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File metadata and controls

169 lines (124 loc) · 4.7 KB


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@marcj/glut-core npm version

@marcj/glut-server npm version

@marcj/glut-client npm version

Glust.ts is a reactive real-time app framework for modern client/server architectures based on rxJS.

It's suited for streaming data and entities between your client <-> server. Glut.ts automatically converts and validates the data for the transport via WebSockets, so you have only one entity schema and one controller interface defined for both, server and client.

The controller based architecture allows you to strictly type against an interface and allow the client to directly detect changes in the interface by typescript's type checking.

This increases the development time for client server communications dramatically since you don't need to define entities multiple times in different languages and don't need to invent a new protocol to send, convert, and validate data that is transmitted between server and client.


  • Automatic serialization thanks to Marshal.ts.
  • Automatic validation of method arguments.
  • Support for RxJS Observables as results (stream methods)
  • Entity-Sync, a technique to sync entity changes stored in MongoDB with multiple clients at the same time.
  • File abstraction with streaming support.
  • Pub/sub exchange using Redis
  • Peer to Peer communications



npm install @marcj/glut-client @marcj/glut-core reflect-metadata rxjs


npm install @marcj/glut-server @marcj/glut-core reflect-metadata rxjs buffer



class UserController implements UserControllerInterface{

    names(): string {
        return ['name1', 'name2'];
    users(): Observable<User> {
        return new Observable((observer) => {
   User('Peter 1'));
            setTimeout(() =>{
       User('Peter 2'));
            }, 1000);
    userList(): Collection<User> {
        const collection = new Collection(User);
        collection.add(new User('Peter 1'));
        collection.add(new User('Peter 2'));
        collection.add(new User('Peter 3'));
        setTimeout(() => {
            //whenever you change the collection, we send the operations to the client
            //and keep everything in sync
            collection.add(new User('Peter 4'));
        }, 1000);
        return collection;

    controllers: [UserController],
    connectionProviders: [],
    notifyEntities: [User],
class MyApp extends Application {
    async bootstrap(): Promise<any> {
        await super.bootstrap();
        console.log('bootstrapped =)');

    async authenticate(token: any): Promise<Session> {
        console.log('authenticate', token);
        return super.authenticate(token);

const app = ApplicationServer.createForModule(MyApp);


const socket = new SocketClient();
const user = socket.controller<UserControllerInterface>('user');

// Simple array transmission
const names = await user.names();
console.log(names); // ['name1', 'name2']

//Observable for streamed data
(await user.users()).subscribe(nextUser => {
    console.log('got user', nextUser);  

//Collection for streamed lists of entities
const userCollection = await user.userList();
userCollection.subscribe(list => {
    console.log('list updated', list);  
await userCollection.readyState;
console.log('list ready', userCollection.count(), userCollection.all());

Common package / Shared between server and client

class User implements IdInterface {
    id: string = uuid();

    version: number = 1;

    name: string;

    constructor(name: string) { = name;

interface UserControllerInterface {
    names(): string[];

    users(): Observable<User>;

    userList(): Collection<User>;