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Fast, easy and poweful logging utility for Android and Java.

  • Automatic tags based on Java class and method name, easy navigation to that call from IDE console output.
  • Build-in string formatting
  • Customizable outputs ready for extension (console, file, network, etc)
  • Easy method chain tracing (current method calls chain that triggered execution), navigatable from IDE console output

All links are clickable and clicking on them will navigate to the referenced method in an IDE:



Quick peek on live templates:



In your dependencies block in build.gradle:

implementation 'io.noties:debug:5.1.0'

To start using this library it must be initialized with desired output:

Debug.init(new AndroidLogDebugOutput(/*isDebug*/true)); // BuildConfig.DEBUG can be used

Debug.init() takes an array or a Collection of outputs.

Debug.init(new AndroidLogDebugOutput(true), new SystemOutDebugOutput(true));

final List<DebugOutput> outputs = /*obtain desired outputs)*/;

If proguard is used this configuration can be used to remove all the log calls:

-assumenosideeffects class io.noties.debug.Debug {
    public static *** v(...);
    public static *** d(...);
    public static *** i(...);
    public static *** w(...);
    public static *** e(...);
    public static *** wtf(...);
    public static *** trace(...);
    public static *** init(...);



Debug has all the default Android log levels: VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, WTF. Each level has corresponding Debug method:


All methods take optional Throwable and Object...

int value = -1;
try {
    value = /* obtrain value */;
    Debug.i("obtained value: %d", value);
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
    Debug.w(throwable, "Exception executing try code block... value: %d", value);

If first argument is a String that has valid String.format modifiers, than String.format will be used with first argument as a pattern and all the rest arguments as String.format arguments

Debug.i("%1$d + %1$d = %2$d", 2, (2 + 2)); // -> "2 + 2 = 4"
Debug.i(throwable, "%1$d + %1$d = %2$d", 2, (2 + 2)); // -> "2 + 2 = 4" + throwable stacktrace

Else all arguments will be concatted into one string:

Debug.i("first", 2, true, "forth", null); // -> "first, 2, true, forth, null"


Will print method chain calls that triggered with log call

Debug.trace(int maxStack);
Debug.trace(Level level);
Debug.trace(Level level, int maxStack);

Live templates (IDEA)

There is a file with basic templates: templates_io_noties_debug.xml.

Learn how to add custom live templates to a IDEA IDE

The shortkeys are (works in Kotlin and Java):

dv [tab] -> Debug.v();
dd [tab] -> Debug.d();
di [tab] -> Debug.i();
dw [tab] -> Debug.w();
de [tab] -> Debug.e();

There are also shortkeys to parse current method arguments and prepare a valid Debug.* call, for example (works only in Java):

void someMethod(int i, double d, String s) {
    // try `dii` shortcut
    Debug.i("i : %s, d: %s, s: %s", i, d, s); // here is what will be generated

These are as follows:

dvv [tab]
ddd [tab]
dii [tab]
dww [tab]
dee [tab]


Custom outputs

public interface DebugOutput {

    void log(
            @NonNull Level level,
            @Nullable Throwable throwable,
            @NonNull String tag,
            @Nullable String message

    boolean isDebug();

Just implement DebugOutput and pass an instance of it to the Debug.init call

Changes 5.1.0

  • Added a simple lint check for correct pattern/arguments
  • Migrated to androidx (annotations)

Changes 5.0.0

  • Maven artifact location change: ru.noties:debug -> io.noties:debug
  • Package change ru.noties.debug -> io.noties.debug

Changes in version 4.0.0

  • Removed debug-remove aftifact
  • Added nullability annotations where matter
  • Overloaded some logging methods to not create an array of arguments with each call
  • Added array handling for arguments (automatically expanded via Arrays.deepToString()
  • DebugOutputContainer is initialized once (during creation), if a DebugOutput returns false from debug (during configuration) it won't be included
  • Added ru.noties.Debug as default tag when caller tag cannot be obtained via reflection (better display in logcat)

Changes in version 3.0.0

  • Debug.init() now takes an array or a Collection of DebugOutput's (no need to create a DebugOutputFacade (which is removed BTW)
  • If multiple DebugOutput's must be flattened in one DebugOutput use DebugOutputContainer (which is used by default if Debug.init is called with multiple outputs)
  • Removed ru.noties.debug.out package
  • ru.noties.debug.out.DebugOutput -> ru.noties.debug.DebugOutput
  • ru.noties.debug.out.AndroidLogDebugOutput -> ru.noties.debug.AndroidLogDebugOutput
  • All Debug.* calls now accept an array of arguments (previously one would have to create a formatted string for that: Debug.i("%d, %d, %d, %d", 2, 3, 4, 5);, now: Debug.i(2, 3, 4, 5);
  • Added io.noties.debug.SystemOutDebugOutput for writing logs to System.out & System.err (can be used in plain Java projects, or in test environment)
  • Removed Timer
  • Removed library-ui module (discountinued)
  • Removed apt-compiler & apt-annotations modules (discontinued)


  Copyright 2017 Dimitry Ivanov (

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.