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Lab 05 - Add an approval before deploying to production

This lab will consist of the following tasks:

  • Extending the pipeline in the Deployment Pipeline Configuration App
  • Create a cloud flow that handles the approval

Task 1: Extending the pipeline in the Deployment Pipeline Configuration App

In this task, you will learn how to extend the pipeline and add an approval before deploying to production.

  1. Go to the maker portal

  2. Check if you are in the Prod environment and if not, switch to that environment

  3. Look for the Deployment Pipeline Configuration app, hover on it and select the play button

  4. This will open the Deployment Pipeline Configuration app and will enable you to modify your pipeline. Select the My first pipeline pipeline

  5. On the next screen, scroll down to the deployment stages and select the Deploy to prod deployment stage by selecting the name

  6. Enable the check box in the Pre-Deployment Step Required field and select the Save & Close button in the command bar at the top

  7. Check in the Deployment Stages subgrid if the Pre-Deployment Step Required field is changed to yes. If that's correct, you are done with this task, if not, go back to step 5 and try again

Task 2: Create a cloud flow that handles the approval

In this task, you will learn how to create an approval flow that will handle the approval before deploying to production.

  1. Go to the maker portal

  2. Check if you are in the Prod environment and if not, switch to that environment

  3. Select Get started in the welcome pop-up

  4. Select Flows in the left navigation, select New flow in the command bar at the top and select Automated cloud flow

  5. This will open a pop up where you can name your flow and configure a trigger. Name your flow My first pipeline production approval, search for action, select the Microsoft Dataverse trigger called When an action is performed and select the blue Create button.

  6. Configure the trigger inputs by making it look like the screenshot below

  7. Select the ellipsis at the top-right corner of the trigger and select settings to open up the trigger settings

  8. Select the Add button below trigger conditions to add a trigger condition in the trigger settings

  9. Add the following trigger condition to make sure the cloud flow only triggers when the pipeline name is equal to My first pipeline:

    @equals(triggerOutputs()?['body/OutputParameters/DeploymentPipelineName'], 'My first pipeline')
  10. Select the Add button below the trigger condition above to add another trigger condition

  11. Add the following trigger condition to make sure the cloud flow only triggers when the pipeline name is equal to Deploy to prod:

    @equals(triggerOutputs()?['body/OutputParameters/DeploymentStageName'], 'Deploy to prod')
  12. Select the Done button at the bottom of the trigger card to save the trigger conditions

  13. Select the New step button to add an action to start and wait for an approval

  14. Search for approval and select the Start and wait for an approval action

  15. Configure the approval action like the screenshot below:

    For approval type, select Approve/Reject - First to respond

    For title, add Approval requested for , select ActionOutputs DeploymentPipelineName from the dynamic content fields on the right, add -, and select another dynamic content field from the right called ActionOutputs DeploymentStageName.

    For assigned to, add the email address of your user.

    In production scenarios, this would be an admin that would approve deployments.

    For details, add # Deployment notes, add a hard return, and select the ActionOutputs DeploymentNotes field from the dynamic content fields on the right.

    For item link, select the ActionOutputs StageRunDetailsLink field from the dynamic content fields on the right.

    For item link description, add Stage Run Details.

  16. Select the New step button to add a condition below the Start and wait for an approval action

  17. Add the Condition action

  18. Add the Outcome dynamic content field from the Start and wait for an approval action in the first input field of the condition

  19. Add the text Approve to the other input field of the condition

  20. Select the New step button in the If yes part of the condition and add the Perform an unbound action action from the Microsoft Dataverse connector

    Select UpdatePreDeploymentStepStatus as Action Name.

    Add 20 as the PreDeploymentStepStatus (20 is the status ID for approved).

    Add the Response summary dynamic content field from the Start and wait for an approval action as Comments.

    Add the following expression via the expression panel to the Comments field and select the blue OK button:


    Add the ActionInputs StageRunId dynamic content field from the When an action is performed trigger as StageRunId.

  21. Select the New step button in the If no part of the condition and add the Perform an unbound action action from the Microsoft Dataverse connector

    Select UpdatePreDeploymentStepStatus as Action Name.

    Add 30 as the PreDeploymentStepStatus (30 is the status ID for rejected).

    Add the Response summary dynamic content field from the Start and wait for an approval action as Comments.

    Add the following expression via the expression panel to the Comments field and select the blue OK button:


    Add the ActionInputs StageRunId dynamic content field from the When an action is performed trigger as StageRunId.

  22. Save the flow

Task 3: Test out the approval

In this task, you are going to find out if the approval you configured in the last task actually works!

Deploy to test (without approval)

  1. Go to the maker portal

  2. Check if you are in the Dev environment and if not, switch to that environment

  3. Go to Solutions via the left menu

  4. Select the Mixed Reality Workshop solution by selecting the display name

  5. Select the rocket icon on the left

  6. Select the purple Deploy here button.

  7. This will open a new sidebar which will give you the option to start your deployment now or plan your deployment for later. Select the purple Next button to go to the next screen

  8. The next screen will be a bit different from our last try, it will now show a summary of the deployment. Fill in some deployment notes, like for instance: Second deployment of the Mixed Reality solution and select the purple Deploy button

  9. This will trigger the Deploy to test stage

  10. When it's done, you will see that the deployment has been finished

Deploy to prod (with approval)

  1. Earlier in this lab, you have made a Pre-Deployment Step required. That means that now, there is an info box on the deploy to prod stage

  2. Select the purple Deploy here button.

  3. This will open a new sidebar which will give you the option to start your deployment now or plan your deployment for later. Select the purple Next button to go to the next screen

  4. The next screen will be a bit different from our last try, it will now show a summary of the deployment. Fill in some deployment notes, like for instance: Second deployment of the Mixed Reality solution and select the purple Deploy button

  5. Next, you will see the following screen, that shows a yellow box which states that Your request to deploy here is pending.

  6. This message is showing because our changes in the beginning of the lab made sure that the Power Automate cloud flow is now triggered. We are working on a fresh environment, so it can take a while before the approval solution is deployed. Best is to take a break now, since it can take 5-10 minutes before your next step

  7. Open a new browser tab and go to Outlook web and wait for the approval email. After 5-10 minutes (only the first time!) it should arrive

  8. In the approval mail you will see a couple of familiar parts:

    You will see the title of the approval (1)

    You will see the deployment notes (2)

    You will see approve / reject buttons (3)

    You will be able to add comments (4)

    You will be able to submit the approval / rejection (5)

  9. Make sure to select Approve in the approval email, add Approved! as comments and select the Submit button

  10. Close the Outlook browser tab, and you will see (sometimes you have to refresh) that the deployment to production is in progress

  11. After the deployment is finished, you will see that the deployment is finished

And that's how the deployment with approvals works!

Next lab

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