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MQTT Topics

The base topic, as configured in the web GUI is prepended to all following topics. Serial will be replaced with the serial number of the respective device.

General topics

Topic R / W Description Value / Unit
dtu/ip R IP address of OpenDTU IP address
dtu/hostname R Current hostname of the dtu (as set in web GUI)
dtu/rssi R WiFi network quality db value
dtu/status R Indicates whether OpenDTU network is reachable online / offline
dtu/uptime R Time in seconds since startup seconds

Inverter total topics

Enabled inverter means, that only inverters with "Poll inverter data" enabled are considered.

Topic R / W Description Value / Unit
ac/power R Sum of AC active power of all enabled inverters W
ac/yieldtotal R Sum of energy converted to AC since reset watt hours of all enabled inverters Kilo watt hours (kWh)
ac/yieldday R Sum of energy converted to AC per day in watt hours of all enabled inverters Watt hours (Wh)
ac/is_valid R Indicator whether all enabled inverters where reachable 0 or 1
dc/power R Sum of DC power of all enabled inverters Watt (W)
dc/irradiation R Produced power of all enabled inverter stripes with defined irradiation settings divided by sum of all enabled inverters irradiation %
dc/is_valid R Indicator whether all enabled inverters where reachable 0 or 1

Inverter specific topics

serial will be replaced with the serial number of the inverter.

Topic R / W Description Value / Unit
[serial]/name R Name of the inverter as configured in web GUI
[serial]/device/bootloaderversion R Bootloader version of the inverter
[serial]/device/fwbuildversion R Firmware version of the inverter
[serial]/device/fwbuilddatetime R Build date / time of inverter firmware
[serial]/device/hwpartnumber R Hardware part number of the inverter
[serial]/device/hwversion R Hardware version of the inverter
[serial]/status/reachable R Indicates whether the inverter is reachable 0 or 1
[serial]/status/producing R Indicates whether the inverter is producing AC power 0 or 1
[serial]/status/last_update R Unix timestamp of last inverter statistics udpate seconds since JAN 01 1970 (UTC)

AC channel / global specific topics

Topic R / W Description Value / Unit
[serial]/0/current R AC current in ampere Ampere (A)
[serial]/0/efficiency R Ratio AC Power over DC Power in percent %
[serial]/0/frequency R AC frequency in hertz Hertz (Hz)
[serial]/0/power R AC active power in watts Watt (W)
[serial]/0/powerdc R DC power in watts Watt (W)
[serial]/0/powerfactor R Power factor in percent %
[serial]/0/reactivepower R AC reactive power in VAr VAr
[serial]/0/temperature R Temperature of inverter in degree celsius Degree Celsius (°C)
[serial]/0/voltage R AC voltage in volt Volt (V)
[serial]/0/yieldday R Energy converted to AC per day in watt hours Watt hours (Wh)
[serial]/0/yieldtotal R Energy converted to AC since reset watt hours Kilo watt hours (kWh)

DC input channel topics

[1-4] represents the different inputs. The amount depends on the inverter model.

Topic R / W Description Value / Unit
[serial]/[1-4]/current R DC current of specific input in ampere Ampere (A)
[serial]/[1-4]/name R Name of the DC input channel as configured in web GUI
[serial]/[1-4]/irradiation R Ratio DC Power over set maximum power (in web GUI) %
[serial]/[1-4]/power R DC power of specific input in watt Watt (W)
[serial]/[1-4]/voltage R DC voltage of specific input in volt Volt (V)
[serial]/[1-4]/yieldday R Energy converted to AC per day on specific input Watt hours (Wh)
[serial]/[1-4]/yieldtotal R Energy converted to AC since reset on specific input Kilo watt hours (kWh)

Inverter limit specific topics

cmd topics are used to set values. Status topics are updated from values set in the inverter.

Topic R / W Description Value / Unit
[serial]/status/limit_relative R Current applied production limit of the inverter % of total possible output
[serial]/status/limit_absolute R Current applied production limit of the inverter Watt (W)
[serial]/cmd/limit_persistent_relative W Set the inverter limit as a percentage of total production capability. The value will survive the night without power. The updated value will show up in the web GUI and limit_relative topic immediatly. %
[serial]/cmd/limit_persistent_absolute W Set the inverter limit as a absolute value. The value will survive the night without power. The updated value will set immediatly within the inverter but show up in the web GUI and limit_relative topic after around 4 minutes. If you are using a already known inverter (known Hardware ID), the updated value will show up within a few seconds. Watt (W)
[serial]/cmd/limit_nonpersistent_relative W Set the inverter limit as a percentage of total production capability. The value will reset to the last persistent value at night without power. The updated value will show up in the web GUI and limit_relative topic immediatly. The value must be published non-retained, otherwise it will be ignored! %
[serial]/cmd/limit_nonpersistent_absolute W Set the inverter limit as a absolute value. The value will reset to the last persistent value at night without power. The updated value will set immediatly within the inverter but show up in the web GUI and limit_relative topic after around 4 minutes. If you are using a already known inverter (known Hardware ID), the updated value will show up within a few seconds. The value must be published non-retained, otherwise it will be ignored! Watt (W)
[serial]/cmd/power W Turn the inverter on (1) or off (0) 0 or 1
[serial]/cmd/restart W Restarts the inverters (also resets YieldDay) 1

Victron MPPT topics


Topic R / W Description Value / Unit
victron/[serial]/PID R Product description text
victron/[serial]/SER R Serial number text
victron/[serial]/FW R Firmware number int
victron/[serial]/LOAD R Load output state ON / OFF
victron/[serial]/CS R State of operation text e. g. "Bulk"
victron/[serial]/ERR R Error code text e. g. "No error"
victron/[serial]/OR R Off reasen text e. g. "Not off"
victron/[serial]/MPPT R Tracker operation mode text e. g. "MPP Tracker active"
victron/[serial]/HSDS R Day sequence number (0...364) int in days

Battery output

Topic R / W Description Value / Unit
victron/[serial]/V R Voltage Volt (V)
victron/[serial]/I R Current Ampere (A)

Solar input

Topic R / W Description Value / Unit
victron/[serial]/VPV R Voltage Volt (V)
victron/[serial]/PPV R Power Watt (W)
victron/[serial]/H19 R Yield total (user resettable counter) Kilo watt hours (kWh)
victron/[serial]/H20 R Yield today Kilo watt hours (kWh)
victron/[serial]/H21 R Maximum power today Watt (W)
victron/[serial]/H22 R Yield yesterday Kilo watt hours (kWh)
victron/[serial]/H23 R Maximum power yesterday Watt (W)

Pylontech battery topics

Topic R / W Description Value / Unit
battery/settings/chargeVoltage R Voltage Volt (V)
battery/settings/chargeCurrentLimitation R BMS requested max. charge current Ampere (A)
battery/settings/dischargeCurrentLimitation R BMS requested max. discharge current Ampere (A)
battery/stateOfCharge R State of Health %
battery/stateOfHealth R State of Charge %
battery/voltage R Actual voltage Volt (V)
battery/current R Actual current Ampere (A)
battery/temperature" R Actual temperature °C
battery/alarm/overCurrentDischarge R Alarm: High discharge current 0 / 1
battery/alarm/underTemperature R Alarm: Low temperature 0 / 1
battery/alarm/overTemperature R Alarm: High temperature 0 / 1
battery/alarm/underVoltage R Alarm: Low voltage 0 / 1
battery/alarm/overVoltage R Alarm: High voltage 0 / 1
battery/alarm/bmsInternal R Alarm: BMS internal 0 / 1
battery/warning/highCurrentDischarge R Warning: High discharge current 0 / 1
battery/warning/lowTemperature R Warning: Low temperature 0 / 1
battery/warning/highTemperature R Warning: High temperature 0 / 1
battery/warning/lowVoltage R Warning: Low voltage 0 / 1
battery/warning/highVoltage R Warning: High voltage 0 / 1
battery/warning/bmsInternal R Warning: BMS internal 0 / 1
battery/manufacturer R Manufacturer String
battery/charging/chargeEnabled R Charge enabled flag 0 / 1
battery/charging/dischargeEnabled R Discharge enabled flag 0 / 1
battery/charging/chargeImmediately R Charge immediately flag 0 / 1

Huawei AC charger topics

Topic R / W Description Value / Unit
huawei/cmd/limit_online_voltage W Online voltage (i.e. CAN bus connected) Volt (V)
huawei/cmd/limit_online_current W Online current (i.e. CAN bus connected) Ampere (A)
huawei/cmd/power W Controls output pin GPIO to drive solid state relais 0 / 1
huawei/data_age R How old the data is Seconds
huawei/input_voltage R Input voltage Volt (V)
huawei/input_current R Input current Ampere (A)
huawei/input_power R Input power Watt (W)
huawei/output_voltage R Output voltage Volt (V)
huawei/output_current R Output current Ampere (A)
huawei/max_output_current R Maximum output current (set using the online limit) Ampere (A)
huawei/output_power R Output power Watt (W)
huawei/input_temp R Input air temperature °C
huawei/output_temp R Output air temperature °C
huawei/efficiency R Efficiency Percentage