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NI DCPOWER Setup Functions

ni-siray edited this page May 7, 2021 · 8 revisions

Setup Functions


ViStatus niDCPower_InitializeWithIndependentChannels(ViRsrc resourceName, ViConstString channels, ViBoolean reset, ViConstString optionString, ViSession *vi);


Creates a new NI-DCPower session to the specified instrument(s) and channel(s) and returns a session handle to be used in all subsequent NI-DCPower function calls.

After calling this function, the specified channel or channels will be in the Uncommitted state.

With this function and channel-based NI-DCPower functions and attributes, you can use any channels in the session independently. For example, you can initiate a subset of channels in the session with niDCPower_InitiateWithChannels, and the other channels in the session remain in the Uncommitted state.


Details of Independent Channel Operation

When you initialize with independent channels, each channel steps through the NI-DCPower programming state model independently of all other channels, and you can specify a subset of channels for most operations.

Note  You can make concurrent calls to a session from multiple threads, but the session executes the calls one at a time. If you specify multiple channels for a function or attribute, the session may perform the operation on multiple channels in parallel, though this is not guaranteed, and some operations may execute sequentially

Related Topics:

Programming States]


Name Type Description
resourceName ViRsrc Specifies the NI-DCPower resources to use in the session. NI-DCPower resources can be names of the instrument(s) assigned by Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) and the channel(s) to initialize. Specify the instrument(s) and channel(s) using the form PXI1Slot3/0,PXI1Slot3/2-3,PXI1Slot4/2-3 or PXI1Slot3/0,PXI1Slot3/2:3,PXI1Slot4/2:3, where PXI1Slot3 and PXI1Slot4 are instrument resource names and 0, 2, and 3 are channels. If you pass "" for this control, all channels of the instrument(s) are included in the session.
reset ViBoolean Specifies whether to reset channel(s) during the initialization procedure. The default is VI_FALSE. To place channel(s) in a known startup state when creating a new session, set reset to VI_TRUE. This action is equivalent to using the [niDCPower_ResetWithChannels function immediately after initializing the session.To open a session and leave the channel(s) in an existing configuration without passing through a transitional output state, set reset to VI_FALSE. Next, configure the channel(s) as in the previous session, change the desired settings, and then call the niDCPower_InitiateWithChannels function to write both settings.
optionString ViString Specifies the initial value of certain attributes for the session. The syntax for optionString is a list of attributes with an assigned value where 1 is VI_TRUE and 0 is VI_FALSE. For example: Simulate=0, DriverSetup=Model:; BoardType: To simulate a multi-instrument session, set Simulate to 1 and list multiple instruments for DriverSetup. For example:Simulate=1, DriverSetup=ResourceName:; Model:; BoardType: & ResourceName:; Model:; BoardType:You do not have to specify a value for all the attributes. If you do not specify a value for an attribute, the default value is used. For more information about simulating a device, refer to [Simulating a Power Supply or SMU.
Name Type Description
vi ViSession* Returns a session handle that you use to identify the session in all subsequent NI-DCPower function calls.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call the niDCPower_error_message function. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, call the niDCPower_GetError function.


ViStatus niDCPower_InitializeWithChannels(ViRsrc resourceName, ViConstString channels, ViBoolean reset, ViConstString optionString, ViSession *vi);


This function is deprecated. Use niDCPower_InitializeWithIndependentChannels instead.

Creates and returns a new NI-DCPower session to the power supply or SMU specified in resource name to be used in all subsequent NI-DCPower function calls. With this function, you can optionally set the initial state of the following session attributes:


After calling this function, the session will be in the Uncommitted state. Refer to the Programming States topic for details about specific software states.

To place the device in a known start-up state when creating a new session, set reset to VI_TRUE. This action is equivalent to using the niDCPower_reset function immediately after initializing the session.

To open a session and leave the device in its existing configuration without passing through a transitional output state, set reset to VI_FALSE. Then configure the device as in the previous session, changing only the desired settings, and then call the niDCPower_Initiate function.

Related Topics:

Programming States


Name Type Description
resourceName ViRsrc Specifies the resourceName assigned by Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), for example "PXI1Slot3" where "PXI1Slot3" is an instrument's resourceName. resourceName can also be a logical IVI name.
channelName ViConstString Specifies which output channel(s) to include in a new session. Specify multiple channels by using a channel list or a channel range. A channel list is a comma (,) separated sequence of channel names (for example, 0,2 specifies channels 0 and 2). A channel range is a lower bound channel followed by a hyphen (-) or colon (:) followed by an upper bound channel (for example, 0-2 specifies channels 0, 1, and 2). In the Running state, multiple output channel configurations are performed sequentially based on the order specified in this parameter. If you do not specify any channels, by default all channels on the device are included in the session.
reset ViBoolean Specifies whether to reset the device during the initialization procedure.
optionString ViString Specifies the initial value of certain attributes for the session. The syntax for optionString is a list of attributes with an assigned value where 1 is VI_TRUE and 0 is VI_FALSE. For example:"Simulate=0"You do not have to specify a value for all the attributes. If you do not specify a value for an attribute, the default value is used. For more information about simulating a device, refer to Simulating a Power Supply or SMU.
Name Type Description
vi ViSession* Returns a session handle that you use to identify the device in all subsequent NI-DCPower function calls.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call the niDCPower_error_message function. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, call the niDCPower_GetError function.


ViStatus niDCPower_close(ViSession vi);


Closes the session specified in vi and deallocates the resources that NI-DCPower reserves. If power output is enabled when you call this function, the output channels remain in their existing state and continue providing power. Use the niDCPower_ConfigureOutputEnabled function to disable power output on a per channel basis. Use the niDCPower_ResetWithChannels function to disable power output on all channel(s).

Related Topics:

Programming States


Name Type Description
vi ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. vi is obtained from the niDCPower_InitializeWithIndependentChannels function.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call the niDCPower_error_message function. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, call the niDCPower_GetError function.

Table of Contents

Internal Development

Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server

Server Security Support

Creating a gRPC Client

gRPC Client Examples

Session Utilities API Reference

Driver Documentation

gRPC API Differences From C API

Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients

C API Docs
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
NI-RFmx SpecAn
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