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Guidance on method = "permute" for classification models? #131

juliasilge opened this issue Sep 2, 2022 · 15 comments

Guidance on method = "permute" for classification models? #131

juliasilge opened this issue Sep 2, 2022 · 15 comments


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Thank you so much for all your great work on this package! 🙌

We typically see folks have success using vip for regression models but have trouble when trying to use classification models.

Take this example:


ranger_spec <- rand_forest(trees = 1e3, mode = "classification")

ranger_fit <- 
  workflow(Class ~ ., ranger_spec) %>%

pred_fun <- function(object, newdata) {
  predict(object, newdata)$predictions[,1]

#> Attaching package: 'vip'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
#>     vi
ranger_fit %>%
  vi(method = "permute", 
     target = "Class", metric = "auc",
     pred_wrapper = pred_fun, train = bivariate_train, reference_class = 1)
#> # A tibble: 0 × 2
#> # … with 2 variables: Variable <chr>, Importance <dbl>

Created on 2022-09-02 with reprex v2.0.2

Here pred_fun is getting predictions from the underlying ranger model, not predicting on the workflow. I have also tried something like:

pred_fun <- function(object, newdata) {
  predict(object, newdata)$.pred_class

which would predict on the workflow, but that doesn't work either.

Do you have advice on how to guide folks with this task? Is something not working as expected?

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Hi @juliasilge, thanks for reporting the issue! I only get this error when setting metric = "auc" (e.g., seems to work fine with metric = "accuracy", so seems to be an issue with the underlying metric_auc() function that gets called. I'll look into it! On a side note, I'm not sure how it would work with your first pred_fun() function, unless you were working directly with the underlying fitted ranger object, so the second definition of pred_fun() that works on the workflow is the appropriate one to use.

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bgreenwell commented Sep 3, 2022

Ahh, after taking a second look, I see you're passing an integer to reference_class which "requires" a character string specifying the positive class. Switching to reference_class = "One" does the trick. I’ve got a couple big updates coming so I hope to make the docs regarding classification a bit better!

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Ah, I see about the reference class argument:


ranger_spec <- rand_forest(trees = 1e3, mode = "classification")

ranger_fit <- 
  workflow(Class ~ ., ranger_spec) %>%

pred_fun <- function(object, newdata) {
  predict(object, newdata)$predictions[,1]

#> Attaching package: 'vip'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
#>     vi
ranger_fit %>%
  vi(method = "permute", 
     target = "Class", metric = "auc",
     pred_wrapper = pred_fun, train = bivariate_train, reference_class = "One")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   Variable Importance
#>   <chr>         <dbl>
#> 1 B             0.426
#> 2 A             0.378

Created on 2022-09-04 with reprex v2.0.2

I do still have some questions about what function to use for prediction. I can't get this to work if I use a prediction function for the workflow; I have to use the prediction function for the underlying model. Is that what you expect? Do you know if there's a way to predict on the workflow?

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brandongreenwell-8451 commented Sep 5, 2022

Hmm, this is strange and certainly NOT what I would expect. Your example shouldn't work at all, and in fact it doesn't for me. The pred_wrapper argument requires a function that tells vi() how to extract the required predictions from object (which has class "workflow" in this case) for the specified metric (e.g., some metrics require probabilities while other require the class labels). Here are the two issues I see (but these could also stem from my minimal experience with workflows):

  • Your pred_fun() function is trying to extract the $predictions component which does not exist as part of the provided "workflows" object, so you should see the error sI'm getting in the below example (do you get something different); could something else be going on in your code (e.g., is ranger_fit defined as an actual ranger model somewhere else)?

  • This example shouldn't work even if you passed in the underlying ranger fit because rand_forest() is seemingly calling ranger() with probability = TRUE which should only result in class probabilities (method = "auc" requires class labels).

Does this make sense? Maybe I'm missing something, but pred_fun() should not work here since vi() is expecting pred_fun() to tell it how to extract the predicted class labels from the underlying workflows object.

The full example I ran on my end is pasted below.



ranger_spec <- rand_forest(trees = 1e3, mode = "classification")

ranger_fit <- 
  workflow(Class ~ ., ranger_spec) %>%

pred_fun <- function(object, newdata) {
  predict(object, newdata)$predictions[,1]

ranger_fit %>%
  vi(method = "permute", 
     target = "Class", metric = "auc",
     pred_wrapper = pred_fun, train = bivariate_train, reference_class = "One")
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `predictions`.
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `predictions`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `predictions`.
#> # A tibble: 0 × 2
#> # … with 2 variables: Variable <chr>, Importance <dbl>

#> [1] "workflow"

ranger_fit$fit$fit$fit$treetype  # hmm...using `method = "auc` also shouldn't work here!
#> [1] "Probability estimation"

# This does not work for me, which makes sense because `pred_fun()` trying to extract 
# predictions from the `$predictions` component of the underlying ranger object, but we're 
# working with a `"workflow"` object instead, which is missing this component and hence 
# throwing a warning

# Sanity check (shouldn't work here)
pred_fun(ranger_fit, newdata = head(bivariate_train))
#> Warning message:
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `predictions`. 

# Another sanity check (but it should work here)
pred_fun(ranger_fit$fit$fit$fit, newdata = head(bivariate_train))
#> [1] 0.7267079 0.1212718 0.9590956 0.1580259 0.6113960 0.5332444

# Define a prediction wrapper to tell vi() how to extract predictions from a 
# `"workflow"` object instead
pred_fun2 <- function(object, newdata) {
  predict(object, new_data = newdata, type = "class")$.pred_class

# One more sanity check (should work now)
pred_fun2(ranger_fit, newdata = head(bivariate_train))
#> [1] One Two One Two One One
#> Levels: One Two

# Now we can get AUC-based permutation VI scores
ranger_fit %>%
  vi(method = "permute", 
     target = "Class", metric = "auc",
     pred_wrapper = pred_fun2, train = bivariate_train, reference_class = "One")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   Variable Importance
#>   <chr>         <dbl>
#> 1 A            -0.352
#> 2 B            -0.395

Created on 2022-09-04 with reprex v2.0.2

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brandongreenwell-8451 commented Sep 5, 2022

Ahh, I think I see the issue. I forgot that @topepo added a method for workflow objects:

#' @export
vi.workflow <- function(object, ...) {  # package: workflows
  vi(workflows::extract_fit_engine(object), ...)

We might need to alter this so that users can pass in the correct pred_fun() function for the workflow object itself. I am indeed using an older version of vip (on an older laptop at the moment). Any thoughts? Maybe condition this behavior only if method=“model”. I’ll push a fix this week.

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brandongreenwell-8451 commented Sep 5, 2022

A workaround you could try at the moment is to just call vi_permute() directly? See vip::vi_permute() for details. It's essentially the same call but you don't have to pass in method = "permute".

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bgreenwell commented Sep 6, 2022

I think the way to go is to redefine the workflows method using something similar to below:

vi.workflow <- function(object, ...) {  # package: workflows
  dots <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(dots[["method"]])) {
    # FIXME: What if the `method` argument is passed by position only? We could
    # check for that as well by using `if ("model" %in% dots)` bu that could
    # cause other problems if, for example, the user passes in another argument
    # that happens to have the same name (e.g., `target = "method"`)
    if (dots[["method"]] == "model") {
      # Extract underlying model fit
      object <- workflows::extract_fit_engine(object)
  vi.default(object, ...)  # just calling `vi()` would lead to an infinite recursion...

@juliasilge I think this is the behavior we would want because the other methods that get called (e.g., vi_firm() and vi_permute()) all require a prediction_wrapper() to be passed, and we want that prediction wrapper function to work on the "workflows" object, as opposed to the underlying model fit. Thoughts? I think I'd also need to do this for the vi.model_fit() method that applies to parsnip models.

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bgreenwell commented Sep 6, 2022

But part of me thinks it would be best to just remove the vi.workflow() method all together and simply encourage (e.g., through the docs) to extract the fit first and pass that in as shown below:

ranger_fit %>%
  extract_fit_engine() %>%  ### only needed if `method = "model"` ###
  vi(method = "model", 
     target = "Class", metric = "auc",
     pred_wrapper = pred_fun2, train = bivariate_train, reference_class = "One")

Since calling vi() with other methods requires a prediction wrapper, they will continue to work without modification. But I'm happy to support whichever workflow (no pun intended) you think is best for the tidymodels community!

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topepo commented Sep 7, 2022

I'll think about this some more; we are also think about how we use vip and DALEX in our packages. We'll be adding a recursive feature elimination tool in tidymodels and that needs importance scores.

Here's some of what I'm thinking about: with model agnostic tools, we'd like to get importance from the original columns (e.g. before dummies and other features) as well as for derived features (like indicator columns, spline terms etc). Of course, model-specific importance is going to always be on the derived features.

I bring this up since this might affect the S3 method; I could imagine a parsnip model_fit method for derived features and have the workflow method for the original columns (similar discussion here).

I have not looked under the hood if vip in a while. I'll take a look and respond back with some thoughts.

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bgreenwell commented Sep 10, 2022

Thanks @topepo, happy to evolve vip to work better with the tidymodels ecosystem, so your and @juliasilge's input are extremely appreciated. I'm also planning on removing the plyr dependency in the next wave of commits and improving the docs/functionality for the other two model-agnostic approaches (e.g., SHAP-based VIPs using the fastshap package). All the model-agnostic procedures in vip (and some benchmark comparisons for permutation methods) are discussed in our R Journal article.

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@juliasilge and @topepo, I've got a fix (not sure why I was making it more complicated than it needed to be). Just needed to move the "workflow" method from vi() to vi_model(). Running some tests and will push by the end of the day!

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Issue should be fixed @juliasilge; let me know if you find the time to test and I'll keep the issue open in the mean time. I just pushed @topepo's workflow and parsnip methods from vi() to vi_model(). All the other methods work off of a supplied prediction wrapper, so we should be good to go! Let me know if there's still an issue. Few more changes needed before the next CRAN release, which I'll prioritize to have done before mid-October.

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Thank you so much for all your work on this! 🙌 I have installed from the main branch here.

I have a question still about how to set up the predictions. The documentation for pred_wrapper says:

Prediction function that requires two arguments, object and newdata. The output of this function should be determined by the metric being used:

And then it says:

A vector of predicted class labels (e.g., if using misclassification error) or a vector of predicted class probabilities for the reference class (e.g., if using log loss or AUC).

In tidymodels, you get class labels with type = "class" and class probabilities with type = "prob". This works as expected:


ranger_spec <- rand_forest(trees = 1e3, mode = "classification")

ranger_fit <- 
  workflow(Class ~ ., ranger_spec) %>%

pred_fun <- function(object, newdata) {
  predict(object, new_data = newdata, type = "prob")$.pred_One

#> Attaching package: 'vip'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
#>     vi
ranger_fit %>%
  vi(method = "permute", target = "Class", metric = "auc", nsim = 10,
     pred_wrapper = pred_fun, train = bivariate_train, reference_class = "One")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>   Variable Importance   StDev
#>   <chr>         <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 B             0.416 0.00626
#> 2 A             0.372 0.0175

Created on 2022-10-04 with reprex v2.0.2

The helper function that I wrote here does use the predict() method for the workflow. 👍

However, this also "works" when I provide class labels, but returns a wrong answer:


ranger_spec <- rand_forest(trees = 1e3, mode = "classification")

ranger_fit <- 
  workflow(Class ~ ., ranger_spec) %>%

pred_fun <- function(object, newdata) {
  predict(object, new_data = newdata, type = "class")$.pred_class

#> Attaching package: 'vip'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
#>     vi
ranger_fit %>%
  vi(method = "permute", target = "Class", metric = "auc", nsim = 10,
     pred_wrapper = pred_fun, train = bivariate_train, reference_class = "One")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>   Variable Importance  StDev
#>   <chr>         <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 A            -0.350 0.0165
#> 2 B            -0.373 0.0106

Created on 2022-10-04 with reprex v2.0.2

Is there a way for these functions to check whether they have a class label (a factor) or a probability (numeric)? This seems like a fairly easy mistake for folks to make.

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Hey @juliasilge, good call out. I've thought about this a little bit in the past. I toyed with the idea of checking a sample of the predictions, but I'm not sure how this could actually be done in a generally useful way. For instance, how would the function know what the predictions should be (e.g., class labels vs. probs) if the user supplies their own metric function? I'll put some deeper thought into it!

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Should be fixed devel

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