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Serverless TODO App

This application will allow creating/removing/updating/fetching TODO items. Each TODO item can optionally have an attachment image. Each user only has access to TODO items that he/she has created.

Data Model: TODO items

The application will store TODO items, and each TODO item contains the following fields:

  • todoId (string) - a unique id for an item
  • createdAt (string) - date and time when an item was created
  • name (string) - name of a TODO item (e.g. "Change a light bulb")
  • dueDate (string) - date and time by which an item should be completed
  • done (boolean) - true if an item was completed, false otherwise
  • attachmentUrl (string) (optional) - a URL pointing to an image attached to a TODO item

Implemented functions :

To implement this project, I implemented the following functions and configure them in the serverless.yml file:

  • Auth - this function will incorporate a custom authorizer for API Gateway that should be added to all other functions.
  • GetTodos - returns all TODOs for a current user. A user id is extracted from a JWT token that is sent by the frontend.
  • CreateTodo - Will create a new TODO for a current user.
  • UpdateTodo - Will update a TODO item created by a current user.
  • DeleteTodo - Will delete a TODO item created by a current user. ** expects an id of a TODO item to remove.
  • GenerateUploadUrl - Generates a pre-signed URL that can be used to upload an attachment file for a TODO item.


The client folder contains a web application that can use the API that should be developed in the project.

API endpoint and Auth0 configuration created for the Project: ** note the eu-west specific endpoints

const apiId = 've1l7uy6kj'
export const apiEndpoint = `https://${apiId}`

export const authConfig = {
  domain: '',            // Auth0 domain
  clientId: 'OHWKfYM81Nyc8MXoVyomqCnrBMe75bDh',          // Auth0 client id
  callbackUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/callback'


Application uses Auth0 OAuth service for authentication, with asymmetrically encrypted JWT tokens for validation and transmission.


Application uses necessary logging of information with context details.

How to run the application


To deploy an application run the following commands:

cd backend
npm install
sls deploy -v


To run a client application first edit the client/src/config.ts file to set correct parameters. And then run the following commands:

cd client
npm install
npm run start

This should start a development server with the React application that will interact with the serverless TODO application.

Postman collection

An alternative way to test your API, you can use the Postman collection that contains sample requests. You can find a Postman collection in this project. To import this collection, do the following. Postman definition is updated with EU specific API endpoints