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A tus client for dart to allow resumable uploads using the tus protocol (


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A tus client

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A tus client written in pure dart for resumable uploads using tus protocol

tus is a protocol based on HTTP for resumable file uploads. Resumable means that an upload can be interrupted at any moment and can be resumed without re-uploading the previous data again. An interruption may happen willingly, if the user wants to pause, or by accident in case of a network issue or server outage.

This package is based on tus_client but with some improvements.


The first thing is to add tusc as a dependency of your project, for this you can use the command:

For purely Dart projects

dart pub add tusc

For Flutter projects

flutter pub add tusc

This command will add tusc to the pubspec.yaml of your project. Finally you just have to run:

dart pub get or flutter pub get depending on the project type and this will download the dependency to your pub-cache


import 'dart:io';

import 'package:tusc/tusc.dart';
import 'package:cross_file/cross_file.dart' show XFile;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

void main() async {
  /// File to be uploaded
  final file = XFile('/path/to/some/video.mp4');
  final uploadURL = '';

  /// Create a client
  final tusClient = TusClient(
    url: uploadURL,

    /// Required
    file: file,

    /// Required
    chunkSize: 5.MB,

    /// Optional, defaults to 256 KB
    tusVersion: TusClient.defaultTusVersion,

    /// Optional, defaults to 1.0.0. Change this only if your tus server uses different version
    cache: TusPersistentCache('/some/path'),

    /// Optional, defaults to null. See also [TusMemoryCache]
    headers: <String, dynamic>{
      /// Optional, defaults to null. Use it when you need to pass extra headers in request like for authentication
      'Bearer d843udhq3fkjasdnflkjasdf.hedomiqxh3rx3r23r.8f392zqh3irgqig'
    metadata: <String, dynamic>{
      /// Optional, defaults to null. Use it when you need to pass extra data like file name or any other specific business data
      'name': 'my-video'
    timeout: Duration(seconds: 10),

    /// Optional, defaults to 30 seconds
    httpClient: http.Client(),

    /// Optional, defaults to http.Client(), use it when you need more control over http requests

  /// Starts the upload
    /// count: the amount of data already uploaded
    /// total: the amount of data to be uploaded
    /// response: the http response of the last chunkSize uploaded
      onProgress: (count, total, progress) {
        print('Progress: $count of $total | ${(count / total * 100).toInt()}%');

      /// response: the http response of the last chunkSize uploaded
      onComplete: (response) {
        print('Upload Completed');
      }, onTimeout: () {
    print('Upload timed out');

  await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 6), () async {
    await tusClient.pauseUpload();
    /// Pauses the upload progress

  await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 6), () async {
    await tusClient.cancelUpload();
    /// Cancels the upload progress

  await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 8), () async {
    /// Resumes the upload progress where it left of, and notify to the same callbacks used in the startUpload(...)

Chunk size

The file is uploaded in chunks. Default size is 256KB. This should be set considering speed of upload and device memory constraints. For specifying the chunkSize you can easily set it like 512.KB or 10.MB and this will use an int extension under the hook to calculate the amount in bytes.

final tusClient = TusClient(
    chunkSize: 10.MB,

Upload callbacks

When you call tusClient.startUpload(...) you optionally can set some callbacks:

  • onProgress: (count, total, progress): This callback notifies about the upload progress. It provides count which is the amount of data already uploaded, total the amount of data to be uploaded and response which is the http response of the last chunkSize uploaded. With this response you can check for headers or body in case your tus server returns some info there.
  • onComplete: (response): This callback notifies the upload has completed. It provides a response which is the http response of the last chunkSize uploaded. With this response you can check for headers or body in case your tus server returns some info there.
  • onTimeout: (): This callback notifies the upload timed out according to the timeout property specified in the TusClient constructor which by default is 30 seconds.


For TusClient to manage pause/resume uploads you can set a cache by using:

  • TusMemoryCache: with this cache you can pause/resume uploads while your app is running. If your app crashes or simply closes you will not be able to resume a pending upload.
  • TusPersistentCache: with this cache you can pause/resume uploads any time, no matter if your app crashes, closes or even your device restarts.
final tusClient = TusClient(
    cache: TusMemoryCache(),


final tusClient = TusClient(
    cache: TusPersistentCache('/some/path'),

Note that TusPersistentCache requires a path, this path will be where the cache storage will take place. This persistent cache implementation works in pure dart so, no matter if you want to use it in a flutter project or a dart project, it simply works.

How to set persistent cache in flutter

You can use path_provider plugin to be able to get the path to a directory where your app has permissions to write. path_provider works on most platforms except on web, but this is not a problem, the TusPersistentCache takes care of it, you just need to set a path and if app is running on web TusPersistentCache ignores that path and handles the persistent cache under the hook.

The following sample code works on any platform.

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';

Future<void> sample() async {
  Directory dir = Directory.systemTemp;
  try {
    /// Here the try/catch is to handle [MissingPlatformDirectoryException] throws from path_provider in case of app running on unsupported platform, like web.
    /// You can handle this differently, for instance asking to kIsWeb, but this is just a sample
    dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
  } catch (e) {

  final tusClient = TusClient(
    cache: TusPersistentCache(dir.path),

Pausing upload

Pausing upload can be done after current uploading chunk is completed. Just by calling: tusClient.pauseUpload()

Cancelling upload

Cancelling upload can be done after current uploading chunk is completed. Just by calling: tusClient.cancelUpload()

Resuming upload

For resuming a previously paused upload to take place you should have set a cache to the TusClient constructor you used when started upload. Resuming an upload can be made in two ways:

  • By calling tusClient.startUpload(...) again. Take into account by calling startUpload(...) again you will lose the reference to the previous callbacks you set in the first call to startUpload(...) before the pause. Here you should set the callbacks again as well.
  • By calling tusClient.resumeUpload(). With this function resumeUpload() the upload is resumed and the callbacks you set in the first call to startUpload(...) before pause are used to notify. Note that if you resume an upload previously cancelled, the upload will start from the beginning.


A tus client for dart to allow resumable uploads using the tus protocol (







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