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543 lines (410 loc) · 23.6 KB
  • Start Date: 2014-06-30
  • RFC PR #: (leave this empty)
  • Rust Issue #: (leave this empty)


Change the semantics of the built-in fixed-size integer types from being defined as wrapping around on overflow to it being considered a program error (but not undefined behavior in the C sense). Implementations are permitted to check for overflow at any time (statically or dynamically). Implementations are required to at least check dynamically when debug_assert! assertions are enabled. Add a WrappingOps trait to the standard library with operations defined as wrapping on overflow for the limited number of cases where this is the desired semantics, such as hash functions.


The semantics of the basic arithmetic operators and casts on the built-in fixed-size integer types are currently defined to wrap around on overflow. This is is well-defined behavior, so it is already an improvement over C. Yet we should avoid falling into the trap of low expectations.

In the large majority of cases, wrapping around on overflow is not a useful or appropriate semantics: programs will generally not work correctly with the wrapped-around value. Much of the time, programs are merely optimistic that overflow won't happen, but this frequently turns out to be mistaken. When overflow does happen, unexpected behavior and potentially even security bugs can result.

It should be emphasized that wrapping around on overflow is not a memory safety issue in the safe subset of Rust, which greatly mitigates, but does not eliminate, the harm that overflow bugs can cause. However, in unsafe blocks and when interfacing with existing C libraries, it can be a memory safety issue; and furthermore, not all security bugs are memory safety bugs. By indiscriminately using wraparound-on-overflow semantics in every case, whether or not it is sensible, it becomes difficult to impossible for programmers, compilers, and analysis tools to reliably determine in which cases overflow is the expected behavior, and in which cases it should be considered a defect.

In many cases, runtime overflow checks unfortunately present an unacceptable performance burden, especially in a performance-conscious language like Rust. As such, a perfect, one-size-fits-all solution is regrettably not possible. However, it is very much within our power to make better compromises than we currently do.

While the performance cost of checking for overflow is not acceptable in many cases, in many others, it is. Developers should be able to make the tradeoff themselves in a convenient and granular way.

The circumstances where wraparound on overflow is explicitly desired are comparatively rare. The only use cases for wrapping arithmetic that are known to the author at the time of writing are hashes, checksums, and emulation of hardware instructions with wraparound semantics. Therefore, it should be acceptable to only provide named methods for wraparound arithmetic, and not symbolic operators.

Goals of this proposal

  • Clearly distinguish the circumstances where overflow is expected behavior from where it is not.

  • Ensure that pervasive checking for overflow is performed at some point in the development cycle, even if it does not take place in shipping code for performance reasons. The goal of this is to prevent "lock-in" where code has a de-facto reliance on wrapping semantics, and thus incorrectly breaks when stricter checking is enabled.

  • Provide programmers with the tools they need to flexibly make the tradeoff between higher performance and more reliably catching mistakes.

  • Be well-contained and minimally disruptive to the language as it is.

Non-goals of this proposal

  • Make checked arithmetic fast. Let me emphasize: the actual performance of checked arithmetic is wholly irrelevant to the content of this proposal. It will be relevant to the decisions programmers make when employing the tools this proposal proposes to supply them with, but to the tools themselves it is not.

  • Prepare for future processor architectures and/or compiler advances which may improve the performance of checked arithmetic. If there were mathematical proof that faster checked arithmetic is impossible, the proposal would still be the same.

Acknowledgements and further reading

This RFC was initially written by Gábor Lehel and was since edited by Nicholas Matsakis into its current form. The changes were primarily to introduce a requirement that overflow be checked in debug builds and move discussion of scoped attributes to the "future directions" section.

Many aspects of this proposal and many of the ideas within it were influenced and inspired by a discussion on the rust-dev mailing list. The author is grateful to everyone who provided input, and would like to highlight the following messages in particular as providing motivation for the proposal.

On the limited use cases for wrapping arithmetic:

On the value of distinguishing where overflow is valid from where it is not:

The idea of scoped attributes:

On the drawbacks of a type-based approach:

In general:

Further credit is due to the commenters in the GitHub discussion thread.

Detailed design

Semantics of overflow with the built-in types

Currently, the built-in arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, and %, as well as casts using as on the built-in types i8..i64, u8..u64, isize, and usize are defined as wrapping around on overflow. Change this to define them, on overflow, as either returning an unspecified result, or task panic, depending on whether the overflow is checked.

The semantics of bitshifts are also changed. The number of bits to shift by must be within the interval 0..N (using Rust semantics) where N is the number of bits in the value being shifted, or else the result is panic/undefined, as above.

The implication is that overflow is considered to be an abnormal circumstance, a program error, and the programmer expects it not to happen, resp. it is her goal to make sure that it will not.

However, the compiler is not allowed to assume that overflow cannot happen, nor to optimize based on this assumption. Where overflow or underflow can be statically detected, the implementation is free, and encouraged, to diagnose it with an error at compile time, and/or to represent the overflowing value at runtime with some form of bottom (e.g. task failure).


  • In theory, the implementation returns an unspecified result. In practice, however, this will most likely be the same as the wraparound result. Implementations should avoid needlessly exacerbating program errors with additional unpredictability or surprising behavior.
  • Most importantly: this is not undefined behavior in the C sense. Only the result of the operation is left unspecified, as opposed to the entire program's meaning, as in C. The programmer would not be allowed to rely on a specific, or any, result being returned on overflow, but the compiler would also not be allowed to assume that overflow won't happen and optimize based on this assumption.
  • Even when checking for an overflow, compilers are not required to panic at the precise point of overflow. They are free to coalesce checks from adjacent operations, for example, or otherwise move the point of panic around. However, when checks are enabled (e.g., during a debug build, by default), then any operation which overflows must result in a panic some finite number of steps after the operation that caused the overflow. (For example, the panic cannot be delayed until after a loop, unless the number of iterations in that loop can be statically bounded.)
  • When overflow checking is not explicitly enabled, the matter of whether an overflow results in panic or an undefined value is not required to be consistent across executions. This means that, for example, the compiler could insert code which results in an overflow only if the value that was produced is actually consumed (which may occur on only one arm of a branch).

To state it plainly: This is for the programmer's benefit, and not the optimizer's.

See also Appendix A.

The default

In general, implementations are always free to insert dynamic checks for overflow if they so choose. However, when running in debug mode (in other words, whenever a debug_assert! would be compiled in), they are required to emit code to perform dynamic checks on all arithmetic operations that may potentially overflow.

The goal of this rule is to ensure that, during debugging and normal development, overflow detection is on, so that users can be alerted to potential overflow (and, in particular, for code where overflow is expected and normal, they will be immediately guided to use the WrappingOps traits introduced below). However, because these checks will be compiled out whenever an optimized build is produced, final code wilil not pay a performance penalty.

In the future, we may add additional means to control when overflow is checked, such as scoped attributes or a global, independent compile-time switch.

WrappingOps trait for explicit wrapping arithmetic

For those use cases where explicit wraparound on overflow is required, such as hash functions, we must provide operations with such semantics. Accomplish this by providing the following trait and impls in the prelude:

pub trait WrappingOps {
    fn wrapping_add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn wrapping_sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn wrapping_mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn wrapping_div(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn wrapping_rem(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;

impl WrappingOps for isize
impl WrappingOps for usize
impl WrappingOps for i8
impl WrappingOps for u8
impl WrappingOps for i16
impl WrappingOps for u16
impl WrappingOps for i32
impl WrappingOps for u32
impl WrappingOps for i64
impl WrappingOps for u64

These are implemented to wrap around on overflow unconditionally.

Wrapping<T> type for convenience

For convenience, also provide a Wrapping<T> newtype for which the operator overloads are implemented using the WrappingOps trait:

pub struct Wrapping<T>(pub T);

impl<T: WrappingOps> Add<Wrapping<T>, Wrapping<T>> for Wrapping<T> {
    fn add(&self, other: &Wrapping<T>) -> Wrapping<T> {

// Likewise for `Sub`, `Mul`, `Div`, and `Rem`

Note that this is only for potential convenience. The type-based approach has the drawback that e.g. Vec<int> and Vec<Wrapping<int>> are incompatible types.

Required implementation work

Backwards incompatible parts

  • Amend the language definition to remove the guarantee that over- and underflow wraps around when using the built-in arithmetic operators and casts on the built-in types. Specify that such over- and underflow counts as a program error, and that it is up to the implementation whether to diagnose it at compile time where possible, and whether to insert checks at runtime, or to return an unspecified result (but without optimizing based on the assumption that overflow cannot happen).

  • Add the WrappingOps trait and implementations of it for the built-in types.

  • Port existing code which relies on wraparound semantics - primarily hash functions - to use the wrapping_* methods.

Any code which does not explicitly depend on wraparound semantics, which is the large majority of existing code, is not affected.

Backwards compatible parts

  • Implement RFC 40 for attributes on statements and expressions.

  • Implement the overflow_checks attribute and the --force-overflow-checks compiler flag.

  • Potentially emit warnings or errors at compile time when static analysis can show that over- or underflow would happen.

After the backwards incompatible changes have been made, these can be done at any point without breaking the semantics of existing programs. The only effect would be to make it easier to discover bugs.


  • Code where overflow_checks(off) is in effect could end up accidentally relying on overflow. Given the relative scarcity of cases where overflow is a favorable circumstance, the risk of this happening seems minor.

  • Having to think about whether wraparound arithmetic is appropriate may cause an increased cognitive burden. However, wraparound arithmetic is almost never appropriate. Therefore, programmers should be able to keep using the built-in integer types and to not think about this. Where wraparound semantics are required, it is generally a specialized use case with the implementor well aware of the requirement.

  • The built-in types become "special": the ability to control overflow checks using scoped attributes doesn't extend to user-defined types. If you make a struct MyNum(int) and impl Add for MyNum using the native + operation on ints, whether overflow checks happen for MyNum is determined by whether overflow_checks is on or off where impl Add for MyNum is declared, not whether they are on or off where the overloaded operators are used.

    The author considers this to be a serious shortcoming. However, it has the saving grace of being no worse than the status quo, i.e. the change is still a Pareto-improvement. Under the status quo, neither the built-in types nor user-defined types can have overflow checks controlled by scoped attributes. Under this proposal, the situation is improved with built-in types gaining this capability. In light of this, making further improvements, namely extending the capability to user-defined types, can be left to future work.

  • Someone may conduct a benchmark of Rust with overflow checks turned on, post it to the Internet, and mislead the audience into thinking that Rust is a slow language.

Alternatives and possible future directions

Do nothing for now

Defer any action until later, as advocated by:

Reasons this was not pursued: The proposed changes are relatively well-contained. Doing this after 1.0 would require either breaking existing programs which rely on wraparound semantics, or introducing an entirely new set of integer types and porting all code to use those types, whereas doing it now lets us avoid needlessly proliferating types. Given the paucity of circumstances where wraparound semantics is appropriate, having it be the default is defensible only if better options aren't available.

Checks off means wrapping on

Where overflow checks are turned off, instead of defining overflow as returning an unspecified result, define it to wrap around. This would allow us to do without the WrappingOps trait and to avoid having unspecified results. See:

Reasons this was not pursued: The official semantics of a type should not change based on the context. It should be possible to make the choice between turning checks on or off solely based on performance considerations. It should be possible to distinguish cases where checking was too expensive from where wraparound was desired. (Wraparound is not usually desired.)

Scoped attributes to control runtime checking

This depends on RFC 40 being implemented.

Introduce an overflow_checks attribute which can be used to turn runtime overflow checks on or off in a given scope. #[overflow_checks(on)] turns them on, #[overflow_checks(off)] turns them off. The attribute can be applied to a whole crate, a module, an fn, or (as per RFC 40) a given block or a single expression. When applied to a block, this is analogous to the checked { } blocks of C#. As with lint attributes, an overflow_checks attribute on an inner scope or item will override the effects of any overflow_checks attributes on outer scopes or items. Overflow checks can, in fact, be thought of as a kind of run-time lint. Where overflow checks are in effect, overflow with the basic arithmetic operations and casts on the built-in fixed-size integer types will invoke task failure. Where they are not, the checks are omitted, and the result of the operations is left unspecified (but will most likely wrap).

Significantly, turning overflow_checks on or off should only produce an observable difference in the behavior of the program, beyond the time it takes to execute, if the program has an overflow bug.

It should also be emphasized that overflow_checks(off) only disables runtime overflow checks. Compile-time analysis can and should still be performed where possible. Perhaps the name could be chosen to make this more obvious, such as runtime_overflow_checks, but that starts to get overly verbose.

Illustration of use:

// checks are on for this crate

// but they are off for this module
mod some_stuff {

    // but they are on for this function
    fn do_thing() {

        // but they are off for this block
        #[overflow_checks(off)] {
            // but they are on for this expression
            let n = #[overflow_checks(on)] (a * b + c);




Different operators

Have the usual arithmetic operators check for overflow, and introduce a new set of operators with wraparound semantics, as done by Swift. Alternately, do the reverse: make the normal operators wrap around, and introduce new ones which check.

Reasons this was not pursued: New, strange operators would pose an entrance barrier to the language. The use cases for wraparound semantics are not common enough to warrant having a separate set of symbolic operators.

Different types

Have separate sets of fixed-size integer types which wrap around on overflow and which are checked for overflow (e.g. u8, u8c, i8, i8c, ...).

Reasons this was not pursued: Programmers might be confused by having to choose among so many types. Using different types would introduce compatibility hazards to APIs. Vec<u8> and Vec<u8c> are incompatible. Wrapping arithmetic is not common enough to warrant a whole separate set of types.

Just use Checked*

Just use the existing Checked traits and a Checked<T> type after the same fashion as the Wrapping<T> in this proposal.

Reasons this was not pursued: Wrong defaults. Doesn't enable distinguishing "checking is slow" from "wrapping is desired" from "it was the default".

Runtime-closed range types

As proposed by Bill Myers.

Reasons this was not pursued: My brain melted. :(

Unresolved questions

"What should the default be where neither overflow_checks(on) nor off has been explicitly specified?", as discussed in the main text.

Instead of a single WrappingOps trait, should there perhaps be a separate trait for each operation, as with the built-in arithmetic traits Add, Sub, and so on? The only purpose of WrappingOps is to be implemented for the built-in numeric types, so it's not clear that there would be a benefit to doing so.

C and C++ define INT_MIN / -1 and INT_MIN % -1 to be undefined behavior, to make it possible to use a division and remainder instruction to compute them. Mathematically, however, modulus can never overflow and INT_MIN % -1 has value 0. Should Rust consider these to be instances of overflow, or should it guarantee that they return the correct mathematical result, at the cost of a runtime branch? Division is already slow, so a branch here may be an affordable cost. If we do this, it would obviate the need for the wrapping_div and wrapping_rem methods, and they could be removed. This isn't intrinsically tied to the current RFC, and could be discussed separately.

It is not clear whether, or how, overflowing casts between types should be provided. For casts between signed and unsigned integers of the same size, the Transmute trait for safe transmutes would be appropriate in the future, or the unsafe transmute() function in the present. For other casts (between different sized-types, between floats and integers), special operations might have to be provided if supporting them is desirable.

Future work

  • Extend the ability to make use of local overflow_checks(on|off) attributes to user-defined types, as discussed under Drawbacks. For newtypes of the built-in types which simply want their arithmetic operations to forward to the built-in ones, this could be accomplished by just adding a newtype deriving feature, which we would eventually like to do anyways. For more involved cases, there may not be an easy solution.

  • Look into adopting imprecise exceptions and a similar design to Ada's, and to what is explored in the research on AIR (As Infinitely Ranged) semantics, to improve the performance of checked arithmetic. See also:

  • Make it easier to use integer types of unbounded size, i.e. actual mathematical integers and naturals.

Appendix A: On the precise meaning of unspecified results.

In theory, the below loop would be allowed to print "hello" any number of times from 127 to infinity (inclusive), and may print "hello" a different number of times on different runs of the program, and may print "hedgehogs", but may not print "penguins".

fn main() {
    let mut i: i8 = 1;

    while i > 0 {
        i = i + 1;
        if i != i { println!("penguins"); }
        if i + 1 != i + 1 { println!("hedgehogs"); }

Thus, for example, LLVM's undef could not be used to represent the value of 100i8 + 100, because undef can be two different values in different usage points.

In practice, implementations should avoid unnecessarily surprising behavior, and the above loop should almost always print "hello" 127 times, and nothing else. Implementations would also be encouraged to diagnose at compile time the fact that this loop, as well as 100i8 + 100, will always overflow.