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A fully RFC 5322 and RFC 6531/6532 compliant email address validator.

The current version is well tested and can be used in production. The package is considered beta because there are additional features to be added before the gold release.


npm i true-email-validator


import { validateEmail } from 'true-email-validator' // ESM
// const { validateEmail } = require('true-email-validator') // CJS

const inputs = [
  'john(an embedded comment)', 
  'john@[]', // domain literal notation not valid by default

for (const input of inputs) {
  const result = validateEmail(inputs/*, { allowIPV4 : true } <- would allow the IPV4 domain literal */)
  if (result.isValid) {
    process.stdout.write(`${input} is valid`)
  else {
    process.stdout.write(`${input} is invalid for the following reasons: ${result.issues.join(', ')}`)

API Reference

API generated with dmd-readme-api.

  • Functions:
    • getLatestTLDs(): Dynamically retrieves the latest list of valid TLDs from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
    • validateEmail(): Validates an email address according to RFC 5322 (email messaging), RFC 6531/6532 (internationalized email), and RFC 5890 (internationalized domain names).
  • Typedefs:
    • EmailData: Email address parts and validation data.


Dynamically retrieves the latest list of valid TLDs from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). International domains are decoded and both the decoded (international domain) and encoded ('xn--`) domain will be present in the results object as both represent valid domains from a user's point of view.

Returns: Promise.<object> - A Promise resolving to an object whose keys are valid domains; the value of each entry is true. ASCII characters are always lowercased, but the international domains are not transformed after decoding and may contain uppercase non-ASCII unicode characters per RFC 4343.

Source code

validateEmail(input, options)EmailData

Validates an email address according to RFC 5322 (email messaging), RFC 6531/6532 (internationalized email), and RFC 5890 (internationalized domain names). Validation happens in two general steps. First, the input is parsed according to the relevant RFC specifications. If this is successful, then the result will always contain a username, address, and either domain or domainLiteral fields. If these are present, you know that the email was successfully parsed. The second stage validates the parsed email components against the provided options or option defaults. Therefore, you can have a situation where an email address is valid according to the specs and can be parsed without an issue, but is still invalid according to the effective options (or defaults).

By default, the validation restricts possible features in the email address—such as comments and domain literals—which are not normally wanted in basic email address. In particular, the default options:

  • disallow embedded comments,
  • disallow domain literal (IP addressing),
  • disallow the 'localhost' domain,
  • restricts possible TLDs to known good TLDs,
  • restricts domain names to valid subdomain and TLDs based on DNS and ICANN rules beyond the email address specification, and
  • performs extra validation for known provider domains and

Options can be explicitly defined to allow for a more liberal or restrictive validation.

Param Type Description
input string The string or user input to validate as an email address.
options object The validation options.
options.allowComments boolean If true, allows embedded comments in the address like '(comment)', which are disallowed by default. Note, the comments, if present, will be extracted regardless of this setting, the result valid field will just be set false and an issue will be reported.
options.allowAnyDomain boolean If true, then overrides all default restrictions and format checks of the domain value and allows any syntactically valid domain value except a localhost name or address (unless allowLocalHost is also set true). Note that impossible sub-domain labels (e.g., a label more than 63 characters long or a single digit) or TLDs (e.g. '123') will still trigger an invalid result. Otherwise, the domain value is verified as recognizable as a domain name (as opposed to an IP address, for instance).
options.allowAnyDomainLiteral boolean If true, then overrides default restrictions and format checks of domain literal values and allows any syntactically valid domain literal value that is not a localhost address ( unless allowLocalhost is also true). In general, domain literal values point to IPV4/6 addresses and the validation will (when allowIP4 and/orallowIPV6 are true), allow valid IP address values but would reject other domain literal values, unless this value is set true. Note, if this value is true then allowIPV4andallowIPV6` are essentially ignored.
options.allowIPV4 boolean Allows IPV4 domain literal values. Note that any loopback address will still cause a validation error unless allowLocalHost is also set true. See allowAnyDomainLiteral, allowIPV6, and allowLocahost.`
options.allowIPV6 boolean Allows IPV6 domain literal values. Note that the localhost address will still cause a validation error unless allowLocaHost is also set true. See allowAnyDomainLiteral, allowIPV4, and allowLocahost.`
options.allowLocalhost boolean Allows localhost domain value or (when allowIPV6 and/or allowIPV4 also set true) loopback IP addresses.
options.allowedTLDs object.<string, true> By default, the TLD portion of a domain name will be validated against known good TLDs. To limit this list or use an updated list, set this value to an array of acceptable TLDs or a map with valid TLD keys (the value is not used). You can use the getLatestTLDs, also exported by this package, to get an object defining the most current TLDs as registered with ICANN. See arbitraryTLDs.
options.allowQuotedLocalPart boolean Overrides default restriction and allows quoted username/local parts.
options.arbitraryTLDs boolean Skips the 'known TLD' check and allows any validly formatted TLD name. This is still restricted by the TLD name restrictions which are tighter than standard domain labels.
options.excludeChars boolean Either a string or array of excluded characters. In the array form, it will match the whole string, so you can also use this to exclude specific character sequences.
options.excludeDomains boolean An array of domains to exclude. Excluding a domain also excludes all subdomains so eclxuding '' would exclude '' and ''. Initial periods are ignored so excludeDomains: ['com']', and excludeDomains: ['.com']` are equivalent.
options.noDomainSpecificValidation boolean Setting this to true will skip domain specific validations. By default, the validation includes domain specific checks for '' and '' domains. These domains are known to have more restrictive policies regarding what is and is not a valid email address.
options.noLengthCheck boolean If true, then skips username (local part) and total email address length restrictions. Note that domain name label lengths are still enforced.
options.noPlusEmails boolean If true, then '+' is not allowed in the username/local part. This is equivalent to setting excludeChars = '+'.
options.noTLDOnly boolean If true, then disallows TLD only domains in an address like 'john@com'.
options.noNonASCIILocalPart boolean If true, then disallows non-ASCII/international characters in the username/local part of the address.
options.validateInput function A function to perform additional, arbitrary validation on a syntactically valid input string. This function is provided mainly to support input validation libraries where the input is not recoverable from the processed value. In general, users should prefer validateResult. The inputs two the function are the input string and the original options to this function. The function must return true if the validation check passes. Any other result is indicative of failure. If the result is a string, then that is understood to be a description of the problem and it's pushed onto the EmailData issues list. Otherwise, a generic 'custom validation failed' message is pushed onto the issues list.
options.validateResult function A function to perform additional, arbitrary validation on a syntactically valid email address result. The function should expect two arguments: EmailData argument which is the result off all other built in validations and any validateInput result (validateResult is the last check performed) and a second argument which is the options originally passed into this func. Note, if the input was not recognized as an email address to begin with, then validateResult is not invoked. The function may return a modified or replacement EmailData object (any object defining the required fields is recognized as an EmailData result object). In this case, the function is responsible for setting EmailData isValid and issues fields as appropriate. Otherwise, a return value of true is taken to indicate the validation succeeded. Any other value is treated as a value and isValid will be set to false. If the result is a string, thin it's understood as a description of the issue and is pushed to the issues list. Otherwise, a generic 'custom validation failed' message is pushed to the issues list.

Returns: EmailData - The results of the validation.

Source code

EmailData : object

Email address parts and validation data.


Name Type Description
isValid boolean True if the input is a valid email address according to the options.
address string The normalized email address. The domain portion, if any, will always be in lowercase ( the domain property will preserve the original case).
username string The username or local part of the email address.
domain string | undefined The domain value, if present. Exactly one of domain and domainLiteral will always be defined for a syntactically valid email address. The original case of the domain is preserved.
domainLiteral string | undefined The domain literal value, if present. Exactly one of domain and domainLiteral will always be defined for a syntactically valid email address.
issues Array.<string> Lists the issues, if any, rendering the email invalid according to the effective validation options. At least one issue should be present if isValid is false and the array should be empty if isValid is true. This is guaranteed for the built in validation checks, but validateResult checks can cause a violation of this norm if the validation function is not correctly implemented.
commentLocalPartPrefix string | undefined The embedded comment, if any, immediately before the address username (local part).
commentLocalPartSuffix string | undefined The embedded comment, if any, immediately following the address username (local part).
commentDomainPrefix string | undefined The embedded comment, if any, immediately before the domain or domain literal.
commentDomainSuffix string | undefined The embedded comment, if any, immediately after the domain or domain literal.

Source code


There are two major additions we plan to add before the gold release.

  1. Adding support for name + address style inputs.
  2. Implement a validate-email CLI tool.