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Lara Sormani larasormani21
Master's student in Computer Science - UNIMIB

Milan, Italy

Eugeniu Costetchi costezki
I care about building meaningful things that are pleasant and genuinely useful.

@meaningfy-ws Luxembourg

Pablo Calleja SPabloCalleja
Assistant Professor in UPM. Member of the Ontology Engineering Group.

Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid

Paola Espinoza-Arias paoespinozarias
I am an Ontologist and Knowledge Graph Expert at BASF. I also collaborate with the Ontology Engineering Group of the UPM.

BASF Madrid (Spain)

Julián Arenas Guerrero arenas-guerrero-julian
Predoctoral researcher at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid, Spain