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Derived scalars

Derived scalar types (DSTs) provide a shared interface for processing activations that are directly instantiated during the forward pass (corresponding to ActivationLocationTypes; for example, post-softmax attention), and functions of those activations which are useful to look at but not directly instantiated during the forward pass (for example, the norm of the attention write vector).

DSTs are intended to be as flexible as possible across models, architectures, and use cases (online processing or batch scripts); the cost of that is that there are many abstractions. The good news is that once you're familiar with the setup, it's pretty quick and easy to compute them and to define new ones.


In many places in the neuron_explainer codebase, "dst" is used in place of "derived_scalar_type", or "ds" in place of "derived_scalar", for conciseness.

Core concepts

Key classes

The key classes to understand are:


  • An enum containing names for all the derived scalars that have been defined.


  • Forward or backward pass; derived scalars can depend on either forward pass activations, or backward pass gradients.


  • A container for a set of pytorch tensors, corresponding to a certain DerivedScalarType and PassType at every layer index in the model for which it is defined.


  • An object specified by a certain DerivedScalarType, containing the necessary information to compute derived scalars for one or both PassTypes; specification often requires additional info in the DstConfig.


  • A dataclass specifying any information required in constructing the ScalarDeriver beyond the DerivedScalarType.

    • For example, DSTs that use weight tensors must know what model they are being computed for, so that the correct weights can be accessed.


  • An object specifying the inputs expected by a ScalarDeriver. This consists of either an ActivationLocationType and PassType, or a ScalarDeriver and PassType (for the case where a ScalarDeriver's inputs themselves require a ScalarDeriver to compute) plus a LayerIndexer. These two types are referred to as RawScalarSource and DerivedScalarSource respectively.

    • "Raw" in this name refers to an activation is literally instantiated during a transformer forward/backward pass, and can be extracted using a hook at a particular line of code.

    • "Derived" refers to a quantity that can be computed from activations instantiated during a forward/backward pass (a superset of "Raw" activations).


  • Defines a transformation to be applied to an ActivationsAndMetadata object such that each layer index of the output is the appropriate layer index for computing a given derived scalar.

    • For example, sometimes a derived scalar D at layer L (for L in 0...num_layers-1) is computed by operating on activation A from layer L together with activation B from layer L0 (constant). In this case, we would apply a ConstantLayerIndexer to B, such that the activations of the ActivationsAndMetadata passed to the scalar deriver are from layer L0 of B, no matter the value of L.


  • Contains ActivationsAndMetadata stored from a forward and possibly a backward pass, separated by ActivationLocationType and PassType.


  • Contains ActivationsAndMetadata computed from a RawActivationStore, separated by DerivedScalarType and PassType.

Computation process

Derived scalars are computed as follows:

  1. User specifies ScalarDeriver objects using (DerivedScalarType, DstConfig) tuples, and constructs them.

  2. For each ScalarDeriver, scalar_deriver.sub_activation_location_type_and_pass_types lets the user know the list of ActivationLocationType and PassTypes that it will require.

  3. User populates a RawActivationStore with these ActivationLocationTypes and PassTypes, whether by reading activations from disk, or computing fresh activations from a forward and backward pass on a running LM.

  4. User runs derived_scalar_store = DerivedScalarStore.derive_from_raw(raw_activation_store, scalar_derivers)

    • (under the hood) for each ScalarDeriver, run derived_scalar_activations_and_metadata = scalar_deriver.derive_from_raw(raw_activation_store, pass_type)

      • (under the hood) for each of the ScalarSource objects in scalar_deriver.sub_scalar_sources, run scalar_source_activations_and_metadata = sub_scalar_source.derive_from_raw(raw_activation_store).

        • (under the hood) this either gets an ActivationsAndMetadata object by ActivationLocationType and PassType directly from raw_activation_store, or derives it using sub_scalar_source.scalar_deriver.derive_from_raw(raw_activation_store, pass_type), then applies sub_scalar_source.layer_indexer.
      • (under the hood) run derived_scalar_activations_and_metadata = scalar_deriver.activations_and_metadata_calculate_derived_scalar_fn(scalar_source_activations_and_metadata_tuple, pass_type).

        • (under the hood) run derived_scalar_tensor = scalar_deriver.tensor_calculate_derived_scalar_fn(scalar_source_tensor_tuple, layer_index, pass_type) for each layer_index, which together populate the ActivationsAndMetadata object.
    • (under the hood) the ActivationsAndMetadata objects together populate the DerivedScalarStore.

Optionally, the outermost loop may be skipped if only a single derived_scalar_activations_and_metadata object is required.

The most bare-bones function that shows the steps outlined above is in activation_server/derived_scalar_computation:get_derived_scalars_for_prompt

How to define a new ScalarDeriver

When defining a new ScalarDeriver that does not correspond to an ActivationLocationType, the user provides:

  1. The information necessary to compute the derived scalar.

    This includes:

    1. The ScalarSources it expects

    2. The tensor_calculate_derived_scalar_fn, which takes tensors as arguments corresponding to the ScalarSources as well as the layer_index and pass_type.

      • This lives in a function called make_..._scalar_deriver. These can be specified implicitly, if the new scalar can be derived from a transformation on one or more pre-existing derived scalars.

      • The make_..._scalar_deriver functions are associated to DSTs in derived_scalars/

  2. A specification of the shape of the output, in terms of Dimension objects.

ScalarDeriver is meant to be the primary class used to refer to activations once they are READ from disk.

When WRITTEN to disk, the primary class used is ActivationLocationType, since we always want to save the least processed form of the data possible.

How to define a new DerivedScalarType

  1. Add a new DerivedScalarType to the Enum in

  2. Add a specification of its intended shape per token sequence to shape_spec_per_token_sequence_by_dst (e.g. does it contain a separate dimension for attended-to sequence tokens? Is it per-attention head or per-MLP neuron?)

  3. In a separate file (possibly an existing file, if related DSTs have been defined already) write a make_..._scalar_deriver function. This function takes a DstConfig and returns a ScalarDeriver object.

    • The core of this object is tensor_calculate_derived_scalar_fn, which takes as input a tuple of tensors corresponding to an existing activation location type and pass type or DST and pass type, and returns a tensor corresponding to the new DST.

    • To construct tensor_calculate_derived_scalar_fn, you might require some metadata (for example, a ModelContext object which gives the ability to load model weights from disk). If your DST requires a new piece of metadata, add it to DstConfig as an optional argument.

    • In addition to calculate_derived_scalar_fn, you must also specify which ScalarSources are required to compute this DerivedScalarType (sub_scalar_sources)

  4. Once the make_..._scalar_deriver function is done, add a row like this to the registry in

    DerivedScalarType.NEW_DST: make_new_dst_scalar_deriver,


For a simple example of a make_..._scalar_deriver function, see make_mlp_write_norm_scalar_deriver in

Usage example

import torch

from neuron_explainer.activation_server.derived_scalar_computation import (
from neuron_explainer.activation_server.requests_and_responses import LossFnConfig, LossFnName
from neuron_explainer.activations.derived_scalars.config import DstConfig
from neuron_explainer.activations.derived_scalars.derived_scalar_types import DerivedScalarType
from neuron_explainer.models.model_context import StandardModelContext

prompt = "This is a test"

# This object contains model metadata and has methods for loading weights. It also has a 
# method to spin up a transformer for running a forward and backward pass.
model_context = StandardModelContext(model_name="gpt2-small", device=torch.device("cuda:0"))

# These are the derived scalars of interest; these correspond to direct writes from
# MLP neurons and attention heads to the gradient at the final residual
# stream layer ("direct effects" on the loss).
dst_list = [

# The derived scalars require model weights and metadata (such as the number of layers)
# for their computation. Nothing else needs to be specified.
dst_config = DstConfig(
dst_and_config_list = [(dst, dst_config) for dst in dst_list]

# This specifies how the backward pass will be run (outside the DST framework)
loss_fn_for_backward_pass = maybe_construct_loss_fn_for_backward_pass(

# This returns a DerivedScalarStore containing the DSTs specified, as well as a RawActivationStore
# containing the activations that were required to compute those DSTs.
ds_store, _, raw_store = get_derived_scalars_for_prompt(

# This returns the top 10 largest derived scalar values, across all the types specified, as well 
# as identifiers for the location of each within the model (i.e. which neuron or attention head 
# they correspond to, and at which token or token pair)
values, indices = ds_store.topk(10)