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Using a GAN to generate line art from photographs of cuneiform tablets.


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Line Art Generator for Cuneiform Tablets

This project is intended to automate the time-intensive process of creating line art from a cuneiform tablet via deep learning.

Cuneiform is an early writing system that was used across the Ancient Near East, characterized by groups of wedge-shaped signs. It dates from approximately the late 4th millennium BCE (early Bronze Age) to the first century CE. Cuneiform was used to record documents in mulitple languages, such as Sumerian and Assyrian, and it influenced the development of many other scripts. Extant cuneiform records royal achievements, religious writings, laws, accounting documents, and more.


The data set (photographs and hand-produced line art) used in this project has been compiled and made publicly available by the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI), a collaborative project between the University of California, Los Angeles, the University of Oxford, and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, with collaborators from across the world.

The full CDLI data set provides photographic documentation, line art, transliterations and translations for hundreds of thousands of tablets from public and private collections. A comprehensive Wiki has also been created, offering archaeological and linguistic analyses, and far more. Go to the CDLI homepage to explore more of this vast resource.


This package has been developed using Python 3.9.0 and TensorFlow 2.5.0, on a Windows machine. Some of the commands below may need to be translated if you are using this on a different operating system.

Tensorflow is not included in the requirements.txt, as it can be installed either with or without GPU support (more details here). Currently this repository does not heavily use the GPU, therefore it is fine to run it without enabling GPU training. For CPU-only training, you can install Tensorflow simply by running:

pip install tensorflow 

It is recommended to run the following package in a virtual environment (e.g. using venv or virtualenv).

git clone
cd cuneiform_lineart
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Quickstart - Training a Toy Model

Download and Preprocess Data

CDLI numbers for six selected tablets are stored in quickstart_tablet_ids.txt. This is a tiny data set, used to train a toy model that will both test your installation and show you some interesting patterns that develop at the very beginning of the model's learning process.

From the root directory of the repository:

cd lineart_generator

Download photographs and line art for these tablets. This script will create a new directory (cuneiform_lineart\data\raw_data), where it will store the downloaded photographs and line art for each tablet in a separate subdirectory.

python data_munging/ --cdli_list_path=../quickstart_tablet_ids.txt

Process the photos and line art into separate tablet faces (front/obverse and back/reverse). Another new directory will be created to store the processed, matched images for training (cuneiform_lineart\data\processed_data\quickstart_data). Again, photographs and line art for each set of faces are stored in separate subdirectories.

python data_munging/ --name=quickstart_data

It is important that the model is trained with accurate data, and the current data preparation script does not segment well if there are large gaps in the line art outlines around a tablet's face. An example of this can be seen if you look at the raw data and processed data for the following tablets:

  • P102635
  • P102650

For each of these tablets, the obverse face was correctly segmented and the reverse face was not. Compare the segmented tablet faces in the processed_data\quickstart_data subdirectories, lineart_rev and lineart_obv with the combined line art in cuneiform_lineart\data\raw_data for each tablet. You should be able to see the gaps that caused the problems!

Now that you have seen what can occur when segmentation goes awry, these images should be removed from the directory so that they are not used for training. If working in a Windows CMD shell, you can delete the incorrect data by running the following command. Double check the file locations and follow the prompt when it appears.

del /p ..\data\processed_data\quickstart_data\lineart_rev\P102635.jpg  ^
..\data\processed_data\quickstart_data\lineart_rev\P102650.jpg  ^
..\data\processed_data\quickstart_data\photo_rev\P102635.jpg    ^

Or in a Linux shell, this would be:

rm ../data/processed_data/quickstart_data/*rev/P102635.jpg       \

Note that you need to delete the line art and the photo for the faces that were incorrectly processed.

Train the Model

Start the model training. Use a seed value here so that you can recreate exactly the same test and train data sets in the future (though the script will create one if you forget!). This can be useful when you want to understand why a particular model has performed well or badly, and in general, it is a good habit to make your training as reproducible as possible.

python pix2pix/ --model_name=quickstart_model --data_dir=../data/processed_data/quickstart_data --train_proportion=0.8 --epochs=15 --seed=1234

Model training should take less than five minutes, since the dataset is so small. At the end of training, model checkpoints, summary files, and seed_value.json will be stored in cuneiform_lineart\models\quickstart_model.

Monitor Training Progress

During and after training, you can check training progress over time (loss + image generation capabilities) by using TensorBoard.

Open a new command window, and activate the same virtual environment you used for training. Go to the root directory of the repository and run:

tensorboard --logdir .

TensorBoard recursively searches for and displays any nested summary files.

Follow the directions to see your model's training progress. It may take a few seconds after training has started for any data to appear on TensorBoard. You should see something like the following screenshots.

If you explore the TensorBoard Images tab, you should see that the model has been able to learn and produce some basic characteristic structures very quickly: the predominantly white backgrounds, customary horizontal black lines and hints of angular black shapes should be visible by about epoch 10. Train the model for longer to see what it learns over time! However, this model will never generalize as well to unseen data as one trained on a much larger data set. See below for details on how to build your own and continue experimenting.

Further Information

Model Architecture/Training

The network being trained is a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) known as pix2pix (Isola et al., 2017). Given an input, a GAN learns how to generate a transformed output by training two adversarial networks in concert.

  • The generator learns to produce the correct transformation from the given input.
  • The discriminator learns to distinguish between the generated output and the user-provided ground truth.

If both parts of the network learn at the same time, remaining 'balanced', the network should begin to produce outputs that are closer and closer to the desired transformation. The conditional aspect of a cGAN means that both generator and discriminator are allowed to see the ground truth, i.e. the network is conditioned on the input. An incredibly diverse set of artistic applications of the pix2pix approach is collected here, and is well worth a look!

Much of the training code here has been adapted from the pix2pix tutorial provided by Tensorflow ( While the code is documented, for more detailed explanations, please see this resource.

Image Processing

CDLI tablets are documented via composite photographs ('fatcrosses') and hand drawn line art that emphasizes salient features of each tablet. Details about this painstaking process can be found here.


Fatcrosses are a type of composite photographic record that shows every side of a tablet in a standardized format. An example can be seen in the image below.

Line Art

Line art styles vary significantly across the CDLI corpus. Cuneiform signs are always present, and any underlying/overlying layers of writing or engraved art are also likely to be present. The line art often (but not always) shows both main sides (obverse and reverse) of the tablet separately. In some styles, the cuneiform and the tablet itself including any damage are drawn in a spare but naturalistic style. In other cases, the cuneiform signs are extracted and written in regimented rows much like a poem, and there is no indication of their relation to the tablet itself.


In order to create a training dataset, the input photograph and ground truth line art for a tablet face must match as precisely as possible. This means that the fatcrosses and line art images must be decomposed into individual faces, matched, and resized. A tablet's front and back faces are identified in the fatcross and line art images with morphological operations, then each face is extracted (tight cropping) from the original image. Extracted line art images are resized to match the photographic images exactly. The morphological operations are described in the schematic below. It is important to note that the current algorithm is not particularly robust, so stored training images should be examined carefully prior to model training or evaluation.

Building Your Own Data Set

Considering the range of tablets available through the CDLI database, there is huge scope for training models that 'specialize' in different kinds of data or produce different styles of line art. Be aware that not all tablets listed in the CDLI catalogue have both photos and line art available. Use the 'lineart_up' and 'photo_up' columns in the CDLI Catalogue to check.

CDLI Data Catalogue

In order to create a data set, you will need to download the CDLI data catalogue. This catalogue not only defines the P-number for each tablet, without which the URLs for downloading images cannot be constructed, but it also includes a variety of useful information about each tablet's source, physical description, and so forth.

To obtain the catalogue, either clone the CDLI repository

git clone

or go to and download the data as a zip, then extract into another directory.

Descriptions of many of the fields in the CSVs are found at

Data Preparation and Training

The same download and preparation scripts used in the Quickstart can be used to create your own data set for model training and testing. It should be noted that the current line art segmentation script is not particularly robust, and it is unlikely to work across the whole range of line art styles available. So you should take care to inspect the matched faces after data processing and remove any that have not worked correctly. It may be faster for some styles to download the raw data using the provided script, then process them by hand into matching faces.

In general, models will be most generalizable when they are provided with a broad range of data for training. However, it may also be much more difficult for the model to converge to a good solution when presented with 'noisy' data. Given the broad range of data available through the CDLI, you may wish to consider how the following might affect your results when creating a data set:

  • line art style (naturalistic vs. simplified, tablet outline vs. no outline)
  • language
  • period
  • surface preservation
  • material



Using a GAN to generate line art from photographs of cuneiform tablets.








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