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Detailed Deployment Procedure

Initial Setup

  • Check for correct DNS entries for all hosts (see inventories/*/group_vars/all.yml)

    • Forward/Reverse entry for each node
    • Entries pointing to the loadbalancer VIPs (ocp masters, ansible towers, etc)
    • Wildcard entry for OCP applications pointing to ocp infrastructure loabalancer VIP
  • Nutanix cluster has proper Network configured with routing and DNS capability

  • Nutanix cluster has a RHEL Image for use in provisioning VMs

  • Customize configuration in the inventories/* folder to target a specific environment (Dell Lab, SIF, etc)


Provision an Ansible core control/bastion node

Automated Path:

Prerequisites: Linux OS with Ansible installed Proper SSH Private key for ansible user Linux Machine that can access Nutanix cluster

Run the deployer_bastion.yml playbook to provision a 'bastion' host to run future provisioning playbooks. All future steps are assumed to take place on the bastion host.


ansible-playbook -i inventories/sif_lab/ deployer_bastion.yml

Manual Path:

  • Create a VM within the Nutanix WebUI with the following configuration: 2 vCPU 2048 GB RAM 75 GB Root Disk

  • Transfer the nutanix_automation repository to the ansible bastion server via SCP

Provision and Deploy Repository Server

This server acts as a centralized repository for RPMs, extra binaries, and Docker Images. See the deploy_repository.yml playbook and the README in the repository role for more details.

Automated Provisioning:

ansible-playbook -i inventories/sif_lab/ deployer_repository.yml

Offline Provisioning:

  • Create a VM within the Nutanix WebUI with the following configuration: 2 vCPU 4096 GB RAM 75 GB / Root Disk 150 GB /repos Disk (Repository storage) 100 GB /var/lib/dock Disk (Docker storage)

Provision and Deploy Loadbalancer servers

Provisions 2 clusters of Highly Available HAProxy servers One cluster primarly loadbalances across the OCP master servers for Web console access One cluster primarly loadbalances accross the OCP infrasturcture servers for OCP application loadbalancing

Prerequisites: Ensure the following files are present in the root directory of the Ansible playbooks: .vaultpass - This file contains the password to unlock the Ansible vault .keyfile - This file contains the private SSH key used by the 'ansible' user to log into the created nodes

ansible-playbook -i inventories/sif_lab deployer_loadbalancers.yml

Provision and Deploy Ansible Tower Servers

Provisions a HA Ansible Tower cluster of 3 tower nodes and a database node.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/sif_lab/ deployer_tower.yml

Provision all OCP instances

Provision OCP VMs:

ansible-playbook -i inventories/sif_lab/ deployer_ocp.yml

Deploy OpenShift with CNS

Install openshift ansible playbooks:

sudo yum install openshift-ansible-playbooks
ansible-playbook -i inventories/sif_lab /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/prerequisites.yml
ansible-playbook -i inventories/sif_lab /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml

Provision and Deploy Quay

TODO Quay deployer in progress

ansible-playbook -i inventories/sif_lab/ deployer_quay.yml

Run integration code to configure Quay with OCP deployment

Deploy integrated Open Innovation Labs CI/CD tools (Gitlab, Nexus, Jenkins, example project)

Deploy COTS application in OCP to verify CI/CD pipeline and OCP deployment