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Version History

This document lists the change history of release versions of the JTS Topology Suite.

Distributions for older JTS versions can be obtained at the SourceForge JTS project

Version 1.21

Release Date: TBD*

New Features

Functionality Improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Fix ConcaveHullOfPolygons nested shell handling (#1081)
  • Fix ConvexHull to avoid modifying input (#1083)

Performance Improvements

Version 1.20.0

Release Date: 09/18/2024

New Features

  • Add CoverageValidator CoveragePolygonValidator (#900)
  • Add CoverageGapFinder (#900)
  • Add CoverageUnion (#900)
  • Add CoverageSimplifier (#911)
  • Add OverlayNG support for simple GeometryCollection inputs (#915)
  • Add Geometry.hasDimension(int dim) method {#944}
  • Add ConcaveHull.alphaShape function (#952)
  • Add OffsetCurve Joined mode (#956)
  • Add PointLocation.isOnSegment function (#1048)
  • Add RelateNG API for improved topological relationship functionality and performance (#1052, #1055)
  • Add system property jts.relate=ng to enable use of RelateNG in Geometry methods (#1073)

Functionality Improvements

  • Improve TopologyPreservingSimplifier to prevent edge-disjoint line collapse (#925)
  • Improve OffsetCurve to return more linework for some input situations (#956)
  • Reduce buffer curve short fillet segments (#960)
  • Added ability to specify boundary for LargestEmptyCircle (#973)
  • Improve DouglaPeuckerSimplifier and TopologyPreservingSimplifier to handle ring endpoints (#1013)
  • Add Angle functions sinSnap and cosSnap to avoid small errors, e.g. with buffer operations (#1016)
  • Improve Buffer input simplification for rings (#1022)
  • Improve CoverageSimplifier with ring removal, smoothing, inner/outer and per-feature tolerances (#1060)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix WKBReader and WKBWriter handling of M measures when writing to WKB and reading from WKB (#734)
  • Fix PreparedGeometry handling of EMPTY elements (#904)
  • Fix WKBReader parsing of WKB containing multiple empty elements (#905)
  • Fix LineSegment.orientationIndex(LineSegment) to correct orientation for non-collinear segments on right (#914)
  • Fix DepthSegment compareTo method (#920)
  • Ensure GeometryFixer does not change coordinate dimension (#922)
  • Improve ConvexHull radial sort robustness (#927)
  • Improve robustness of Delaunay Triangulation frame size heuristic (#931)
  • Fix PreparedLineString.intersects to handle mixed GCs correctly (#944)
  • Fix QuadEdgeSubdivision.TriangleEdgesListVisitor (#945)
  • Fix PolygonHoleJoiner to handle all valid inputs (allows PolygonTriangulator, ConstrainedDelaunayTriangulator, and ConcaveHullOfPolygons to work correctly) (#946)
  • Fix OffsetCurve handling of input with repeated points (#956)
  • Fix OffsetCurve handling zero offset distance (#971)
  • Fix MaximumInscribedCircle and LargestEmptyCircle to avoid long looping for thin inputs (#978)
  • Fix OffsetCurve to use a minimum QuadrantSegs value (#981)
  • Fix HilbertEncoder Y extent handling
  • Fix Geometry.getCoordinate to return non-null coordinate for collections with empty first element (#987)
  • Fix LargestEmptyCircle to handle polygonal obstacles (#988)
  • Make intersection computation more robust (#989)
  • Fix VariableBuffer to handle zero vertex buffer distances correctly (#997)
  • Fix IncrementalDelaunayTriangulator to ensure triangulation boundary is convex (#1004)
  • Fix OverlayNG Area Check heuristic for difference (#1005)
  • Fix InteriorPointPoint to handle empty elements
  • Fix DistanceOp for empty elements (#1010)
  • Fix predicates for MultiPoint with EMPTY (#1015)
  • Fix InteriorPoint for MultiLineString with EMPTY (#1023)
  • Fix TopologyPreservingSimplifier to prevent incorrect topology from jumping components (#1024)
  • Fix OffsetCurve to ensure end segments are included (#1029)
  • Fix PointLocator to respect BoundaryNodeRule for single lines (#1031)
  • Fix BufferOp Inverted Ring Removal check (#1038)
  • Improve VariableBuffer segment buffer cap generation (#1041)
  • Fix TopologyPreservingSimplifier ring endpoint removal indexing (#1059)

Performance Improvements

  • Improve Polygonizer performance in some cases with many islands (#906)
  • Improve Convex Hull performance by avoiding duplicate uniquing (#985)
  • Improve HPRtree performance (#1012)
  • Improve performance of noding and overlay via HPRtree (#1012)
  • Improve DistanceOp performance for Point-Point (#1049)
  • Improve CoveragePolygonValidator via section performance optimization (#1053)

Version 1.19

Release Date: 06/21/2022

New Features

  • Add ConstrainedDelaunayTriangulator and PolygonTriangulator (#775, #862)
  • Add Tri data structure for representing triangulations (#775)
  • Add DiscreteFrechetDistance (#764, #783)
  • Add OffsetCurve class (#810, #816)
  • Add ConcaveHull class for points (#823, #829)
  • Add ConcaveHullOfPolygons class (#870)
  • Add PolygonHullSimplifier class (#861, #880)
  • TWKB read and write implementation (#854)
  • Add CubicBezierCurve class

Functionality Improvements

  • Improve GeometryFixer behaviour for holes outside polygons (#772)
  • Simplify and fix logic of BufferParameters.setQuadSegs (#778)
  • Improve KdTree query code to avoid recursion (#779)
  • Add KdTree seeding toSnappingNoder (#780)
  • Add GeometryFixer option to preserve Multi geometry types when collapses occur (#791)
  • Make QuadTree thread-safe (#792)
  • Allow specifying a fixed PrecisionModel via grid size (#804)
  • Improve Densifier to interpolate Z values (#835)
  • Add support for GeoJSON Feature and FeatureCollection types (#837)
  • Add WKTReader.setFixStructure to fix WKT input (#848)
  • Improve LineSegment.hashCode to reduce collisions (#872)

Performance Improvements

  • Improve performance of CoverageUnion by using boundary chains (#891)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix WKTReader geometry typename parsing (#786)
  • Fix CoordinateArrays.reverse to handle zero-length arrays (#787)
  • Fix GeometryFixer to appply isKeepCollapsed flag to GeometryCollection elements (#790)
  • Fix RectangleIntersects to handle XYZM geometry (#794)
  • Fix various operations to handle XYZM geometry (#795)
  • Fix SnapRoundingNoder to use tolerance in noding (also fixes GeometryPrecisionReducer) (#802)
  • Fix MaximumInscribedCircle to avoid infinite-looping on flat collapsed input (#807)
  • Add OverlayNG result area heuristic check (#812)
  • Fix the buffers generated for mitred joins (#818)
  • Fix WKTReader to produce correct XY coordinate dimension for POLYGON EMPTY (#828)
  • Fix RelateOp for a snapped line boundary point (#839)
  • Fix IsValidOp for repeated node points (#845)
  • Fix IsSimpleOp for repeated endpoints (#851)
  • Fix GeometryFixer via noding check for zero-distance buffers (#867)
  • Fix MinimumDiameter.minimumRectangle for flat inputs (#875)
  • Fix BufferOp inverted ring check optimization (#878)
  • Fix STRtree nearest-neighbour queries on empty trees to avoid NPE (#886)
  • Remove transitive compile dependency on junit from jts-io-commmon (#855)

Version 1.18.2

Release Date: 08/27/2021

API Changes

  • Move IsSimpleOp to org.locationtech.jts.operation.valid package (#717)

New Features

  • Add GeometryFixer class (#704)

Functionality Improvements

  • Improve design and performance of IsSimpleOp (#717, #754)
  • Improve design and perforance of IsValidOp (#743, #748, #755, #756, #757)
  • Fix SortedPackedIntervalRtree to be thread-safe (fixes PreparedPolygon too) (#746)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix InteriorPoint to handle partially-empty collections (#698)
  • Fix MultiPoint.isValid to check validity correctly (#700)
  • Fix WKTReader and WKTWriter handling of collections with all empty elements (#702)
  • Fix HalfEdge.prev() method (#703)
  • Fix BufferOp to remove invalid elements caused by inverted ring curves (#706)
  • Fix IsSimpleOp duplicate lines bug (#716)
  • Fix Angle.interiorAngle to produce interior angle correctly (#721)
  • Fix IsValidOp to correctly report invalidity for certain kinds of LinearRings (#737)
  • Fix GeometryPrecisionReducer to support the "keep collapsed components" semantics (#738)
  • Fix VoronoiDiagramBuilder to respect user-provided clip envelope (#740)

Version 1.18.1

Release Date: 02/26/2021

Functionality Improvements

  • Check for invalid polygonal geometry before fixing in DouglasPeuckerSimplifier, VWSimplifier, Densifier (#656)
  • Add Coordinate and subclasses create() methods (#637)
  • Ensure OverlayNG input line order is preserved (#665)
  • Add UnaryUnionNG functions that accept Collections (#669 and #670)
  • Switch to using compact-SRID WKB format (#664)
  • Improve WKBReader error checking (#675)
  • Improve Densifier splitting algorithm to create longer segments (#677)
  • Allow constructing invalid Polygons and LinearRings with only 3 vertices (#682)
  • Ensure invalid 3-point polygons and rings are handled correctly (#683)
  • Fix GeoJSONReader to parse null and empty coordinates as empty geometry (#687)
  • Fix GeoJSONWriter to emit empty coordinates array for empty point and linestring (#688)
  • Add MaximumInscribedCircle check for invalid tolerance, to avoid infinite loops (#696)
  • Add GeoJsonWriter.setForceCCW method to emit polygons with CCW orientation, as per GeoJSON specification (#694)

Bug Fixes

  • Ensure Densifier creates Coordinates with same class as input (#637)
  • Fix Relate for cases with closed linear geometry and empty geometry (#671)
  • Fix Densifier to avoid splitting segments with length equal to distance tolerance (#676)
  • Fix Geometry.compareTo to test polygon holes (#678)
  • Fix OverlayNG handling of polygons with interior flat lines (#685)
  • Fix Polygonizer to avoid NPE on invalid input (#692)


  • Added utility to dump out formatted WKB (#673)

Version 1.18.0

Release Date: 12/23/2020

API Changes

  • GeometryPrecisionReducer is less tolerant of invalid input (but also avoids failing on some valid ones) (#648)
  • Moved Position and Quadrant to org.locationtech.jts.geom package
  • Removed SimpleSnapRounder - use SnapRoundingNoder instead
  • Deprecated MCIndexSnapRounder - use SnapRoundingNoder instead

New Features

  • Add KMLReader (#593)
  • Add OverlayNG codebase (#599)
  • Add Z support in OverlayNG (#645)
  • Add system property jts.overlay=ng to enable use of OverlayNG in Geometry methods (#615)
  • Add SnapRoundingNoder (#599)
  • Add SnappingNoder (#599)
  • Add Orientation.isCCWArea (#655)

Functionality Improvements

  • Improve Orientation.isCCW to handle flat topology collapse (#588)
  • Add Densifier.setValidated method to allow disabling expensive polygon validation (#595)
  • Change GeometryPrecisionReducer to use OverlayNG with Snap-Rounding
  • Change GeometryNoder to use SnapRoundingNoder
  • Add KdTree size and depth methods (#603)
  • Improve WKBWriter to write empty Polygons using a more compact representation (#623)
  • Support read and initialize internal structure of STRtree and Quadtree (#634)
  • Improve GeometryPrecisionReducer to handle GeometryCollections (#648)

Performance Improvements

  • Improve performance of UnaryUnionOp by removing OverlayUnion optimization (#644)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix RayCrossingCounter to handle XYZM coordinates (#589)
  • Fix PackedCoordinateSequence to always use XYZM coordinates when dimension is 4 (#591)
  • Fix OrdinateFormat to work around a JDK issue with the minus sign character in Locale.NO (#596)
  • Fix GeoJsonReader to throw a ParseException for empty arrays (#600)
  • Fix WKTFileReader handling of files with large amount of whitespace (#616)
  • Fix WKBWriter to output 3D empty Points with 3 ordinates (#622)
  • Fix Geometry.reverse to handle all geometry structures (#628)
  • Fix GeometryPrecisionReducer to avoid silently mangling input (#648)
  • Fix Geometry.buffer to avoid dropping large polygon areas in some situations (#655)
    • also fixes DouglasPeuckerSimplifier (#498)

JTS TestBuilder

Functionality Improvements

  • Add Geometry Inspector sorting by Area or Length

Version 1.17.1

Release Date: August 27, 2020

Java Version: 1.8

Functionality Improvements

  • Add WKBReader and WKBWriter support for POINT EMPTY (#567)

Performance Improvements

  • Improve performance of PreparedPolygon covers and contains for point inputs (#577)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix IndexedPointInAreaLocator thread-safety (#572)
  • Fix WKTReader to handle MultiPoints containing EMPTY (#575)
  • Fix API compile regression by removing deprecation on geometry reverse methods (#582)

JTS TestBuilder

Functionality Improvements

  • Add per-Layer palette control for Strokes and Fills

JTS TestRunner

Functionality Improvements

  • Enhance -geomfunc to load multiple function classes
  • Fix function registry to replace matching loaded functions (#569)


  • Added -limit and -offset options for reading from file inputs (#617)

Version 1.17.0

Release Date: July 1, 2020

Java Version: 1.8

API Changes

  • Change Polygon getExteriorRing and getInteriorRingN accessors to return LinearRing.
    • This is a binary incompatible change to the method signature. Recompilation is necessary. No source code changes are required.

New Features

  • Added IndexedFacetDistance.isWithinDistance
  • Added OrdinateFormat to ensure that ordinate text output is accurate and consistent
  • Added Triangle.circumcentreDD
  • Added DD.determinant methods
  • Added Envelope methods getDiameter, copy, disjoint (#483)
  • Added Intersection class, refactored library to use it (#468)
  • Added CoordinateList.toCoordinateArray(isForward) (#482)
  • Added HPRtree Hilbert Packed R-tree (#494)
  • Added VariableBuffer class for computing varying-distance buffers (#495)
  • Added LineSegment.reflect method (#495)
  • Added MaximumInscribedCircle algorithm (#530)
  • Added LargestEmptyCircle algorithm (#530)

Functionality Improvements

  • Added CascadedPolygonUnion union-by-buffer on error capability (#470)
  • Added HalfEdge support for direction points (#479)

Performance Improvements

  • Improve performance of UniqueCoordinateFilter (#422)
  • Improve performance of Polygonizer (#431)
  • Avoid use of ArrayList in MonotoneChain builders
  • Add DistanceOp line-line envelope short-circuit optimizations (#534)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix PackedCoordinateSequence.Float construction methods (#379, #381)
  • Fix bug in Quadtree.ensureExtent (#416)
  • Fix bugs in LinearLocation endpoint handling (#421)
  • Fix bug in MinimumBoundingCircle maximum diameter algorithm, and provide method for it
  • Improve robustness of CascadedPolygonUnion by adding OverlapUnion
  • Fix bug in HalfEdge.insert method which caused CCW order not to be preserved in some cases
  • Fix generation of Voronoi diagrams for cases with sites in a square (#447)
  • Fix use of clipping envelope in VoronoiDiagramBuilder
  • Fix infinite loop on empty input in IndexedPointInAreaLocator and SortedPackedIntervalRTree (#462)
  • Fix WKT parsing in Turkish locale (#456)
  • Improve accuracy of LineSegment.lineIntersection (#468)
  • Fix Distance3DOp coordinate ordering (#480)
  • Fix Geometry.reverse() to have consistent behaviour and to copy all fields (#513)
  • Fix MinimumBoundingCircle.farthestPoints to work correctly (#522 and #533)
  • Fix DistanceOp handling of geometry collections with empty components (#524)
  • Fix GML parsing of coordinates and SRS name (#553)

JTS TestBuilder

Functionality Improvements

  • Add a UI to run external commands
  • Allow creating additional view layers
  • Add map view title, legend and border options
  • Support points in Reveal Topology mode
  • Add WKT panel Copy as WKB via Ctl-click

JTS TestRunner

Functionality Improvements

  • Allow test files/dirs to be specified as free args
  • Only load .xml files from directories


  • Added command-line utility to run JTS operations

Version 1.16.1

Release Date: Febuary 19, 2019

Functionality Improvements

  • Added HilbertCode and HilbertCurveBuilder.
  • Added MortonCode and MortonCurveBuilder.
  • Improved InteriorPointArea algorithm performance and robustness
  • Add IndexedFacetDistance methods nearestLocations and nearestPoints
  • Make IndexedFacetDistance thread-safe
  • Add SimplePointInAreaLocator envelope check

Bug Fixes

  • Fix IsValidOp to handle empty components.
  • Fix ShapeWriter to handle Polygons with empty holes.
  • Fix CoordinateArraySequence to duplicate coordinate array if needed to make coordinates consistent (rather than fix in place)
  • Fix AffineTransformation.rotate

JTS TestBuilder

Functionality Improvements

  • Added per-layer style control
  • Change UI terminology to Reveal Topology
  • Add undo capability
  • Add more functions to Delete Components tool
  • Add Save Image to PNG button
  • Add Scalar Function panel logging
  • Add Pan capability to Zoom Tool
  • Improve arrow styling
  • Add meta-function options Each and Repeat

Version 1.16

Release Date: September 10, 2018

API Changes

  • Added XYZM support to CoordinateSequence and CoordinateSequenceFactory with getDimension() and getMeasures() information.
  • Added Coordinate methods for getX(), getY(), getZ(), and getM().
  • Deprecated Coordinate.z field. Use Coordinate.getZ().
  • Coordinate subclasses introduced for XY, XYM, XYZM representations.

Functionality Improvements

  • Removed PackedCoordinateSequenceFactory constructor used to supply a default dimension. Use appropriate create( size, dimension ) instead.
  • Added WKTReader and WKTWriter support for measures

Version 1.15

Release Date: November 30, 2017

Project Changes

  • Changed licensing to dual-licensed EDL or EPL
  • Changed source hosting to GitHub
  • Changed distro hosting to GitHub
  • Changed build chain to use Maven
  • Changed code module structure

API Changes

  • Changed Java package root to org.locationtech.jts
  • Refactored CGAlgorithms into function-specific classes Orientation, PointLocation, Distance, Length, Area
  • Deprecated NonRobustCGAlgorithms; use function-specific classes refactored from CGAlgorithms
  • Deprecated RobustDeterminant; use CGAlgorithmsDD
  • Deprecated Geometry.clone; use Geometry.copy
  • Deprecated GeometryFactory.createX(null) methods; Use no-argument GeometryFactory.createX methods
  • Deprecated overloaded GeometryFactory.createMultiPoint; use GeometryFactory.createMultiPointFromCoords

Functionality Improvements

  • Improve Quadtree to handle queries with null envelopes
  • Add STRtree K-Nearest Neighbours query
  • Add Serializable to ``PackedCoordinateSequence`
  • Add Envelope.intersects
  • Add Geometry.intersects for GeometryCollection
  • Improve WKBReader to handle the OGC 06-103r4 specification.
  • Improve WKTReader to handle Z, M, ZM modifiers.

Performance & Robustness Improvements

  • Add optimization for Geometry.contains and Geometry.covers
  • Improve robustness of RayCrossingCounter and Geometry.contains
  • Improve robustness of MultiPolygon centroid computation

Bug Fixes

  • Eliminated LineString.normalize side-effects

JTS TestBuilder

Functionality Improvements

  • Added function Writer.writeGeoJSON
  • Added tree view of scalar functions
  • Added ability to repeat functions
  • Added custom fill styling
  • Added SelectionFunctions for metrics (area, length)
  • Added function documentation driven by annotations
  • Some changes to layout of GUI elements (such as toolbar)

Version 1.14

Release Date: September 23, 2015

Functionality Improvements

  • Added Envelope.compareTo method
  • Fixed SegmentSetMutualIntersector classes to be thread-safe
  • Fixed PreparedGeometry classes to be thread-safe
  • Added LineDissolver class
  • Added edgegraph package
  • Added CoordinateSequences.isEqual method
  • Extended CoordinateSequences.copy and CoordinateSequences.copy to handle inputs of different dimension
  • Added CoordinateArrays.envelope() function
  • Added CoordinateArrays.intersection() function
  • Added Polygonizer.setCheckValidRings() method for optimizing performance in some situations
  • Added KMLWriter to convert Geometry to KML representation
  • Added Coordinate equals3D, equals2D(Coordinate, tolerance), and equalInZ methods.
  • Added VWSimplifier to perform Visvalingam-Whyatt simplification
  • Enhanced WKBReader to handle Spatialite WKB format
  • Added DD.setValue() methods
  • Added getGeometry() methods to LinearComponentExtracter and LineStringExtracter
  • Added BufferParameters simplifyFactor setting
  • Added node counting and ability to not keep intersection points to InteriorIntersectionFinder
  • Added Polygonizer functionality to extract only polygons forming a valid polygonal geometry
  • Added KdTree.toCoordinates
  • Added MinimumBoundingCircle.getFarthestPoints method

Performance Improvements

  • Performance & memory improvement in PreparedPolygonIntersects by short-circuiting point input case
  • Allow for memory usage optimization in CascadedPolygonUnion, by avoiding retaining input collection
  • Fix Point.isEmpty() to avoid allocating a coordinate
  • Fix Geometry.equalsExact() to short-circuit when the inputs are identical objects
  • Add short-circuit to PointExtracter to improve performance for Points

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed RobustLineIntersector heuristic for handling invalid intersection points (computed as outside envelope of input segments due to numeric precision issues)
  • Fixed CGAlgorithmsDD.intersection to compute intersection correctly
  • Fixed Geometry.interiorPoint() to compute a true interior point in certain cases
  • Fixed Geometry.equals to handle null argument
  • Fixed DistanceToPoint to be thread-safe
  • Fixed Geometry.interiorPoint() and InteriorPointArea to handle zero-area geometries
  • Fixed STRtree classes to be thread-safe (by synchronizing the method)
  • Fixed STRtree.remove() method to avoid a NPE
  • Fixed DouglasPeuckerSimplifier and TopologyPreservingSimplifier to handle empty geometry components in the input
  • Fixed ConvexHull to handle input of array of identical coordinates
  • Fixed GeometryTransformer.transformLinearRing() to handle null inputs
  • Fixed the extractPoint(distance, offset) methods in LocationIndexedLine and LengthIndexedLine to handle offsets from endpoints correctly.
  • Fixed GeometryCollectionIterator to correctly handle atomic geometries
  • Fixed InteriorIntersectionFinder to not short-circuit when finding all nodes
  • Fixed SubgraphDepthLocator to work with Java 7+ by avoiding sorting with an inconsistent ordering
  • Fixed FontGlyphReader to use correct Java font value of "SansSerif", and added new constant to match.
  • Fixed KdTree to correctly implement distance tolerance-based coordinate matching
  • Fixed LineString.normalize() to correctly handle CoordinateSequences
  • Fixed CommonBitsRemover to correctly handle CoordinateSequences
  • Fixed bug in CoordinateArraySequence.clone()

API Changes

  • Changed interface of SegmentSetMutualIntersector to support thread-safety by removing state
  • Provided InteriorIntersectionFinderAdder to replace the poorly named IntersectionFinderAdder
  • Changed some classes in com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.buffer to be package-private

Testing Improvements

  • Added GeometryTestCase base class to simplify unit tests


Functionality Improvements

  • Added GeoJsonReader and GeoJsonWriter classes

API Changes

  • In OraWriter the connection is now provided to the write() method, not the constructors

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed OraReader to handle reading GeometryCollection with Point as second element
  • Many improvements to Oracle API code and performance
  • Added OraWriter.setOptimizePoint and OraWriter.setOptimizeRectangle methods

JTS TestBuilder

Functionality Improvements

  • Added ability to read multiple WKBHex geometries from a text file
  • Added AutoZoom to input
  • Added Oracle text output
  • Added more function sets
  • Removed dependency on Acme GIF encoder library
  • Improved zooming logic
  • Added mouse wheel zooming
  • Improved UI for editing A/B geometries
  • Added Compute New button to Geometry Functions panel
  • Added SpatialIndex functions
  • Added User Data labelling

UI Changes

  • Moved Options menu items to View menu
  • Removed Tools menu items (they are available as functions)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed to correctly handle changing Swing Look&Feel

Version 1.13

Release Date: December 13, 2012

Functionality Improvements

  • Changed GeometryFactory.createGeometry() to make a deep copy of the argument Geometry, using the CoordinateSequenceFactory of the factory
  • Added ability to specify a dimension in CoordinateArraySequence
  • Changed Geometry.getEnvelopeInternal() to return a copy of the cached envelope, to prevent modification
  • Added GeometryEditor.CoordinateSequenceOperation to allow easy editing of constituent CoordinateSequences
  • Added GeometryFactory.createPolygon convenience methods which do not require holes to be specified
  • Geometry overlay methods now return empty results as atomic types of appropriate dimension
  • Added RectangleLineIntersector to provide efficient rectangle-line intersection testing
  • Added getOrdinate and setOrdinate to Coordinate
  • Quadtree is Serializable
  • STRtree is Serializable
  • Added max, average and wrap functions to MathUtil
  • Improved WKTReader parse error reporting to report input line of error
  • Improved WKBReader to repair structurally-invalid input
  • Made TopologyPreservingSimplifier thread-safe
  • Added AbstractSTRtree.isEmpty() method
  • Added QuadTree.isEmpty() method
  • Added KdTree.isEmpty() method
  • Added decimation and duplicate point removal to ShapeWriter.
  • ScaledNoder now preserves Z values of input
  • Added instance methods for all Triangle` static methods
  • Added CGAlgorithmsDD containing high-precision versions of some basic CG algorithms
  • Added IntersectionMatrix.isTrue() method for testing IM pattern matches
  • Added getRawCoordinates methods to PackedCoordinateSequence concrete classes
  • Modified Geometry.isSimple() to explicity check for simplicity for all types, and support GeometryCollections
  • Improved MCIndexSnapRounder to add nodes only where they are necessary
  • Added CoordinateArrays.removeNull() method
  • Enhanced GeometryEditor to handle null geometries returned from operation
  • Added WKBHExFileReader
  • Added Distance3D operation

Performance Improvements

  • Simplified & improved performance of RectangleIntersects by using new RectangleLineIntersector
  • In RandomPointsInGridBuilder eliminated redundant ArrayList usage
  • In PreparedPolygonIntersects and PreparedLineStringIntersects added check to avoid creating segment index if all test inputs are points
  • In AbstractSTRtree switched to using indexed list access for better performance than using iterators
  • In AbstractSTRtree freed inserted item array after index is built
  • Improved performance of Polygonizer for cases with many potential holes
  • Improved performance for some DD methods by making them final
  • Added fast filter for CGAlgorithmsDD.orientationIndex, and switched to self-operations for DD determinant
  • Changed STRtree.createNode() to use a static class for nodes
  • Changed QuadTree Node to use scalar x and y variables rather than a Coordinate to reduce memory allocation
  • Fixed PreparedGeometry concrete classes to be thread-safe.
  • Fixed SortedPackedIntervalRTree so that it is thread-safe.

Robustness Improvements

  • Switched to using DD extended-precision arithmetic to compute orientation predicate
  • CGAlgorithms.distanceLineLine() improved to be more robust and performant
  • Fixed robustness issue causing Empty Stack failure in ConvexHull for some nearly collinear inputs
  • CGAlgorithms.signedArea() uses a more accurate algorithm

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Geometry.equalsExact() to avoid NPE when comparing empty and non-empty Points
  • Fixed CascadedPolygonUnion to discard non-polygonal components created during unioning, to avoid failures and provide more desirable behaviour
  • Fixed CentralEndpointIntersector to initialize result correctly
  • Fixed DelaunayTriangulationBuilder.extractUniqueCoordinates(Geometry) to avoid mutating the vertex order of the input Geometry
  • Fixed ConformingDelaunayTriangulationBuilder to allow non-disjoint site and constraint vertex sets
  • Fixed RandomPointsInGridBuilder point generation to use circle constraint correctly
  • Fixed Linear Referencing API to handle MultiLineStrings consistently, by always using the lowest possible index value, and by trimming zero-length components from results
  • Fixed bug in LocationIndexedLine and LengthIndexLine which was causing an assertion failure when the indexOfAfter() method was called with a constraint location which is at the end of the line
  • Fixed bug in STRtree.query(Envelope, ItemVisitor) causing an NPE when tree is empty
  • Fixed issue with creating zero-length edges during buffer topology building under fixed precision, by: adding filter to remove zero-length edges; using a better estimate of scale factor for reducing to fixed precision after initial failure.
  • Fixed TopologyPreservingSimplifier to return a valid result for closed LineStrings with large distance tolerances
  • Fixed TopologyPreservingSimplifier to return an empty result for an empty input
  • Fixed DouglasPeuckerSimplifier to return an empty result for an empty input
  • Fixed MinimumBoundingCircle to correctly compute circle for obtuse triangles.
  • Fixd GeometryPrecisionReducer to use input GeometryFactory when polygon topology is fixed
  • Fixed GeometryNoder bug that was failing to snap to end vertices of lines
  • Fixed Geometry.getCentroid() and Geometry.getInteriorPoint() to return POINT EMPTY for empty inputs
  • Fixed DelaunayTriangulationBuilder to correctly extract unique points
  • Fixed KdTree to correctly handle inserting duplicate points into an empty tree
  • Fixed LineSegment.projectionFactor() to handle zero-length lines (by returning Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
  • Fixed LocationIndexedLine to handle locations on zero-length lines
  • Fixed LengthIndexedLine and LocationIndexedLine to handle indexOfAfter() correctly
  • Fixed WKBReader to handle successive geometrys with different endianness
  • Fixed GeometricShapeFactory to correctly handle setting the centre point
  • Fixed GeometryFactory.createMultiPoint(CoordinateSequence) to handle sequences of dimension > 3

API Changes

  • Changed visibility of TaggedLineStringSimplifier back to public due to user demand


  • Added Performance Testing framework (PerformanceTestRunner and PerformanceTestCase)
  • Added named predicate tests to all Relate test cases


  • Peter Hopfgartner - improved area computation
  • Michael Michaud - snap-rounding improvements

JTS TestBuilder

Functionality Improvements

  • Added segment index visualization styling
  • Improved Geometry Inspector
  • Added stream digitizing for Polygon and LineString tools
  • Added output of Test Case XML with WKB
  • Added Extract Component tool
  • Added Delete Vertices Or Components tool
  • Added Geometry Edit Panel pop-up menu, with operations
  • Added Halton sequence functions
  • Added sorting functions
  • Added function for selection of first N components
  • Added CGAlgorithms functions
  • Added ability to paste and load multiple WKBHex geometries

Performance Improvements

  • Using decimation substantially improves rendering time for large geometries.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in saving XML test files

Version 1.12

Release Date: June 30, 2011

Functionality Improvements

  • Added new names for methods for computing Geometry equality:
    • equals(Object) is a synonym for equalsExact(Geometry)
    • equalsNorm(Geometry) automatically normalizes the operands
    • equalsTopo(Geometry) computes topological equality, and is a synonym for the original equals(Geometry)
  • Added Geometry.norm() to provide non-mutating normalization
  • Added Geometry.hashCode() to fulfill Java conventions
  • Added LineIntersector.getEndpoint() method
  • Added methods to CoordinateSequences to test for and create valid rings
  • Added minExtent and maxExtent to Envelope
  • Added ability to compute Single-Sided Buffers (invoked via BufferOp and BufferParameters)
  • Added GeometryPrecisionReducer
  • Added ExtendedWKB SRID support to WKBWriter (thanks to Justin Deoliviera)
  • Improved PolygonShape to support floating-point coordinates
  • Added GeometryShapeFactory.setRotation(double radians) method
  • Added GeometricShapeBuilder API to support shape builder development
  • Added RandomPointsBuilder to allow generating various random point sets
  • Added RandomPointsInGridBuilder to allow generating various random point sets constrained to a grid
  • Added KochSnowflakeBuilder
  • Added SierpinskiCarpetBuilder
  • Added MathUtil containing mathematics and numerical utility functions
  • Added Vector2D class providing vector operations
  • Added DirectedEdgeStar.getNextCWEdge() method to planargraph API
  • Improved AffineTransformation to avoid numeric precision issues in case of reflection in X=Y (coordinate flipping)
  • Added LineSequencer.sequence() static convenience method
  • Added error indicators to BufferDistanceValidator and BufferResultValidator
  • Added MinimumClearance class
  • Added nearestNeighbours methods to STRtree

Performance Improvements

  • Improved memory performance of ShapeWriter conversions (by tuning coordinate and polygon conversion)
  • Improved performance of RectangleIntersects by refining SegmentIntersectionTester

Robustness Improvements

  • Delaunay triangulation uses more robust formulation for the inCircle test
  • Voronoi computation now uses more robust formulation for the circumcentre computation
  • Force RectangleIntersects to always use segment-scanning to improve robustness

API Changes

  • Reduced visibility of internal classes in com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.prep
  • Reduced visibility of internal classes in com.vividsolutions.jts.simplify
  • Moved Matrix class into jts.math package
  • Refactored internal offset curve generation classes in com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.buffer package

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed CoordinateArraySequence and PackedCoordinateSequence to correctly handle Z ordinate in getCoordinate(int, Coordinate)
  • Fixed LinearRing to have isClosed() return true for empty rings
  • Fixed Geometry.union() to use more robust union algorithm. This provides behaviour consistent with union(Geometry).
  • Fixed Point.isValid() to validate POINT EMPTY correctly
  • Fixed SnapIfNeededOverlayOp to throw the originating exception,which contains meaningful coordinates
  • Fixed GeometrySnapper to allow final vertices of LineStrings to snap correctly
  • Fixed buffer (OffsetCurveSetBuilder) to handle "flat" rings correctly
  • Fixed IsValidOp to handle reporting "Not Closed" errors on empty rings correctly
  • Fixed NestedRingTester (used by IsValidOp) to correctly handle the case where a hole touches all the vertices of another hole (which is invalid)
  • Fixed ConvexHull to handle large geometries with fewer than 3 unique points
  • Fixed GeometryGraph to ignore empty hole rings when building graph
  • Fixed LineMerger to skip lines with only a single unique coordinate
  • Fixed ByteArrayInStream to pad byte buffers with zeroes
  • Corrected spelling of SquarePointShapeFactory
  • Fixed tolerance check in KdTree
  • Updated MasterTester to include more unit tests

JTS TestBuilder

Functionality Improvements

  • Added [Zoom To Result] button
  • Improved mark display, with floating point label
  • Added more random geometry creation functions
  • Added fractal geometry creation functions
  • Improved threaded rendering handling to ensure only one frame drawn
  • Added Magnify Topology capability
  • Added Geometry Inspector dialog
  • Better startup script, with auto-home directory detection and JTS_LIB_DIR environment variable (thanks to strk)
  • Added logging Info window behaviour
  • Improved saving PNG to allow specifying file name

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Stats panel to update when current test changes
  • Fixed deleting single test case

Version 1.11

Release Date: March 1, 2010

Functionality Improvements

  • Added CoordinateArrays.isRing
  • Added CGAlgorithms.signedArea(CoordinateSequence)
  • Added CoordinateArrays.copyDeep(...) method to copy sections of arrays
  • Added CoordinateList.add(Coordinate[], boolean, int, int) method to add sections of arrays
  • Added LineSegment.toGeometry(), LineSegment.lineIntersection()()
  • Added LineSegment.hashCode()
  • Added geometric similarity classes (HausdorffSimilarityMeasure, AreaSimilarityMeasure)
  • Added MinimumDiameter.getMinimumRectangle()
  • Added MinimumBoundingCircle class
  • Added Densifier class
  • Added triangulation API, including QuadEdgeSubdivision, IncrementalDelaunayTriangulator, ConformingDelaunayTriangulator and supporting classes
  • Added VoronoiDiagramBuilder to perform Voronoi diagram generation
  • Added scaleInstance(scaleX, scaleY, x, y) to AffineTransformation
  • Added AffineTransformationFactory to allow generating transformations from various kinds of control inputs
  • Added BinTree.remove() method
  • Fixed BinTree.query() to allow null interval arguments
  • Added ShapeReader API to convert Java2D Shapes into JTS Geometry
  • Added ShapeWriter API to convert JTS geometry into Java2D Shapes
  • Added FontGlyphReader API to render Java2D text font glyphs into geometry
  • Added SdeReader to jtsio library
  • Added Debug break methods
  • Added Memory utility for reporting memory statistics
  • Added ObjectCounter utility for counting objects
  • Added createSquircle and createSuperCircle to GeometricShapeFactory

Performance Improvements

  • Improved performance of Geometry.getArea() and Geometry.getLength() when used with custom CoordinateSequences

API Changes

  • Deprecated WKBWriter.bytesToHex in favour of WKBWriter.toHex to regularize and simplify method name

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Point.isValid() to check for invalid coordinates (ie with Nan ordinates)
  • Fixed Geometry.distance() and DistanceOp to return 0.0 for empty inputs
  • Fixed Buffer to handle degenerate polygons with too few distinct points correctly
  • Added illegal state check in LineSegment.pointAlongOffset()
  • Fixed exception strategy in BufferSubgraph to handle certain robustness failures correctly
  • Fixed robustness problem in OffsetCurveBuilder in computing mitred joins for nearly parallel segments
  • Fixed minor bug in BufferInputLineSimplifier which prevented simplification of some situations
  • Fixed bug in BufferInputLineSimplifier which caused over-simplification for large tolerances
  • Fixed bug in Angle.normalizePositive to handle values > 2PI correctly
  • Fixed WKTWriter to emit correct syntax for MULTIPOINTs
  • Fixed WKTReader to accept correct syntax for MULTIPOINTs
  • CGAlgorithms.isCCW now checks for too few points in the ring and throws an IllegalArgumentException
  • Fixed bug in AffineTransformation#eqals (logic bug)
  • Fixed bug in CoordinateList#closeRing (cloning closing Coordinate)

JTS TestBuilder

Functionality Improvements

  • WKT input is cleaned automatically when loaded (illegal chars are removed)
  • Added WKT-Formatted option to Test Case View dialog
  • Many new geometry functions added
  • Geometry functions are displayed in tree
  • Geometry functions can be implemented as Java static class methods.
  • Geometry function classes can be loaded dynamically from command-line
  • Improved handling of very large geometry inputs and results
  • Threaded rendering allows display of very large geometries without limiting usability
  • Added Draw Rectangle tool
  • Added Drag-n-drop loading of .SHP files
  • Added Info tool to provide persistent display of geometry point/segment information
  • Added display of memory usage

Version 1.10

Release Date: December 31, 2008

Functionality Improvements

  • Added Geometry.reverse() method for all geometry types
  • Added setSrsName, setNamespace, setCustomRootElements methods to GMLWriter
  • Added Envelope.getArea method
  • Added copy, copyCoord methods to CoordinateSequences
  • Added area method to Envelope
  • Added extractPoint(pt, offset) methods to LengthIndexedLine and LocationIndexedLine
  • Added CoordinatePrecisionReducerFilter
  • Added UnaryUnionOp(Collection, GeometryFactory) constructor to handle empty inputs more automatically
  • Added DiscreteHausdorffDistance class
  • Made LineMerger able to be called incrementally
  • Added GeometricShapeFactory.createArcPolygon to create a polygonal arc
  • Enhanced Geometry.buffer() to preserve SRID

Performance Improvements

  • Improved performance for EdgeList (by using a more efficient technique for detecting duplicate edges)
  • Improved performance for ByteArrayInStream (by avoiding use of
  • Unrolled intersection computation in HCoordinate to avoid object allocation
  • Improved performance for buffering via better offset curve generation and simplification.
  • Improved performance for IsValidOp by switching to use STRtree for nested hole checking

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Geometry.getClassSortIndex() to lazily initialize the sorted class list. This fixes a threading bug.
  • Fixed RectangleContains to return correct result for points on the boundary of the rectangle
  • Fixed error in com.vividsolutions.jts.simplify.LineSegmentIndex which caused polygons simplified using TopologyPreservingSimplifier to be invalid in certain situations
  • Fixed error in DouglasPeuckerSimplifier which caused empty polygons to be returned when they contained a very small hole
  • Fixed PackedCoordinateSequence to return NaN for null ordinate values
  • Fixed Geometry.centroid() (CentroidArea) so that it handles degenerate (zero-area) polygons
  • Fixed Geometry.buffer() (OffsetCurveBuilder) so that it handles JOIN_MITRE cases with nearly collinear lines correctly
  • Fixed GeometryFactory.toGeometry(Envelope) to return a CW polygon
  • Fixed UnaryUnionOp to correctly handle heterogeneous inputs with P/L/A components
  • Fixed UnaryUnionOp to accept LINEARRINGs
  • Fixed CentroidArea to handle zero-area polygons correctly
  • Fixed WKBWriter to always output 3D when requested, and to handle 2D PackedCoordinateSequences correctly in this case
  • Fixed NodedSegmentString to handle zero-length line segments correctly (via safeOctant)
  • Cleaned up code to remove unneeded CGAlgorithms objects
  • Fixed GeometricShapeFactory.createArc to ensure arc has requested number of vertices

API Changes

  • Moved GML I/O classes into core JTS codebase
  • Changed GMLWriter to not write the srsName attribute by default
  • In DistanceOp switched to using nearestPoints method names
  • Exposed STRtree.getRoot() method

JTS TestBuilder

UI Improvements

  • Added ability to read GML from input panel
  • Added GML output to View dialog
  • Added file drag'n'drop to Geometry Input text areas
  • Add display of computation time
  • Added Stats panel
  • Added Scalar functions panel, with extensible function list
  • Added Save as PNG...
  • Added stream digitizing to Polygon and Line Draw tools

JTS TestRunner

Functionality Improvements

  • Added -testCaseIndex command-line option

Version 1.9

Release Date: January 2, 2008

Functionality Improvements

  • Added Polygonal, Lineal, Puntal tag interfaces to better categorize geometry classes
  • Added Geometry.union() method, UnaryUnionOp class for efficient unioning of geometrys
  • Added Triangle.area3D method
  • Added LineSegment.pointAlongOffset method
  • Added LineSegment.orientationIndex(Coordinate) method
  • Added PreparedGeometry classes and methods to optimize some geometry functions in batch situations
  • Added Envelope.covers methods, for preciseness
  • Added OctagonalEnvelope class
  • Improved CGAlgorithms.isPointInRing method to handle case where point lies on the ring
  • Added CGAlgorithms.locatePointInRing method
  • Added PointInAreaLocator interface, enhanced SimplePointInAreaLocator to extend this
  • Added RayCrossingCounter, IndexedPointInAreaLocator classes for more efficient Point-In-Polygon testing
  • Added GeometryCombiner class
  • Enhanced BufferOp with join styles
  • Enhanced WKTReader to accept any case for NaN number symbols
  • Added WKTFileReader class
  • Improved performance of CoordinateList constructors
  • Added CascadedPolygonUnion class
  • Added LinearLocation.isOnSameSegment method
  • Added LinearLocation.getSegment method
  • Added LocationIndexedLine.indexOfAfter method
  • Added interpolation of Z value to linear referencing methods
  • Added methods to rotate around a given point to AffineTransformation
  • Allowed GeometricShapeFactory to be subclassed to add new shapes
  • Added SineStarFactory (primarily to support testing)
  • Added SortedPackedIntervalRTree class
  • Added SegmentSetMutualIntersector interface and implementations
  • Added Node.remove(DirectedEdge) method in planargraph package

Performance Improvements

  • Improved performance for SimplePointInAreaLocator (by checking ring envelopes as a filter)

Bug Fixes

  • Geometry.buffer operation fixed to always return polygonal geometries
  • Fixed bug in Geometry.buffer(distance, quadrantSegs) causing failure for some cases with quadrantSegs = 1
  • Fixed bug in GeometryFactory.toGeometry(Envelope) which was returning invalid Polygons for "linear" envelopes
  • Fixed bug in MonotoneChainBuilder which caused failures in situations with segments of zero length
  • Fixed PointLocator to handle locating in Point geometries
  • Fixed GeometricShapeFactory to always use provided PrecisionModel
  • Fixed LinearLocation.clone method
  • Fixed LinearLocation.isValid method
  • Fixed Polygonizer to accept single-point linestrings (which are ignored)

API Changes

  • Deprecated RobustCGAlgorithms
  • Deprecated BufferOp cap style constants (these are now provided in BufferParameters)
  • Removed SIRPointInRing

JTS TestRunner

New Features

  • Added ability to specify GeometryOperation in XML file
  • Added BufferValidatedGeometryOperation
  • Added ability to specify custom result matching via resultMatcher parameter in XML files
  • Added BufferResultMatcher

JTS TestBuilder

UI Improvements

  • Improved rendering of geometries
  • Improved symbology for orientation
  • Simplified Geometry creation
  • Improved vertex move/add
  • Added tooltip for coordinate location
  • Added more geometry functions
  • Added Copy Result to Test button

Code Improvements

  • Restructured code for more flexibility, better Swing functionality
  • Made it easier to add geometry functions

Version 1.8

Release Date: December 19, 2006

Functionality Improvements

  • Improved robustness for overlay operations, via using geometry snapping
  • Added Angle class
  • Added methods to Triangle class
  • Added LineSegment.midPoint method
  • Added ability to specify output of Z values to WKTWriter
  • Added setFormatted, setTab, setMaxCoordinatesPerLine methods to WKTWriter
  • Added BoundaryNodeRule classes, and ability to specify a Boundary Node Rule in RelateOp, IsSimpleOp, BoundaryOp
  • Added ability to get the failure location to IsSimpleOp
  • Added BoundaryOp with improved algorithm for lineal geometries. Changed lineal Geometry classes to use it.
  • Enhanced Geometry overlay methods to accept empty GeometryCollections.
  • Enhanced Error Handling for WKTReader
  • Added CoordinateSequenceFilter
  • Added AffineTransformation and AffineTransformationBuilder

API Changes

  • Changed API for IsSimpleOp (required to support returning failure location)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in GeometryFactory.buildGeometry causing failure if input contained all GeometryCollections of the same subclass
  • Changed AssertFailure to TopologyException in PolygonBuilder
  • Improved correctness of RobustLineIntersector in certain cases where segment endpoints intersect
  • Eliminated duplicate method execution in TestRunner

JTS TestBuilder

New Features

  • Zoom tool can now draw zoom box as well as click
  • Cut, Copy and Paste buttons for Input WKT
  • added ability to specify custom Geometry Operations

JTS TestRunner

New Features

  • added ability to specify custom Geometry Operations

Bug Fixes

  • Eliminated duplicate method execution

Version 1.7.2

Release Date: June 22, 2006

Functionality Improvements

  • Added support for EWKB (SRIDs only) to WKBReader

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in CoordinateArrays.ptNotInList. Changed polygonize.EdgeRing to used corrected code.
  • Fixed bug causing duplicate points in ScaledNoder
  • Fixed bug causing Null Pointer for empty geometries in OraWriter
  • Changed AssertFailure to TopologyException in EdgeNode

Version 1.7.1

Release Date: March 20, 2006

Functionality Improvements

  • Added Hex string conversion to WKBReader and WKBWriter

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed null point cloning bug in TopologyValidationError (thanks to Markus Gebhard)
  • Fixed bug in PointLocator fix for LinearRings
  • Fixed bug in Geometry.isValid and IsValidOp causing some valid polygons to be reported as having a Disconnected Interior (specifically, polygons containing holes touching at a single point, where the point is the highest point in the hole rings, and where the holes have a specific orientation)
  • Fixed bug in Polygon.isRectangle, which reported some valid rectangles as false

Performance Improvements

  • Improved performance for Geometry#withinDistance (via short-circuiting)


  • Dave Blasby
  • Koen van Dijken

Version 1.7

Release Date: December 7, 2005

Functionality Improvements

  • Added JTSVersion class to provide access to the API version information
  • Added covers and coveredBy predicates to Geometry
  • Added Geometry#buffer(distance, quadSegs, endCapStyle) method to expose buffer end cap styles
  • Added LineString#reverse and MultiLineString#reverse methods
  • Added centre, intersection, translate, expandBy(distance), expandBy(dx, dy) methods to Envelope
  • Added CollectionUtil class for performing operations over collections
  • Added CoordinateArrays comparators
  • Added CoordinateSequence#getDimension
  • Added convenience methods toPoint and toLineString to WKTWriter
  • Added WKB API (WKBReader and WKBWriter classes in
  • WKTReader has better handling of numeric parsing, including support for scientific notation
  • Added IsValidOp#setSelfTouchingRingFormingHoleValid to allow validating SDE-style polygons
  • Added check for non-closed rings in IsValidOp
  • Added Linear Referencing API (com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref
  • Added LineSequencer class to com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.linemerge
  • Added Subgraph class to com.vividsolutions.jts.planargraph
  • Added isRemoved method to GraphComponent
  • Added ConnectedSubgraphFinder class to com.vividsolutions.jts.planargraph.algorithm
  • Added setVisited, getComponentWithVisitedState, setVisited, getComponentWithVisitedState methods to com.vividsolutions.jts.planargraph.GraphComponent
  • Added classes to perform Snap Rounding (in com.vividsolutions.jts.noding.snapround>
  • Improved buffering speed and robustness by using Snap Rounding
  • Added buffer optimization for results with large numbers of polygons and/or holes
  • Added STRtree#query(Envelope, ItemVisitor) method
  • Added Debug#toLine methods
  • Added ConvexHull(Coordinate[]) constructor

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed decimal formatting in WKTWriter to force a leading 0 in decimal numbers
  • Fixed bug in CoordinateArraySequence#setOrdinate
  • Fixed bug when checking validity of polygon with hole (IsValidOp#checkHolesInShell)
  • Improved correctness of computated intersections in RobustLineIntersector
  • Fixed bugs in CoordinateList.clone (thanks to Matthias Bobzien)
  • Fixed bug in Envelope.equals (thanks to John Cartwright)
  • Fixed PointLocator for LinearRings

Performance Improvements

  • Improved performance for overlay operations (point inclusion, identical edge detection)
  • Improved Convex Hull performance

API Changes

  • Added SpatiaIndex#query(Envelope, ItemVisitor) method signature
  • Added CoordinateSequence#getDimension() method signature
  • Marked GeometryEditor.CoordinateOperation#edit(Geometry, GeometryFactory) method as final, to prevent incorrect use

Semantics Changes

  • CoordinateArraySequence#setOrdinate now checks that the ordinate index is in range

Version 1.6

Release Date: February 3, 2005

API Changes

  • Changed to using CoordinateArraySequence instead of DefaultCoordinateSequence (to provide a more descriptive name).

Semantics Changes

  • PrecisionModel#makePrecise changed to use Symmetric Arithmetic Rounding rather than Banker's Rounding

Functionality Improvements

  • Added ability to enable Debug methods by setting a system property
  • Added getNumGeometries and getGeometryN methods to Geometry class, to make API more uniform
  • Improved API for CoordinateSequence allows more options for improving memory usage and handling custom coordinate storage methods
  • Added PackedCoordinateSequence to provide reduced memory footprint for geometry objects if desired
  • Added optimized spatial predicates for rectangles
  • Added Debug#isDebugging method

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in Geometry#within() short circuiting
  • Fixed bug causing Geometry#isValid to throw IllegalArgumentException for certain kinds of holes with invalid rings
  • Fixed bug causing redundant linestrings to be returned in the result of overlaying polygons containing holes touching their shell.
  • Polygon#getBoundary now returns a LinearRing if the polygon does not have holes

Architecture Changes

  • Removed a proliferation of references to the default CoordinateSequenceFactory


  • Andrea Aime

Version 1.5

Release Date: September 22, 2004

This version is upwards compatible with Version 1.4

API Changes

  • None

Semantics Changes

  • None

Functionality Improvements

  • CGAlgorithms#isCCW now handles coordinate lists with repeated points. Also throws an IllegalArgumentException if the input ring does not have 3 distinct points
  • isValid now checks for invalid coordinates (e.g. ones with Nan or infinite numbers)
  • added copyDeep() method to CoordinateArrays
  • added geometry simplification operations DouglasPeuckerSimplifier and TopologyPreservingSimplifier
  • added methods to Quadtree and STRtree to remove items and query using the Visitor pattern

Performance Improvements

  • Added short-circuit tests in geometry named predicates based on envelope tests

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bugs in Geometry serialization
  • Fixed bug in ValidOp which reported some MultiPolygons with shells nested inside a hole as invalid
  • Fixed bug in buffer which caused buffers of some polygons with small & large holes to not contain any holes
  • Fixed bug in Polygonizer which caused exception if no lines were supplied

Architecture Changes

  • Basic CG algorithm methods made static in the CGAlgorithms class
  • Various utility methods made public in CoordinateArrays class


  • More examples provided in com.vividsolutions.jtsexamples package

Version 1.4

Release Date: November 4, 2003

Semantics Changes

  • none

Functionality Improvements

  • Added "LINEARRING" tag to WKT syntax
  • Added GeometryEditor class to allow easy copy/modify of Geometrys
  • Added GeometricShapeFactory class to easily create standard geometric shapes
  • Geometries can now carry arbitrary user-defined data objects (via Geometry#get/setUserData(Object) method)
  • Added CoordinateSequence and CoordinateSequenceFactory interfaces, and default implementations (BasicCoordinateSequence, BasicCoordinateSequenceFactory)
  • Added Geometry#getFactory
  • Added new PrecisionModel type of FLOATING_SINGLE, for rounding to single precision floating point
  • Added DistanceOp#getClosestPoints method, which returns the closest points between two Geometries
  • Added com.vividsolutions.jts.noding package containing classes to perform fast indexed noding of linestrings
  • Added com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.polygonize package containing classes to perform polygonization
  • Added com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.linemerge package containing classes to perform line merging
  • Added SimpleGeometryPrecisionReducer to allow reducing precision of coordinates of a Geometry
  • Added LineSegment#closestPoints method to compute the closest points between two line segments
  • Added MinimumDiameter class to compute minimum diameters of Geometries
  • Added geom.Triangle class to contain algorithms for Triangles
  • BufferOp now allows end cap styles to be specified. Three types are supported: round, butt and square.

Performance Improvements

  • EdgeList now provides a findEqualEdge method which is substantially faster than findEdgeIndex, for large lists
  • Buffering is now faster and much more robust
  • Overlap operations are now more robust

Bug Fixes

  • Envelope#init(Envelope) now handles null Envelopes correctly
  • CoordinateList#add() now correctly ignores the z-value of Coordinates in determining equality
  • Geometry#isValid now correctly handles checking validity of LinearRings
  • Fixed infinite loop bug causing Out Of Memory errors during polygon intersection
  • Geometry#clone now correctly clones the Geometry's Envelope
  • LineIntersector#computeEdgeDistance now correctly computes a non-zero edge distance in certain situations when a fixed precision model was being used and the line segment was a single unit in length
  • Fixed incorrect calculation of depths in DirectedEdgeStar#computeDepths
  • Fixed BufferSubgraph#addReachable to use explicit stack to avoid stack overflow problems
  • Fixed various bugs causing some kinds of buffers to be computed incorrectly

API Changes

  • WKTReader/Writer: changed protected members to private
  • PrecisionModel type is now an object rather than an int
  • ConvexHull API changed to remove requirement to pass in CGAlgorithms object

Code Architecture Changes

  • geom.util package added for utility classes which parse and modify geometries


  • More examples provided in com.vividsolutions.jtsexamples package
  • Added JTS Developers Guide

Version 1.3

Release Date: April 4, 2003

Semantics Changes

  • all Geometry methods are now reentrant (thread-safe)
  • Fixed-precision coordinates are now stored in a rounded but non-scaled form. This makes them compatible with non-precise (Floating) coordinates, and simplifies working with precise coordinates directly. Mixed precision models are now supported in Geometry methods; method results are in the more precise of the input precision models.
  • Offsets are no longer supported in the Fixed precision model. This is necessary to allow storing fixed precision coordinates in a non-scaled form. This does not reduce the total precision available, since coordinates are stored in a floating-point format.
  • SRID and Precision Model are no longer checked for equality during Geometry operations. This removes a limitation which provided little semantic benefit.

Functionality Improvements

  • added Geometry.isWithinDistance(Geometry g, double distance) method, to provide optimized proximity queries
  • added Geometry.buffer(double distance, int quadrantSegments) method, allowing control over accuracy of buffer approximation
  • added Geometry.getCentroid() method
  • added Geometry.getInteriorPoint() method, which uses heuristic methods to return a point in the interior of a Geometry
  • GeometryFactory.toGeometryArray now returns null if the argument is null

Performance Improvements

  • Removed unnecessary string construction in EdgeEndStar.propagateSideLabels()
  • Eliminated unnecessary computation of self-intersections in rings during relate and spatial functions. This provides a large increase in speed when working with large rings and polygons. (Note that IsValid still checks for these self-intersections, which are illegal in LinearRings)
  • Add short-circuit code to RobustLineIntersector to detect non-intersections more efficiently

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed ClassCastException occurring in GeometryCollection.getLength()
  • Fixed bug in Edge Intersection insertion (replaced Coordinate#equals with equals2D to ensure that intersection creation is not sensitive to Z-value).
  • Fixed handling LineStrings with too few points in GeometryGraph.addLineString
  • Fixed: was not checking that MultiPolygons don't contain components with too few points.
  • Fixed Envelope.distance() to return correct distance for all envelopes.
  • Fixed a few Geometry methods to make them re-entrant.
  • Fixed CoordinateList.closeRing() to ensure endpoints are not duplicated
  • Fixed CGAlgorithms.signedArea() to use a simpler algorithm which is more robust and faster.
  • Fixed bug preventing validating Rings containing an initial repeated point.

API Changes

  • Added default constructor to WKTReader. It uses the default GeometryFactory
  • Add two static intersects() methods to Envelope, to allow computing intersections with envelopes defined by points only.
  • Dropped BinaryPower; its functionality is provided by DoubleBits in a more robust fashion.
  • Removed a couple of redundant private static methods from Geometry; they have been replaced by methods in CoordinateArrays
  • The Geometry class is now marked as Serializable

Version 1.2

Release Date: 7 October 2002

Semantics Changes

  • JTS now allows Geometrys to have repeated points. All operations will continue to perform as before. This removes a significant incompatibility with the OGC spatial data model.
  • TopologyExceptions may now be thrown by spatial overlay methods. This helps to distinguish between code bugs and known robustness problems. It also provides a machine-readable coordinate for the error location.

Functionality Improvements

  • RobustLineIntersector now uses "normalized" coordinates to maximize the accuracy of intersection computation.
  • Upgraded Quadtree with more robust implementation
  • Replaced IntervalTree with a more robust implementation of BinTree
  • Added STRTree 2-D spatial index, which exhibits better performance than QuadTrees in many situations.
  • Added EnhancePrecisionOp, which uses precisioning enhancing techniques to reduce the number of failure cases due to robustness problems.

Bug Fixes

  • fixed ConvexHull to use TreeSet instead of HashSet for coordinates
  • Fixed isValid for GeometryCollections containing Polygons, which were sometimes erroneously returning a validity failure for correct Geometrys.
  • Fixed bug in LineSegment.distancePointLine() which would return the incorrect distance for a LineSegment with two identical points
  • Improved error handling in CGAlgorithms.isCCW()
  • IsValid now checks for too few points in a geometry component (e.g. due to repeated points in a ring)

API Changes

  • added Stopwatch class
  • added Geometry.getArea() and Geometry.getLength() methods
  • added CGAlgorithms.signedArea() method
  • added methods to LineSegment - closestPoint(), getLength()
  • added CoordinateArrrays and CoordinateLists utility classes
  • Added TopologyValidationError.getErrorType() method
  • Added Envelope#intersects; deprecated Envelope#overlaps.
  • Added Geometry#geometryChanged() method to allow signaling when Geometry coordinates have been mutated by a client class
  • Added STRTree class implementing a Sort-Tile-Recursive spatial index (a variant of a packed R-tree)
  • Deleted IntervalTree 1-D spatial index (replaced by BinTree)
  • Add BinTree 1-D spatial index

Version 1.1.1

Release Date: 9 April 2002

Bug Fixes

  • fixed decimal-point symbol localization bug in WKTWriter
  • fixed bug in env)
  • fixed filename case of and

API Changes

  • deleted TopologyException class
  • renamed CGAlgorithms.isPointInPolygon to isPointInRing (a more accurate description of what the method computes)

API Additions

  • added Geometry.getCoordinate() method
  • added Geometry.distance() method
  • added GeometryComponentFilter interface and Geometry.apply(GeometryComponentFilter) method

Version 1.1

Release Date: 28 March 2002

New Features

  • added Geometry.isSimple() and Geometry.isValid() methods
  • improved design of topological data structures
  • added Geometry.setSRID() method
  • improved functionality of the Envelope class
  • added ability to write to an arbitrary object to WKTWriter
  • added Validate and Mark Location functionality to TestBuilder

Version 1.0

Release Date: 1 February 2002

  • Removed some non-compatibilities with Java 1.1
  • Fixed bug in constructing buffer outline around inside of angles
  • In TestBuilder vertices are now displayed with fixed size in view units
  • Improved code for WKTWriter.writeFormatted()
  • Fixed bug in constructor for LinearRing
  • Improved implementation of sweepline intersection algorithm to avoid use of dynamic set.
  • Fixed bug in ConvexHull.cleanRing()
  • Refactored RobustLineIntersector and NonRobustLineIntersector

Version 0.0

Release Date: 30 May 2001

Baseline version