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File metadata and controls

127 lines (93 loc) · 4.71 KB



User Authentication and Management

POST /users/register: Register a new user.

POST /users/login: Authenticate a user.

GET /users/{user_id}: Retrieve user information.

PUT /users/{user_id}: Update user profile.

DELETE /users/{user_id}: Delete user account.

Quiz Management

POST /quizzes: Create a new quiz.

GET /quizzes/{quiz_id}: Retrieve details of a specific quiz.

PUT /quizzes/{quiz_id}: Update a quiz.

DELETE /quizzes/{quiz_id}: Delete a quiz.

Question Management

POST /quizzes/{quiz_id}/questions: Add questions to a quiz.

GET /quizzes/{quiz_id}/questions: Get questions associated to a quiz.

GET /questions/{question_id}: Get a specific question.

PUT /questions/{question_id}: Update a specific question.

DELETE /questions/{question_id}: Delete a specific question.

Answer Options Management

POST /questions/{question_id}/options: Add a new answer option to an existing question.

GET /questions/{question_id}/options: Get answer optiond associated to a question.

GET /options/{option_id}: Get an existing answer option.

PUT /options/{option_id}: Update an existing answer option.

DELETE /options/{option_id}: Delete an existing answer option.

Quiz Participation

POST /quizzes/{quiz_id}/answers: Submit answers to a quiz.

POST /questions/{question_id}/answers: Submit answer to a question.

GET /quizzes/{quiz_id}/results: Get the results of a quiz attempt.

GET /quizzes/{quiz_id}/leaderboard: Show the top scores for a specific quiz.

GET /users/{user_id}/quizzes/attempts: Allow users to review their past quiz attempts.

Database Schemas

Users Table

  • Table Name: users
  • Description: Stores information about the users.
  • Columns:
    • id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each user.
    • username (String, Unique): User's chosen username.
    • email (String, Unique): User's email address.
    • password_hash (String): Hashed password for security.
    • created_at (DateTime): Date and time of registration.

Quizzes Table

  • Table Name: quizzes
  • Description: Stores basic information about quizzes.
  • Columns:
    • id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each quiz.
    • creator_id (Foreign Key to users): The user who created the quiz.
    • title (String): Title of the quiz.
    • description (String): Description or summary of the quiz.
    • created_at (DateTime): When the quiz was created.
    • updated_at (DateTime): Last update time.

Questions Table

  • Table Name: questions
  • Description: Stores questions for each quiz.
  • Columns:
    • id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each question.
    • quiz_id (Foreign Key to quizzes): The quiz this question belongs to.
    • content (String): The actual question text.
    • type (String): The question type (multiple choice, true/false, open).
    • points (Integer): The question points (to compute quiz score).
    • created_at (DateTime): When the question was created.

Answer Options Table

  • Table Name: answer_options
  • Description: Stores possible answers for each question (for multiple-choice questions).
  • Columns:
    • id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each option.
    • question_id (Foreign Key to questions): The question this option belongs to.
    • content (String): The text of the answer option.
    • is_correct (Bool): Flag to indicate if this is the correct option

Quiz Attempts Table

  • Table Name: quiz_attempts
  • Description: Records each attempt a user makes on a quiz.
  • Columns:
    • id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each attempt.
    • quiz_id (Foreign Key to quizzes): The quiz attempted.
    • user_id (Foreign Key to users): The user who made the attempt.
    • score (Integer): The score achieved in the attempt.
    • attempted_at (DateTime): When the attempt was made.

User Answers Table

  • Table Name: user_answers
  • Description: Stores the answers given by users in each attempt.
  • Columns:
    • id (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each user answer.
    • attempt_id (Foreign Key to quiz_attempts): The attempt this answer is part of.
    • question_id (Foreign Key to questions): The question being answered.
    • chosen_option_id (Foreign Key to answer_options): The option chosen by the user.


  • Users to Quizzes: One-to-Many (A user can create many quizzes).
  • Quizzes to Questions: One-to-Many (A quiz contains many questions).
  • Questions to Answer Options: One-to-Many (A question has multiple answer options).
  • Users to Quiz Attempts: One-to-Many (A user can attempt many quizzes).
  • Quizzes to Quiz Attempts: One-to-Many (A quiz can be attempted many times).
  • Quiz Attempts to User Answers: One-to-Many (Each attempt can have multiple answers).