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  • Generate Form Fields UI
  • Manage, track state & values of fields
  • Automatically manages focus to next field on submit (TextInput)
  • Handle all keyboard related problems smartly
  • Supports custom validations & nested forms
  • Uses Nativebase components
  • inspired from creator

Getting Started


$ npm i react-native-form-composer --save

Basic Usage

  • Install react-native first
$ npm i react-native -g
  • Initialization of a react-native project
$ react-native init myproject
  • Then, edit myproject/index.ios.js, like this:
    Example: Login Form consisting of three fields (username, password, country)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import { View, Text, Button } from 'native-base';
import GenerateForm from 'react-native-form-composer';

const styles = {
  wrapper: {
    flex: 1,
    marginTop: 150,
  submitButton: {
    paddingHorizontal: 10,
    paddingTop: 20,
// These Fields will create a login form with three fields
const fields = [
    type: 'text',
    name: 'user_name',
    required: true,
    icon: 'ios-person',
    label: 'Username',
    type: 'password',
    name: 'password',
    icon: 'ios-lock',
    required: true,
    label: 'Password',
    type: 'picker',
    name: 'country',
    mode: 'dialog',
    label: 'Select Country',
    defaultValue: 'SL',
    options: [
          name: 'SL',
          value: 'Sl'
          name: 'INDIA',
          value: 'INDIA'
          name: 'UK',
          value: 'UK'
          name: 'CHINA',
          value: 'CHINA'
          name: 'FRANCE',
          value: 'FRANCE'
          name: 'US',
          value: 'US'
export default class FormGenerator extends Component {
  login() {
    const formValues = this.formGenerator.getValues();
    console.log('FORM VALUES', formValues);
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.wrapper}>
            ref={(c) => {
              this.formGenerator = c;
        <View style={styles.submitButton}>
          <Button block onPress={() => this.login()}>

AppRegistry.registerComponent('FormGenerator', () => FormGenerator);



Prop Default Type Description
autoValidation true bool if false then auto validation script will not run i.e formBuilder will not validate form data automatically.
onValueChange N/A function Invoked every time after a field changes it's value
customValidation N/A function This function will be triggered everytime before a field changes it's value, here you can write your custom validation script & set error accordingly.
customComponents N/A object To define your custom type of components.
formData N/A object To prefill the form values.
fields required array Array of form fields.
scrollViewProps N/A object Scrollview custom props.
errorComponent N/A React Component Custom error display component.


Currently, these methods are available in FormBuilder, you can access them by using ref property.


To extract the values of form fields.
Returns: An object consisting of field values (fieldName: value).
for e.g

  username: 'bietkul'
  password: 'bietkul@git'


Forcefully set values for particular fields.
Parameters: An object of key value pairs(name: value).
name: Field name for which value has to be set.
value: Value for that particular field
For e.g

{ name1: value1, name2: value2, .....}


Reset Form values as well as errors.


Forcefully set values to default for particular fields.
Parameters: An array of strings, where every string is the name of a field for which value has to be set as default value.
For e.g

[fieldName1, fieldName2, fieldName3 .....]

Form Fields

Field Structure

A field is an object which has the properties required to generate it. It looks something like that :

  type: 'text',
  name: 'user_name',
  label: 'Username'

Common Properties to all Fields

These properties are applicable on all fields.

Property Required Type Description
type yes enum only possible values are : { text, password, group, email, number, url, select, switch, date } To define type of field.
name yes string Every field should has a name which works as an unique identifier for that field.
label yes string Field label to display.
editable No bool To decide that whether a field is editable or not.
required No bool Helps to decide if a field can has empty value or not. Doesn't work in case of autoValidation = false .
defaultValue No Depends on field's type Sets the intial value for that field before the form initialization.
hidden No bool If true then a field will not be displayed.

Field Types


Supports all these kind of types :- text, password, email, url, number

Extra Properties

Props Default Type Description
iconName N/A string Sets the icon, you can use any icon name which is available in react-native-vector-icons
iconOrientaion left (default) or right string Adjust icon orientation
props N/A object Here you can define extra props which are applicable for react native TextInput Component. For e.g. { multiline: true, secureTextEntry : true .... }

Value Type : String ( Except for type number )


type: picker Uses native base picker

Extra Properties

Props Default Type Description
options (required) N/A array An array of strings to define available options for e.g. [ {name: 'SL', value: 'Sl'}, { name: 'INDIA', value:'INDIA' }, { name: 'UK', value: 'UK' }, { name: 'CHINA', value: 'CHINA' }, { name: 'FRANCE', value: 'FRANCE' }, {name: 'US', value: 'US' },]
props N/A object Here you can define extra props which are applicable of react native Picker Component for e.g. { mode: 'dropdown', .... }

Value Type : String

Default Value Type :

You can set default value as a string which must be present in available options. For e.g If options are [ { name: 'SL', value: 'Sl' }, { name: 'INDIA', value: 'INDIA' }, { name: 'UK', value: 'UK' }, { name: 'CHINA', value: 'CHINA' }, { name: 'FRANCE', value: 'FRANCE' }, { name: 'US', value: 'US' },]

  then you can define `defaultValue = 'US'`


(type: switch) It's an implement of React Native switch component.

Value Type : Boolean


(type: string)

Extra Properties

Props Default Type Description
mode datetime string To define type of date picker, available values are date, time, datetime
maxDate N/A string or JS Date object To define the maximum date can be select in date picker
minDate N/A string or JS Date object To define the minimum date can be select in date picker

Value Type : String

Default Value Type : string or JS Date object


Extra Properties

Props Required Default Type Description
multiple No false bool To define that the field can accept multple values or not i.e user can select multiple values at a time or not.
objectType No false string To define that the values can be of object or not.If true, then you need to specify labelKey & primaryKey
labelKey Yes if objectType = true N/A string To define the key which value need to be used as label.
primaryKey Yes if objectType = true N/A string To define the key which is unique in all objects.
options Yes N/A array of objects or strings An array of objects or strings containing all available options.

Value Type : Array of Strings or Objects

Array of Strings

For e.g. options = ['CAR', 'BIKE', 'BICYCLE']

Array of Objects

If you're using array of objects then please don't forget to define these properties:

objectType: true,
labelKey: 'name', // For Below example
primaryKey: 'id,  // For Below example

For e.g.

options: [
          id: 1,
          name: 'CAR',
          id: 2,
          name: 'BIKE',
          id: 3,
          name: 'BICYCLE',

Default Value Type : string or JS Date object

In case of object values:

defaultValue: [{
        id: 3,
        name: 'kuldeep2',
        title: 'saxena2',

In case of string values:

defaultValue: ['CAR', 'BIKE'],

Nested Forms

(type: group) Form Builder also supports nested forms, some times you need to wrap all of your form values in an object or we can say that you have some nested fields, in this case you can define group fields. An example will better explain it:

      type: 'group',
      name: 'address',
      label: 'Address',
      fields: [
          type: 'text',
          name: 'city',
          label: 'City',
          type: 'picker',
          name: 'country',
          label: 'Country',
          defaultValue: 'INDIA',
          options: ['US', 'INDIA', 'UK', 'CHINA', 'FRANCE'],

Value Type : Object

For above example the return value object will be something like that:

{ city: 'Bangalore', country: 'INDIA' }

Default Value Type : Object

You can set default value for above example like that:

{ city: 'Newyork', country: 'US' }

Prefill Form Values

This feature of formBuilder is very helpful in case of edit mode i.e if you want to edit the values of a form then you can easily prefill the form by using formData prop.
For e.g

formData = {
  first_name : 'Jon',
  last_name: 'Snow',
  house: 'Winterfell',
  status: 'Sad'

Add Custom Validations

It's very easy to add your custom validations & error messages with FormBuilder.All you need to do is define a function & pass it as customValidation prop.

For e.g.

 function validate(field) {
   let error = false;
   let errorMsg = '';
   if ( === 'username' && !(field.value && field.value.trim())) {
     error = true;
     errorMsg = 'Username is required';
   if ( === 'password' && !(field.value && field.value.trim())) {
     error = true;
     errorMsg = 'Password is required';
   return { error, errorMsg };

Note: Always return an object which will have two entities error type of boolean & errorMsg type of string.

Customize your form

  • Eject Theme by running this command
node node_modules/react-native-form-builder/ejectTheme.js

It will create a file named form-theme.js in your project's root folder.

Customize your theme.

Import theme from form-them.

Use it by passing as theme prop.

import theme from '../form-theme';
  ref={(c) => { this.formGenerator = c; }}
  theme = {theme}

Add Custom Components

Build your custom type's components & handle them easily with the help of form builder. Use the customComponents prop of form builder.


It's an object of key value pair where key will be the type of the component & value will be your custom Component.

customComponents = { type1: {component: ComponentName1, props: Props }, type2: {component: ComponentName2} .....}

How To Use

  • Define your custom type in field's object.
  • Form builder extends the props of your component by adding some extra props.
  • You can also pass some extra props in your custom components.
  • In your component you can access these props to handle the state of the field.
Props Type Description
attributes object In this prop you can access the field's attributes (value, error, errorMsg ....).
updateValue(fieldName, Value) function You need to use this method to update the value of the field
onSummitTextInput(fieldName) function If you're using TextInput then you can use this function to automatically manage the text input focus.For example you can define it in the onSubmitEditing prop of TextInput
theme object Use the theme variables to style your component

Add Custom Error Component

  • Now you can use your custom error component to display error messages.
  • In your custom component you will receive two props attributes & theme variables.
  • You can access the error & error message as a property of the attributes object.


The form in second gif is generated by these fields