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Comparison between different Observer Pattern implementations

millermedeiros edited this page Nov 27, 2010 · 18 revisions

The comparisson below is just about the basic features of subscribing to an event type, dispatching and removing an event listener. It isn't based on available features but on differences between each concept and pros and cons of using each one.

All the implementations accomplish exactly the same objective and are based on the same design pattern (Observer), they share many similarities but they all accomplish tasks on a slightly different way, this page is intended to help you choose which one fits better your workflow and the kind of problems you are trying to solve.

Event Target / Event Dispatcher

  • Each Object that dispatches custom events needs to inherit from an EventTarget/EventDispatcher object or implement the proper interface.
  • Use strings to identify the event type.
  • DOM2/DOM3 Events are based on this paradigm.

Code sample

  myObject.addEventListener('myCustomEventTypeString', handler);
  myObject.dispatch(new Event('myCustomEventTypeString'));
  myObject.removeEventListener('myCustomEventTypeString', handler);


  • Total control of the target object and make sure you are listening only to the events dispatched by the specific target.
  • Can dispatch arbitrary event types without modifying the target object.
  • Use same methods for every kind of target/object/event.
  • Easy to understand what the code does.
  • Popular.


  • Favors inheritance over composition.
  • Uses strings to identify event types, prone to typo errors and autocomplete doens't work properly.
  • Event handlers usually accept only a single parameter (Event Object).
    • If you want to pass extra data you have to create a custom event object that implements proper interface or extends a base Event object, a process that is usually bureaucratic and awkward.

Publish / Subscribe (pub/sub)

  • Uses a single object to broadcast messages to multiple subscribers.
    • Not really a prerequisite but most implementations uses a static centralized object as the broadcaster.
  • Use strings to identify the event type.
  • There is no relationship between the message and the target of the event.

Code sample

  globalBroadcaster.subscribe('myCustomEventTypeString', handler);
  globalBroadcaster.publish('myCustomEventTypeString', paramsArray);
  globalBroadcaster.unsubscribe('myCustomEventTypeString', handler);


  • Any object can publish/subscribe to any event type.
  • Lightweight.
  • Easy to use / implement.


  • Any object can publish/subscribe to any event type. (yeap, it's pro and con at the same time)
  • Uses strings to identify event types.
    • Error prone.
    • No code-completion (unless you store the value as a variable/constant).
    • Relies on naming conventions to avoid that the message gets intercepted by the wrong subscriber.


  • Each event type has it's own controller.
  • Doesn't rely on strings for event types.

Code sample

  myObject.myCustomEventType.dispatch(param1, param2, ...);


  • Doesn't rely on strings.
    • Code-completion works properly.
    • Less error prone.
    • No need to create constants to store string values.
  • Granular control over each listener and event type.
    • Each signal is already a specific target/container.
  • Easy do identify wich signals the object dispatch.
  • Favor composition over inheritance.


  • Can't dispatch arbitrary events. (which is also a pro in most cases)
  • Each event-type is an object member. (which is also a pro in most cases)
    • Can help to clutter the namespace if you have multiple event types.
  • Is different from what most people are used to.


As most things in life each solution has it's pros and cons, and it's your task to decide which approach fits better what you are trying to accomplish. I hope this information helped you on your task.

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