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k3b edited this page Mar 15, 2018 · 24 revisions

The Image-View shows one photo. From here you can process the image (zoom, copy, delete, send, set-Geo, ...) or swipe to next/previous photo.

You can reach the Image-View via

  • Gallery-View: taping a photo
  • Gallery-View in multi selection mode: long taping a photo
  • Geographic-Map's contextmenu by long tapping a marker and selecting menu "Show Photo(s)".
  • Folder- or Date-Picker's contextmenu by long tapping a folder and selecting menu "Show Photo(s)".
  • android filemanager or android gallery if you open/view/send/send_to an image from there.


  • Shows one current photo.
    • Guestures: Two finger to zoom image; scroll left,right,up,down
    • swiping for next/previous image
  • Optioal Context Display: (new in version 0.6.1)
    • Shows additional text that relates to last menucommand and a button to execute the command again
  • file operations edit/copy/rename/move/delete/set-geo/set-tags
    • Move and Rename is blocked while Media Scanner is active to avoid conflicts/inconsistent data.
    • The set geo menu allows you to change the photos geo location (latitude/longitude).
      • The previous geo-picks for "Set Geo" are shown as blue markers if you select the geo from a map.
      • Note: You can change size and filename of the previous geo-picks-history through Set Geo History XXX in the Settings View.
  • menu command details : show extended image info (Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC). See also Metadata
  • menu command slideshow : automatic showing next image every 1.5 seconds. Tuching the image stops the slideshow
    • Note: You can change the slide time through Slide Show Intervall in millisecs in the Settings View.
  • menu command slideshow : Open in Filemanager: open this directory in a filemanager app.
    • only available if at least one filemanager is installed that supports ACTION_VIEW with mime either "resource/folder" or "".
    • (i.e. Simple filemanager)
  • menu command Show in new Gallery : opens a new Gallery-View that is prefiltered by the directory of the current image.
  • menu command Show in map : show the current image in the Geografic-Map with a red marker.
    • Note: This menu command is only available if the photo has geo-info.
    • Note: Green Markers are hidden in this mode.
  • menu command view in external geo app : open a chooser for geo-apps (i.e. an app that understands "view geo:-uri" with the geo-info of the current photo like googlemaps, navigation-app, ...)
  • menu command Load Context : open a chooser to pick wich Context-Detail/Context-Button should be displayed. (New in version 0.6.1)
  • the actionbar is automatically hidden after a short time if the screen is not touched.
    • Note: You can change this time through Auto Hide Actionbar after millisecs in the Settings View. "0" means do not hide.

(Since 0.5.1) You can adjust photo quality/performance through Big photo width/height in the Settings View.

  • Loading high resolution photos into Image-View may need up to 1,5 seconds thus preventing fast swiping through the images.
  • APhotoManager can load precalculated downscaled mini-versions (a. k. a. thumbnails) which is much faster (< 0.1 seconds) so swiping is possible again.
  • If the photo is bigger than Big-photo-width-height-value then it uses thumbnails to allow fast swiping.
  • Thumbnails means memoryefficient, fast, but lower-quality.
  • As soon as you zoom the full resolution image is loaded.

For more details see #10, #39, #53

Since app version 0.6.1 the Image-View remembers the last executed image menu command and

  • shows the context-button to re-execute this command.
  • shows the context-display with additional text that relates to this command


  • after executing the command "Set Tags" the display shows image-s tags and a button to set tags
  • after executing the command "Set Geo" the display shows image-s geo latitude/longitude and a button to set geo


  • Long-press on the context-button shows the current function as a tooltip.
  • If the last executed command was not an image menu command the context-button/context-display is hidden
  • The menu command Load Context opens a chooser to pick the context to be displayed.
    • If you long-tap in the context picker you get a context menu:
      • Edit: Opens a text editor that opens the properites-file that defines names and sql to calculate the content for context-display.

When you first call edit from the menu command Load Context plus long-tap plus edit the file /storage/sdcard0/databases/sql/ is generated that contains all predefined Context-Display-definitions in the properties file format

  • menu-name=context-display-sql-expression


  • '|' = newline
  • ${sqlexpresson} and ${sqlexpresson|}

Note: You can change folder through Report Folder in the Settings View.

Details=#${_id} ${_data}|${title|}${description|}${datetime(datetaken /1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')|}${datetime(date_modified /1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')|}${datetime(duration /1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')|}${replace(tags,';;', '; ')|}${latitude || ',' || longitude|}${substr('*****',1,bookmark)|} Show\ in\ map=latitude || ',' || longitude Copy=_data View\ in\ external\ geo\ app=latitude || ',' || longitude Set\ geo=latitude || ',' || longitude Move=_data html-test=hello <font color='red'>${_data} Set\ Tags=replace(tags,';;', '; ') Rename=_data

_id _data title description datetime(datetaken /1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') datetime(date_modified /1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime' datetime(duration /1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') replace(tags,';;', '; ') latitude || ',' || longitude substr('*****',1,bookmark)

  • mime="image/*"
  • extra[android.intent.extra.TITLE string]
  • extra[de.k3b.extra.FILTER]
    • if there is no filter then swiping left/right will browse to images in the same (sub-)folder as the initial file
  • data=file:{/path/path/.../file.ext} or extra[android.intent.extra.STREAM]=file:{/path/path/.../file.ext}
    • example file:/storage/sdcard0/copy/hello.jpg
  • data=content:/external/images/media/{id} or extra[android.intent.extra.STREAM]=content:/external/images/media/{id}
    • opens image belonging to {id} in Image-View
    • example content:/external/images/media/52173
      • opens image with id=52173

See also

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