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Huawei LiteOS - WeAct BluePill Plus

This is a build of Huawei LiteOS 5.1.0 for GD32F303 on WeAct BluePill Plus . The demo does the following:

  • led blinks
  • usb cdc serial port echoes back all characters
  • usb hid device moves the mouse in small circles
  • Huawei LiteOS console on serial0 (PA9/PA10)
********Hello Huawei LiteOS********

LiteOS Kernel Version : 5.1.0
build data : Aug 17 2021 10:35:22

cpu 0 entering scheduler
app init!
Hello, welcome to liteos demo!

Huawei LiteOS # 


Download pre-built binaries from releases, boot in DFU mode, connect a usb-serial adapter to pin PA9/PA10 and install using

stm32flash -w Huawei_LiteOS.hex /dev/ttyUSB0

Developer notes

Patches are relative to Huawei Liteos

Do a make menuconfig, set target family to GD, target to GD32F303RGT6_BearPi.

(Top) → Targets
                          Huawei LiteOS Configuration
    Family (GD)  --->
    Target (GD32F303RGT6_BearPi)  --->
[ ] Qspi peripherals
[*] Enable Floating Pointer Unit
[*] Enable Access Permission Control
[ ] Enable Flash Patch


Create binaries in intel hex format.


link script

The linker script is incomplete. This patch is needed to link.


WeAct BluePill-Plus

GD32F303RGT6_BearPi has a LED on pin PB0, WeAct BluePill Plus has a LED on pin PB2. This patch puts the led on pin PB2. Apply this patch if compiling for WeAct BluePill Plus. Skip this patch if compiling for GD32F303RGT6_BearPi.


usb device

The GD32F303 usb hardware seems register-compatible with STM32F103. The usb stack used is libusb_stm32, configuration is same as for STM32F103.

libusb_stm32 is a device-only usb stack for stm32 arm, optimized for speed and size. Compare with Ha thach tinyusb.


Huawei LiteOS 5.1.0 was compiled using gcc-9.4.0 and gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update:

export PATH=/opt/xpack-arm-none-eabi-gcc-9.3.1-1.1/bin/:/opt/gcc-9.4.0/bin/:$PATH
make GCCLIB_PATH_32=/opt/xpack-arm-none-eabi-gcc-9.3.1-1.1/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/ CXXLIB_PATH_32=/opt/xpack-arm-none-eabi-gcc-9.3.1-1.1/arm-none-eabi/lib/


Download firmware with a debugger or using a usb-serial converter.

To download via the serial port, connect a usb serial to the WeAct BluePill Plus:

  • RXD to pin A9
  • TXD to pin A10

Do not provide power via the USB connector and the +5V pin at the same time, or you risk short-circuit.

Boot in DFU mode:

  • press BOOT0 button
  • press RESET
  • release RESET
  • release BOOT0

Download the intel hex file via DFU. On linux:

stm32flash -w out/GD32F303RGT6_BearPi/Huawei_LiteOS.hex /dev/ttyUSB0

Reboot and you should have the LiteOS prompt on the serial port.

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