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Tommy Tommy0901
Мир бьёт меня в грудь, Ты требуй от меня ответа! И я скажу ему в лицо: Вот мой ответ, вот мой ответ вам! По жизни иду я с code, Но code эта не для меня
Daphne Shen naiomidaphne
Hello, this Daphne.


Kris3131 Kris3131
Passionate about writing code with a more elegant style.


iOS, Web, Flutter and Shopify Developer.


Lois Chen LoisChen68
Software Engineer

URFiT Tech Taipei

mb722656355s ShihTingJustin

Delta Electronics Taiwan

Julie Chou JulieDeveloper
FrontEnd Developer, who is addicted to coding

Branford, Ontario

AllenLi AllenliIE
Hey There is always a better way.


Wei wego11ya
Hello, I'm Wei.
Tsanyu Kuo tsanyukuo

Taipei City, Taiwan

Jinwei Chang cwchang93
Hi I'm Jinwei, a front-end web developer, and familiar with reactJS. Know how to write python/django and golang
KL KUO klkuoguru
Dad. Disciple. Developer. Don’t let the status quo define you. Diverge the infinite gamer inside you. “The pain lets you know you’re still alive.” — Logan


Avery Kcih4518
You don't have problems naming folders and files because you spend most of your time naming variables.

ASUS Taiwan

CharisLai CharisLai

Kaohsiung, Taiwan