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210 lines (170 loc) · 9.58 KB

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210 lines (170 loc) · 9.58 KB


0.15.0 (10 July 2022)


  • Fix unpredictable broad-phase panic when using small colliders in the simulation.
  • Fix collision events being incorrectly generated for any shape that produces multiple contact manifolds (like triangle meshes).
  • Fix transform hierarchies not being properly taken into account for colliders with a parent rigid-body.
  • Fix force and impulse application when the ExternalImpulse or ExternalForce components were added at the same time as the rigid-body creation.
  • Fix sleeping threshold application when these thresholds are set at the same time as the rigid-body creation.


  • Add the ColliderMassProperties::Mass variant to let the user specify a collider’s mass directly (instead of its density). As a result the collider’s angular inertia tensor will be automatically be computed based on this mass and its shape.
  • Add the ContactForceEvent event. It can be read by a bevy system with the EventReader<ContactForceEvent>. This event is useful to read contact forces. A ContactForceEvent is generated whenever the sum of the magnitudes of the forces applied by contacts between two colliders exceeds the value specified by the ContactForceEventThreshold component.
  • Add the QueryFilter struct that is now used by all the scene queries instead of the CollisionGroups and Fn(Entity) -> bool closure. This QueryFilter provides easy access to most common filtering strategies (e.g. dynamic bodies only, excluding one particular entity, etc.) for scene queries.
  • Added some missing serialization of joints.
  • Implement Default for Collider. It defaults to a Ball with radius 0.5.
  • Added a contacts_enabled flag to all the joints. If this flag is set to false for a joint, no contact will be computed between two colliders attached to rigid-bodies liked by that joint.


  • The MassProperties struct is no longer a Component. A common mistake was to assume that MassProperties could be used to initialize the mass/angular inertia tensor of a rigid-body. It is not the case. Instead, the user should use the AdditionalMassProperties component. The ReadMassProperties component has been added to read the mass properties of a rigid-body.
  • The Sensor component is now a marker component: if it exists the related collider is a sensor, otherwise it is a solid collider.

0.14.1 (01 June 2022)


  • Add the missing init_async_scene_colliders to the list of the plugin systems.

0.14.0 (31 May 2022)


  • Add the AsyncSceneCollider component to generate collision for scene meshes similar to AsyncCollider.
  • Add calls to App::register_type for the types implementing Reflect.


  • Collider::bevy_mesh, Collider::bevy_mesh_convex_decomposition and Collider::bevy_mesh_convex_decomposition_with_params was replaced with single Collider::from_bevy_mesh function which accepts ComputedColliderShape.
  • AsyncCollider is now a struct which contains a mesh handle and ComputedColliderShape.
  • The physics systems are now running after CoreStage::Update but before CoreStage::PostUpdate.
  • The collider and rigid-body positions are read from the GlobalTransform instead of Transform (the transforms modified by Rapier are written back to the Transform component). It is therefore important to insert both a Transform and GlobalTransform component (or the TransformBundle bundle).
  • It is now possible to prevent the plugin from registering its system thanks to RapierPhysicsPlugin::with_default_system_setup(false). If that’s the case, the RapierPhysicsPlugin::get_systems method can be called to retrieve the relevant SystemSet that can be added to your own stages in order to apply your own scheduling.


  • Fixed issues where contact regularization (using compliance) would result in tunnelling despite tunnelling being enabled.
  • Don’t overwrite the user’s RapierConfiguration if one already exists before initializing the plugin.

0.13.2 (5 May 2022)


  • The TimestepMode and SimulationToRenderTime structures are now public.


  • Fixed colors rendered by the debug-renderer.
  • Fix issue where the debug-renderer would sometimes render lines behind the user’s meshes/sprites.

0.13.1 (1 May 2022)


  • Add the CollidingEntities components which tracks the set of entities colliding with a given entity.
  • Add constructors Velocity::linear, Velocity::angular, Ccd::enabled(), Ccd::disabled(), Dominance::group, Friction::coefficient, Restitution::coefficient, CollisionGroups::new, SolverGroups::new.
  • Add RapierContext::collider_parent that returns the entity containing the parent RigidBody of a collider.


  • Switched to linear ordering to order our systems.
  • Make the plugin::systems module public.

0.13.0 (30 Apr. 2022)

This is a complete rewrite of the plugin (mostly likely the last large redesign this plugin will be subject to). It switches to rapier 0.12 and bevy 0.7. The focus of this rewrite was to significantly improve ergonomics while simplifying the codebase and adding new features.

Refer to #138 for extensive details on this change. See the folders bevy_rapier2d/examples and bevy_rapier3d/examples for some examples.



  • Switch to rapier 0.12.0-alpha.0 and nalgebra 0.30.
  • Switch to bevy 0.6.
  • All the Rapier components have been wrapped into wrapper types (for example ColliderPosition has been wrapped into ColliderPositionComponent). These wrapper types are the ones that need to be used as bevy components. To convert a Rapier component to it’s corresponding Bevy component, simply use .into(). See the examples in bevy_rapier2d/examples and bevy_rapier3d/examples for details.



  • Switch to Rapier 0.11 and nalgebra 0.29.
  • Add labels to each system from bevy-rapier.


  • Fix panics when despawning joints or colliders.
  • Fix a panic where adding a collider.
  • Don’t let the plugin overwrite the user’s PhysicsHooksWithQueryObject if it was already present before inserting the plugin.



  • Fix build when targeting WASM.



  • Fix joint removal when despawning its entity.


A new, exhaustive, user-guide for bevy_rapier has been uploaded to

This version is a complete rewrite of the plugin. Rigid-bodies and colliders are now split into components that can be queried like any other components. They are created by inserting a RigidBodyBundle and/or a ColliderBundle.

In addition, the Entity type and ColliderHandle/RigidBodyHandle type can now be converted directly using entity.handle() or handle.entity().

Finally, there is now a prelude: use bevy_rapier2d::prelude::*.



  • The ColliderDebugRender component must be added to an entity containing a collider shape in order to render it.



  • Use the version 0.5.0 of Rapier.


  • The debug rendering of 3D trimesh now work.
  • The debug rendering won't crash any more if a not-yet-supported shape is used. It will silently ignore the shape instead.
  • The crate has now a render feature that allows building it without any rendering support (avoiding some dependencies that may not compile when targetting WASM).



  • Use the version 0.4.0 of Bevy.



  • Fix the rendering of colliders attached to an entity children of another entity containing the rigid-body it is attached to.



  • The adaptive change of number of timesteps executed during each render loop (introduced in the version 0.4.0 with position interpolation) is now disabled by default. It needs to be enabled explicitly by setting RapierConfiguration.time_dependent_number_of_timesteps to true.



  • It is now possible to attach multiple colliders to a single rigid-body by using Bevy hierarchy: an entity contains the RigidBodyBuider whereas its children contain the ColliderBuilder.


  • We now use the latest version of Rapier: 0.4.0. See the Rapier changelog for details. In particular, this includes the ability to lock the rotations of a rigid-body.



  • We now use the latest version of Bevy: 0.3.0


  • Rigid-bodies, colliders, and joints, will automatically removed from the Rapier sets when their corresponding Bevy components are removed.


This release update the plugin to the latest version of Rapier, which itself includes lots of new features. Refer to the Rapier changelogs for details.


  • A InteractionPairFilters resource where you can your own filters for contact pair and proximity pair filtering. Before considering the use of a custom filter, consider using collision groups instead (as it is faster, but less versatile).




  • Rapier configuration
    • Replaced Gravity and RapierPhysicsScale resources with a unique RapierConfiguration resource.
    • Added an physics_pipeline_active attribute to RapierConfiguration allowing to pause the physic simulation.
    • Added a query_pipeline_active attribute to RapierConfiguration allowing to pause the query pipeline update.