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Migrating from W&B to Neptune

This script allows you to copy run metadata from W&B to Neptune.


  • A Weights and Biases account, wandb library installed, and environment variables set.
  • A account, neptune python library installed, and environment variables set. Read the docs to learn how to set up your installation.


To use the script, follow these steps:

  1. Run
  2. Enter the source W&B entity name. Leave blank to use your default entity.
  3. Enter the destination Neptune workspace name. Leave blank to read from the NEPTUNE_PROJECT environment variable.
  4. Enter the number of workers to use to copy the metadata. Leave blank to let ThreadPoolExecutor decide.
  5. Enter the W&B projects you want to export as comma-separated values. Leave blank to export all projects.
  6. The script will generate run logs in the working directory. You can change the directory with logging.basicConfig(). Live progress bars will also be rendered in the console.
  7. Private Neptune projects corresponding to the W&B projects will be created if they don't exist. The project description will be set as Exported from <W&B project URL>. You can change the description later.

Metadata mapping from W&B to Neptune

Metadata W&B Neptune
Project name example_project example-project1
Project URL project.url project.wandb_url
Run name
Run ID run.sys.custom_run_id2
Notes run.notes run.sys.description
Tags run.tags run.sys.tags
Group run.sys.group_tags
Config run.config run.config3
Run summary run.summary run.summary3
Run metrics run.scan_history() run.<METRIC_NAME>4
System metrics run.history(stream="system") run.monitoring.<METRIC_NAME>5
System logs output.log run.monitoring.stdout
Source code code/* run.source_code.files
requirements.txt requirements.txt run.source_code.requirements
Model checkpoints *.ckpt/*checkpoint* run.checkpoints
Other files run.files() run.files
All W&B attributes run.* run.wandb.*

1 Underscores _ in a W&B project name are replaced by a hyphen - in Neptune
2 Passing the as ensures that duplicate Neptune runs are not created for the same W&B run even if the script is run multiple times
3 Values are converted to a string in Neptune
4 _steps and _timestamps associated with a metric are logged as step and timestamp respectively with a Neptune metric
5 system. prefix is removed when logging to Neptune

What is not exported

  • Models
  • W&B specific objects and data types
  • run.summary keys starting with _
  • Metrics and W&B attributes starting with _
  • Files with path starting with any of artifact/, config.yaml, media/, wandb-

† These have been excluded at the code level to prevent redundancy and noise, but can be included.


Performance benchmarks

The script was tested by copying 32 W&B runs across 8 projects, totaling ~1MB spread across metrics and files.
On an internet connection with download and upload speeds of 340Mbps and 110Mbps, respectively, and an average round-trip time of 18ms and 19ms respectively to Neptune and W&B servers, the entire process took ~30 seconds using 20 workers.

Neptune client version 1.10.4 and wandb client version 0.17.4 were used.

Support and feedback

We welcome your feedback and contributions to help improve the script. Please submit any issues or feature requests as GitHub Issues


Copyright (c) 2024, Neptune Labs Sp. z o.o.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.