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323 lines (208 loc) · 14.2 KB

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323 lines (208 loc) · 14.2 KB

RedLine Malware: Stealer Written In .Net

Executive Summary

Redline Stealer is malware written in .Net that was available for sale on underground forums as a standalone version or subscription basis. The malware was first seen in 2020 March but recently this family of malware has been used in various campaigns conducted by threat actors.

The malware is stealer in nature and harvests information from browsers, ftp, game chat files, game launcher files, messenger client files, nord accounts, browser extensions etc. Enumeration of system inventory is also done when it is run on a target machine to include details such as username, location data and hardware configuration.

The main propagation vector of the malware is phishing. Users are tricked into downloading malware disguised as trusted software such as GCleaner, Anydesk etc. The malware analyzed in this advisory was downloaded from one such active malware hosting server which was hosting 8 different binaries of the same malware family.

It was recently discovered after being offline for a while the command and control server ( is online once again and the malware seems to be active.

Command And Control Architecture


Redline Stealer is .Net based 32 bit malware that is available as MAAS (Malware As A Service) on underground forums. The malware attack vector is based around social engineering and phishing techniques in order to trick users into installing it. Common variants observed are disguising itself as legit software such as Anydesk or GCleaner.

Once installed, the malware will begin by decrypting the Command and Control string saved in it’s source code and establish an ChannelFactory connection. ChannelFactory connection is an feature of C# language that allows programs to load and execute functions from a remote dll. Malware uses this technique beautifully and loads data exfiltration functions from the remote dll, thus evading normal anti-virus detections.

Malware is stealer in nature and has initialised 22 functions that enumerates various information from the computer such as browsers, ftp, game chat files, game launcher files, messenger client files, nord accounts, browser extensions etc. Further malware also uses open apis to enumerate information about geolocation, blocked domains and other ip related data about the infected machine.

Recent versions of Redline malware also allows attackers to steal cryptocurrency. This family of malware also allows the ability to upload and download files, execute commands and periodically send back information about the infected computer.

After enumerating and collecting all the information from the infected system, they are stored in sqlite files, which is later exfiltrated. Malware does not leave any persistence on the system other than the sqlite files and is killed after a reboot. But it only requires fews minutes on the system to collect and exfiltrate data thus killing the process as soon as it is found is recommended.

Basic Activity Diagram

Detailed Analysis

File identification

  • MD5: ca1a62feb27816580db61309ab443a61
  • Sha1: 81464d4f737875e4a8b7f45340d0e4a3729f92ce
  • Sha256: f7b9325ac03957eaeadea70155fa1ab9f2df37a07af9414665b8f79c8249ee64
  • Sha512: e89772e0ede5da977da1f6b074a31fd7240615dd24425ca606981e4ac1ea126ccb4d2ac3e6a70fc5c77812ae4da7eaa52f728fc2db63a38a5d99e2c8039a0372
  • SSDeep: 24576:4P4O1brwerQIWONYxBqSOF7nndOLwfAyX0gV2ozVwTGhPGEd:y5rweFWONYxcSM7n5kh2VwTgv
  • File Size: 1.8MB

Format: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows

Virus Total


Malicious File Summary

RedLine Stealer is .Net malware that uses ChannelFactory connection with command and control to load malicious dll and exfiltrate data. The malware is feature rich and allows an attacker to enumerate information on the computer and even download and launch processes on the system.

The malware is obfuscated and thus will require a .Net deobfuscator in order to analyze it. The Use of a tool called de4dot was made in order to deobfuscate the malware.

de4dot tool usage

The main function of the malware is simple, it basically calls the Execute() function via EntryPoint().

Main Function

Execute function is where things start to happen in the malware. The first thing the function calls is a decryption routine which decrypts the strings defined in the entry section. In malware that is analyzed in this case there are only two strings defined i.e IP and Key.

Connection Request To C2 Server

Defined String

Decryption Routine is simple all it does is decode the string from base64 and xor it with key and base64 decodes the resulting string onces again. A python based implementation of the decryption routine was created in order to retrieve the command and control domain.

xor scheme

Decryption Scheme

Python Implementation

from base64 import b64decode

def xor(str_input, key):
    res = ""
    for i in range(0,len(str_input)):
        res += chr(ord(str_input[i]) ^ ord(key[i%len(key)]))
    return res

#result = StringDecrypt.smethod_0(StringDecrypt.Xor(StringDecrypt.smethod_0(b64), stringKey));

def decrypt(b64, key):
    string = b64decode(b64).decode('latin-1')
    string = xor(string,key)
    string = b64decode(string).decode('latin-1')
    return string

key = "Vulturism"


Decrypted String:

Once the string is decrypted the a for loop is started to connect to all the domains that were listed in string separated by “|”. Malware creates a ChannelFactory connection to the remote c2 allowing share dll with server. This will allow malware to load and run certain malware from remote dll. Most of the commands that allow malware to run and download files and create processes are all implemented in the remote dll.

This indicated that this malware was written to receive command from more than one command and control framework. The request is successful connection is established a channel is stored in “serviceInterfacce” variable. If any of the listed command and control server is not available the malware will sleep for 5 seconds and then try again.

Requesting Remote Connection

Once a successful connection is established the malware will run a function called TryGetArgs with class object settings passed as a reference. TryGetArgs will arguments from connection established earlier and it fails to do so then it will return false and report the failure. These arguments saved in the “settings” variable are later used in scanning methods to get more control over what type of data is enumerated and saved by the malware.


Try Get Args Functions

Remote Defined Functions

Scan Results Handling

ResultFactory.Create is where all the malicious things happen. First it sets up a few lists in the result variable that was passed to it for holding enumerated information then calls several functions and tries to steal as much information as possible from the computer.

All Scanning Categories

“GetGeoStep” function is called the first thing in the enumeration phase. This function tires to enumerate the information about:

  • Ip
  • Location
  • Country
  • PostalCode
  • Blocked Country

The function used the following api in order to get this information

Geo Location Enumeration

Once that is all done system enumeration is begun. System enumeration is done by 22 functions labeled from GetHardwareStep1 to GetHardwareStep21. These functions do all the heavy lifting and enumerate everything on the system. This includes:-

  • Browsers
  • FtpConnections
  • GameChatFiles
  • GameLauncherFiles
  • InstalledBrowsers
  • MessageClientFiles
  • NordAccounts
  • Processes
  • Proton
  • ScannedFiles
  • ScannedWallets
  • SecurityUtils
  • Softwares
  • SystemHardwares

Once that is all done, “SeenBefore” function is called which basically checks if the malware was run before and its storage directory is created or not. If the directory is not present it is created and if present it returns false.

SeenBefore Call

SeenBefore Code

Once that is all done the malware will call function TryGetTasks and then call function TryCompleteTask in order to fetch and run those tasks on the system and exfiltrate information off the system.

Replace Empty Values

Malware utilized Channel Factory to load and call functions off an external dll. This allowed malware to evade few of the Anti viruses out there. Other than that malware showed all the characteristics of a stealer. During execution it collected system information in 21 different steps and even enumerated location, ip, blacklisted domain etc. Further malware allowed the ability to download and launch external executables on the infected system which is different from other malware in the stealer category.

Since the malware is being sold on underground forums, attacks from this malware family will be seen in the future thus deploying defenses against this family of malware will come in handy. Execution Flow

Indicator of Compromise

Command And Control Server

  • Domain:

  • Country: ICELAND

  • Organization: Privacy service provided by Withheld for Privacy ehf

  • State: Capital Region

  • Ports Open: 80,22,443

nmap scan results

  • Current IP:

Ports: 443

https server image

Malware Hosting Server

IP: City: San Francisco Zip Code: 94119 Region Name: California Country Name: United States Latitude: 37.7751 Longitude: -122.419 Service Running on Port 443: Tiny File Manager

Files Hosted on Port 80: 8 Files

files hosted 

File Name SHA256 Hash
file10.exe 8d4044939706fcb684643ae20acb3f8efea6837ad909c219ff7627c10eeadee4
file1.exe ff0ded61b02aa7c3a68eab0e7306e12b06093aefcdf4232b82738455d13a1d4a
file2.exe e8104ac6fcd1052611d0de47d66087dccd5e2a0332b26d90d2bd9a68c903330b
file3.exe 29ea1afb7eff9de6e637ef41710bf77b0d6292c688a5478edd230d08f29d7502
file3s.exe f47a0c643ec5aa9d2b0302391d39bedfd675abd8892d5a2bd18b66fc303f66f7
file4.exe 1ad538c4b298f4750efdc59a57f77717ba5fbf8e3ac594cf984af04b85f9a501
file9.exe 7661bd5c87f1a9ad322c337f11b600dce2b6fe911656ca9fd1aeaf2197451488
fileUS1.exe f7b9325ac03957eaeadea70155fa1ab9f2df37a07af9414665b8f79c8249ee64

URLs Reached Out

Files Dropped

Several Sqlite Files In Path “C:\User\AppData\Local\Temp\”

  • C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6E4A.tmp
  • C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6E5A.tmp
  • C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6E6B.tmp
  • C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6E7C.tmp
  • C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6E39.tmp
  • C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6ECC.tmp

File Images

File Contents

tmp6E4A.tmp tmp6E5A.tmp tmp6ECC.tmp

Yara Rule For Malware Family Detection

rule redline_payload {

		description = "Rule to detect the RedLine"
        author = "duckie"

	$key = "Vulturism"

	$api1 = ""
	$api2 = ""
	$api3 = ""
	$api4 = ""
	$api5 = ""
	$api6 = ""
	$api7 = ""
	$api8 = ""

	$enumfunc1 = "GetHardwareStep1"
	$enumfunc2 = "GetHardwareStep2"
	$enumfunc3 = "GetHardwareStep3"
	$enumfunc4 = "GetHardwareStep4"
	$enumfunc5 = "GetHardwareStep5"
	$enumfunc6 = "GetHardwareStep6"
	$enumfunc7 = "GetHardwareStep7"
	$enumfunc8 = "GetHardwareStep8"
	$enumfunc9 = "GetHardwareStep9"
	$enumfunc10 = "GetHardwareStep10"
	$enumfunc11 = "GetHardwareStep11"
	$enumfunc12 = "GetHardwareStep12"
	$enumfunc13 = "GetHardwareStep13"
	$enumfunc14 = "GetHardwareStep14"
	$enumfunc15 = "GetHardwareStep15"
	$enumfunc16 = "GetHardwareStep16"
	$enumfunc17 = "GetHardwareStep17"
	$enumfunc18 = "GetHardwareStep18"
	$enumfunc19 = "GetHardwareStep19"
	$enumfunc20 = "GetHardwareStep20"
	$enumfunc21 = "GetHardwareStep21"

		($api1 or $api2 or $api3 or $api4 or $api5 or $api6 or $api7 or $api8) or ($enumfunc1  and $enumfunc2  and $enumfunc3  and $enumfunc4  and $enumfunc5  and $enumfunc6  and $enumfunc7  and $enumfunc8  and $enumfunc9  and $enumfunc10 and $enumfunc11 and $enumfunc12 and $enumfunc13 and $enumfunc14 and $enumfunc15 and $enumfunc16 and $enumfunc17 and $enumfunc18 and $enumfunc19 and $enumfunc20 and $enumfunc21) or $key

