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876 lines (742 loc) · 33 KB

File metadata and controls

876 lines (742 loc) · 33 KB



  • Fixed Htmleditor fullscreen mode in fixed container

2.26.3 (May 12, 2016)

  • Added UIkit.Utils.throttle helper function
  • Updated icon component to FontAwesome 4.6.0
  • Updated list button action in html mode (html editor)
  • Removed default transition-property: all for all uk-form inputs
  • Fixed fullscreen videos on iOS + lightbox
  • Fixed links in sortables + nestables on iOS/Windows mobile

2.26.2 (April 06, 2016)

  • Added iframe support for lightbox component
  • Added observe option to data-uk-grid-margin + data-uk-grid-match
  • Added all data-uk-* js components should now auto initialize after inserted into DOM
  • Updated sortable behavior with handleClass option
  • Updated sortable + nestable serialize
  • Removed data-uk-observe
  • Fixed flip dropdown modifier for autocomplete component
  • Fixed scrollspynav active state (revert)
  • Fixed form-select component with input as target

2.26.1 (March 30, 2016)

  • Removed translateZ(0) in sticky component to avoid stacking context
  • Removed clearfix fix in flex component

2.26.0 (March 29, 2016)

  • Added uk-grid-large class
  • Added support for CSS filter properties in parallax component
  • Added responsiveness to audio, canvas, svg and video in base component
  • Made flex component more robust when used with clearfix
  • Improved htmleditor replaceInPreview function
  • Fixed scrollspynav active state
  • Fixed uk-modal-spinner animation
  • Fixed uk-row-first when using pull/push or flex-order classes
  • Fixed uk-grid-margin when using flex-order classes
  • Fixed uk-overflow-container adjustments on resize
  • Fixed modal listens for event

2.25.0 (February 17, 2016)

  • Added grid parallax component
  • Added new grid-width classes to grid component
  • Added better vertical-align for embedded content to base component
  • Added :before and :after to print component
  • Fixed Animated slideset filter
  • Fixed noDragClass option (sortable)
  • Fixed drop target detection (sortable)
  • Fixed parallax for images with smaller width
  • Fixed parallax for elements with padding
  • Fixed responsiveElement initialization
  • Fixed scrollspy in view check
  • Fixed sticky positioning
  • Fixed dropdown flip positions
  • Fixed margin on wrapper element (sticky)

2.24.3 (December 18, 2015)

  • Added support for using data-title attribute as lightbox caption
  • Added mark first item in a row with uk-row-first when data-uk-grid-margin
  • Added uk-slide-before uk-slide-after classes to slider element after item focus
  • Added oncancel callback to UIkit.modal.confirm
  • Updated allow params in data-uk-* attributes without curly braces
  • Fixed .uk-display-inline-block with responsive child images (firefox)
  • Fixed hash urls in Offcanvas
  • Fixed slideshow scroll, swipe direction

2.24.2 (December 01, 2015)

  • Fixed UIkit.Utils.stackMargin apply on container with only one child element
  • Fixed hiding dropdown on click with option mode:'hover' for dropdown or items with class uk-dropdown-close

2.24.1 (November 30, 2015)

  • Added uk-width-xlarge-* classes
  • Updated slideshow direction animation (swipe, scroll)
  • Updated scrollspynav to blur items first before activating
  • Updated uk-overflow-container behaviour in modals
  • Fixed sortable if browser is in strict mode
  • Fixed sticked element width after resize
  • Fixed parallax bg scrolling

2.24.0 (November 23, 2015)

  • Added active class to accordion content container
  • Added panel body class to panel component
  • Added modal blank class to modal component
  • Added event
  • Added preventflip option to dropdown component
  • Added uk-slideshow-fade-in class
  • Added uk-contrast support for tabs component
  • Added new hooks to base component
  • Added base-noconflict
  • Updated icon component to FontAwesome 4.5.0
  • Updated parallax background-image behaviour
  • Updated sticky behaviour on resize
  • Updated default format setting to YYYY-MM-DD (datepicker)
  • Updated scrollspynav to ignore links only with '#' as href
  • Updated sortable js improved to allow nested groups
  • Fixed error in grid filter if type is number
  • Fixed uk-form-icon vertical alignment
  • Fixed hover effects on touch devices
  • Fixed slideset animation on mobile

2.23.0 (October 12, 2015)

  • DEPRECATED: uk-dropdown-up, uk-dropdown-flip, uk-dropdown-center (Use pos property instead)
  • Reworked dropdown component to allow any kind of popovers
  • Added column component
  • Added data-uk-svg helper (UIkit.Utils.inlineSvg)
  • Added pos option to dropdown component
  • Added .npmignore
  • Updated image background-size calculation in parallax component
  • Updated using requestAnimationFrame for document.scrolling event
  • Updated default pagination component values
  • Fixed overlay transition-properties
  • Fixed scroll jumping for animated switchers on iOS
  • Fixed pass swiping option to switcher component
  • Fixed slider not showing the last element
  • Fixed ensure open transition has happened before listening to closing transition (modal component)
  • Fixed initdate when mindate integer (datepicker component)
  • Fixed error in sticky.js in combination with dynamic grid
  • Fixed touch.js error

Docs and Repo

  • Added docs and tests for column component
  • Added docs and tests for dropdown component

2.22.0 (August 24, 2015)

  • Added dropdown overlay mode
  • Added autoplay to slider component
  • Added animation duration variables to sticky
  • Added showup + clsinactive option to sticky component
  • Added swiping option to switcher component
  • Updated icon component to FontAwesome 4.4.0
  • Updated placeholder default variables for all themes
  • Updated position utility classes
  • Updated sortable and nestable empty selectors
  • Updated panel teaser selector
  • Updated top parameter to support vh values + elements in sticky component
  • Updated adjust document scrolling while dragging in sortable component
  • Updated Youtube lighbox plugin to load maxres image
  • Moved block padding adjustment into themes
  • Unified sortable and nestable change event parameters
  • Set Http-Accept-Header if JSON is requested (upload)
  • Fixed element swapping between grouped lists
  • Fixed grid match items to wrap onto multiple lines
  • Fixed dropdown hide behavior
  • Fixed dropdown prevent show() on active element
  • Fixed stack margin with dynamic added children
  • Fixed form icon margin
  • Fixed timpicker flickering on blur after time picking
  • Fixed pagination "currentPage" option
  • Fixed initial focus on confirm dialog
  • Fixed missing debounced redraw in htmleditor
  • Fixed body width calculation on active offcanvas

Docs and Repo

  • Added new video tutorial section
  • Updated some tests and docs

2.21.0 (June 01, 2015)

  • IMPORTANT: Reworked nestable component
  • Added uk-active class to form-select component
  • Added uk-flex-nowrap class to flex component
  • Added uk-icon-justify class to icon component
  • Added kenburnsanimations option to slideshow component
  • Added media option to parallax component
  • Added connect multiple sortable lists
  • Added activeClass option to tooltip component
  • Added ignorestacked option to gridMatchHeight component
  • Added UIkit.responsiveElement component (e.g. for iframes)
  • Added UIkit.Utils.isFullscreen helper function
  • Updated UIkit.modal.alert, UIkit.modal.prompt, UIkit.modal.confirm don't close open modals
  • Updated tooltip component to look for an updated title attribute before show
  • Updated timepicker to be initialized on a parent element
  • Updated slideset filter activation
  • Updated changed event from to
  • Removed warp mode from sortable component
  • Fixed tab component having no items
  • Fixed slideset nav
  • Fixed nestable maxdepth check when moving items between lists
  • Fixed gulp css minifier

Docs and Repo

  • Updated dynamic grid test and docs
  • Updated sortable test and docs
  • Updated nestable test and docs
  • Updated icon test and docs

2.20.3 (May 04, 2015)

  • Updated jQuery to 2.1.4
  • Updated grid match items to wrap onto multiple lines
  • Fixed Slider animation on iOS
  • Fixed Modal show when no modal container exists
  • Fixed data-uk-grid-match for IE9

2.20.2 (April 30, 2015)

  • Updated hover delay for dropdown component
  • Updated requestAnimationFrame polyfill

2.20.1 (April 28, 2015)

  • Added active state for table rows
  • Added new hooks to table component
  • Fixed panel title margin

2.20.0 (April 24, 2015)

  • Added block component
  • Added contrast component
  • Added alternatives to native dialogs for window.alert, window.confirm, window.prompt
  • Added heading hooks to base component
  • Added support for indeterminate state in form-advanced
  • Added autoplay to slideset component
  • Added position option to datepicker
  • Added start and end option for the timepicker component
  • Updated hover delay for dropdown component
  • Updated event name to
  • Fixed slider on touch devices
  • Fixed link reset on focus
  • Fixed overflow hidden on expanded accordion content
  • Fixed smooth scroll options with offcanvas menu links
  • Fixed touch detection (no longer dependent on user agent)
  • Fixed links in slideset component
  • Fixed slider with gutter in center mode
  • Fixed sticky element with animation flickering

Docs and Repo

  • Added docs and tests for block component
  • Added docs and tests for contrast component
  • Updated parallax docs

2.19.0 (April 17, 2015)

  • Added parallax component
  • Added slideset component
  • Added slider component
  • Added custom animation duration for kenburns effect (slideshow component)
  • Added support for overlaying an image with a second image to overlay component
  • Added position class to set a z-index
  • Added overflow hidden class to utility component
  • Added trigger 'input' after htmleditor change
  • Added filter option to dynamic grid
  • Added define horizontal and vertical gutter for dynamic grid
  • Added UIkit.init([rootelement]) added to manually init js components
  • Added trigger when dropdown is closed
  • Added location reminder to customizer when reloading the page
  • Updated error handling if lightbox resource not found
  • Updated trigger datepicker dropdown on focus
  • Fixed hide opened autocomplete dropdowns on autocomplete show
  • Fixed lightbox extension matcher is now case insensitive
  • Fixed slideshow autoplay
  • Fixed datepicker to use minDate option as initial value if provided
  • Fixed slideshow on message handler
  • Fixed nestable component events + empty lists
  • Fixed nestable list helper function
  • Fixed nestable event arguments
  • Fixed 12hr format for Timepicker
  • Fixed switcher text selection for IE11
  • Fixed slideshow jumping in chrome
  • Fixed scrolling on large modal dialogs

2.18.0 (March 11, 2015)

  • Added ARIA support to JavaScript components
  • Added trigger after update grid layout
  • Fixed sticky wrapper resize on window resize/orientation change
  • Fixed serialize to only include data attributes from HTML in nestable and sortable component
  • Fixed video mute bug in slideshow for vimeo player

2.17.0 (February 20, 2015)

  • IMPORTANT: Removed caption component (Use overlay component)
  • IMPORTANT: Removed uk-grid-preserve (Use uk-grid-medium)
  • IMPORTANT: Moved flex and cover component into the core
  • IMPORTANT: Moved tooltip and progress from core to components
  • DEPRECATED: Old overlay component (uk-overlay-area-* uk-overlay-caption uk-overlay-toggle)
  • DEPRECATED: Thumbnail component
  • DEPRECATED: uk-dotnav-vertical class (Use uk-flex-column)
  • Reworked overlay component completely
  • Added thumbnav component
  • Added gutter collapse and medium classes to grid component
  • Added more position classes to utility component
  • Added hover classes to panel component
  • Added icon hover class to icon component
  • Added uk-heading-large default values for small screens in utility component
  • Added serialize method to sortable object
  • Added possibility to enable and disable sticky component objects
  • Added scrollspy group with target selector
  • Added possibility to create dynamic lightboxes
  • Added and events
  • Added pauseOnHover option to slideshow component
  • Added toggle uk-active class in sort and filter controls (dynamic grid)
  • Added boundary parameter to sticky addon to bind sticky scrolling to an element
  • Updated dotnav to use flexbox
  • Updated subnav to use flexbox
  • Updated icon component to FontAwesome to 4.3.0
  • Set content wrapper height to auto after accordion animation ends
  • Deactivated browser history navigation in modal for IE11
  • Fixed modal caption text overflow
  • Fixed modal min-height. Now only applies to lightbox modifier
  • Fixed events in grid js component
  • Fixed quick switching between tabs
  • Fixed deep target selector for data-uk-grid-match
  • Fixed goto dom trigger for slideshows
  • Fixed vertical centering for lightboxes

Docs and Repo

  • Updated overlay docs and tests
  • Updated panel docs and tests
  • Updated grid docs and tests
  • Updated icon docs and tests
  • Updated animation docs
  • Updated text tests

2.16.2 (January 15, 2015)

  • Updated modal header and footer
  • Fixed data-uk-grid-match with target option

2.16.1 (January 15, 2015)

  • Added mirroring of icons in RTL mode
  • Added destroy lightbox content on hide
  • Added UIkit.Utils.stackMargin + UIkit.Utils.matchHeights helper methods
  • Updated boot code for accordion, grid and lightbox component
  • Fixed form normalization in form component

2.16.0 (January 13, 2015)

  • IMPORTANT: Renamed uk-modal-dialog-frameless to uk-modal-dialog-lightbox
  • Added dynamic grid component
  • Added accordion component
  • Added lightbox component
  • Added text left small and medium classes
  • Added timeout before muting media in slideshow
  • Fixed buttons for input elements
  • Fixed uk-hidden-touch and uk-hidden-notouch with !important

Docs and Repo

  • Added docs and tests for new add-ons
  • Updated modal docs and tests
  • Updated form tests

2.15.0 (December 22, 2014)

  • IMPORTANT: Renamed uk-slidenav-inverted to uk-slidenav-contrast
  • Added header, footer, caption and spinner to modal component
  • Added dotnav-contrast to dotnav component
  • Added hidden classes for touch devices to utility component
  • Added center option for modals
  • Better dimension recognition in cover component
  • Iframes with the class uk-responsive-width behave like responsive images now (via JavaScript)
  • Fixed Slideshow without a parent container + fold effect
  • Fixed unprefixed autocomplete dropdown flip + search dropdown
  • Fixed switcher with animations for IE < 10
  • Fixed toggler with animations for IE < 10
  • Fixed clearfix method

Docs and Repo

  • Updated slidenav docs and tests
  • Updated dotnav docs and tests
  • Updated modal docs and tests

2.14.0 (December 10, 2014)

  • IMPORTANT: Replaced uk-position-absolute with uk-position-top
  • Added uk-panel-hover to panel component
  • Added uk-text-contrast to text component
  • Added uk-position-bottom to utility component
  • Updated panels to work with anchors
  • Fixed fullscreen slideshows for iOS < 8
  • Fixed [data-uk-observe]
  • Fixed tab component with only one tab

Docs and Repo

  • Updated panel docs and tests
  • Updated dotnav tests

2.13.1 (December 05, 2014)

  • Fixed clearfix method when used with flex
  • Fixed IE error causing UIkit crash
  • Fixed data-uk-margin in Firefox
  • Fixed slideshow triggers active status
  • Fixed native datepicker recognition in datepicker component
  • Fixed uk-responsive-width when uk-img-preserve is used

2.13.0 (December 04, 2014)

  • IMPORTANT: Triggered event names changed
  • DEPRECATED: $.UIkit, UIkit is now globally available
  • Added uk-grid-match class to grid component
  • Added flex order classes for different breakpoints
  • Added slidenav-inverted modifier
  • Added prevent registering a component multiple times with the same name
  • Added direction info to the uk-scroll event
  • Added UIkit.Utils.str2json helper function
  • Added prefix gulp task to build custom prefixed uikit
  • Added no conflict mode $.UIkit.noConflict(prefixname)
  • Added UIkit.$body reference on domready
  • Updated grid to use flex
  • Updated active paremeter for the switcher component to allow false as value
  • Disable pointer events none on iframes in slideshows on touch devices
  • Fixed initial flex-shrink value in IE10
  • Fixed form legend in IE9
  • Fixed automute in slideshow component
  • Fixed hidden text in dotnav
  • Fixed nestable serialize method
  • Fixed prevent editing form fields within a sortable component

Docs and Repo

  • Added triggered event names

2.12.0 (November 11, 2014)

  • IMPORTANT: Renamed uk-animation-10 to uk-animation-15
  • DEPRECATED: uk-overlay-caption class
  • Added slideshow component
  • Added caption component
  • Added new classes to flex component
  • Added switcher animations
  • Added toggle animation option
  • Added smooth scroll helper function
  • Added missing sortable theme files
  • Added missing form-advanced theme files
  • Added Less error handler for gulp task
  • Added "use strict" to all JavaScript files
  • Added uk-animation-hover class
  • Better timing-function for reverse animations
  • Trigger uk.check.display on context element if no related children found
  • Updated moment.js in datepicker component
  • Updated and cleanup core.js
  • Updated gulp watch behaviour
  • Fixed slidenav position class
  • Fixed and replaced $(window).height() with window.innerHeight
  • Fixed datepicker z-index
  • Fixed nestable not triggering change event
  • Fixed anchor links in offcanvas menu
  • Fixed hidden text in dotnav if text is right aligned
  • Fixed Saas port (false math calculation in grid component)
  • Fixed IE11 touch support

Docs and Repo

  • Added docs and tests for new add-ons
  • Updated switcher docs and tests
  • Updated flex test
  • Updated sortable test

2.11.1 (October 13, 2014)

  • Fixed dropdown z-index
  • Fixed click mode (dropdown component)
  • Trigger change event on timepicker selection

Docs and Repo

  • Removed duplicated component Less files in src/less/core
  • Fixed icon font path in customizer generated CSS

2.11.0 (October 07, 2014)

  • Added uk.scrollspynav.inview event trigger
  • Fixed sortable on mobile
  • Fixed sortable in warp mode
  • Fixed jumping issue on modal show
  • Fixed triggering more results in search component
  • Fixed short time selection in timepicker component
  • Fixed UIkit functionality when uses with Polymer
  • Fixed hide autocomplete dropdown on scroll
  • Adjusted form danger and success colors
  • Unified triggered event names
  • Adjust document scroll position if dragged nestable or sortable items are out of view

Docs and Repo

  • Refactored source and themes directory structure
  • Removed dist folder
  • Replaced Grunt with Gulp
  • Added Browsersync for tests
  • Added Sass files creation to build process
  • Added Less/Sass files docs
  • Added documentation for data-uk-check-display
  • Fixed markup in thumbnail doc

2.10.0 (September 15, 2014)

  • Added input types for iOS style reset to form component
  • Updated icon component to FontAwesome to 4.2.0
  • Moved normalization into base, form, button and form component
  • Removed normalize component
  • Fixed upload select works only once if filename is the same

Docs and Repo

  • Removed normalize from docs and tests
  • Updated base test

2.9.0 (August 18, 2014)

  • IMPORTANT: Renamed keyframe animation uk-spin to uk-rotate
  • IMPORTANT: Removed uk-sticky class, use [data-uk-sticky] instead
  • Added flex add-on
  • Added cover add-on
  • Added new keyframes and classes to animation component
  • Added height viewport to utility component
  • Added position classes to utility component
  • Added treshold parameter to sortable add-on
  • Added reload toggle elements on dom update
  • Added hover color for badges
  • Added animation and negative offset support for sticky add-on
  • Added datepicker animation
  • Added additional class parameter for the tooltip add-on
  • Added iframe option + load custom css in iframe to htmleditor add-on
  • Added more settings options for upload add-on
  • Added trigger uk.dropped event when files were dropped to upload add-on
  • Added trigger uk.offcanvas.hide when offcanvas hides
  • Added allow multiple connect container to switcher component
  • Added switch accross multiple connected switcher containers
  • Added switch active content from within connected switcher containers via data-uk-switcher-item attribute
  • Updated active datepicker closes on window resize
  • Refactored sticky add-on and fixed z-index and box sizing
  • Refactored responsive tab behavior
  • Hide tooltip if source element is hidden or removed via JavaScript
  • Fixed using data-uk-margin in dropdowns
  • Fixed target option in tab js component
  • Fixed autocomplete return type on ajax request
  • Fixed autocomplete from overflowing its container
  • Fixed tooltip position calculation when body or html element is fixed
  • Fixed sortable add-on prevents default behaviour of child elements on click
  • Fixed off-canvas in IE 9
  • Fixed animation reverse timing function
  • Removed Google maps automatic URL detection
  • Removed search close button and loading spinner
  • Removed Promise polyfill

2.8.0 (June 19, 2014)

  • IMPORTANT: Timepicker add-on is now based on autocomplete
  • Added delay parameter for dropdowns in hover mode
  • Added scrollable dropdown class
  • Added month and year picker for datepicker add-on
  • Added support for a handle class parameter in sortable add-on
  • Added complete callback after smoothscroll animation
  • Fix black background on iOS for form-advanced
  • Fixed modal padding gap
  • Fixed document scrolling when modal is opened (Webkit)
  • Fixed js error causing by the sortable add-on
  • Fixed switcher component: document scrolls to top when clicking on a[href='#']
  • Fixed search add-on missing uk-active class
  • Fixed left position bug in safari for sticky add-on

Docs and Repo

  • Updated dropdown, timepicker and sortable doc

2.7.1 (June 06, 2014)

  • Reverted hidden and visibility classes for breakpoint mini

2.7.0 (June 06, 2014)

  • IMPORTANT: Renamed markdownarea to htmleditor
  • IMPORTANT: Renamed sortable to nestable
  • IMPORTANT: Added uk-dropdown-grid to decouple grids in dropdowns
  • Added $.UIkit.component interface for creating UIkit JS components
  • Added sortable add-on
  • Added form-select add-on
  • Added form-advanced add-on
  • Added pagination JavaScript add-on
  • Added Promise polyfill
  • Added minDate, maxDate options to datepicker add-on
  • Added font-weight variable to text large
  • Added new hooks and variables to form labels
  • Added triggering '', 'uk.dropdown.stack' events
  • Added hidden and visibility classes for breakpoint mini
  • Added touch support for overlay component
  • Make form element clickable through icon
  • Optimized multipliers for 16px font-size in default themes
  • Optimized offcanvas animation
  • Changed data-uk-grid-match row parameter to true by default
  • Fixed offcanvas scroll to top issue
  • Fixed sticky z-index in themes
  • Fixed wrong scaling calculation for overlay images in Chrome
  • Fixed printing for animations and scrollspy
  • Fixed text-decoration for navbar brand and toggle
  • Fixed overlay if its content has margin bottom
  • Fixed more results in search add-on
  • Fixed size of active item in pagination for almost-flat theme
  • Fixed location.hash usage for tabs
  • Fixed button checkbox initial event triggering
  • Fixed offcanvas removing existing style properties on close
  • Removed unneeded brackets from LESS operations
  • Removed breaking strings on small devices by default from base
  • Prevent search-field uk-active issue
  • Updated dropdown flip and stack behavior
  • Updated icon component to FontAwesome to 4.1

Docs and Repo

  • Added showcase
  • Added docs and tests for new add-ons
  • Added missing animations to docs
  • Changed markdownarea docs and tests to htmleditor

2.6.0 (April 07, 2014)

  • Added link reset classes to utility component
  • Changed text center medium breakpoints
  • Fixed cursor issue if form file content is too large
  • Fixed modal dialog padding issue, when body and modal have a scrollbar
  • Fixed markdownarea marker replacer
  • Fixed IE 11 crashing (dom observer)
  • Allow HTML markup in titles for search add-on
  • Allow click for dropdowns in hover mode
  • Case insensitive allow param (upload add-on)
  • Added uk-check-display event
  • Prevent vertical scrollbar for centered tabs
  • Less.js updated to 1.7.0

2.5.0 (March 25, 2014)

  • IMPORTANT: Moved search component to add-ons
  • IMPORTANT: Removed form-file JavaScript
  • Added placeholder add-on
  • Added dotnav add-on
  • Added slidenav add-on
  • Added upload add-on
  • Added autocomplete add-on
  • Added simple template engine
  • Added large dialog to modal component
  • Added overflow container to utility component
  • Added text vertical alignment modifiers
  • Form-file add-on now works great with text
  • Lists are now more robust
  • Fixed page jumping to top for modal component
  • Fixed timpicker add-on events
  • Fixed markdownarea add-on browser reload issue
  • Fixed fixed breakpoint for grid divider with large gutter

Docs and Repo

  • Refactored add-on structure
  • Added docs and tests for new add-ons
  • Fixed form password add-on doc

2.4.0 (March 05, 2014)

  • IMPORTANT: Renamed uk-text-info to uk-text-primary including variable names
  • IMPORTANT: Renamed uk-notify-message-info to uk-notify-message-primary including variable names
  • IMPORTANT: Renamed @grid-large-gutter-horizontal to @grid-gutter-large-horizontal
  • IMPORTANT: Renamed @grid-large-gutter-vertical to @grid-gutter-large-vertical
  • IMPORTANT: Renamed @panel-divider-large-gutter to @panel-divider-gutter-large
  • IMPORTANT: Removed uk-modal-dialog-slide
  • Renamed some global variables in themes
  • Refactored grid component
  • Refactored modal component
  • Added grid-match only within rows option
  • Added grid width classes
  • Added grid gutter small classes
  • Added width small classes
  • Added AMD support
  • Added margin classes to utility component
  • Added border rounded to utility component
  • Added resize property to scrollables in utility component
  • Added text center small and medium classes
  • Added markdownarea style for gradient and almost flat theme
  • Added new hooks to comment, form and subnav component
  • Removed box-shadow for invalid controls in Firefox
  • Removed default input style for iOS
  • Fixed z-index issues
  • Fixed double click issue in form-file add-on
  • Fixed textarea height not being resizable
  • Fixed badge border-radius
  • Fixed wrong scaling calculation in overlay component for Chrome
  • Fixed notify padding
  • Fixed body content scrolling if modal is open
  • Fixed gap in navbar gradient and almost flat theme
  • Whitespace hack now uses font-size

Docs and Repo

  • Refactored add-on structure
  • Added layout examples
  • Added placeholder images in docs
  • Added holder.js for placeholder images in tests
  • Updated community section on frontpage
  • Renamed uk-width-custom to uk-width in docs and tests
  • Fixed overview test

2.3.1 (January 31, 2014)

  • Fixed button text decoration

2.3.0 (January 31, 2014)

  • IMPORTANT: Removed uk-button-expand, use uk-width-1-1 instead
  • IMPORTANT: Renamed @form-blank-outline to @form-blank-border
  • Updated to Normalize 3.0.0
  • Added more variables to all components
  • Added panel teaser to panel component
  • Added invisible to utility component
  • Added padding variable for thumbnail caption
  • Updated links in base component
  • Panel component works now with inline elements
  • Background color now set on tr elements in table component
  • Removed vertical align from breadcrumbs
  • Fixed button link in button component
  • Fixed cursor in sortable add-on
  • Fixed links in overlay-area-content
  • Fixed tooltip boundary check

Docs and Repo

  • Better comments for compiled CSS
  • Updated panel docs and tests
  • Fixed default theme in tests

2.2.0 (January 23, 2014)

  • Added alert, confirm shorcut methods to modal component
  • Added form-file add-on
  • Added primary comment to comment component
  • Added overlay-area-content to overlay component
  • Added margin-small to utility component
  • Added text-nowrap to text component
  • Added data-uk-margin to utility component
  • Switcher now activates first toggler when no uk-active class is set
  • Extended Notify message api wit content+status methods
  • Fixed Offcanvas in RTL mode
  • Fixed Tooltips in Offcanvas
  • Fixed sticky add-on jQuery error where $ is not available
  • Removed hgroup in normalize because it was deprecated in HTML5
  • Fixed data-uk-grid-match

Docs and Repo

  • Added form-file docs and tests
  • Updated LESS to 1.6.1
  • Updated overlay docs and tests
  • Updated utility docs and tests
  • Updated comment docs and tests
  • Optimized docs and tests with data-uk-margin

2.1.0 (January 07, 2014)

  • Added notify add-on
  • Added border-circle to utility component
  • Added more variables to sortable add-on
  • Added modifier to flip form icons
  • Updated form icons to work with form size modifiers
  • Replace fixed value with variable in nav component
  • Fixed background position in RTL mode
  • Fixed delayed dropdown trigger on touch devices
  • Fixed jumping when dragging sortables
  • Fixed nested comments indention on small screens
  • Fixed style for inputs without type attribute

Docs and Repo

  • Added new notify add-on
  • Fixed tooltip component
  • Fixed tests link

2.0.0 (December 11, 2013)

  • Added toggle component
  • Added form-icon to form component
  • Added datepicker add-on
  • Added form-password add-on
  • Added markdown area add-on
  • Added sortable add-on
  • Added sticky add-on
  • Added timepicker add-on
  • Added outerclick support for dropdowns in hover mode
  • Added touch events support for Windows 8 phones
  • Added miscellaneous hooks
  • Updated icon component to FontAwesome to 4.0.3
  • Changed comments to compile nicer CSS output

Docs and Repo

  • Refactored repository structure
  • Refactored variables
  • Added Grunt task to index new themes ( usage: grunt indexthemes )
  • Added new UIkit add-ons and components
  • UIkit tests moved to /src

1.2.1 (December 03, 2013)

  • Fixed off canvas scrolling on windows phones
  • Fixed search more results in search js

Docs and Repo

  • Updated LESS to 1.5.1

1.2.0 (November 01, 2013)

  • Added shake animation
  • Added boundary check to tooltip component
  • Added delay and animation option to tooltip component
  • Added margin-left and margin-right to utility component
  • Added variables for width sub-modifiers to form component
  • Added size modifier support for textarea and multiple selects
  • Added renderer option for seach component
  • Added scrollspy-nav to scrollspy component
  • Auto-initialize dynamic components using MutationObserver if supported by browser
  • Changed box-sizing for scrollable-box
  • Fixed link-muted
  • Fixed form-controls-condensed margin
  • Fixed rare customizer unknown LESS var error
  • Fixed smooth-scroll offset position

1.1.0 (August 21, 2013)

  • Added scrollspy component
  • Added animation component
  • Added link-muted to utility component
  • Added subtitle support for navbar items
  • Off-canvas now uses hardware accelerated translateX for bar animation
  • Added responsive tab dropdown indicator
  • Added show specific tab using id target in the url as hash
  • Added flipDropdown option to search component
  • Added possibility to change modal width via inline-style or custom class
  • Fixed responsive tabs
  • Fixed links within alert components
  • Fixed open modals in a chain
  • Fixed off-canvas scroll position bug

Docs and Repo

  • Added scrollspy and animation docs and tests
  • Added bower definition file
  • Automated version and download link
  • Added heading large example

1.0.2 (July 31, 2013)

  • Added boundary option for dropdowns
  • Removed Navbar.js
  • Removed auto dropdown flip if navbar is flipped

Docs and Repo

  • Updated dropdown and navbar documentation

1.0.1 (July 26, 2013)

  • Added focus and blur events to tooltip component
  • Added smoother off-canvas effect
  • Added hook for uk-container
  • Fixed multiple off-canvas trigger
  • Fixed select height for multiple and size attributes

Docs and Repo

  • Added import LESS functionality to customizer
  • Remove absolute paths from CSS build in customizer
  • Disabled LESS cache in tests
  • Tests initialized on domready instead of on window load
  • Updated grunt script to auto compile themes
  • Fixed several typos and links
  • Updated favicon

1.0.0 (July 19, 2013)

  • Initial Release