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Roadmap for Upcoming Features and Support

Karla Saur edited this page Jul 20, 2020 · 42 revisions

Planned Support

If you have an operator / input format / backend that you want us to add or you are interested in working on, please open an issue and we will consider it for the roadmap!

Additional Operators

Below is a list of operations that we plan to support.

Existing support listed: here.


  • Classifiers: Other - (Issue #153)

    • MLPClassifier
    • BernoulliNB
    • GaussianNB
    • MultinomialNB
  • Feature Selectors - (Issue #134)

    • SelectKBest
    • SelectPercentile
  • Matrix Decomposition

    • PCA
    • KernelPCA
    • TruncatedSVD
    • FastICA
  • Feature Pre-processing: One-to-One

    • SimpleImputer
    • MissingIndicator
    • ColumnTransformer
    • Binarizer
    • KBinsDiscretizer
  • Feature Pre-processing: Other

    • PolynomialFeatures
    • LabelEncoder - (Issue #160)
    • FeatureHasher
  • Text Featurizers

Other features requested:

Additional Backend Support

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