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File metadata and controls

191 lines (145 loc) · 5.61 KB


Kappa is a local AWS Lambda runner. It enables you to run Lambdas as a web server on your local machine. Making testing and development faster and easier.

Demonstartion video


To run Kappa, you will need to have Docker installed on your machine and you need to execute the following command in the root directory of your project:

docker run \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -p "3000:3000" \
    -p "3001:8080" \
    -e "PROJECT_ROOT=/path/to/your/project" \
    -e "HANDLER=bin/index.handler" \

This will start a web server on http://localhost:3000 that will simulate an AWS Lambda. It will also start another web server on http://localhost:3001 where you can configure what type of Lambda you want to run and which event template should it use.

By default the API Gateway Proxy template will be used.

If you want to persist your saved template, reconsider mounting the database of the container (located at /usr/src/app/shared/db/database.sqlite3) on the host's filesystem. (e.g. by adding the following flag -v ./tmp_db.sqlite3:/usr/src/app/shared/db/database.sqlite3)

Basic configuration

The bare essential arguments for running the container are:

docker run \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -e "PROJECT_ROOT=/path/to/your/project" \
    -e "HANDLER=bin/index.handler" \

Kappa needs access to the host's docker.sock to be able to spawn Lambda containers to execute various tasks. The PROJECT_ROOT env variable defines which project to run as the Lambda code. HANDLER specifies which function in which file to use as the entry point for the Lambda.

Environment variables

All environment variables from the Kappa container will be passed to the spawned lambda container. E.g. if the Kappa container has an ENV variable FOO with the value bar, then the spawned Lambda container will also have an ENV variable FOO with the value bar. This is the intended way of passing environment variables to the Lambda.


Constantly running the above command can get tedious. If you have docker-compose installed, you can use the following docker-compose.yml file:

version: '2'
    image "stankec/kappa"
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - "3000:3000"
      - "3001:8080"
      - "PROJECT_ROOT=$(pwd)"
      - "AWS_REGION=some-amazon-region"
      - "HANDLER=bin/index.handler"
    tty: true
    stdin_open: true

And then run docker-compose up to start Kappa. Note: This file assumes it's in the root directory of the project you want to run in the Lambda.


You can see all available templates in the shared/data/templates directory.

The template which is used to run the Lambda can be changed in the configurator. Note: The saved template doesn't change the preset template and that it will disappear when the container is restarted.

Each template needs to have at least two keys: name and json. Those keys are self-explanatory:

  • name - Name of the template (used only for display purposes)
  • json - Relative path to a file containing the template's raw JSON payload

Additionally, a template can have a fields key, which describes how the value from the incoming HTTP request should be mapped to the event JSON. It can have the following keys:

  • body - mapping of the raw HTTP body string
  • headers - mapping of a hash with the HTTP header key-value pairs
  • query - mapping of a hash with the HTTP query key-value pairs
  • path - mapping of the raw HTTP path string
  • method - mapping of the raw HTTP method string

E.g. if you want to map the request's path to the key b of the following JSON:

  "a": {
    "b": "path"
  "c": "another_path"

the fields.path field would look like this:

[['a', 'b']]

Or in YAML format:

    - "a"
    - "b"

If a template has multiple fields that need to be mapped to the same data from the HTTP request then the value of the key can be set as an array of arrays:

[['a', 'b'], 'c']

Or in YAML format:

  - "c"
    - "a"
    - "b"

Things to note

Everything the Lambda outputs to STDOUT will be used as the result / response. And everything that is output to STDERR will be visible in the logs of the Kappa container. The Lambda runner, by default, outputs a JSON object with the response to STDOUT when it's finished.

In JavaScript applications console.log is redirected to STDERR.


This project wouldn't have been possible without the folks at FloatingPoint who sponsored it's development.

FloatingPoint logo

And the folks behind LambdaCI's docker-lambda project. It's the backbone on top of which this application has been built.

Why kappa?

Well, if AWS Lambdas are the-bleeding-edge™ enabling 'serverless' infrastructure then this is a step backward - back to a server-client infrastructure. The Greek letter preceding lambda (λ) is kappa (κ)... Very clever, I know 🤣


This project is licensed under the MIT license.