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Italy, Piedmont

G.C. CELESTINO cristiangcel
Full-time psychology student, in my spare time book author and activist: doing my best for a better world.


Meggo ItsMeggo
I'm pretty new to all this, but I'm gonna try my best!


Riad Zoabi riadzoabi
2nd Year B.Sc. Information Systems Engineering Student | Proficient in Python, Java,C, SQL, UI Design | Passionate about Transformative Tech Solutions


Ollie obfuscatedgenerated

United Kingdom

OfficialGamer Official3Gamer
I'm just a little YouTuber im a depressed mfer
Hunter104 Hunter104
This space was intentionally left blank
Brendon Reyell breyell
I make websites.

SimpsonScarborough Los Angeles, CA

Henrique cotamilhas
I'm a cool guy


Benjamin Funke BJNFNE
I love Reverse Engineering and reimplementing. Also port old Software to newer standards, EVIL!


Martin nightcrawcode
Just your local nightcawler!

Reno, NV, USA

nami1 nami1yt
I Contribute to Wii-Homebrew related websites for fun.
LunaProductions Luca06Luwa
"An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity." - Terry A Davis

LunaProductions Lost in the mind of the computer systems...

Maintainer of the Venith Network, and former web-stack dev for the Suyu emulator.


James Quinley JamesQuinley
Hobbyist Developer. Java & JavaScript (They're very different).

@CodenameObsidian Visalia California

Sasori RHAP-11
Hello ? Do you read me ? I have a message. A message from Sasori. Hello, hello ?

United States

EDM115 EDM115
Random french developer, student, music producer, gamer, happy husband, Python/Java enthusiast, enjoying programming (well, more playing) with anything 🥰

IUT Vannes Vannes, France


Newcastle upon Tyne