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beltaloada: an out of this world shell build system

The more you share, the more your bowl will be plentiful.

—Belter asteroid miner saying, The Expanse


beltaloada is an unconventional build system. It is written by and for shell script users.

It is not a tool you can install. It is a set of guidelines. You write your own build system!

beltaloada cannot fail. beltaloada is a way of living.



sh deserves a better build system. Unlike C and C++, there is no widely accepted build system for managing sh development tasks. beltaloada describes such a system.

Why not make?

Notably, make may offer deduplication and other performance gains, in case the user ends up requesting multiple, redundant task subtrees. Also, make tends to cache temporary files well for project with many, inter-task artifacts. However, make is usually outclassed by modern programming language build systems.

In the context of shell projects, make encourages waste. The .PHONY target scales linearly (poorly) with the number of build tasks for projects that do not generate many file artifacts, such as shell projects.

make is difficult to statically analyze. There are few make linters, and even fewer linters able to lint shell commands embedded in makefiles. This makes make doubly fragile, inviting avoidable bugs into the build system.

make presents a (minor) attack surface, for projects concerned with the size of the development environment. sh is Turing complete, so it stands to reason that we should not need to install a tool written in C to manage sh code. We generally prefer installing as few development components as possible, so that the build environment is clean and quick to setup on new machines. The alternative requires additional linting for the makefile, which means more tools, more programming languages... ballooning the development environment just to support some shell scripts.

make represents a language completely apart from sh. Accordingly, this significantly increases the cognitive load when debugging projects involving sh + make. For instance, makefiles that neglect to properly backslash (\) piped multiline commands can lead to accidents, due to how the make syntax interacts with shell syntax. This is less of a problem when operating entirely within a single language, shell.

When diagnosing build problems, it's faster to sift through a single body of documentation rather than two bodies of documentation. Hence why it is pragmatic to use Mage to configure Go build tasks, Shake to configure Haskell build tasks, and so on. Implementing the build system in the same language as the main project application or library accelerates debugging and maintenance.

Why not (insert bash build system here)?

(GNU) bash is not the only game in town. There are dozens of sh implementations, from ash to zsh. For instance, macOS currently defaults to zsh, while WSL defaults to bash, while Alpine Linux defaults to ash. Even a small team of engineers are immediately confronted with conflicting sh implementations, and likely experience errors when running scripts on multiple nodes. In the cloud, Works on My Machine^TM is not a valid answer.

We favor no particular sh implementation over the other. In fact, implementations come with their own laundry list of tradeoffs, and often vary between local development environments, optimized Docker containers, and end user environments. The way to manage the madness of fragmentation involves targeting the lowest common demoninator, POSIX sh.

To be clear, Command Prompt, fish, ion, PowerShell, rc, (t)csh, Thompson sh, and other non POSIX conforming shells are not directly supported by the beltaloada code snippets below. However, the concepts we explore will very likely have equivalent syntax in fringe shells. In that case, consult your shell's documentation.




Make it your own

All of these techniques are recommendations. Your project may have specific needs, such as avoiding installing additional components, or latency requirements, or something that conflicts with the ideas described below. You may find a unique solution! Experiment. The best way to know for sure, is to apply different ideas in your own projects.

Nest executable and importable project shell scripts in bin/ and lib/

Modern programming languages have established conventions for project directory trees: A directory for executables, a directory for importable libraries, and a directory for other project files.

For shell projects, these directories align to bin, lib, and . respectively. Put any executable scripts in the first, any importable library scripts in the second, and the build system script in the third. Doing so greatly clarifies the structure of the project, which otherwise could vary wildly. For instance, housing executable shell applications in bin simplifies the installation projects to merely adding the bin directory to PATH. A little structure accelerates a ton of guesswork! It also reduces the need for documentation and manual steps.

Lint build scripts

Remember to include the sh build system configuration script itself, along with the rest of your shell code. If you don't lint the build system, then you might as well slap on make. And assume all the risks that come with that.

Declare tasks in a build file

Place a build text file at the top level directory of the project.

No file extension.

LF line endings, with UTF-8/ASCII encoding.

Use a simple POSIX style shebang, like:


Minimize use of bashisms and other interpreter specific syntax in the build script. Minimize use of GNU and BSD specific commands and flags.

Ensure the current working directory matches the top level project directory.

Add executable permissions:

$ chmod +x build

Run the build:

$ ./build

For the same reason, avoid housing executables at the top level directory of your projects. Generated executables are commonly nested in a temporary directory like bin, target, dist, .node_modules, etc., and even excluded from version control. Permanent, general purpose scripting language executables are commonly nested as source code in a permanent directory like lib. Nonexecutable, importable shell libraries may be nested in a directory like lib. Permanent, executable shell scripts may be nested in a directory like bin. Put together, this sounds rather complicated. But even a single degree of directory nesting is often sufficient to reduce

Avoid adding the top level project directory to PATH. Doing so risks resolving the wrong build script from different projects.

Compiled programming languages tend to reserve a temporary directory like bin, target, dist, etc. as a safe location for binary executables. General purpose scripting languages reserve a temporary directories (.node_modules,

For general purpose programming languages, we have bin (gitignorable in C, C++, etc.), target (Java), dist (Haskell), ~/go/bin (Go), .node_modules (Node.js)

Instead, house any permanent executable files in a subdirectory like lib, bin, etc.

Unset IFS and enable sh safety flags

After the shebang, unset the IFS variable and enable sh safety flags. These work to catch many kinds of common coding mistakes that may occur in the build script.

unset IFS
set -euf

Initialize a DEFAULT_TASK variable


This resembles the all conventional task at the top of traditional makefiles.

Sketch a usage message

help() {
    echo 'Usage: ./build [<task> [<task> [<task>...]]]


    for TASK in $TASK_NAMES; do
        echo "* $TASK"

The implementation for TASK_NAMES comes later on. Or you can hardcode a short list. If you do, declare it prior to the help function. Because the variable will be reused in other functions.

We place the usage implementation near the top of the file. This way, curious readers who open the source code will immediately see the CLI syntax documentation, without having to search for it.

Implement task hierarchies as shell functions

all() {

lint() {
    shellcheck ./build lib/*.sh

test() {

test_messaging() {

test_console() {
    echo "Howdy"

test_stream() {
    echo "zebra\naardvark" |

test_noise() {
    mplayer fixtures/static.mp3

Above, we have an example hierarchy.

This hierarchy is configured with a root level all task. The all task is set as the default, when no explicit tasks are supplied to the ./build command. The all task triggers some task subtrees, in this case, lint and test. The lint task demonstrates a ShellCheck lint for the build script and some project *.sh scripts in a lib directory. Leaves at the ends of the task tree, contain the ordinary shell commands that fulfil their duties.

The names and depth of your task trees will vary from project to project. Recommend grouping and ordering tasks, for example logically, alphabetically, leftmost tree traversal order. Whenever execution order is otherwise arbitrary.

Warning, when the command(s) implementing a task begin with the same name as the task, then explicitly prefix those steps with command:

snyk() {
    command snyk test

This mitigates recursion issues.

Clean up extraneous resources with a clean task

For instance, a project that builds tarball artifacts files during builds:

clean() {
    rm -f *.tgz

Index the task names

And now for the hard part. Generating an efficient cache of valid task names. In a shell script, using only POSIX features.

    awk '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\(\)/ {
        split($0, a, /\(\)/);
        print a[1]
    }' "$0" |


Fortunately for awk, one of the few convenient tokens to parse from a shell script is function declarations. (We wouldn't recommend using regular expressions to parse much else from source code.)

This example uses external tools, POSIX awk and sort, to extract the task names and order them in a pleasing fashion for the console. On various UNIX systems, these tools are commonly provided in the base, coreutils, and/or awk packages. They may or may not be automatically installed in an environment, depending on the minimalism of the operating system.

For convenience and aesthetics, we preemptively sort the list of task names. Or manually sort them, if hardcoded. Note that hardcoding task names may not scale, and violates the DRY principle. What's the DRY princple? Don't Repeat Yourself.

Finally, we cache the names in an improvised hash map. By combining an application specific prefix, BELTALOADA_TASK_, with the ${TASK_NAME} contents, and a nonce 1 value, we get a logical hash entry. That we can query in constant time to check whether the user has supplied valid tasks for the script to run.

Shell languages are unfortunately bereft of basic data structures for fast, reliable programming. Bash may provide more (associative) array functionality, though the primary hashmap available to POSIX sh is the file system, and file system storage is slower than computation.

read may offer a safer alternative to eval for writing variables with dynamic names. For the sake of parity, we use eval for both insert and lookup.

Implement an entrypoint to trigger named tasks

if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
    exit 0

for SUPPLIED_TASK in "$@"; do
    VAL="$(eval "echo \"\${$KEY-0}\"")"

    if [ "$VAL" = '0' ]; then
        exit 1


This enables the build script to run the default task when no arguments are supplied to ./build, and run any named tasks when supplied as ./build <task> [<task> [<task> ...]]].

Why validate the task name before execution? A few reasons.

The first involves security. Try temporarily commenting out the if [ "$VAL" = '0' ] conditional block before the "$SUPPLIED_TASK" execution. Doing so enables arbitrary code execution. In other words, a user who runs ./build <command> can execute any command, as long as the command takes the form of a single word. In cybersecurity, it's generally bad form for a script to allow arbitrary, surprise commands to run, at the best of random user input. If the script file has setuid, for example, then the user would be able to trigger a privilege escalation attack.

Another reason for validation is UX, the user experience. Again, try commenting out the validation block. Now run a task, but introduce a typo, like ./build liny. When validation is disabled, then the bad data passes all the way through the script into a shell subprocess, and a rather generic error results. The user may be confused why the build script "isn't working." Well, the build script is mostly working, but the task data was bad. Validation helps the system to provide more useful error messages to the user, like showing them the list of valid task names.

Of course, validation also reduces accidents. This is critical in a larger build system, such as a complex CI/CD pipeline. Our ./build... commands may be nested in yet larger scripts, such as linter suites or GitHub Actions pipelines. Validating early, at the individual component level, raises overall system reliability. You wouldn't want bad data and vague error messages polluting a large computer system. Layering validation checks into each application, makes bug hunting a breeze.

Together, the DRY principle and input validation raise the quality bar for our build system. This is critical, because any faults in a cloud CI/CD build are often obfuscated by subtle shell scripting bugs.

Don't Repeat Yourself.

Move complicated processes to .beltaloada/{bin,lib}/

A build task may require more intricate work, such as UNIX find queries. Try to isolate the reusable, generalized aspects of these steps into useful executables or libraries. Execute them from from .beltaloada/bin/<script>, or import them with . .beltaloada/lib/<script> from the main build script. This keeps the main build script more maintainable.

Users may copy these helper scripts between different beltaloada projects. A middle ground between raw copypasta and version pinned dependencies, in a shell world lacking an official POSIX sh package manager.

Even publish them as new projects in their own right.

Declare provisioning commands in an install file

Automate development environment steps with an executable install script in the top level project directory. For instance:

pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt

For some popular auxiliary shell project development tools.

Reference build or install command(s) in your documentation

Let's demystify software development.

Cite high level ./build or ./install commands in a documentation file like or That way, contributors who may be unfamiliar with the build system can learn how to build the project more quickly. Better yet, link from your project documentation to the beltaloada project.

New contributors should be informed how to compiled a compiled project, how to test a project with unit/integration tests, how to lint a project for coding quirks, and how to audit for security vulnerabilities. The exact low level details are less important than the short command line ./build and ./install steps to accomplish these high level goals.


  • Inspiration from nobuild, a convention for C/C++ build systems
  • bashate, a shell script style linter
  • bb, a build system for (g)awk projects
  • booty for JS/Node.js/altJS
  • Gradle, a build system for JVM projects
  • jelly, a JSON task runner
  • lake, a Lua task runner
  • Leiningen + lein-exec, a Clojure task runner
  • lichen, a sed task runner
  • Mage, a task runner for Go projects
  • mian, a task runner for (Chicken) Scheme Lisp
  • npm, Grunt, Node.js task runners
  • POSIX make, a task runner standard for C/C++ and various other software projects
  • Rake, a task runner for Ruby projects
  • Rebar3, a build system for Erlang projects
  • rez builds C/C++ projects
  • sbt, a build system for Scala projects
  • Shake, a task runner for Haskell projects
  • ShellCheck, a shell script linter with a rich collection of rules for promoting safer scripting
  • slick, a linter to enforce stricter, unextended POSIX sh syntax compliance
  • stank, a collection of POSIX-y shell script linters
  • tinyrick for Rust projects
  • yao, a task runner for Common LISP projects



an out of this world shell build system






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