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208 lines (144 loc) · 9.15 KB

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208 lines (144 loc) · 9.15 KB


Clear an offscreen with white color and draw a rotating tiger to it, then blit it to the center of display that has a green background.

Hardware Preparation

If using the MIPI interface, connect the LCD displayer to J48 on the MIMXRT1170-EVK board. Connect 5V power to J43, set J38 to 1-2, and turn on the power switch SW5.

Software Preparation

Now three LCD displayers are supported, which are defined in display_support.h:

#define DEMO_PANEL_RK055AHD091 0 /* 720 * 1280, RK055AHD091-CTG(RK055HDMIPI4M) */
#define DEMO_PANEL_RK055IQH091 1 /* 540 * 960,  RK055IQH091-CTG */
#define DEMO_PANEL_RK055MHD091 2 /* 720 * 1280, RK055MHD091A0-CTG(RK055HDMIPI4MA0) */

Use the macro DEMO_PANEL to select the LCD panel you are using, the default panel is RK055AHD091-CTG configured in the display_support.h:


For example, if your LCD panel is RK055MHD091A0-CTG, change the macro DEMO_PANEL definition as following:


The source code is in EBOLoading.c (EBO means Elementary Bitmap Object), where the main function first configures clocks, pins, etc. freerots is deployed in the example. vglite_task is created and scheduled to execute VGLite initialization and drawing task.

In addition, the tiger.h file includes an array storing the bitmap data:

#define IMAGE_WIDTH     320
#define IMAGE_HEIGHT    240
unsigned char tiger_ebo[] = {
unsigned int tiger_ebo_len = 307240;

VGLite Initialization

Similar to evkmimxrt1170_15_EVOLoading, This project uses Elementary to load bitmaps, so there are some different functions in the initialization compared to previous VGLite projects.

  • ElmInitialize initializes and configures the tessellation buffer size, similar to the vg_lite_init function.

  • ElmWrapBuffer maps the vg_lite_buffer_t structure to the elementary buffer ElmBuffer, make elementary rendered to the screen directly.

  • ElmCreateObjectFromData loads the data with specified type defined by ELM_OBJECT_TYPE enumeration, and return a ElmHandle structure for subsequent transformation and drawing. The ELM_OBJECT_TYPE enumeration includes six values:

    • ELM_OBJECT_TYPE_EVO: elementary vector object, representing a path object.
    • ELM_OBJECT_TYPE_EGO: elementary group object, containing multiple path objects.
    • ELM_OBJECT_TYPE_EBO: elementary bitmap object, representing image data.
    • ELM_OBJECT_TYPE_BUF: rendering buffer object, created by application.
    • ELM_OBJECT_TYPE_FONT: elementary font object, representing character data.
    • ELM_OBJECT_TYPE_TEXT: elementary text object, representing text data.

    Different from previous two projects loading vector data, in this project, ElmCreateObjectFromData is used to load the bitmap data with the type of ELM_OBJECT_TYPE_EBO instead of ELM_OBJECT_TYPE_EVO:

    handle = ElmCreateObjectFromData(ELM_OBJECT_TYPE_EBO, (void *)tiger_ebo, tiger_ebo_len);

And some generic VGLite functions are also used to do initialization:

  • vg_lite_set_command_buffer_size sets the GPU command buffer size (optional).

  • vg_lite_allocate allocates the render buffer, whose the input parameter is vg_lite_buffer_t structure defining width, height, and color format, etc.

The key code of initialization is shown below:


    /* Set GPU command buffer size for this drawing task. */
    error = vg_lite_set_command_buffer_size(VGLITE_COMMAND_BUFFER_SZ);

    /* Allocate an offscreen buffer where the path will be rendered */
    renderTarget.width = OFFSCREEN_BUFFER_WIDTH;
    renderTarget.height = OFFSCREEN_BUFFER_HEIGHT;
    renderTarget.format = VG_LITE_RGBA8888;
    error = vg_lite_allocate(&renderTarget);

    /* Map the vg_lite_buffer to an elementary buffer where rendering is to be done */
    elmRenderTarget = ElmWrapBuffer(renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height, renderTarget.stride, 
                                    renderTarget.memory, renderTarget.address, ELM_BUFFER_FORMAT_RGBA8888);

    /* Load the EBO file from the buffer */
    handle = ElmCreateObjectFromData(ELM_OBJECT_TYPE_EBO, (void *)tiger_ebo, tiger_ebo_len);

Drawing Task

Since this project renders the elementary bitmap data stored in tiger.h, the path array pathData and vg_lite_path_t structure is not used in this project.

As Elementary is used, there are also elementary functions replacing some VGLite functions:

  • ElmReset restores the specified transformation prosperity or prosperities for the provided ElmHandle elementary object.

    The input mask property is defined by ELM_EVO_PROP_BIT enumeration, including

    • ELM_PROP_ROTATE_BIT: rotate bit of evo/ego/ebo transformation property.
    • ELM_PROP_TRANSFER_BIT: transfer bit of evo/ego/ebo transformation property.
    • ELM_PROP_SCALE_BIT: scale bit of evo/ego/ebo transformation property.
    • ELM_PROP_BLEND_BIT: blending bit of evo/ebo rendering property.
    • ELM_PROP_QUALITY_BIT: quality bit of evo/ebo rendering property.
    • ELM_PROP_FILL_BIT: fill rule bit of evo rendering property.
    • ELM_PROP_COLOR_BIT: fill color bit of evo rendering property.
    • ELM_PROP_PAINT_BIT: paint type bit of evo.
    • ELM_PROP_ALL_BIT: all transformation property bits of evo.

    In this project, ELM_PROP_TRANSFER_BIT and ELM_PROP_SCALE_BIT is reset to transfer and scale the bitmap subsequently:

  • ElmTransfer puts an evo/ebo/ego away at different directions. The setting will be accumulated until ElmReset is called.

  • ElmRotate sets an evo/ebo/ego object rotated with specified angle. The setting will be accumulated until ElmReset is called.

  • ElmScale scales up or down an evo/ego/ebo object at different directions. The setting will be accumulated until ElmReset is called.

In this project, the scaled bitmap rotates by 0.5 degrees each time with the following code:

``` C
/* Below functions change the object matrix */
ElmTransfer(handle, IMAGE_WIDTH / 2, IMAGE_HEIGHT / 2);
ElmRotate(handle, angle);
ElmScale(handle, 0.8f, 0.8f);
ElmTransfer(handle, - IMAGE_WIDTH / 2, - IMAGE_HEIGHT / 2);
  • ElmSetBlend sets the blend mode of an evo/ebo object, which is not applied to group object (ebo). The bled mode is defined by ELM_BLEND enumeration, including

    • ELM_BLEND_NONE: D = S.
    • ELM_BLEND_SRC_OVER: D = S + (1 - Sa) * D
    • ELM_BLEND_DST_OVER: D = (1 - Da) * S + D
    • ELM_BLEND_SRC_IN: D = Da * S
    • ELM_BLEND_DST_IN: D = Sa * D
    • ELM_BLEND_SCR: D = S + D - S * D
    • ELM_BLEND_MUL: D = S * (1 - Da) + D * (1 - Sa) + S * D
    • ELM_BLEND_ADD: S + D
    • ELM_BLEND_SUB: D * (1 - S)

    In this project, ELM_BLEND_SRC_OVER mode is selected by

    ElmSetBlend(handle, ELM_BLEND_SRC_OVER);
  • ElmDraw renders the object to the elementary buffer, taking all current setting of the elementary object, such as

    ElmDraw(elmRenderTarget, handle);

And this project's drawing part also includes VGLite functions like vg_lite_clear, vg_lite_identity, vg_lite_translate, vg_lite_blit, etc:

  • vg_lite_clear clears the render buffer with a solid color (ABGR format).

  • vg_lite_identity resets the specified transformation matrix, which is uninitialized or previously modified by functions of vg_lite_translate, vg_lite_rotate, vg_lite_scale.

  • vg_lite_translate translates draw result by input coordinates with transformation matrix.

  • vg_lite_blit finally copies the source image to the destination window with the specified blend mode and filter mode, determining the showing of objects.

Once an error occurs, cleaning work is needed including the following functions:

  • ElmDestroyObject releases all internal elementary resource of the input object.

  • vg_lite_free frees the allocated render buffer.

  • vg_lite_close finally frees up the entire memory initialized earlier by the vg_lite_init function.



Compile firstly, and use a Micro-USB cable to connect PC to J86 on MIMXRT1170-EVK board, then download the firmware and run.

If it's successful, the correct image will show on the displayer:


And FPS information will be sent through UART serial port continuously. The correct UART configuration is

  • 115200 baud rate
  • 8 data bits
  • No parity
  • One stop bit
  • No flow control