David Thoreau


好吧,你想说啥 jingjingxyk
工业化内涵:资本增密、技术增密、 排斥劳动;制度派生;成本转嫁 ;依附论;金融殖民;超级地租;数据劫掠;数字殖民;社会原子化 ;婚姻挤压;知识陷阱;竺可桢曲线;三大资本过剩;周期性经济危机;历史周期律;以工代赈;半工半耕;均田免赋,耕者有其田;礼运大同篇


yinpeijun nikkidada
a network engineer, foucs on virtual network and os

huawei hangzhou