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How to Add and Remove Nodes

OpenPAI doesn't support changing master nodes, thus, only the solution of adding/removing worker nodes is provided. You can add CPU workers, GPU workers, and other computing devices (e.g. TPU, NPU) into the cluster.


Pre-checks on Nodes to Add

Note: If you are going to remove nodes, you can skip this section.

  • To add worker nodes, please check if the nodes meet The Worker Requirements.

  • If you have configured any PV/PVC storage, please confirm the nodes meet PV's requirements. See Confirm Worker Nodes Environment for details.

  • If you are going to add nodes that have been deleted before, you may need to reload the systemd manager configuration on those nodes:

    ssh <node> "sudo systemctl daemon-reload"

Pull & Modify Cluster Settings

  • Log in to your dev box machine and go into your dev box docker container, change directory to /pai. If you don't have a dev box docker container, launch one.

    sudo docker exec -it <your-dev-box> bash
    cd /pai
  • Use to pull config files to a certain folder.

    Note: Check if the files you pulled contain config.yaml. Before v1.7.0, config.yaml is stored in ~/pai-deploy/cluster-cfg/config.yaml on the dev box machine. If you have upgraded to v1.7.0, please copy config.yaml to the <config-folder> and push it to the cluster. If your config.yaml is lost, you need to create a new one. Refer to config.yaml example.

    ./ config pull -o <config-folder>
  • Modify <config-folder>/layout.yaml. Add new nodes into machine-list, create a new machine-sku if necessary. Refer to layout.yaml format for schema requirements.

    Note: If you are going to remove nodes, you can skip this step.

      - hostname: new-worker-node--0
        hostip: x.x.x.x
        machine-type: xxx-sku
        pai-worker: "true"
      - hostname: new-worker-node-1
        hostip: x.x.x.x
        machine-type: xxx-sku
        pai-worker: "true"
  • Make sure that you can access all nodes in the cluster using the settings in <config-folder>/config.yaml. If you use SSH key pairs to log in to nodes, please mount the folder ~/.ssh on the dev box machine to /root/.ssh on the dev box docker container。

  • Modify HiveD scheduler settings in <config-folder>/services-configuration.yaml properly. Please refer to How to Set up Virtual Clusters and the Hived Scheduler Doc for details.

    Note: If you are using Kubernetes default scheduler, you can skip this step.

Use Paictl to Add / Remove Nodes

Note: All the following operations should be performed in the dev box docker container on the dev box machine.

Note:When removing nodes, the layout.yaml saved in Kubernetes will be automatically modified after the deletion is successful. We recommend backing up the <config-folder> in the file system of your dev box machine in case your dev box docker container stops.

  • Stop related services.

    ./ service stop -n cluster-configuration hivedscheduler rest-server job-exporter
  • Push the latest configuration.

    ./ config push -p <config-folder> -m service
  • Add nodes to and/or remove nodes from kubernetes.

    • To add nodes:

      ./ node add -n <node1> <node2> ...
    • To remove nodes:

      ./ node remove -n <node1> <node2> ...
  • Start related services.

    ./ service start -n cluster-configuration hivedscheduler rest-server job-exporter