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File metadata and controls

521 lines (414 loc) · 26.2 KB

Validating C# Extension for VS Code


  • .NET 6 SDK or newer when omnisharp.useModernNet is set to true (the default value).
  • A Full Framework runtime and MSBuild tooling when omnisharp.useModernNet is set to false.

See OmniSharp Options for more details.



All the validations below should be performed on both Windows and at least one Unix platform (MacOS, Linux). These can be done on x64 versions unless there are ARM specific changes to validate.

Opening projects

When you open a directory in VS Code, the C# extension should look for a .csproj, .sln, or .slnf file in that directory and use "OmniSharp" to load it. If a .cs file is present and no .csproj, .sln, or .slnf file are present, Omnisharp should start but the intellisense should only appear when a change is made to the file. If you look in "Output > Omnisharp Log" a bunch of information should be printed about what copy of MSBuild was used and what projects were load

Project types to test:

  • Standalone csproj
  • Directory containing .sln or .slnf file that references csprojs--projects should be loaded
  • .NET Core/.NET Standard csproj
  • (Windows) Desktop .NET projects
  • Unity projects
  • A directory containing a .cs file without a csproj/sln. As stated above, intellisense should appear only when a change is made to the file.

The easist way to verify that a project was successfully loaded is to open a .cs file within it and verify that the references codelens indicator appears.

Specific projects to test opening (on all OSes):

  • dotnet new console in a directory
  • A more complex dotnet solution, eg. [1]
  • A console app solution created in Visual Studio



  • The completion list in a file contains symbols defined in references and in the file
  • If you write a documentation comment on a symbol, the completion list displays it

Signature Help

  • Signature Help shows up in a method call after typing (
  • Signature help shows documentation for methods and for parameters
  • Parameter documentation is only shown for the currently active parameter

Quick Info

  • Hovering over an identifier shows info and documentation


  • The "Format Document" command works
  • Pressing enter inside a method body automatically indents the new line

Go To Definition

  • F12 from callsites to definition
  • Ctrl-Click
  • Can go to metadata for symbols defined in metadata

Go To Implementation

  • Ctrl-F12 on virtual member shows implementations

Find All References

  • Shift-F12 on a symbol shows a reference list

Reference highlighting

  • Clicking on a symbol name should highlight other references to it in the same file


  • Appropriate colorization of keywords, literals, identifiers

Error squiggles

  • Introducing an error should show a squiggle in the editor and an error message in the "problems" window
  • Messages in the "problems" window should appear only once per unique error (see dotnet#1830)

Quick Fixes

  • Add using should be availble (does not currently suppport adding references)
  • Generate variable/generate method should show up for missing members
  • Remove unncessary usings should show up
  • (this is not an exhaustive list)


  • Use expression body for methods should be available
  • Rename file to match type should correctly rename the file. The renamed file should be open after the refactoring
  • (this is not an exhaustive list)

Code Lens - References

  • References codelens appears on symbols and shows correct Find All References results

Code Lens - Unit Tests

  • In unit tests projects, the "run test" and "debug test" codelens appears on test methods
    • Clicking runs or debugs the test and prints results to the console
    • Breakpoints in a unit test are hit if you "debug test"
  • "Run All Tests" and "Debug All Tests" code lens buttons will appear on test classes
    • Click Run All or Debug All should run/debug all the tests in the class and print a summary
    • If you set breakpoints within multiple tests, you should hit each breakpoint as the tests are run

Symbol Finder

  • Ctrl-T can find symbols by name when you type them
    • Symbols have appropriate glyphs


  • Rename can rename symbols

File Watching

  • In a project that uses globbing (.NET Core), use the VS Code file explorer to add a new file next to the csproj. Intellisense/sighelp/etc should be available in the new file
  • Add a new file and reference a type in it from a different file. Deleting from disk the file containing the referenced type should produce error messages

ASP.NET Core Razor

The Razor experience is available when you open a .cshtml file in a valid OmniSharp project.

To setup a test project to verify on you can do:

  1. Install the latest preview of the .NET Core 3.0 SDK by going to and picking the appropriate platform specific installer from the Release/3.0.1XX column. The version should be 3.0.0-preview4-nnnnnn.
  2. dotnet new webapp
  3. Open Pages/Index.cshtml
C# Completion
  • Typing @DateTime.Now and @(DateTime.Now) provides completions throughout typing.
  • Completion is available for types that exist in the project (i.e. Program)
  • Typing @model DateTime prompts for completion for the model symbol and the DateTime symbol.
C# Lightbulbs
  • Typing @{ var x = new HtmlString("sdf"); }results in squiggles under HtmlString. Selecting HtmlString and pressing Ctrl+. results in a change suggestion to fully-qualify that type name as Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.HtmlString. Hitting enter on that suggestion resolves the squiggles and changes the line.
C# Signature Help
  • Typing @Html.Raw() prompts for signature help inside of the ().
C# Rename
  • Renaming "someVariable" in @{var someVariable = true;} @someVariable results in both locations being changed.
C# Go to definition
  • Performing go to definition on "@somevariable" @{var someVariable = true;} @someVariable brings you up to where it's declared
C# Go to implementation
  • Performing go to implementation on "Foo" @functions {interface Foo {} class Bar: Foo {}} brings you to where "Bar" is declared
C# Find all references
  • Performing find all references on "@someVariable" in @{var someVariable = true;} @(someVariable) @someVariable results in references to the other instance of someVariable
C# CodeLens
  • Having the following results in a CodeLens entry above "Foo"
@functions {
  void Foo()

  • Clicking on the CodeLens entry results in a find all references window that has an entry for @Foo()
C# Formatting
  • Running the "Format Document" command with the below text results in correctly formatted C#,
@functions {
void Foo(){
C# Diagnostics
  • Typing @ThisDoesNotExist results in an error being created and squiggled in the .cshtml file.
TagHelper Quick Info
  • Typing <environment></environment> then hovering the mouse over the opening tag results in a window about that TagHelper that should read something like EnvironmentTagHelper ITagHelper implementation targeting <environment> elements that conditionally renders content based on the current value of IHostingEnvironment.EnvironmentName....
TagHelper completion

Note that the pipe in the below examples indicates the cursor.

  • Typing <environment> prompts you with HTML completion for the environment tag and on completion commit auto-completes the closing tag.
  • Type <cache |, hit ctrl + space, search for enabled, commit the completion with a . Ensure that it auto-completes the attribute to: <cache enabled |.
  • Type <cache |, hit ctrl + space, search for enabled, commit the completion with a =. Ensure that it auto-completes the attribute to: <cache enabled=|.
  • Type <cache |, hit ctrl + space, search for vary-by, commit the completion with a =. Ensure that it auto-completes the attribute to: <cache vary-by=|.
  • Type <cache |, hit ctrl + space, search for vary-by, commit the completion with a ENTER. Ensure that it auto-completes the attribute to: <cache vary-by|.
  • Type <form |, hit ctrl + space, search for asp-route-..., commit the completion. Ensure that it auto-completes the attribute to: <form asp-route-|.
TagHelper colorization
  • Typing <environment include="Development" notcolored="differently"></environment> should change the color of environment and include (but not notcolored)to a blue-green color in the dark theme or a darker blue in the light theme. These colors should be visually distinct from html elements on the page while also not being the same color as an invalid element (<notatag></notatag> for an example).
Razor Diagnostics
  • Typing @{ <strong> } results in errors. One error should be about the "strong" tag missing a closing tag.
  • Fixing the error and typing </strong> i.e. @{ <strong></strong> } results in the diagnostic going away.
HTML Completion Documentation
  • Typing <a results in the suggestion of the a tag with a description of the tag, and MDN Reference.
C# tag
  • Typing @{ <te results in the suggestion of the text tag with a description. Selecting the text suggestion and closing the tag with the > character results in the closing </text> being automatically added.
Known issues:
  • Error squiggles may be misaligned due to known issues.


The Blazor experience is available when you open a .razor file in a valid OmniSharp/Blazor project.

To setup a test project to verify on you can do:

  1. Install the latest preview of the .NET Core 3.0 SDK by going to and picking the appropriate platform specific installer from the Release/3.0.1XX column. The version should be 3.0.0-preview4-nnnnnn.
  2. dotnet new blazorserverside
  3. Open Pages/Index.razor

Light bulbs

  • Typing @code { public int MyProperty { get; set; } } and putting your cursor over @code provides you with a light bulb to "Extract block to code behind". Executing the light bulb results in the code block you wrote being removed and a new *.razor.cs file being created side-by-side.
  • Typing <SomeUnknownTag> provides a light bulb to "Create component from tag". Executing the light bulb creates a new SomeUnknokwnTag.razor file.
  • Updating a component (Counter.razor) to have a different namesapce (@namespace SomeOtherNamespace) results in attempted usages (<Counter>) providing light bulbs to "Fully Qualify" and to "@using SomeOtherNamespace".
    • Executing Fully Qualify results in <SomeOtherNamespace.Counter>
    • Executing "@using SomeOtherNamespace" adds a @using SomeOtherNamespace statement at the top of the file.


  • Performing go to definition on a Component (i.e. <Counter>) brings you to the corresponding .razor file.


  • Renaming a component (i.e. <Counter>) renames all usages of that component and renames the components file name.
C# Completion
  • Typing @DateTime.Now and @(DateTime.Now) provides completions throughout typing.
  • Completion is available for types that exist in the project (i.e. Program)
  • Typing @layout MainLayout prompts for completion for the layout symbol and the MainLayout symbol.
C# Signature Help
  • Typing @SetParametersAsync() prompts for signature help inside of the ().
C# Rename
  • Renaming "someVariable" in @{var someVariable = true;} @someVariable results in both locations being changed.
C# Go to definition
  • Performing go to definition on "@somevariable" @{var someVariable = true;} @someVariable brings you up to where it's declared
C# Go to implementation
  • Performing go to implementation on "Foo" @functions {interface Foo {} class Bar: Foo {}} brings you to where "Bar" is declared
C# Find all references
  • Performing find all references on "@someVariable" in @{var someVariable = true;} @(someVariable) @someVariable results in references to the other instance of someVariable
C# CodeLens
  • Having the following results in a CodeLens entry above "Foo"
@functions {
  void Foo()

  • Clicking on the CodeLens entry results in a find all references window that has an entry for @Foo()
C# Diagnostics
  • When no changes have been performed on Pages/Index.cshtml, there are 0 errors.
  • Typing @ThisDoesNotExist results in an error being created and squiggled in the .cshtml file.
HTML Document Color and Color Presentation
  • Specifying a color name should display the color itself. Hovering over the color should display a color picker.
<h1 style="background-color:blue"></h1>
Debugging with blazorwasm debug adapter

Note: On a VS Code installation with no extensions, you should recieve an alert like the following:

The Blazor WASM Debugging Extension is required to debug Blazor WASM apps in VS Code.

Press "Install Extension" before step 2 in each of the test scenarios below.

Standalone app

To set up a test project to verify on, create a new Blazor WebAssembly application using the dotnet CLI.

$ dotnet new blazorwasm -o DebugTestProject
  1. Open the project in VS Code.
  2. Press F5 to start a new debugging session.
  3. Select the "Blazor WebAssembly Debug" option.
  4. Run the newly-created launch configuration.
  5. Open Pages/Counter.razor and place a breakpoint in the IncrementCount method.
  6. Navigate to the Counter page in the browser and click the counter button.
  7. Verify that the breakpoint is hit.
Hosted app

Set up a test project to verify on by using the following dotnet CLI command. Note the --hosted flag.

$ dotnet new blazorwasm --hosted -o DebugHostedTestProject
  1. Open the project in VS Code.
  2. Press F5 to start a new debugging session.
  3. Ensure that the launch configuration contains the following properties, in addition to the defaults. Replace the target framework and target DLL fields as necessary.
  "hosted": true,
  "program": "${workspaceFolder}/Server/bin/Debug/<target-framework>/<target-dll>",
  "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/Server"
  1. Run the newly-crated launch configuration.
  2. Open Pages/Counter.razor and place a breakpoint in the IncrementCount method.
  3. Open the Controllers/WeatherForecastController.cs file and place a breakpoint in the GET handler.
  4. Navigate to the Counter page in the browser and click the counter button.
  5. Verify that the breakpoint in Counter.razor is hit.
  6. Navigate to the weather forecast page. Verify that the breakpoint in WeatherForecastController.cs is hit.
Attaching to an existing running app

To set up a test project to verify on, create a new Blazor WebAssembly application using the dotnet CLI.

$ dotnet new blazorwasm -o DebugTestProject

Then run the project using the dotnet CLI.

$ cd DebugTestProject
$ dotnet run
  1. Open the project in VS Code.
  2. Create a new launch configuration with the following contents.
    "type": "blazorwasm",
    "request": "attach",
    "name": "Attach to Existing Blazor WebAssembly App"
  1. Select the "Attach to Existing Blazor WebAssembly App" option and run the launch configuration.
  2. Open Pages/Counter.razor and place a breakpoint in the IncrementCount method.
  3. Navigate to the Counter page in the browser and click the counter button.
  4. Verify that the breakpoint is hit.
  • Typing <Counter> prompts you with HTML completion for the Counter tag and on completion commit auto-completes the closing tag.
    • In the completion list that pops up ensure there's also a YourProjectName.Pages.Counter entry in the HTML completion list.
  • Open Counter.razor, in the @functions { ... } block add:
    public int IncrementAmount { get; set; }
    • Save Counter.razor then wait 5 seconds.
    • Go back to Index.razor and type <Counter |, hit ctrl space, search for IncrementAmount attribute, commit the completion. Ensure that it auto-completes to <Counter IncrementAmount="|"
    • While inside the IncrementAmount attribute type in, hit ctrl + space, search for int, type ., search for MaxValue commit it, you should have <Counter IncrementAmount="int.MaxValue"
  • Verify _Imports.razor works as expected:
    • Add a new Folder Utilities under the /Pages folder. Within that folder add a Helper.razor file.
    • Open the _Imports.razor under the /Pages folder. Add @using YourProjectName.Pages.Utilities
    • Go back to Index.razor. Typing <Helper> prompts you with HTML completion for the Helper tag.
Razor Diagnostics
  • Typing @{ <strong> } results in errors. One error should be about the "strong" tag missing a closing tag.
  • Fixing the error and typing </strong> i.e. @{ <strong></strong> } results in the diagnostic going away.
Known issues:
  • Error squiggles may be misaligned due to known issues.

Legacy Razor

The Razor experience is degraded (but no errors) when you open a .cshtml file in a valid OmniSharp/Legacy Razor project. To setup a test project to verify on you can do:

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. New Project
  3. ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)
  4. Select MVC
  5. OK
  6. Open Views/Home/Index.cshtml
C# Completion / IntelliSense
  • Typing @DateTime.Now does not result in any C# completion.
  • Typing @{ var x = DateTime.Now; } does not result in any C# completion.
  • Typing @model does not result in any Razor directive completion.
C# Diagnostics
  • There are 0 .cshtml related errors on open.
  • Typing @ThisDoesNotExist does not result in an error being created.
Html Completion

Verifying Html is needed to ensure the Razor experience is still partially enabled.

  • Typing <stron results in Html completion with an entry for strong.
  • Typing <strong> results in a corresponding </strong> being appended
  • Hitting enter Typing @{} and then hitting enter inbetween the curly braces results in:


Razor Project level Information

To verify the project level information for Razor do the following:

  1. Install the latest preview of the .NET Core 3.0 SDK by going to and picking the appropriate platform specific installer from the Release/3.0.1XX column. The version should be 3.0.0-preview4-nnnnnn.
  2. Verify the obj/Debug/TheTFMOfTheProject folder contains a project.razor.json file (once the project is restored)
  3. Verify the project.razor.json's Configuration section is not set to null.

Verify each of the test projects above's project.razor.json file (ASP.NET Core Razor, Blazor and Legacy Razor) looks something like the following:

ASP.NET Core Razor
  "FilePath": "c:\\Users\\JohnDoe\\Projects\\RazorCoreTestApp\\RazorCoreTestApp.csproj",
  "Configuration": {
    "ConfigurationName": "MVC-3.0",
    "LanguageVersion": "3.0",
    "Extensions": [
        "ExtensionName": "MVC-3.0"
  "ProjectWorkspaceState": {
    "TagHelpers": [ /* LOTS OF ENTRIES HERE */ ],
    "CSharpLanguageVersion": 703 // This may be different
  "RootNamespace": "RazorCoreTestApp",
  "Documents": [ /* LOTS OF ENTRIES HERE */]
  "FilePath": "c:\\Users\\JohnDoe\\Projects\\BlazorTestApp\\BlazorTestApp.csproj",
  "Configuration": {
    "ConfigurationName": "MVC-3.0",
    "LanguageVersion": "MVC-3.0",
    "Extensions": [
        "ExtensionName": "MVC-3.0"
  "ProjectWorkspaceState": {
    "TagHelpers": [ /* LOTS OF ENTRIES HERE */ ],
    "CSharpLanguageVersion": 703 // This may be different
  "RootNamespace": "BlazorTestApp",
  "Documents": [ /* LOTS OF ENTRIES HERE */]
Legacy Razor
  "ProjectFilePath": "c:\\Users\\JohnDoe\\Projects\\LegacyRazorTestApp\\LegacyRazorTestApp.csproj",
  "Configuration": {
    "ConfigurationName": "UnsupportedRazor",
    "LanguageVersion": "1.0",
    "Extensions": [
        "ExtensionName": "UnsupportedRazorExtension"
  "ProjectWorkspaceState": {
    "TagHelpers": [],
    "CSharpLanguageVersion": 703 // This may be different
  "RootNamespace": null,
  "Documents": []

Report a Razor issue

Perform the following in any of the above Razor projects.

  • Run the Report a Razor issue command while razor.server.trace is set to None. Ensure that you get a dialog stating that razor.server.trace must be set to Debug.

  • Run the Report a Razor issue command while razor.server.trace is set to Debug. Follow the instructions, type a little bit in a .cshtml file when it's recording. Once you stop the recording ensure that the content copied to your clipboard has the following information:

    • Razor log output under the Logs section
    • The Razor document content under the Workspace information section
    • Projected CSharp document under the Workspace information section
    • Projected Html document under the Workspace information section
    • dotnet --info output under Machine information section
    • The table of extensions under the Machine information section

Razor Options


This option should always be displayed in the View --> Output --> Razor Log window This option can be set to any of the following values:

  • "None" - Will launch Razor Language server with its log output set to 'Off'. The header in the Razor Log output window will be shown but no other content will be shown.
  • "Information" - Will launch Razor Language server with its log output set to 'Information'. Limited messages will be shown such as "Opening document xyz in project abc".
  • "Debug" - Will launch Razor Language server with its log output set to 'Debug'. All logging messages will be shown such as "123 - Synchronizing documentxyz currently ...." Changing this option should result in a notification message at the bottom right of the window, prompting for a restart of the Razor Language Server.

OmniSharp Options

omnisharp.useModernNet (all platforms)

This option is defaulted to true.

When this option is set to false a .NET Framework build of OmniSharp is downloaded and used for language services. This setting should only be used when working with older Full Framework projects (such as Unity) and would be expected to fail when trying to load .NET SDK-style projects (.NET Core, .NET).

  • if the option is not set, the OmniSharp log should indicate that the registered MSBuild instance is either the Standalone MSBuild, a Visual Studio MSBuild instance, or a Mono MSBuild instance.
  • if the option is set, the OmniSharp log should inlcude text like the following "OmniSharp server started with .NET 6.0.100" and "Registered MSBuild instance: .NET Core SDK 6.0.100 17.0.0 - "/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/6.0.100/". All language services should continue to work as expected when an SDK-style project is open.


Setting this path to any of the values as listed below, should start the OmniSharp server and display the correct OmniSharp path in the OmniSharp Log(View --> Output--> OmniSharp Log).

  • undefined - OmniSharp server must start using the copy of omnisharp shipped with the extension, that is, the OmniSharp path must be the extension path, followed by .omnisharp followed by the default omnisharp version as present in the package.json and the platform-specific executable.
  • Some absolute path - OmniSharp server must start using the local copy of OmniSharp pointed to by the path and the same must be displayed as the Omnisharp path. Example:C:\omnisharp-roslyn\artifacts\publish\OmniSharp.Stdio\win7-x64\OmniSharp.exe.
  • "" - The specified version must be downloaded and installed (The status of download/install can be seen in the C# log). If the installation is successful, the server must start and the OmniSharp path must include the .omnisharp folder followed by the version name and the executable. Eg: If the version is 1.29.2-beta.60, the path displayed on Windows should be .omnisharp/1.29.2-beta.60/OmniSharp.exe.
  • "latest" - The file containing the information about the latest CI build (, must be downloaded and accordingly the latest CI build from the "master" branch of omnisharp-roslyn should be downloaded and installed. If the installation is successful, the server must start and the OmniSharp path must include the .omnisharp folder followed by the version name and the executable. Eg: If the latest version is 1.29.2-beta.62, the path displayed on Windows should be .omnisharp/1.29.2-beta.62/OmniSharp.exe.
  • All the above configurations should work, with and without setting the useMono option on Linux
  • The above behavior should be exhibited when a new vscode window is opened, as well as if the setting is modified and a "Restart OmniSharp"(Ctrl+Shift+P --> OmniSharp: Restart OmniSharp) is performed.

Status Bar Item

The status bar item(s) must appear on the left side of the VS Code's status bar

  • When the extension is setting up the dependencies, the status bar item should show "Downloading packages"/"Installing packages".
  • Once the server has started, there should be two status bar items:
    • OmniSharp status Bar item - It should show a green flame (indicating that the OmniSharp server is running) and clicking on it should show the OmniSharp log channel
    • Project status bar item - It should show and a folder icon and the name of the currently selected project/solution. Clicking on this element should show a command palette menu to select other projects/solutions in the workspace.

[1] For example,

mkdir project
mkdir test
dotnet new console -o project
dotnet new xunit -o test
dotnet add test\test.csproj reference project\project.csproj
dotnet new solution -n solution
dotnet sln solution.sln add test\test.csproj project\project.csproj