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File metadata and controls

241 lines (189 loc) · 8.13 KB

This file specifies some fundamental data types of The Incredible Proof Machine.

Propositions and Names

A proposition is an untyped lambda expression, consisting of constants, variables, function application (with multiple arguments) and lambda abstraction (with one variable).

Constants and variables share the same namespace (the implementation uses the Name type from the unbound package here). The concrete syntax does not distinguish between them! The parser will turn anything bound by a lambda abstraction into a variable, but the others are returned as constants.

Later in the code, where we know what names are actually variables (such as the free and scoped variables in a rule), these are turned into variables. Look for uses of the substs function in LabelConnections!

The actual unification algorithm distinguishes three kind of variables:

  • Constants
  • Free variables
  • Bound variables

It allows instantiations of free variables to include any constant (in other word: constants need to have global scope), but not on bound variables. Therefore, also in LabelConnections, those variables with limited scope (e.g. from an impI rule) are treated as bound variables, and are added to all free variables as additional arguments.

The code in Unification distinguishes free and bound variables via an explicit argument that lists all free variables.

I believe that it could be said that we bring our formulas into a form where the quantifier prefix is `∀c₁,...,cₙ ∃f₁,...,fₙ, ∀b₁,...,bₙ.


The logic object contains the information about the currently allowed inference rules, i.e. our axiomatization. This is usually quite constant.

  • logic: Object with field rules

    • rules: A list of rule objects. This is a list, and not a key-value map, as the order might be intentional and should be preserved by the UI.

      • rule objects:

        This object describes one rule of our logic, i.e. the basic building block on the graph.

        One field, id gives the (internal) name of the rule, which will be referenced by other objects.

        The field, ports, is a map from port names (strings) to port objects.

        The UI will likely want further fields here, e.g. the image to be used.

        • port object.

          This describes the bit of the rule that can be connted to other rules. Fields:

          • type: One of assumption or conclusion or local hypothesis.
          • consumedBy: Only if type == local hypothesis: Name of the port of this rule object which needs to consume this local hypothesis. (Probably not relevant for the UI).
          • proposition: The proposition assumed or provided by this port.


context = {
  "rules": [
    { "id": "conjI",
      "ports": {
        "in1": {"type": "assumption", "proposition": "A"},
        "in2": {"type": "assumption", "proposition": "B"},
        "out": {"type": "conclusion", "proposition": "A∧B"}
    { "id": "conjE",
      "ports": {
        "in":   {"type": "assumption", "proposition": "A∧B"},
        "out1": {"type": "conclusion", "proposition": "A"},
        "out2": {"type": "conclusion", "proposition": "B"}
    { "id": "impI",
      "ports": {
        "in":  {"type": "assumption",       "proposition": "B"},
        "hyp": {"type": "local hypothesis", "proposition": "A", "consumedBy": "in"},
        "out": {"type": "conclusion",       "proposition": "A → B"}
    { "id": "impE",
      "ports": {
        "in1": {"type": "assumption", "proposition": "A→B"},
        "in2": {"type": "assumption", "proposition": "A"},
        "out": {"type": "conclusion", "proposition": "B"}


The task is the theorem to be proven, and thus tells the logic engine about the assumptions availalbe, and the ultimate goal(s)

  • task: Object with fields assumptions and conclusions, which are lists of propositions, which are strings.


task = {
    "assumptions": ["(A∧B)→C"],
    "conclusions": ["A→(B→C)"]


A proof is a graph consising of blocks for assumtions, conclusions and rules, as well as connectors.

  • proof: Object with fields blocks and connections. Both are maps from keys (chosen by the UI) to objects.
    • block object: Object with a rule field (and probably further fields of private use for the UI).

      • rule: Id of the rule object used.
    • connection object:

      Fields from and to, which contain port references:

      • A port reference object is either
        • an object with fields block and port, where where the block fields contain the keys of the block object in the proof, while the port fields contain the name of the port in the corresponding rule.
        • an object with field assumption, which references a global assumption. The value of the field is a number, starting with 1.
        • an object with field conclusion, which references a global conclusion. The value of the field is a number, starting with 1.


proof = {
  "blocks": {
    "b1": { "rule": "conjI"},
    "b2": { "rule": "impE"},
    "b3": { "rule": "impI"},
    "b4": { "rule": "impI"}
  "connections": {
    "c1": {"from": {"assumption": 1},              "to": {"block": "b2", "port": "in1"}},
    "c2": {"from": {"block": "b2", "port": "out"}, "to": {"block": "b3", "port": "in"}},
    "c3": {"from": {"block": "b3", "port": "out"}, "to": {"block": "b4", "port": "in"}},
    "c4": {"from": {"block": "b4", "port": "out"}, "to": {"conclusion": 1}},
    "c5": {"from": {"block": "b4", "port": "hyp"}, "to": {"block": "b1", "port": "in1"}},
    "c6": {"from": {"block": "b3", "port": "hyp"}, "to": {"block": "b1", "port": "in2"}},
    "c7": {"from": {"block": "b1", "port": "out"}, "to": {"block": "b2", "port": "in2"}}


This data structure describes everything the logic has to tell the UI about a given proof, within a given context.

  • analysis: Object with a bunch of fields:

    • connectionLabels: Map from connection keys to objects with a

      • field type, which is either ok, unconnected, dunno or mismatch,
      • a field prop, with the proposition on that connection (only for type == ok),
      • fields propIn and propOut, with the failed or partial unification result on either end.
    • unconnectedGoals: A list of ports references (see above) of type assumption that need to be connected before the proof is complete.

    • cycles: A list of cycles, where every cycle is a list of connection keys that form an illegal cycle.

    • escapedHypotheses: A list of paths, where every path is a list of connection keys that form a path from a local hypothesis to a conclusion of the task.

    • qed: Is true if the proof is complete.

      This implies that unconnectedGoals is empty.

      It does not necessarily imply that all of unificationFailures, cycles and escapedHypotheses are empty: It is possible, to have cycles and escapedHypotheses, as long as they are not used to prove any conclusions.

      Conversely, even if unconnectedGoals is empty, we can have qed = false if there are other problems.

    • rule: If possible, a rule object describing a rule block that abstracts the current proof.


The analysis for the context above and the empty proof should be

analysis = {
  "unconnectedGoals": {"conclusion": 1},
  "qed": false

With the proof given above, one would expect

analysis = {
  "connectionLabels": {
    "c1": "(A∧B)→C",
    "c2": "C",
    "c3": "B→C",
    "c4": "A→B→C",
    "c5": "A",
    "c6": "B",
    "c7": "A∧B",
  "qed": true,