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126 lines (123 loc) · 1.5 KB

File metadata and controls

126 lines (123 loc) · 1.5 KB


  • alignas (C++11)
  • alignof (C++11)
  • and
  • and_eq
  • asm
  • atomic_cancel
  • atomic_commit
  • atomic_noexcept
  • auto
  • bitand
  • bitor
  • bool
  • break
  • case
  • catch
  • char
  • char8_t (C++20)
  • char16_t (C++11)
  • char32_t (C++11)
  • class
  • compl
  • concept (C++20)
  • const
  • consteval (C++20)
  • constexpr (C++20)
  • const_cast
  • continue
  • co_await (C++20)
  • co_return (C++20)
  • co_yield (C++20)
  • decltype (C++11)
  • default
  • delete
  • do
  • double
  • dynamic_cast
  • else
  • enum
  • explicit
  • export
  • exntern
  • false
  • float
  • for
  • friend
  • goto
  • if
  • inline
  • int
  • long
  • mutable
  • namespace
  • new
  • noexcept (C++11)
  • not
  • not_eq
  • nullptr (C++11)
  • operator
  • or
  • or_eq
  • private
  • protected
  • public
  • reflexpr
  • register
  • reinterpret_cast
  • requires (C++20)
  • return
  • short
  • signed
  • sizeof
  • static
  • static_assert (C++11)
  • static_cast
  • struct
  • switch
  • syncronized
  • template
  • this
  • thread_local (C++11)
  • throw
  • true
  • try
  • typedef
  • typeid
  • typename
  • union
  • unsigned
  • using
  • virtual
  • void
  • volatile
  • wchar_t
  • while
  • xor
  • xor_eq


  • final (C++11)
  • override (C++11)
  • transaction_safe (TM TS)
  • transaction_safe_dynamic (TM TS)


  • if
  • elif
  • else
  • endif
  • ifdef
  • ifndef
  • define
  • undef
  • include
  • error
  • pragma
  • defined
  • __has_include (since C++17)
  • __has_cpp_attribute (since C++20)
  • export (C++20)
  • import (C++20)
  • module (C++20)

แพคม่า (pragma)

  • pragma once
  • pragma pack