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Semantic conventions for Azure SDK spans

Status: [Experimental][DocumentStatus]

This document describes tracing semantic conventions adopted by Azure SDK. Instrumentations live in Azure SDK repos and are shipped along with Azure SDK artifacts.

Azure SDK produces spans for public API calls and nested HTTP client spans. AMQP transport-level calls are not traced.


Azure SDKs follow OpenTelemetry semantic conventions when applicable, but adopt new versions of conventions at their own pace. Telemetry consumers MAY use SchemaUrl to detect which version of semantic conventions are emitted by Azure SDKs.

Public API calls

Azure SDK SHOULD create a span for each call to service methods, that is, public APIs that involve communication with Azure services.

  • Spans representing public API calls SHOULD have names following client.method pattern and are language-specific. In case OpenTelemetry defines semantic convention for span name (for example, in messaging or database conventions), standard OpenTelemetry name SHOULD be used instead.
  • For HTTP-based SDKs, public API spans SHOULD have INTERNAL kind.

See Messaging section below and CosmosDB conventions for non-HTTP semantics.

API-level spans produced by Azure SDK have the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level
az.namespace string Namespace of Azure service request is made against. [1] Microsoft.Storage; Microsoft.KeyVault; Microsoft.ServiceBus Required
az.schema_url string OpenTelemetry Schema URL including schema version. Only TODO is supported. Conditionally Required: [2]
error.type string Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [3]; System.Threading.Tasks.OperationCanceledException; azure.core.exceptions.ServiceRequestError Recommended

[1]: This SHOULD be set as an instrumentation scope attribute when creating a Tracer as long as OpenTelemetry in a given language allows to do so.

[2]: if and only if OpenTelemetry in a given language doesn't provide a standard way to set schema_url (.NET)

[3]: The error.type SHOULD be predictable and SHOULD have low cardinality. Instrumentations SHOULD document the list of errors they report.

The cardinality of error.type within one instrumentation library SHOULD be low. Telemetry consumers that aggregate data from multiple instrumentation libraries and applications should be prepared for error.type to have high cardinality at query time when no additional filters are applied.

If the operation has completed successfully, instrumentations SHOULD NOT set error.type.

If a specific domain defines its own set of error identifiers (such as HTTP or gRPC status codes), it's RECOMMENDED to:

  • Use a domain-specific attribute
  • Set error.type to capture all errors, regardless of whether they are defined within the domain-specific set or not.

error.type has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used, otherwise a custom value MAY be used.

Value Description
_OTHER A fallback error value to be used when the instrumentation doesn't define a custom value.

HTTP Client

Azure SDK implements a valid subset of stable part of OpenTelemetry HTTP spans conventions and create a span per HTTP call (attempt).

Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level
az.client_request_id string Value of the [x-ms-client-request-id] header (or other request-id header, depending on the service) sent by the client. eb178587-c05a-418c-a695-ae9466c5303c Conditionally Required: only if present.
az.namespace string Namespace of Azure service request is made against. [1] Microsoft.Storage; Microsoft.KeyVault; Microsoft.ServiceBus Required
az.schema_url string OpenTelemetry Schema URL including schema version. Only TODO is supported. Conditionally Required: [2]
az.service_request_id string Value of the [x-ms-request-id] header (or other request-id header, depending on the service) sent by the server in response. 3f828ae5-ecb9-40ab-88d9-db0420af30c6 Conditionally Required: if and only if one was received
error.type string Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [3] timeout;; server_certificate_invalid; 500 Conditionally Required: If request has ended with an error.
http.request.method string HTTP request method. [4] GET; POST; HEAD Required
http.request.resend_count int The ordinal number of request resending attempt (for any reason, including redirects). [5] 3 Recommended
http.response.status_code int HTTP response status code. 200 Conditionally Required: If and only if one was received/sent.
server.address string Host identifier of the "URI origin" HTTP request is sent to. [6];; /tmp/my.sock Required
server.port int Port identifier of the "URI origin" HTTP request is sent to. [7] 80; 8080; 443 Conditionally Required: [8]
url.full string Absolute URL describing a network resource according to RFC3986 [9]; //localhost Recommended
user_agent.original string Value of the HTTP User-Agent header sent by the client. CERN-LineMode/2.15 libwww/2.17b3 Recommended

[1]: This SHOULD be set as an instrumentation scope attribute when creating a Tracer as long as OpenTelemetry in a given language allows to do so.

[2]: if and only if OpenTelemetry in a given language doesn't provide a standard way to set schema_url (.NET)

[3]: If the request fails with an error before response status code was sent or received, error.type SHOULD be set to exception type (its fully-qualified class name, if applicable) or a component-specific low cardinality error identifier.

If response status code was sent or received and status indicates an error according to HTTP span status definition, error.type SHOULD be set to the status code number (represented as a string), an exception type (if thrown) or a component-specific error identifier.

The error.type value SHOULD be predictable and SHOULD have low cardinality. Instrumentations SHOULD document the list of errors they report.

The cardinality of error.type within one instrumentation library SHOULD be low, but telemetry consumers that aggregate data from multiple instrumentation libraries and applications should be prepared for error.type to have high cardinality at query time, when no additional filters are applied.

If the request has completed successfully, instrumentations SHOULD NOT set error.type.

[4]: Azure SDKs support HTTP methods listed in RFC9110 and the `PATCH`` method defined in RFC5789

[5]: The resend count SHOULD be updated each time an HTTP request gets resent by the client, regardless of what was the cause of the resending (e.g. redirection, authorization failure, 503 Server Unavailable, network issues, or any other).

[6]: Describes host component of Azure service endpoint.

[7]: Describes port component of Azure service endpoint.

[8]: If not default (80 for http scheme, 443 for https).

[9]: For network calls, URL usually has scheme://host[:port][path][?query][#fragment] format, where the fragment is not transmitted over HTTP, but if it is known, it should be included nevertheless. url.full MUST NOT contain credentials passed via URL in form of In such case username and password should be redacted and attribute's value should be url.full SHOULD capture the absolute URL when it is available (or can be reconstructed) and SHOULD NOT be validated or modified except for sanitizing purposes.

Instrumentation supports W3C Trace context propagation and Azure legacy correlation protocols. Propagator configuration is not supported.

Messaging SDKs

Messaging span semantics apply to Azure Event Hubs and Service Bus SDKs and follow OpenTelemetry Messaging spans conventions v1.22.0.

Azure SDK will update messaging semantic conventions as messaging specification evolves.

Messaging SDKs produce three kinds of spans:

  • PRODUCER - describes message creation and associates unique context with the message to trace them when they are sent in batches.
  • CLIENT - describes message (or batch) publishing.
    • It has links pointing to each message being sent.
  • CONSUMER - describes message (or batch) processing.
    • It is created when user leverages handler APIs that wrap message or batch processing.
    • Processing span has links to each message being processed (when context is present).

Messaging attributes

Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level
az.namespace string Namespace of Azure service request is made against. [1] Microsoft.Storage; Microsoft.KeyVault; Microsoft.ServiceBus Required
az.schema_url string OpenTelemetry Schema URL including schema version. Only TODO is supported. Conditionally Required: [2]
messaging.batch.message_count int The number of messages sent, received, or processed in the scope of the batching operation. [3] 0; 1; 2 Conditionally Required: [4] string The message destination name [5] MyQueue; MyTopic Recommended string A value used by the messaging system as an identifier for the message, represented as a string. 452a7c7c7c7048c2f887f61572b18fc2 Recommended
messaging.operation string A string identifying the kind of messaging operation as defined in the Operation names section above. [6] publish Required
messaging.system string A string identifying the messaging system. eventhubs; servicebus Required
server.address string Server domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup; otherwise, IP address or Unix domain socket name. [7];; /tmp/my.sock Recommended
server.port int Server port number. [8] 80; 8080; 443 Recommended

[1]: This SHOULD be set as an instrumentation scope attribute when creating a Tracer as long as OpenTelemetry in a given language allows to do so.

[2]: if and only if OpenTelemetry in a given language doesn't provide a standard way to set schema_url (.NET)

[3]: Instrumentations SHOULD NOT set messaging.batch.message_count on spans that operate with a single message. When a messaging client library supports both batch and single-message API for the same operation, instrumentations SHOULD use messaging.batch.message_count for batching APIs and SHOULD NOT use it for single-message APIs.

[4]: If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.

[5]: Destination name SHOULD uniquely identify a specific queue, topic or other entity within the broker. If the broker doesn't have such notion, the destination name SHOULD uniquely identify the broker.

[6]: If a custom value is used, it MUST be of low cardinality.

[7]: When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, server.address SHOULD represent the server address behind any intermediaries, for example proxies, if it's available.

[8]: When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, server.port SHOULD represent the server port behind any intermediaries, for example proxies, if it's available.

Following attributes MUST be provided at span creation time (when provided at all), so they can be considered for sampling decisions: