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Nick Pruehs edited this page Oct 6, 2016 · 68 revisions

Exporting your data in any arbitrary format is what makes Tome really useful compared to similar tools. No matter what game engine you use, or which data format you prefer, you can automatically write and format your data in any way you like.

Crating Export Templates

Tome needs to know how to export your data. You specify your custom output format by creating a bunch of template files that will be automatically injected and filled where appropriate by Tome. Special placeholder strings will be filled with your actual data.

We are using multiple file templates instead of just one, because we've had a bad experience with separating templates from each other in text-based formats. For example, Resharper code templates are stored in XML files, which require the templates themselves to be escaped in strange manners, turning these template files hard to read and edit. Also, splitting templates up into multiple files supports one of the goals of Tome, improved collaboration.

Because this is a rather abstract topic, we'll walk through a JSON export template as example. The following sections will describe each of the template files in detail.

Export File Template (.texportf)

For each record data file in your project (.tdata), Tome will create a data file of your custom output format. It will write your file template, and replace the special placeholder string $RECORDS$ with the actual record data (see below).

An example JSON export file template might look like this:

  "records": [

Export Record Template (.texportr)

Upon encountering the $RECORDS$ placeholder in the file template (see above), Tome will inject all of your records by applying your record template. You may use $RECORD_ID$, $RECORD_PARENT$ and $RECORD_FIELDS$ placeholders to specify where to insert your actual data:

        "id": "$RECORD_ID$",
        "attributes": {
        "parent_id": "$RECORD_PARENT$"

If your game engine needs fields to be organized as components, you can insert the $RECORD_COMPONENTS$ placeholder as well. This will cause Tome to apply the components templates as well (see below).

        "id": "$RECORD_ID$",
        "attributes": {
        "components": [
        "parent_id": "$RECORD_PARENT$"

Export Record Delimiter (.texportrd)

As most text-based data formats require records to be separated from each other by one or more delimiter characters, you may specify your delimiter string in this additional file. This will be inserted after each record except for the last one. In our JSON example, this file contains just a single comma and a line break.


Export Field Value Template (.texportv)

Next, Tome will write the actual values of all of your record fields by applying your field value template. The placeholders $FIELD_ID$, $FIELD_TYPE$ and $FIELD_VALUE$ will automatically be replaced:

      "$FIELD_ID$": "$FIELD_VALUE$"

Export Field Value Delimiter (.texportvd)

Just as for records, field values often require to be separated from each other by one or more delimiter characters. This will be inserted after each field value of the same record, except for the last one. Again, in our JSON example, this file contains just a single comma and a line break.


Export Component Template (.texportc)

In case you are exporting record components, Tome will apply this template for each component that contains at least one field used by the record.


Export Component Delimiter (.texportcd)

In most cases, components require to be separated from each other by one or more delimiter characters as well. This will be inserted after each component of the same record, except for the last one. Again, in our JSON example, this file contains just a single comma and a line break.


Export List Template (.texportl)

If your field is of a list type, three different field value templates are applied. Again, you can use the $FIELD_ID$, $ITEM_TYPE$ and $FIELD_VALUE$ placeholders:

      "$FIELD_ID$": [$FIELD_VALUE$]

Export List Item Template (.texportli)

For each item in the list, the list item template is applied, replacing the $LIST_ITEM$ placeholder with the actual list item value:


Export List Item Delimiter Template (.texportld)

Tome inserts the list item delimiter template between each pair of list items:


Export Map Template (.texportm)

If your field is of a map type, three different field value templates are applied. Again, you can use the $FIELD_ID$, $KEY_TYPE$, $VALUE_TYPE$ and $FIELD_VALUE$ placeholders:

            "$FIELD_ID$": {

Export Map Item Template (.texportmi)

For each key-value pair in the map, the map item template is applied, replacing the $FIELD_KEY$ and $FIELD_VALUE$ placeholders with the actual values:

            "$FIELD_KEY$": "$FIELD_VALUE$"

Export Map Item Delimiter Template (.texportlm)

Tome inserts the map item delimiter template between the key-value pairs:


Special Handling Of Specific Fields

In some cases, you want a handful of fields to be handled differently from others. For example, some XML data formats might require you to export a field as XML attribute, while all other data should be exported as XML elements.

Tome allows you to use the $FIELD_VALUE:yourfieldname$ placeholder to insert the value of yourfieldname at the specified place in your export template. The respective field will automatically be skipped when evaluating the $RECORD_FIELDS$ placeholder.

Adding Export Templates

In order to make the above export template available in Tome, you need to add references to the template files to your Tome project file (.tproj). This is also the place to specify the name of your template, as it should be shown in the editor menu bar, as well as the default file extension of the exported files:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TomeProject Version="1">
    <Name>Tome Example Project</Name>
        <Path>Tome Example Project</Path>
        <Path>Tome Example Project</Path>
        <Template ExportAsTable="true" ExportLeafs="true">
        <Template ExportAsTable="true" ExportLeafs="true">
        <Template ExportLeafs="true">
        <Template ExportLeafs="true">
            <Name>Slash XML</Name>
                <Mapping TomeType="Armor Type" ExportedType="FantasyGame.Data.ArmorType"/>
                <Mapping TomeType="Boolean" ExportedType="System.Boolean"/>
                <Mapping TomeType="Color" ExportedType="System.String"/>
                <Mapping TomeType="Damage Type" ExportedType="FantasyGame.Data.DamageType"/>
                <Mapping TomeType="Integer" ExportedType="System.Int32"/>
                <Mapping TomeType="Movement Type" ExportedType="FantasyGame.Data.MovementType"/>
                <Mapping TomeType="Real" ExportedType="System.Single"/>
                <Mapping TomeType="Reference" ExportedType="System.String"/>
                <Mapping TomeType="String" ExportedType="System.String"/>
        <Template ExportLeafs="true">
            <Name>StarCraft II XML</Name>

You need to explicitly state which types of nodes you want to be exported. Each template has ExportRoots, ExportInnerNodes and ExportLeafs attributes for this.

Because almost every game engine has their own name for the basic data types, you may specify a type map for automatically replacing Tome data type names by the ones of your engine.

Sometimes, you want to export the data in some table format (such as CSV or HTML). Setting the ExportAsTable attribute of the Template element will cause Tome to add empty field entries for any fields not used by a record.

You may also exclude specific records and/or fields from being exported. Inside the IgnoredFields and IgnoredRecords elements, add Id elements specifying the ids of the records and/or fields you want to ignore.

Note that records without any fields are not exported. Consequently, records whose parents don't have any fields will have their parent id reset for the export.

Exporting Data

After having added the export template to your project file, it will be available from the Export menu:

  1. In the main window menu bar, click Export.
  2. Select the template to export the data with.
  3. Specify an output file.
  4. Click Save.

Next: Game Configurations

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