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Arch Linux with i3 WM config running on a Thinkpad T14s Using Arc GTK3 Theme Optimized to my personal use, feel free to edit to suit your needs

Vim files are hosted in a separate repository:

i3 Configuration



  • arch linux - basic system
  • i3 - window manager
  • i3status - status bar
  • dunst - notifications
  • rofi - Super-P launcher
  • feh - setting background
  • pavucontrol - sound
  • scrot - screenshots
  • libnotify - notifications
  • ttf-font-icons - icons for statusbar


  • vim - code/text editor
  • firefox - browser
  • thunderbird - mail client
  • gnome-terminal - terminal emulator

##Basic Bindings

  • Super - Standard modifier
  • Super+Enter - open terminal
  • Super+Shift+Enter - open nautilus
  • Super+Backslash - open terminal interactively
  • Super+Shift+Backslash - open nautilus interactively
  • Alt+F4 - kill focused window
  • Super+d - program launcher (rofi)
  • Super+Shift+d - ssh launcher (rofi)
  • Super+{h,j,k,l} - focus left, down, up, right (vim based)
  • Super+{v,g} - split vertical, horizontal
  • Super+f - fullscreen
  • Super+s - stacking layout
  • Super+w - tabbed layout
  • Super+e - toggle splitted layout
  • Super+Shift+Space - toggle floating mode
  • Super+Space - toggle focus floating
  • Super+a - focus parent container
  • Super+F2 - Rename workspace (not recommended)
  • Super+{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0} - switch workspaces
  • Super+Shift+{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0} - move container to ws
  • Super+o - move workspace to next output (e.g. displayport)
  • Super+p - move window to displayport (for presentations)
  • Super+Shift+c - reload i3 configuration
  • Super+Shift+r - restart i3, used for upgrading
  • Super+Shift+e - logs out of i3
  • Super+r - switch to window resize mode
  • Alt+Tab - focus right window
  • Alt+Shift+Tab - focus left window
  • Super+Tab - workspace "back-and-forth"
  • Super+PageDown - focus next workspace
  • Super+PageUp - focus previous workspace
  • Super+b - start firefox
  • Print - make screenshots, see below for more information
  • Super+Shift+Minus - move focused window to scratchpad
  • Super+Minux - show scratchpad
  • Super+F1 - start pulseaudio volume control
  • Super+Escape - shutdown, reboot, lock interactively
  • Thinkpad special keys work as expected and labeled

Check out the .i3/config for more details.

##Workspace Layout

  • 1: term: terminal
  • 2: www: browser
  • 3: three: coding
  • 4: four: free
  • 5: five: free
  • 6: six: free
  • 7: seven: steam
  • 8: eight: free
  • 9: DP: displayport (Super+p to move window here)
  • 10: com: communication

##Scrot Screenshots

  • Print - make screenshot in png format
  • Shift+Print - make screenshot in jpg format
  • Super+Print - make screenshot of current window in png format
  • Super+Shift+Print - make screenshot of current window in jpg format
  • add CTRL key - delay screenshot for 5 seconds

##Screenshots i3 alsi i3 terminal i3 ranger i3 firefox i3 atom i3 rofi i3 lock


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