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HOWTO Package GPS Watch for the Welcome Plugin

This HOWTO lists the steps for how to prepare and package the GPS Watch projects for inclusion in the BridgePoint welcome page plugin.

1. Preparation

Note: this HOWTO is written assuming that the reader is working on a macOS development environment

1.1 Clone the xtuml/models repository. This note assumes it will be cloned into ~/git.

cd ~/git
git clone

2. Packaging the OAL version of the models

2.1 Navigate to the GPS Watch models and perform a full git clean.

cd ~/git/models/applications/gps/GPS
git clean -dxf

2.2 Build the Mac binary.
2.2.1 Launch BridgePoint. Import GPS_Watch, HeartRateMonitor, Location, Tracking, and UI into the workspace from the models repository.
2.2.2 Switch to the C++ perspective. Select "Project > Build All" to build the workspace.
2.2.3 Navigate to ~/git/models/applications/gps/GPS/GPS_Watch. Move Debug to Debug_Mac. Remove everything except the GPS_Watch binary in Debug_Mac.

2.3 Build the Linux binary.
2.3.1 Log into a Linux VM. Launch BridgePoint. If possible, import the existing projects from step 2.2 using shared folders. If this is not possible, clone the models repository locally and import the same projects.
2.3.2 Switch to the C++ perspective. Build only the GPS_Watch project by selecting it and pressing the hammer icon (or right click > Build Project).
2.3.3 Navigate to GPS_Watch project root (either in the shared folder or local clone). Move Debug to Debug_Linux. Remove everything except the GPS_Watch binary in Debug_Linux. If you cloned the repository locally, transfer the entire Debug_Linux directory to your Mac environment and place it under the GPS_Watch project alongside Debug_Mac.

2.4 Build the Windows binary.
2.4.1 Log into a Windows VM. Launch BridgePoint. If possible, import the existing projects from step 2.2 using shared folders. If this is not possible, clone the models repository locally and import the same projects.
2.4.2 Switch to the C++ perspective. Set the active build configuration to Debug_Windows by right clicking the GPS_Watch project > Build Configurations > Set Active > Debug_Windows. Build only the GPS_Watch project by selecting it and pressing the hammer icon (or right click > Build Project).
2.3.3 Navigate to GPS_Watch project root (either in the shared folder or local clone). Remove everything except the GPS_Watch.exe binary in Debug_Windows. If you cloned the repository locally, transfer the entire Debug_Windows directory to your Mac environment and place it under the GPS_Watch project alongside Debug_Mac and Debug_Linux.

2.5 Delete the code_generation directory.

rm -rf ~/git/models/applications/gps/GPS/GPS_Watch/gen/code_generation

2.6 Create the zip archive.
2.6.1 Back on the Mac environment, navigate to ~/git/models/applications/gps/GPS.
2.6.2 Create the zip archive.

zip -r GPS_Watch/ HeartRateMonitor/ Location/ Tracking/ UI/

2.6.3 Copy the zip into the BridgePoint development repository.

cp <bprepo>/src/org.xtuml.bp.welcome/models

3. Packaging the MASL version of the models

3.1 Log into a Linux VM. The MASL model compiler is only supported on Linux. Assure that the compiler is properly installed in ~/git/masl (clone the xtuml/masl repository and follow the README). Since you will only be working on Linux for the MASL part, it is recommended to clone the models repository locally.
3.2 Navigate to the GPS Watch models and perform a full git clean.

cd ~/git/models/applications/gps/GPS
git clean -dxf

3.3 Checkout the gps_masl branch from the xtuml/models repository.

git checkout origin/gps_masl

3.4 Move the LOG domain.
3.4.1 Copy the LOG domain from ~/git/models/masl/EEs/LOG.

cp -r ~/git/models/masl/EEs/LOG .

3.4.2 Open GPS_Watch/gen/ in a text editor. On line 5, replace the value of the GEN_GPS_Watch_LOG_LOC variable with "$CWD/../LOG/masl/LOG".
3.4.3 Repeat the previous step for HeartRateMonitor, Location, Tracking, and UI.
3.4.4 Add these changes to the git index to assure that they are not lost.

git add LOG */

3.5 Build GPS_Watch
3.5.1 Navigate to the GPS_Watch project root. Build the project.

cd ~/git/models/applications/gps/GPS/GPS_Watch
make install

This will take a long time. The next step can be done in parallel.

3.6 Build the Java UI.
3.6.1 Launch BridgePoint. Import only the UI project from ~/git/models/applications/gps/GPS/UI.
3.6.2 Build the project by selecting it and pressing the hammer icon (or right click > Build Project).
Note: This step can be sped up by right clicking the project > Properties > Builders and disabling all but the Java Builder. This is an optional step. If the reader does decide to take this step, it is important that the builders are re-enabled before creating the zip archive

3.7 Clean up the projects.

Because of the nature of the MASL compiler and project set up, simply building all projects and zipping up as done with the OAL version results in an extremely large archive file. On the other hand, it is desirable to deliver an example project that can be executed out of the box without need for building. To combat this, only the GPS_Watch project is built along with the Java UI in the UI project. Additionally, this step specifies how to safely delete unnecessary generated artifacts while keeping the executables and dependencies and even the generated source code for reference.

3.7.1 Add the files that should not be deleted to the git index for safe keeping. We need to keep the GPS_Watch executables and shared libraries, along with the .class files and resources for the Java UI. We will also keep the C++ source files and headers for reference. We must use the -f flag to force addition to the index since these files are ignored files.

git add -f GPS_Watch/bin GPS_Watch/lib GPS_Watch/include GPS_Watch/gen/code_generation/*/src UI/bin

3.7.2 Execute a full git clean.

git clean -dxf

3.8 Create the zip archive.
3.8.1 Create the zip archive.

zip -r GPS_Watch/ HeartRateMonitor/ LOG/ Location/ Tracking/ UI/

3.8.2 Copy the zip into the BridgePoint development repository.

cp <bprepo>/src/org.xtuml.bp.welcome/models