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479 lines (415 loc) · 21.2 KB

File metadata and controls

479 lines (415 loc) · 21.2 KB


  • Upgraded the System.Text.Json package to v8.0.4 for the netstandard2.0 target framework, due to a vulnerability.
  • Dropped support for the netcoreapp3.1 target framework, which reached end of life.


  • Added support for the net8.0 target framework.
  • Added support to optionally explore a race condition when using the AutoResetEvent.Reset method.


  • Fixed an issue with Actor not halting as expected in certain scenarios after explicitly raising a HaltEvent event.


  • Added the Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.SkipRewriting attribute that allows skipping the rewriting of a user-specified type.
  • The coyote command line tool can now invoke non-static xUnit tests that have no parameters and their declaring type has a constructor without parameters or only has the Xunit.Abstractions.ITestOutputHelper as parameter.
  • Fixed a bug with not reporting correctly actor coverage.


  • Added rewriting support for fine-grained race-checking at memory-access and control-flow branching locations. Race-checking at memory-access locations can be enabled during testing by setting the Configuration.WithMemoryAccessRaceCheckingEnabled option, whereas race-checking at control-flow branching locations can be enabled during testing by setting the Configuration.WithControlFlowRaceCheckingEnabled option. Rewriting is enabled by default to support both features, which adds extra instructions in the rewritten DLLs, but this can be disabled by setting the IsRewritingMemoryLocations rewriting option to false.


  • Added rewriting support for System.Threading.SpinWait methods.


  • Exposed the ConsoleLogger as public so that users can conveniently use it to write runtime logs to the console.
  • Implemented more fake methods in the ActorTestKit class.
  • Added a method for setting a custom logger when using the ActorTestKit class.
  • Added rewriting support for System.Threading.Volatile methods.
  • Fixed a bug where merging coverage info could result in a rare race condition.


  • Added support for controlling user-created Thread instances during testing.
  • Added support for controlling WaitHandle and related APIs during testing.
  • Added the ActorTestKit class for unit-testing actors and state machines in isolation.
  • Disabled the automated fallback to randomized fuzzing during testing, if systematic testing fails.
  • Fixed a bug in bug trace reporting.


  • Added support for visualizing traces from testing task-based programs in DGML format.
  • Implemented various runtime optimizations for more efficient coverage during testing.
  • Optimized the modeling of various lock APIs during testing.
  • Fixed a rewriting bug occurring when methods return task arrays.


  • Added support for the net7.0 target framework.


  • Added support for fully controlling the SemaphoreSlim type during testing.
  • Added support for detecting the System.Guid and System.DateTime APIs as sources of uncontrolled data non-determinism during testing.
  • Added the Configuration.WithPartiallyControlledDataNondeterminismAllowed API (and --partial-control <MODE> CLI option) for configuring how uncontrolled data non-determinism should be handled during testing.
  • Added the Configuration.WithScheduleCoverageReported API (and --schedule-coverage CLI option) for dumping coverage statistics and stack traces for scheduling decisions.
  • Added the Specification.RegisterStateHashingFunction API for registering custom program state hashing functions, which can be used to compute an approximation of the program state during testing, as well as reporting it in the test statistics.
  • Improved replay traces by registering the scheduling point type alongside each scheduling decision.
  • Fixed missing net462 dependency in the Microsoft.Coyote.Tool NuGet package.


  • Added support for operation grouping for Task continuations.
  • Added support for the delay-bounding exploration strategy.
  • Added support for rewriting the Thread.Yield and Interlocked APIs.
  • Updated the runtime to not fail with a potential deadlock when the debugger is attached, and instead add a breakpoint, to avoid spurious failures when debugging.
  • Hardened the SchedulingPoint.Suppress and SchedulingPoint.Resume methods so that they do not resume scheduling earlier than expected when they are used in a nested manner.
  • Fixed a runtime memory leak when test iterations terminated early.
  • Fixed a rare stack-overflow exception when popping states during a StateMachine execution.
  • Fixed a few cases of internally spawned tasks considered to be uncontrolled by the runtime.


  • Updated the default random exploration strategy with a portfolio testing mode that uses a tuned set of different exploration strategies to increase coverage for different bug patterns. The portfolio will be transparently enhanced over time as new exploration strategies become available inside Coyote. The Portfolio can be set to fair or unfair using Configuration.WithPortfolioMode or the --portfolio-mode command-line option. The portfolio mode can be disabled and explicitly set to one of the available exploration strategies by setting a strategy-related option such as Configuration.WithRandomStrategy or -s <STRATEGY>.
  • Refactored the NuGet packages, by moving Microsoft.Coyote.Actors to its own dedicated package, introducing a new Microsoft.Coyote.Tool package that contains the self-contained coyote command-line tool (for users that do not want to manage coyote via the Microsoft.Coyote.CLI .NET tool), introducing a new Microsoft.Coyote.Core package that only contains the core runtime library of Coyote, and converting the Microsoft.Coyote NuGet package into a meta-package that pulls all non-tool packages.
  • Moved the actor Event type under the Microsoft.Coyote.Actors namespace.
  • Introduced a Monitor.Event type (nested in the Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications.Monitor class), which must now be used for declaring specification monitor events, instead of the original Event type above.
  • Enhanced and streamlined the logging API and built-in loggers, which are now available in the Microsoft.Coyote.Logging namespace, instead of Microsoft.Coyote.IO.
  • Removed support for the end-of-life net5.0 target framework.


  • Exposed new IActorRuntime.GetCurrentActorIds() API that returns the ActorId for each active actor managed by the runtime, as well as an IActorRuntime.GetCurrentActorTypes() API that returns the Type of each active actor managed by the runtime. These APIs are not thread-safe and should only be used for gathering statistics and debugging purposes.


  • Exposed new IActorRuntime.GetActorExecutionStatus(id) API that enables querying the actor runtime for the current execution status of the actor with the specified id, as well as an IActorRuntime.GetCurrentActorCount() API that returns the number of active actors managed by the runtime. These APIs are not thread-safe and should only be used for gathering statistics and debugging purposes.
  • Exposed new IActorRuntime.OnActorHalted callback which is triggered when an actor has halted and the runtime has stopped managing it.


  • Exposed new Operation API that enables instrumenting, controlling and scheduling custom concurrent operations.
  • Exposed new SchedulingPoint.SetCheckpoint API that allows to capture all non-deterministic decisions in the currently explored execution path and try replay them in subsequent test iterations to optimize coverage of a subset of the state space.
  • Added support for intercepting and controlling asynchronous locks.
  • Added support for rewriting the SemaphoreSlim type.
  • The Configuration.WithReplayStrategy method was renamed to Configuration.WithReproducibleTrace to make it more explicit that setting this option allows reproducing the specified trace.
  • Various runtime improvements and bug fixes.


  • Improved the runtime to try enforce atomicity when invoking a specification Monitor.


  • Fixed a bug in coyote rewrite related to rewriting nested types.


  • Fixed a bug where a thrown exception was not propagating properly when invoking Task.WaitAll during systematic testing.
  • Fixed a bug in coyote rewrite related to return types with nested generics.


  • Fixed a bug in coyote rewrite when checking uncontrolled tasks from methods with a nested generic return type.


  • Added support in coyote rewrite for rewriting types with a required modifier (modreq).


  • Significantly improved runtime performance during partially-controlled concurrency testing.


  • Improved the assembly loading logic when using the coyote tool.
  • Fixed rare deadlock in test execution paths that exhibit partially-controlled concurrency.
  • Various other runtime improvements.


  • Introduced new command-line interface for the coyote tool that builds on top of the System.CommandLine library. This brings an improved and more robust user experience (e.g. better CLI error messages), as well as other enhancements such as CLI option grouping.
  • The --coverage code CLI option is not supported anymore as it was only supported on Windows and has been superseded by the official .NET cross-platform code coverage infrastructure. See here and here. The --coverage (or -c) CLI option is now used to enable activity coverage (replacing --coverage activity), as discussed here.
  • The --parallel N CLI option is not supported anymore to bring the coyote tool experience in line with the programmatic way of running Coyote tests (via the TestingEngine API), which did not support built-in parallel testing. If needed, running parallel tests can still be achieved by invoking multiple Coyote testing processes in parallel (e.g. via a script).


  • Simplified the coyote tool ASP.NET dependency.
  • Partially controlled concurrency is now allowed by default during systematic testing. Disable via the --no-partial-control command line option (or Configuration.WithPartiallyControlledConcurrencyAllowed(false)).
  • Added support for schedule space reduction based on read and write operations. Enable via the --reduce-shared-state command line option (or Configuration.WithSharedStateReductionEnabled).
  • Improved support for detecting potential deadlocks during partially controlled concurrency.
  • Binary rewriting improvements and fixes.


  • Added runtime and rewriting support for testing ASP.NET controllers in the presence of partially-controlled concurrency.
  • Added support for rewriting the HttpClient type targeting ASP.NET controllers.
  • Improved runtime support for partially-controlled concurrency during testing.
  • New option for skipping potential deadlocks in the presence of partially-controlled concurrency.
  • The actor logging method LogExceptionThrown is now only called if the exception was not handled. The LogExceptionHandled method can be used instead for handled exceptions.
  • Various other runtime improvements and fixes.


  • Added support for the netstandard2.0 target framework.
  • Added support for rewriting the non-generic TaskCompletionSource type.
  • Added support for rewriting the ValueTask type (but IValueTaskSource is not supported).
  • Improvements to systematic fuzzing, especially for actor-based programs.
  • Improvements to how thread interrupts are handled at the end of each test iteration.
  • Tests now report the degree of concurrency and number of controlled operations.


  • Added support for the net6.0 target framework.
  • The TestingEngine is now giving a warning if the DLL being tested has not been rewritten.
  • The number of controlled operations are now reported as part of test statistics.
  • Improvements, optimizations and bug-fixes in binary rewriting.
  • Added support for dumping the rewritten IL diff to a file through --dump-il-diff.


  • Enabled automated fallback to systematic fuzzing upon detecting uncontrolled concurrency during testing to increase usability. This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled via the no-fuzzing-fallback command line option (or Configuration.WithSystematicFuzzingFallbackEnabled).
  • Added a new JSON test report that lists any detected invocations of uncontrolled methods.
  • The TestingEngine.TryEmitTraces method was renamed to TestingEngine.TryEmitReports to reflect that the reports do not include only traces.
  • The IActorRuntimeLog.OnStrategyDescription method was removed.


  • Redesigned the systematic testing runtime to significantly improve its performance and simplicity.
  • An ActorId of a halted actor can now be reused.
  • The coyote tool can now resolve aspnet.


  • Added rewriting support for testing race conditions with several System.Collections.Concurrent data structures.
  • Added rewriting support for testing System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<T> data races.
  • Added the SchedulingPoint.Suppress and SchedulingPoint.Resume methods for suppressing and resuming interleavings of enabled operations, accordingly.
  • Fixed a memory leak in the testing engine.


  • Improved the binary rewriting engine and fixed various rewriting bugs.
  • Removed the deprecated Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks namespace. Testing task-based code should now only be done via binary rewriting, instead of using a custom task type.
  • Removed the net48 target framework, can instead just use the net462 target framework for legacy .NET Framework projects.


  • Improved the strategies used for systematic fuzzing.
  • Fixed a rewriting bug related to the TaskAwaiter type.


  • Added the --no-repro command line option (enabled also via Configuration.WithNoBugTraceRepro), which disables the ability to reproduce buggy traces to allow skipping errors due to uncontrolled concurrency, for example when the program is only partially rewritten, or there is external concurrency that is not mocked, or when the program uses an API that is not yet supported.
  • The uncontrolled concurrency errors have been updated to be more informative and point to the documentation for further reading.


  • Added an experimental rewriting pass that adds assertion checks to find data races in uses of the System.Collections.Generic.List<T> and System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TKey, TValue> collections.
  • Added support for the net462 target framework.


  • Added the SchedulingPoint static class that exposes methods for adding manual scheduling points during systematic testing.
  • Added an experimental systematic testing strategy that uses reinforcement learning. This is enabled using the --sch-rl command line option or the Configuration.WithRLStrategy method.
  • Added an experimental systematic fuzzing testing mode that uses delay injection instead of systematic testing to find bugs. This can be enabled using the --systematic-fuzzing command line option or the Configuration.WithSystematicFuzzingEnabled method.
  • Added the IActorRuntimeLog.OnEventHandlerTerminated actor log callback that is called when an event handler terminates.
  • Fixed a bug where the IActorRuntimeLog.OnHandleRaisedEvent actor log callback was not invoked in production.


  • Improved how coyote test resolves ambiguous test method names.
  • Fixed a bug where awaiting a task from a previous test iteration that was canceled due to ExecutionCanceledException would hang the tester.


  • Exposed the TextWriterLogger type.
  • Fixed a configuration bug where the fairpct strategy would be picked instead of probabilistic.


  • Added the Specification.IsEventuallyCompletedSuccessfully API for checking if a task eventually completes successfully.
  • Added the Configuration.WithTestingTimeout API for specifying a systematic testing timeout instead of iterations.
  • Optimized state space exploration in programs using Task.Delay.
  • Added support for the net5.0 target framework.
  • Removed the net47 target framework.


  • Added the OnEventIgnored and OnEventDeferred callbacks in the Actor type.


  • Added support for systematically testing actors and tasks together using rewriting.
  • Hardened the systematic testing runtime.


  • Improved detection of uncontrolled tasks during systematic testing.
  • Added detection of invoking unsupported APIs during systematic testing.


  • Added missing coyote rewrite dependencies in the Microsoft.Coyote.Test package.


  • Optimizations and fixes in binary rewriting.


  • Added basic support for the System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel type during rewriting.
  • Fixed a bug in coyote rewrite that was incorrectly copying dependencies after rewriting.


  • Renamed TestingEngine.ReproducibleTrace to fix typo in the API name.
  • Fixed some bugs in coyote rewrite.


  • Added experimental support for testing unmodified task-based programs using binary rewriting.
  • Added support for log severity in the logger and converted to an ILogger interface.
  • Optimized various internals of the task testing runtime.


  • Fixed a bug in the Actor logic related to event handlers.
  • Fixed a bug in Microsoft.Coyote.Task.WhenAny.


  • Added support for cancellations in Task.Run APIs.
  • Optimized various internals of the task testing runtime.


  • Fixed the Task.WhenAny and Task.WhenAll APIs so that they execute asynchronously during systematic testing.
  • Fixed the Task.WhenAny and Task.WhenAll APIs so that they throw the proper argument exceptions during systematic testing.


  • Added missing Task<TResult>.UncontrolledTask API.
  • Fixed a bug in the testing runtime for controlled tasks.


  • Fixed a bug in the testing runtime for controlled tasks that could lead to a stack overflow.
  • Optimized various internals of the testing runtime.


  • Introduced a new EventGroup API for actors, which replaces operation groups, that allows improved tracing and awaiting of long running actor operations.
  • The Task.Yield API can now be used to de-prioritize the executing operation during testing.
  • Added missing APIs in the Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks.Semaphore type.
  • Fixed two bugs in the systematic testing scheduler.


  • Fixed an issue that did not allow systematic and non-systematic unit tests to run on the same process.
  • Fixed a bug in the TestingEngine logger.


  • Fixed the NuGet symbol packages.


  • Introduced a new Microsoft.Coyote.Test package that contains the Test attribute and the TestingEngine type for writing unit tests.
  • The core Microsoft.Coyote does not contain anymore Test and TestingEngine, which were moved to the Microsoft.Coyote.Test package.
  • Added support for optional anonymized telemetry in the TestingEngine.
  • Optimized various internals of the systematic testing scheduler.
  • Fixed some issues in the scripts.


  • The core Microsoft.Coyote project is now targeting only .NET Standard, allowing it to be consumed by any project that supports netstandard2.0 and above.
  • Removed the net46 target.
  • Fixed bug in using the global dotnet tool.


  • Added support for building Coyote on Linux and macOS.
  • Building Coyote locally now ignores .NET targets that are not installed.
  • Added optional anonymized telemetry in the coyote tool.
  • Fixed a bug in the SynchronizedBlock type.


  • Added a SynchronizedBlock type to model the semantics of the C# lock statement.
  • Simplified the Configuration APIs for setting max-steps and liveness related heuristics.
  • Fixed code coverage and added support for code coverage on netcoreapp3.1.


  • Added a --version argument to the coyote command line tool.
  • Added a dotnet tool package called Microsoft.Coyote.CLI to install the coyote command line tool and running it without an explicit path.
  • Exposed the ReadableTrace and ReproducibleTrace members of Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting.TestingEngine as public.
  • Fixed a bug in activity coverage reporting for netcoreapp3.1.
  • Fixed some bugs in parallel testing.


  • Added new Microsoft.Coyote.Configuration.WithReplayStrategy method for programmatically assigning a trace to replay.
  • Added support for the netstandard2.1, netcoreapp3.1 and net48 targets.
  • Removed support for the netcoreapp2.2 target, which reached end of life.
  • Fixed various bugs in the documentation.


  • Fixed an issue when invoking Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks.Task.ExploreContextSwitch during a production run.


  • Made ActorRuntimeLogGraphBuilder public.
  • Added CreateStateMachine to IActorRuntimeLog.


  • Fixed an issue in the runtime (there should always be a default task runtime instance).


  • The initial release of the Coyote set of libraries and test tools.