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User Manual


This manual gives brief explanations on features of the plugin, which could be useful for development of your website and for understanding how to receive desired behaviour of a plugin. The translations works in any public post type ()

Translations for this book in front-end can be enable at Home Page (cover/book-info), front-matter , chapter , part, back-matter.

Before to work, be sure you have Extensions for pressbooks plugin activated.

Translations relations

In case you are creating translations of your books, 'Translations relations' can help you with automatic linking between all of the the translations and original book. For current moment plugin logically interconnects only books about languages.

Adding translations

Read carefully the following instructions and follow them one by one, otherwise it can lead to incorrect working result of a plugin!

The working steps to create relations between you books are following:

Original Books

1.- Go too book info and select the language of the book (the language of the readers of the book) 2.- With use of Original Mark tick the checkbox in /wp-admin/network/sites.php Featured Book column in front of book in original language. Wait until notification!

Translated Books

1.- Clone a book from the PB cloning tool (the name can be anything since a different directory will not affect the relations). 1.1.- The name of the pages can not change, otherwise, the source will not find the page of your book. 2.- Go to Book Info page of a book which is a translation (this book must be created with Cloning Tool using original book as a source), and choose which language this book is about (learning english) and the translated language. (to spanish speakers) 2.- With use of Original Mark tick the checkbox in /wp-admin/network/sites.php Featured Book column in front of book in original language. Wait until notification! 2.1- Book must have selected the language (otherwise, the database will be created with wrong information, since the database is trigered manually). 2.2.- If the language is update, the mark should be untick and tick again in order to update the database. 3.- Once activated one original book and one translation or more, the hreflang tag will be automatically created between the books/pages. 3.1- Remember, if a page change the url, there will not be point back translation, since the pages must have the same Path of the url. 3.2- Remember, if the book is not an official translation, there will NOT be relations between the book and any other book with the hreflang tag.

Site settings: Extensions for Pressbooks Theme customization settings

The translations work in the backend of the site (google can read the translations from page to page). But the visitors can not see the translation menu by default. If the menu is required, must be activated at Enable translations in front-end.

Remember, if the book is not an official translation (a featured boook), the menu will not point back to the page of the menu. Even if we see the language of our book (because the link will be to the official translation in that language)

Multisite settings: EFP settings

At the Translations section the data can be safe after the unistall of the plugin.


From database interaction point of view, all these steps make some impact on table of translations relations. When you mark original book with Original Mark table creates new row, responsible for series of the translations. After, when you mark translation with Original Mark after all required steps, the id of that book is added as value in corresponding column in original book row. That's why it is important for step 5 to be performed strictly after step 2-4, unless you would like to make this cloned book a root for another series of translations. Otherwise, translated book will be accounted as book in original language, which will start new translations series.

Deleting translations

In order to delete book from relational system, just simply unmark Featured Book checkbox in /wp-admin/network/sites.php in front of that book.

If you would like to drop all the relations of series of book and its translations, unmark Featured Book checkbox in /wp-admin/network/sites.php in front of original book. Be careful! After this all the translation will also be unmarked as featured books.

Changing language of translations

If by mistake you have put the wrong language of a book in point 3 of working steps and you would like to change it to a correct one, in order to keep the consistent relations do following:

  1. Go to /wp-admin/network/sites.php and unmark translated book in Featured Book column. Wait until notification!
  2. Go to Book Info page of that book, change language of a book to a desired one in General Book Information metabox.
  3. Go back to /wp-admin/network/sites.php page and mark translated book as Featured Book. Wait until notification!

Note! In case you will not unmark the book before changing the language in book info, it will not remove old language choice and will keep it in the table. In this case, manually remove unwanted column from the DB.

Note! Upon changing the language of the book, the previous language column in the DB table stays there with the value "0".

Printing links in web-pages

If you want to print the links of translation in front-end them, you need to check if translations for current book and post is set to enabled from back-end settings with function tfp_checkIfTranslationsEnabled(). Function returns "1" if translations are enabled. For printing only current language Flag use: tfp_getCurrentBookFlag(). For printing only current language Code use: tfp_getCurrentBookLanguageCode(). Next function tfp_printTransLinks() prints out list of available translations in current context.

Front-end information

By default, Translations for PressBooks just works inside of the HTML tag . If your theme is integrated with Translations for PressBooks, the translations can be activate in the front-end of the book. After the activation, the translations will work in two places: in the header of the theme (a dropwown menu) and as a list of language codes in the footer.

To disable/ enable post translations option at book level:

  1. At Appearance-> EFP Customizations (On a site (book) level).
  2. At 'Translations section' check on 'Display translations' to display translations in the front-end.

Page configuration

If the translations are activated, by default every post display the translations. If we need more control, a post can have deactivated the header and footer translation menu in the front-end of the page (the HTML tag in the header still be available to boots).

To disable/ enable post translations option at post level:

  1. At post edit page of the specific Post
  2. At "Display post translations" disable or enable post translations options of the specific post.

By default, every time 'Display translations' is re-enabled in 'Appearance-> EFP Customizations', default post translations settings are generated in DB (every post gets translations option enabled). If those options were modified and we want to keep those changes (post translations option) saved after re-enable of 'Display translations' option it is necessary to check 'Save previous post values' in 'Appearance-> EFP Customizations' in 'Translations section'.

With this option turned on every time 'Display translations' (book translations) is now re-enabled, previous post translations options are persisted.

Theme output of information

Featured books and non featured books can use the translations options.

  • If the book is featured, the book ID will be added to the list of languages of the menu,
  • If the book is not featured, the book ID will not be added to the list of languages of the menu. The id of the available feature books languages will be used instead.

Translations integration in the Theme Header

If you want to print the links of translation in the front-end of your theme, you need to check if translations for current book and post is set to enabled from back-end settings with function tfp_checkIfTranslationsEnabled(). Function returns "1" if translations are enabled. For printing only current language Flag use: tfp_getCurrentBookFlag(). For printing only current language Code use: tfp_getCurrentBookLanguageCode(). Next function tfp_printTransLinks() prints out list of available translations in current context.

Featured books and non featured books can use the translations options.

  • If the book is featured, the book ID will be added to the list of languages of the menu,
  • If the book is not featured, the book ID will not be added to the list of languages of the menu. The id of the available feature books languages will be used instead.

Note! Header print of relationships can not be used in a theme without a strong modification.

Translations integration in the Theme Footer

Copy and past the following code in your footer.php file.

<ul class="footer__pressbooks__links__list" style="margin-bottom: 1rem;">
	$blog_id = get_current_blog_id();

Note! Do not change permalinks in your translations, otherwise links will lead to non-existing pages in other books.

In order for the links to be shown in the front-end of a website, use our theme. Since some relations will be established, the links will appear in the footer of every web-page of your connected books.


By default on plugin uninstall all the data plugin created in DB are erased. In order to keep this data after plugin gets uninstalled go to Network admin, Settings -> EFP settings and check 'Persist data on uninstall' checkbox.