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File metadata and controls

93 lines (63 loc) · 7.1 KB


Artifacts are various recordings during tests including, but not limited to, device logs, device screenshots and screen recordings (videos).

Enabling artifacts

Artifacts are disabled by default. Two things are required to enable them:

  1. Call detox.beforeEach and detox.afterEach before/after each test: In order for artifacts to work, you have to call detox.beforeEach(testSummary) / detox.afterEach(testSummary) before / after each test. Their respective signatures are described in detox object documentation. As the interface (typing) of testSummary may change over the time, and in cases with some test runners it is not trivial to implement test title and status extraction (like with Jest), you are encouraged to use Detox adapter functions like in these examples: mocha, jest.

  2. Specify via launch arguments which types of artifacts you want to record:

  • To record .log files, add --record-logs all (or --record-logs failing, if you want to keep logs only for failing tests).
  • To record .mp4 test run videos, add --record-videos all (or --record-videos failing, if you want to keep video recordings only for failing tests).
  • To record .dtxrec (Detox Instruments recordings) for each test, add --record-performance all. To open those recordings, you'll need Detox Instruments. NOTE: only iOS is supported.
  • To take .png screenshots before and after each test, add --take-screenshots all (or --take-screenshots failing, if you want to keep only screenshots of failing tests).
    Alternatively, you might leverage await device.takeScreenshot('your screenshot name') API to have manual control over taking the screenshots.
    To disable screenshots subsystem forcibly, use --take-screenshots none.
  • To change artifacts root directory location (by default it is ./artifacts), add --artifacts-location <path>.
    NOTE: There is a slightly obscure convention. If you want to create automatically a subdirectory with timestamp and configuration name (to avoid file overwrites upon consquent re-runs), specify a path to directory that does not end with a slash. Otherwise, if you want to put artifacts straight to the specified directory (in a case where you make a single run only, e.g. on CI), add a slash (or a backslash) to the end.
detox test --artifacts-location /tmp/detox_artifacts  # will also append /android.emu.release.2018-06-14 08:54:11Z
detox test --artifacts-location /tmp/detox_artifacts/ # won't append anything, hereby treating it as a root

Artifacts structure

  1. Artifacts root folder is created per detox test run. If, for instance,--artifacts-location /tmp is used with --configuration ios.sim.release configuration on 14th June 2018 at 11:02:11 GMT+02, then the folder /tmp/ios.sim.release.2018-06-14 09:02:11Z is created.

  2. Test folder is created per test inside the root folder. The folder name consists of the test number, and the test's full name provided to detox.afterEach(testSummary) as explained above and in detox object documentation. For instance, for the above example, the following folders will be created inside /tmp/ios.sim.release.2018-06-14 09:02:11Z:

✗ Assertions should assert an element has (accessibility)
✓ Network Synchronization Sync with short network requests - 100ms
  1. Artifacts files are created inside the test folders. The files suffixes stand for the files types (currently there are .err.log and .out.log), and the files prefixes are the launch numbers of the application per test (if the app was executed more than once per test, you will have several artifacts of each type - one per launch). For instance, a test folder may contain the following artifacts files:
Example of the structure:
artifacts/android.emu.release.2018-06-12 06:36:18Z/startup.log
artifacts/android.emu.release.2018-06-12 06:36:18Z/✗ Assertions should assert an element has (accessibility) id/beforeEach.png
artifacts/android.emu.release.2018-06-12 06:36:18Z/✗ Assertions should assert an element has (accessibility) id/test.log
artifacts/android.emu.release.2018-06-12 06:36:18Z/✗ Assertions should assert an element has (accessibility) id/test.mp4
artifacts/android.emu.release.2018-06-12 06:36:18Z/✗ Assertions should assert an element has (accessibility) id/afterEach.png


Screenshots and videos do not appear in the artifacts folder

Make sure you have detox.beforeEach(testSummary) and detox.afterEach(testSummary) calls in your ./e2e/init.js. Check out the recommendations on how to do that for mocha and jest using the out-of-the-box adapters.

Video recording issues on CI

For iOS, you might be getting errors on CI similar to this:

Error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=22 "Invalid argument" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Video recording requires hardware Metal capability.}.

Unfortunately, this error is beyond our reach. To fix it, you have to enable hardware acceleration on your build machine, or just disable video recording on CI if it is not possible to turn on the acceleration.

There might be a similar issue on Android when the screenrecording process exits with an error on CI. While the solution might be identical to the one above, also you might try to experiment with other emulator devices and Android OS versions to see if it helps.

Detox Instruments is installed in a custom location

If you have to use Detox Instruments installed in a custom location (e.g., inside node_modules), you can point Detox to it with the DETOX_INSTRUMENTS_PATH environment variable, as shown below:

DETOX_INSTRUMENTS_PATH="/path/to/Detox" detox test ...

Please mind that if Detox Instruments had been integrated into your app (usually, that is in development builds), then the built-in version of Detox Profiler framework will always take priority over any custom path to Detox Instruments installation.

Ctrl+C does not terminate Detox+Jest tests correctly

This is a known issue. Video or log recording process under Detox+Jest is apt to keep running even after you press Ctrl+C and stop the tests. Furthermore, some of temporary files won't get erased (e.g. /sdcard/83541_0.mp4 on Android emulator, or /private/var/folders/lm/thz8hdxs4v3fppjh0fjc2twhfl_3x2/T/f12a4fcb-0d1f-4d98-866c-e7cea4942ade.png on your Mac). It cannot be solved on behalf of Detox itself, because the problem has to do with how Jest runner works with its puppet processes. The issue is on our radar, but the ETA for the fix stays unknown. If you feel able to contribute the fix to Jest, you are very welcome.