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File metadata and controls

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Index and query data from the LTO Network public chain.


It can be launched via yarn start. It will run the index service, that will accept and process requests either through UI or using API calls. The server listens to port 3000 by default. You can change the port number through the PORT env variable.

Explore all API endpoints using the Swagger interface.


A Dockerfile is available on the root for making it easy to deploy as a Docker container.

There are Docker compose setups available for different node types in the LTO Node repository.

You can use the environment variables on the indexer to enable/disable features or use Redis instead of LevelDB. See more on Configuration below.

URL Endpoints


Data, that can be anchored through UI, is either text, data, or a file.

Two operations are supported:

  • verify, if text or file are already anchored
  • perform anchoring

Through API these operations can be executed, using the following queries correspondingly:

  • GET /hash/:hash This will check for hex encoded hashes.
  • GET /hash/:hash/encoding/:encoding With allow encoding types being: base64, base58 and hex
  • POST /hash

With the body containing the hash and optionally the encoding of the hash:

    "hash": {hash},
    "encoding": {hex} // Defaults to 'hex'

Both operations, in case the anchor exists or is created, return a Chainpoint respresentation. Merkle tree is not used here for anchoring, so we omit some Chainpoint properties.

  "chainpoint": {
    "@context": "",
    "type": "ChainpointSHA256v2",
    "targetHash": "6b51d431df5d7f141cbececcf79edf3dd861c3b4069f0b11661a3eefacbba918",
    "anchors": [
        "type": "LTOAnchorTransaction",
        "sourceId": "DHAZrbPYDcqYnHb79jo5D6xReyUDtCvYUvXsx9DhP9NB"


  • targetHash is a sha256 data hash
  • anchors[0].sourceId is a blockchain transactions id, where data is saved

If the hash is not found in the database on verification, the following response is returned:

  "chainpoint": null


It's possible to index and query associations.

  • GET /associations/:address
  "children": ["did:lto:3Jmh1EcLL2GieVAYeyF42D4cBxjAFVUJMpR", "did:lto:3JsYP8QYvkiC5x2nPzUkVYEfQVwXnogXaGP"],
  "parents": ["did:lto:3JuijVBB7NCwCz2Ae5HhCDsqCXzeBLRTyeL"]

TODO: query associations as DID URLs

DID documents

By default, the service will index the public keys of all addresses that have done a transaction on LTO Network. These addresses are available as DID document.

  • GET /identifiers/:did

The did parameter is either the LTO Network DID (eg lto:did:3JuijVBB7NCwCz2Ae5HhCDsqCXzeBLRTyeL) or just the wallet address (eg 3JuijVBB7NCwCz2Ae5HhCDsqCXzeBLRTyeL).

  "@context": "",
  "id": "did:lto:3JuijVBB7NCwCz2Ae5HhCDsqCXzeBLRTyeL",
  "verificationMethod": [
      "id": "did:lto:3JuijVBB7NCwCz2Ae5HhCDsqCXzeBLRTyeL#sign",
      "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
      "controller": "did:lto:3JuijVBB7NCwCz2Ae5HhCDsqCXzeBLRTyeL",
      "publicKeyBase58": "AVXUh6yvPG8XYqjbUgvKeEJQDQM7DggboFjtGKS8ETRG"
  "authentication": ["did:lto:3JuijVBB7NCwCz2Ae5HhCDsqCXzeBLRTyeL#sign"],
  "assertionMethod": ["did:lto:3JuijVBB7NCwCz2Ae5HhCDsqCXzeBLRTyeL#sign"]

The endpoint is compliant with DID Resolution v0.3. You may send the header

Accept: application/ld+json;profile=""

to get a DID Resolution response

  "@context": "",
  "didDocument": {
  "didDocumentMetadata": {
    "created": "2023-08-22T12:00:00Z",
    "deactivated": false,
  didResolutionMetadata: {


The public node will only store the latest transactions of each account. Use the indexer to store all transactions.

  • GET /transactions/addresses/:address

The response is an array of transactions.


The indexer will keep track of multiple statistics if set on the configuration:

  "stats": {
    "operations": true,
    "transactions": true,
    "supply": true

Operations Statistics

Will keep track of the total number of operations.

One transaction = one operation, unless one of the following:

  • Anchors:

    • In the case of an anchor, each anchor hash will count as an operation
  • Mass transfers:

    • In the case of mass transfers, each transfer will count as an operation
  • GET /stats/operations/

The response is the amount of operations.

  "operations": "12345"

Supply Statistics

Will keep track of the token supply in the chain, including the transaction fee burned per transaction.

  • GET /stats/supply/circulating

The response is the current circulating token supply

  "circulatingSupply": "21466013.57000000"
  • GET /stats/supply/max

The response is the current max token supply

  "maxSupply": "50000000.00000000"

Transaction statistics

Will keep track of the total number of transactions per day for each transaction type.

The from and to parameters are either a timestamp (in ms since epoch) or a date string as year-month-day.

  • GET /transactions/stats/:type/:from/:to

The response is an aray of days with a transaction count for each.

  { "period": "2021-03-01 00:00:00", "count": 56847 },
  { "period": "2021-03-02 00:00:00", "count": 103698 },
  { "period": "2021-03-03 00:00:00", "count": 33329 }


In case an error occurred during processing, the object with a single error property is returned, which can be either a string or an object.


  "error": "State check failed. Reason: negative balance: 3Mr6yz6hp7cDKBaNzKuMFU6Nh2UjfpdvtHa, old: 3, new: -99997"

When using API and performing save operation call, it does not auto-perform verify operation, so you should perform it manually.


You can run container with predefined environment variables:

variable name description format default value extra information
NODE_ENV The application environment production, development, test "development"
PORT The port the application runs on number 80
API_PREFIX Path prefix for the API string
TRUST_NETWORK_INDEXING Indexing of role associations of the trust network boolean false
TRUST_NETWORK_ROLES Configuration for roles on trust network object "root": {"description": "The root role" }
ASSOCIATION_INDEXING Indexing of association transactions none, trust, all "none"
ASSOCIATION_USE_GRAPH Whether to use Redis Graph to store associations boolean false Requires redis_graph to be set
DID_INDEXING Indexing of DIDs (decentralized identifiers) boolean false Tracks verification methods and public keys for addresses
TRANSACTION_INDEXING Indexing of transactions boolean false
ANCHOR_INDEXING Indexing of anchor transactions none, trust, all "none"
STATS_INDEXING Indexing of blockchain statistics boolean false Enables operations, transactions and supply stats
FEES_ANCHOR Fees for anchor transactions number 35000000 Should have 8 digits (value * 10 ^ 8). About fees
FEES_SPONSOR Fees for sponsor transactions number 500000000 Should have 8 digits (value * 10 ^ 8). About fees
REDIS_URL Redis database connection string string "redis://localhost"
REDIS_CLUSTER Redis cluster connection string string ""
LEVELDB_NAME LevelDB database name string "lto-index"
NODE_URL Node URL string "http://localhost:6869"
NODE_API_KEY Node API key string "lt1secretapikey!"
STARTING_BLOCK Block number to start processing from number 1
RESTART_SYNC Whether or not to restart processing from starting block boolean false If this is enabled, the indexer will process ALL blocks again, from starting block. It WILL take some time to process. Use with caution.
AUTH_TOKEN Authentication token string ""
MONITOR_INTERVAL Monitor interval number 5000 Value in miliseconds
LOG_LEVEL Log level for the application off, error, warn, info, debug info
STORAGE_TYPE Storage type redis, leveldb leveldb If redis, requires redis_url or redis_cluster to be set

The indexing configurations have the values of none, trust, or all.

  • none: no transactions will be indexed
  • trust: only transactions from someone in your configured trust network will be indexed (see configuring a trust network)
  • all: all transactions will be indexed

Note: Keep in mind that if you change a configuration after the indexer has already processed blocks, you will need to restart the synchronization, basically making the indexer process blocks all over again. This WILL take some time to complete, as it needs to process all of the blocks again. Be sure to set restart_sync to false after you're done.

  "starting_block": 1,
  "restart_sync": true

Changing values on the config file

An alternative to changing the configuration is by using a config file in src/config/.

Do not mistake this file with default.SCHEMA.json. The schema file contains only information on what variables are available, and what are their possible values. This should NOT be changed.

Create a file default.config.json. You can set any variable you'd like as a JSON structure. If you'd like to enable the indexing of anchor transactions for example:

  "anchor": {
    "indexing": "all"

Any changes made to the config file or the environment variables will require a restart of the application in order to take effect.

Enabling indexing will take effect from the last process block, so it might be necessary