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88 lines (64 loc) · 2.52 KB

File metadata and controls

88 lines (64 loc) · 2.52 KB


Installation and operation instructions. To run this app, please fork and clone both the frontend and backend repos to your pc. npm install dependencies for both repos. A docker container will also need to be created and run and have a DB added to it. (location specified)

requires docker

  • npm install -g docker

requires a dockerized postgres

  • docker pull postgres

Create the directories that will house your database data:

  • mkdir -p $HOME/docker/volumes/postgres

spin up a postgres container (/knexfile.js)

  • docker run --rm --name pg-docker -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -d -p 5432:5432 -v $HOME/docker/volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres

enter docker CLI

  • docker exec -it pg-docker bash

from docker CLI, create a database named mjolnir (/knexfile.js)

  • createdb -U postgres mjolnir

configure db from backend directory

  • npx knex migrate:latest
  • npx knex seed:run

start server on port 3001 (/app.js) from backend directory

  • npm start

start frontend on port 3000 (/app.js) in a new terminal from frontend directory

  • npm start

API paths

(body requirements) eg. expects template_id in the body = (template_id)

admin feature gets a list of all users

  • GET /users

create new user

  • POST /users (user_name, password)

gets user_id

  • GET /users/:user_name

get history of created documents for selected user

  • GET /users/:user_name/history

post history. adds cmpltd doc to DB

  • POST /users/:user_name/history (template_id, file_name, serialized_options)

patch history. updates stored document

  • PATCH /users/:user_name/history (serialized_options, history_id, file_name)

delete a doc from history

  • DELETE /users/:user_name/history/:history_id (history_id)

get users favorites

  • GET /users/:user_name/favorites

add to favorites

  • POST /users/:user_name/favorites/:template_id

delete a favorite

  • DELETE /users/:user_name/favorites/:template_id

get a list of all templates

  • GET /templates

get a templates body and options by id

  • GET /templates/:template_id


  • AWS - hit roadblock
  • implement ability to create new templates/options on front end and push them to backend
  • refactor to utilize arrays in db (include options in templates table)
  • rename cols in template_options
  • if favorites copy to if new user
  • faovrites and newFavorites and favoriteTemplateId. the whole function needs replaced by a .returning function

to add images to .md

  • alt text
  • alt text