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File metadata and controls

177 lines (120 loc) · 10.3 KB

Changelog for all versions

DFImageManager 2.0.2

  • Added ability to set the animation duration for fading in the image. Thanks to @holgersindbaek
  • Fix Xcode 9 warnings
  • Fix Xcode 9 static analyzer issues

DFImageManager 2.0.1

  • #90 Fix an issue with incomplete image downloads (thanks to @HamzaGhazouani)

DFImageManager 2.0.0

  • #86 Migrate to AFNetworking 3
  • #84 Add progressHandler to DFImageTask

DFImageManager 1.0.0

  • #85 Add Carthage support for iOS 8.0+ (was 9.0+ only)

DFImageManager 1.0.0

DFImageManager 1.0.0 is the first major release. It introduces multiple changes that make DFImageManager more robust and future proof. The main difference is the absence of conditional compilation that relied on __has_include macros, everything is implemented using classes. Conditional compilation now only takes place when default image manager is created and it doesn't rely on __has_include. In practice there are no changes whatsoever to the default image manager configuration, everything should work the same as it did in version 0.8.0.



  • Now requires iOS 8.0+
  • Remove conditional compilation that relied on __has_include macros
  • DFImageManager/NSURLSession subspec is removed, sources made part of DFImageManager/Core subspec
  • Add DFCompositeImageDecoder
  • Add DFWebPImageDecoder
  • Add DFAnimatedImageView, DFAnimatedImageDecoder, DFAnimatedImageProcessor
  • DFImageManager/PhotosKit subspec is now optional
  • Remove +[DFImageManager sharedDecoder] dependency injector, there is now a single entry point to configure image manager and that is DFImageManagerConfiguration
  • DFImageManagerConfiguration no longer forces you to initialize it with image fetcher instance
  • Remove -[DFURLImageFetcher initWithSession:sessionDelegate:] method and DFURLImageFetcherSessionDelegate protocol, this feature was too hardcode for basic built-in networking.


  • #12 Lightweight generics thanks to @adly-holler
  • Add limited Carthage support
  • Add convenience class methods to DFImageManager that forward calls to sharedManager
  • -[DFImageProcessing shouldProcessImage:forRequest:partial:] method is now optional
  • [DFImageTask resume] method now returns image task
  • Fix -[NSCache df_recommendedTotalCostLimit] for watchOS
  • Remove +[DFImageManager addSharedManager:] method
  • Remove +[DFImageManager defaultManager] method

DFImageManager 0.8.0

DFImageManager 0.8.0 makes things more cohesive. Documentation, examples, demos, project structure - everything was revised and uncluttered. This release also features limited watchOS 2 support, which at this point includes DFImageManager/Core and DFImageManager/NSURLSession subpecs.



  • #28 DFImageFetching protocol now requires fetch operation to conform to simple DFImageFetchingOperation protocol
  • #15 watchOS 2 support, at this moment only DFImageManager/Core and DFImageManager/NSURLSession subpecs are available
  • DFImageManager/Extensions subspec with DFCompositeImageTask and DFProxyImageManager are no longer part of the framework. There are multiple more generic ways to implement those features.
  • Revised documentation, examples, demos, project structure


  • #75 Provide an easier way to enable progressive image decoding
  • #73 -[DFImageManaging imageTaskForRequest:completion:] and -[DFImageManaging imageTaskForResource:completion:] methods return nonnull image task instead of nullable
  • Cleaner DFImageRequestOptions implementation
  • Remove canonical requests feature, which was very application specific
  • Reduce number of DFImageRequestPriority options, DFImageRequestPriority no longer bound to NSOperationQueuePriority
  • Multiple implementation details are improved across the board

DFImageManager 0.7.1

DFImageManager 0.7.1 focuses on stability and performance. The main changes were made to the image processing. Images are now decompressed and scaled in a single step (x2-4 times faster depending on scale, significantly reduces memory usage) which allows DFImageManager to scale large images (~6000x4000 px) and prepare them for display with ease.



  • #64 Image decompression and scaling are now made in a single step (x2-4 times faster depending on scale, significantly reduces memory usage)


  • #70 Always draw decompressed images using kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst and CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB
  • #67 Refactor task queue in DFURLImageFetcher; Delay only execution of session tasks, not cancellation
  • #66 DFPhotosKitImageFetcher remove obsolete targetSize and contentMode checks in isRequestCacheEquivalent:toRequest method
  • #65 Remove excessive initWithAnimatedGIFData: method from DFAnimatedImage; make animatedImage property nonnull
  • #63 Remove unused methods from UIImage+DFImageUtilities
  • #60 Make DFImageManager/Core subspec smaller by moving non-core classes to DFImageManager/Extensions subspec.
  • Remove excessive DFImageViewDelegate
  • Remove excessive imageTargetSize, imageContentMode and imageRequestOptions properties from DFImageView
  • Remove excessive -[DFURLImageFetcherDelegate URLImageFetcher:didEncounterError:] method


  • #71 BUGFIX: DFImageManagerImageLoader sometimes fails to cancel fetch operations
  • #69 BUGFIX: Fix -[DFImageManager invalidateAndCancel]
  • #68 BUGFIX: Add optional -[DFImageFetching invalidate] method that would allow DFURLImageFetcher and DFAFImageFetcher to invalidate NSURLSession and release delegate
  • #62 BUGFIX: Fix GIF cost calculation in DFImageCache
  • BUGFIX: Fix DFImageView priority management

DFImageManager 0.7.0

DFImageManager 0.7.0 brings progressive image decoding support, and puts everything in its right place. It adds a separate stage for image decoding (see new DFImageDecoding protocol), and narrows role of the DFImageFetching protocol which is now only responsible for fetching image data (NSData).



  • #46 Add a separate stage for image decoding. Add multiple ways to configure and extend image decoding: add DFImageDecoding protocol, DFImageDecoder class; add decoder to DFImageManagerConfiguration; add dependency injector to set shared decoder.
  • #41 Add GIF support for PHAsset. Also includes major changes in DFImageFetching protocol, which is now only responsible for fetching image data (NSData).
  • #28 Add progressive image decoding, including progressive JPEG support.
  • Remove ALAssetsLibrary support due to the changes to the DFImageFetching protocol that now returns NSData instead of UIImage. It's easy to add you own application-specific ALAssetsLibrary support by either implementing DFImageFetching protocol and fetching NSData (and letting DFImageManager class do all the decoding, processing, caching and preheating), or by implementing DFImageManaging protocol itself.


  • #56 Xcode 7 compatibility
  • #54 Add shouldDecompressImages property to DFImageDecoder. Default value is YES.
  • #53 Add Carthage support
  • #52 Add defaultOptions class method to DFMutableImageRequestOptions which allows user to modify request options on per-application level
  • #51 DFImageProcessor makes a decision of weather it should process GIF images, not DFImageManager
  • #50 Add removeAllCachedImages to DFImageManaging protocol; Add optional removeAllCachedImages to DFImageFetching protocol
  • #49 Add shouldProcessImage:forRequest: method to DFImageProcessing protocol that would allow DFImageManager to skip processing step entirely
  • #47 Better signature checks to identify image formats; Add WebP signature check
  • Refactor DFImageManagerImageLoader (private class that was introduced in the previous version)
  • Improve DFImageView performance (use DFImageTask directly)
  • Remove DFNetworkReachability and auto retry from DFImageView
  • Add "Design" section in readme file, update examples

DFImageManager 0.6.0

DFImageManager 0.6.0 focuses on consistency and performance. It features some minor improvements in the API and some major improvements in the implementation. The main changes were made to the DFImageManager class that was made much more approachable.



  • #38 DFImageRequest and DFImageRequestOptions are now immutable, options are created using builder
  • #37 Improve DFImageTaskCompletion completion block. Remove dictionary with DFImageInfo* keys; error (NSError *) is now a separate argument; add response (DFImageResponse) and completedTask (DFImageTask) parameters. It's now easier to discover all options.
  • #34 DFImageManager implementation is now much more approachable, and also more robust and performant (request execution management is moved from DFImageManager to a separate private class).
  • #32 DFImageTask now changes state synchronously on the callers thread (when you resume or cancel task). As a "side effect" DFImageManager invalidation is now thread safe.
  • #19 NSProgress is now used instead of blocks. Includes support for implicit progress composition, cancellation using progress objects, and more.


  • #39 Improve DFCompositeImageManager dispatch logic for preheating requests
  • #36 Multiple preheating performance improvements. DFImageManager now automatically removes obsolete preheating tasks without even resuming them.
  • #35 UI classes now accept nullable resources and requests (more convenient)
  • #33 BUGFIX: Remove setNeedsUpdateConstrains call from DFImageView
  • #30 UIImageView df_setImage: family of methods now return DFImageTask
  • Make nullability annotations explicit; fixe nullability annotations in couple of places
  • Other minor improvements that include consistent dot-syntax usage, making some properties copying and more
  • Remove deprecated methods

DFImageManager 0.5.0

DFImageManager 0.5.0 brings WebP support, introduces some great new APIs, and features redesigned DFCompositeImageTask.


  • #14 WebP support
  • #22 Rename DFImageRequestID to DFImageTask, add new public interfaces (state, request, error and more)
  • #24 DFImageManager guarantees that the error is always created when the task fails
  • #25 Add -resume method to DFImageTask, tasks should not start running automatically
  • #26 Completely redesigned DFCompositeImageTask, simple interface, fully covered by unit tests
  • #27 Add - (void)getImageTasksWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray *tasks, NSArray *preheatingTasks))completion; method to DFImageManaging protocol
  • Minor performance improvements